883 resultados para Integrative
The research aims to evaluate the contributions of a teaching unit to enhance the learning contents ecological green areas in elementary school. The work was conducted with elementary students in a public school in Natal-RN. We sought to identify the students´ previous knowledge about the contents of ecology, develop and implement a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU; assess learning of ecological concepts in Teaching Unit Potentially Significant; assess the contribution of interpretative trail as strategy teaching to learning content ecology. The survey of students´ previous knowledge through the pre-test was essential to identify the appropriate subsumers and partially correct, since they served as "anchor" for further expansion of scientific concepts contained in this research. The green areas of the school as an educational, contributed the motivational aspect, as students were protagonists throughout the entire process of teaching and learning. The method of stimulated memory was effective to evidence learning ecological concepts in interpretive trails. The use of diverse activities organized on a PMTU promoted intellectual autonomy of the students and facilitated the acquisition of new meanings through progressive differentiation, and integrative reconciliation consolidation of ecological content and concepts related to biotic and abiotic factors on the basis of the central ideas thematic Life and Environment. The development of procedural skills to capture and share meanings, observe, collect and record data, hypotheses, ability to explain, to apply knowledge to solve problem situations, argue, identify, compare, differentiate and relate concepts, negotiate meanings, reflecting Critically, systematize data was evidenced. Collaborative activities promoted the incorporation of attitudinal contents as developing respect for differences, learn to work in teams to plan, develop and implement actions together for citizenship and environmental responsibility. The application of the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units PMTU showed evidence of Critical meaningful learning ecological concepts covered in elementary school.
The present work focuses in the question of being-wit-others (Mitsein) on Martin Heidegger s philosophy. To do so, it takes base on his pivotal scripts, such as Being and Time and Na Introduction to Philosophy, in which this theme is scrutinized. The development line adopted in this work consists in advancing the existential connection between the being-with-others question attained to Dasein s ontological relation in its terms of authenticity and inauthenticity. So on, it is necessary to comment é others philosophical elements that surround this alterity relationship, analyzing phenomenologically how being-in-the-world inflicts the Dasein in its deepest and more important choice aspects, which can direct Dasein to its authenticity or inauthenticity. Facing this decisory context, also shall be observed the way Dasein finds to share the truth in accordance with its interaction with others, and how this mode of being summarizes all ontological structure of man s comprehension. The truth works as an integrative element from which the Dasein cannot escape, being-with-others is an existential situation that Dasein is not able to stop itself from living (its life-in-progress). This work also contemplates the apparent contradiction of Dasein s been always unfolded in The They mode of being, in its everydayness and being like that interacting with others. As along as this question is developed, the work explains how it is possible to be authentic and resolute (as much as inauthentic) as the Dasein interscts with others, even though, there is no pre-defined rule for these ways of relationship between the Dasein and the others
The fruit bat Artibeus lituratus absorbs large amounts of glucose in short periods of time and maintains normoglycemia even after a prolonged starvation period. Based on these data, we aimed to investigate various aspects related with glucose homeostasis analyzing: blood glucose and insulin levels, intraperitoneal glucose and insulin tolerance tests (ipGTT and ipITT), glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (2.8, 5.6 or 8.3 mmol/L glucose) in pancreas fragments, cellular distribution of beta cells, and the amount of pAkt/Akt in the pectoral muscle and liver. Blood glucose levels were higher in fed bats (6.88 +/- 0.5 mmol/L) than fasted bats (4.0 +/- 0.8 mmol/L), whereas insulin levels were similar in both conditions. The values of the area-under-the curve obtained from ipGTT were significantly higher when bats received 2 (5.5-fold) or 3 g/kg glucose (7.5-fold) b.w compared to control (saline). These bats also exhibited a significant decrease of blood glucose values after insulin administration during the iplTT. Insulin secretion from fragments of pancreas under physiological concentrations of glucose (5.6 or 8.3 mmol/L) was similar but higher than in 2.8 mmol/L glucose 1.8- and 2.0-fold, respectively. These bats showed a marked beta-cell distribution along the pancreas, and the pancreatic beta cells are not exclusively located at the central part of the islet. The insulin-induced Akt phosphorylation was more pronounced in the pectoral muscle, compared to liver. The high sensitivity to glucose and insulin, the proper insulin response to glucose, and the presence of an apparent large beta-cell population could represent benefits for the management of high influx of glucose from a carbohydrate-rich meal, which permits appropriate glucose utilization. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Brazil has been undergoing major demographic change.According to IBGE, the next 20 years the country's elderly population may reach over 30 million people. This tariff provides specifics regarding the process of health / disease. It is essential that higher education institutions are committed to this demand in view of the integrated training of health needs of society. The aim of this study is to analyze the Pedagogical Political Projects (PPP) of courses in dentistry in Rio Grande do Norte (RN), according to the national curriculum guidelines (DCNS) and training from the perspective of health care for the elderly. This is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach: with records and interviews. The study subjects were an Assistant Professor in the development of PPPs for each institution. The scenario in this study were dental training institutions in the newborns. Initially, the analysis of the PPP was by using the Alceste 4.9 software. The interpretation of the contents of interviews with teachers was done through content analysis of Bardin (2010). The PPPs are based on the DCNS, meet the characteristics of regional and seek a generalist, but still strongly directed to technical and scientific aspects of professional practice. Efforts and institutional approaches, involving teachers and students of the courses are being mobilized for training with more articulated network of health services. However, the emphasis on content pertaining to the health care of the elderly, is still limited when compared to those targeted content inherent in children and adolescents in all three curricular structures. It is reasonable to conclude that the historical, political, scientific, cultural and social, present in society, influence the formation of the dental professional RN. The greater participation of society in the process of vocational training in dentistry is needed. This can be done from the involvement of universities with health councils, bodies representing the dental profession and other segments of civil society in order to induce changes that generate ideas and educational practices integrative and interdisciplinary, with emphasis on continuing education for teachers, servants, employees and students. Containing conduct this process inherent flexibility of curriculum, teaching-service integration and coordination abilities and professional skills that are essential to understanding the human being and its complexities
This paper has as its main focus the relation between the infringement act and the adolescents families social economical problematic, who obey the social educational deprivation of freedom at CEDUC in the district of Pitimbu RN, establishing in the theme Children and Adolescents, with the objective of showing how these families breed in the social economical and cultural political aspect. It also seizes who those adolescents are and their family members in their social aspect and as those families face their daily activities. The focus on the social matter, family, adolescent, infringement act, exclusion, inclusion formed the analysis categories which made myths and reality possible, taking into consideration the infringement act in our society. The data collection showed that those families conditions of life are of poverty. Families originated from low social classes, 62.5 % coming from the countryside and living with a daily income ranging from R$ 0,31 to R$ 8,31. Their level of education is low; there is lack of human and citizenship rights and no professional qualification whatsoever. It questions the degrading social exclusion suffered by millions of Brazilian people due to social, political and infringement economical problems. Has this favored the infringement practice? How to confirm the families lack of competence having the social vulnerability? Are the Public Political Institutions really performing the way they should? Are they really carrying out their role as they should? We have noticed that from then on, the necessity of understanding the exclusion/inclusion suffered not only in an imprecise and empty way, but understood as processes of integrative exclusion or ways of delinquency, where the excluding is not only the only one who has lack of material care but the one who is seen or recognized as a person, is not being treated as one. The effort of this paper provided an approach to our object, and the seizing of a close relation between the infringement act and the exclusion process or inclusion suffered, which are submitted to families of those adolescents who deprive of freedom
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Understanding the historical and ecological relationships which are influent in current biological diversity is one of the most challenging tasks of evolutionary biology. Recent systematics emphasizes the need of integrative approaches to delimit different lineages and species. The northeastern Brazil, mostly placed in Caatinga biome, is characterized by a semi-arid weather, low precipitation and seasonal behavior of rivers. This region is regarded lacking as ichthyological knowledge and one of the most threatened by anthropic activities. Further, will be affected by a massive water diverpsion work that will transfer waters from São Francisco basin, to other major four basins: Jaguaribe, Apodi-Mossoró, Piranhas-Açu and Paraiba do Norte. Loss of diversity and richness, hibridizitation, community interactions changes, population homogenization, changes in water quality and flow regime, are examples of environmental impacts already related with similar works. The present study aims to investigate morphological and molecular variation of Cichlasoma orientale Kullander 1983 and Crenicichla menezesi Ploeg 1991, two cichlid species present in northeastern Brazil basins. Further, the study aims to evaluate the influence of geomorphological and climatic processes in this variation, and point some possible impacts of the artificial connectivity which can be brought by São Francisco interbasin water transfer to their population dynamics. Geometric morphometrics and phylogeographical analysis were used to investigate the populations from three different hydrological regions. Our results showed a significant morphological variation of populations from basins that are involved in the São Franscisco s diversion project, not related to an ancient separation between populations, emphasizing morphological variation which could represent a set of plastic responses to the variable hydrological regime in Northeastern Brazil. The role of plastical responses in naturally variable habitats as well as the potential disturbs that could be brought by the interbasin water transfer works are discussed here. Further, our molecular data allowed us to make inferences about species distribution and their taxonomy, and identification of a potential new species of Crenicichla for São Francisco river basin. Our data also allowed to identify some shared haplotypes for both species, which could be related to lineage sorting scenarios or recent gene flow between populations. However a strong structure in most of the pairwise comparisons between populations for both species was revealed. Climatic events such as Atlantic forest regression during the Pleistocene, sea level fluctuations and dispersion by paleorivers in the mouth of Apodi-Mossoró river, and neotectonic events regulating the connection between drainages are likely to have had a contribution for the actual lineages distribution in northeastern Brazil. Further, analysis of molecular variation (AMOVA and SAMOVA) showed that the actual basin s isolation is an important factor to molecular variation, in spite of the signal of recent contact between some basins. Different genetic diversity patterns between species could be related to multiple historic events of colonization, basins landscapes or biological differences. The present study represents the first effort of integrative systematics involving fish species of northeastern Brazil, and showed important morphological and molecular patterns which could be irrecoverably affected by the artificial connection that might be caused by the São Francisco interbasin water transfer
Programa de Avaliação de Desempenho: elementos constitutivos e pressupostos na prática avaliativa
This study analyzes the perceptions of technical and administrative UFPA, in relation to the insertion of the components and assumptions of DBP in evaluation practice. Addresses the history, concepts, meanings, about AD methods, skills, evaluation skills, the APF and AD UFPA and Programme itself. The research is characterized as a hypothetical-deductive, descriptive and applied, using the case study. Data were analyzed using a quantitative approach, using the descriptive and inferential statistics. Data were collected through the application of questionnaires to 222 technical and administrative searched IFES, not occupants of FG and CD. The results indicate that the factors perceived in relation to the constituent elements such as: evaluation practice, measurement of competence, program management, timing, individual skills and fundamentals of the program and those related to assumptions such as: democratic process, integrative perspective, character development and pedagogical continuous evaluation practices are perceived in the evaluation process. The study concludes that comparing the results of the constituent elements and assumptions of the PAD of thechnical-administrative UFPA, it can be said about a tendency to change, though subtle, compared to the traditional model of AD, directed only to the granting of career progression for a new logic based on the results, showing an early effectiveness of the program evaluation practice by law and by the Institution. The results are confirmatory of advance evaluation practice in the institution, more so than has previously been expected, which demonstrates the value of scientific criteria of scientific research
The effects of grain-based diets from C3 or C4-cycle plants on muscle delta C-13 change process in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) fingerlings were investigated. Two groups of sex reversal males Nile tilapia fingerlings were fed with isoproteic (32.0% DP) and isocaloric (3200 kcal DE/kg) diets, differing from each other by their delta C-13. Muscle samples were collected and the carbon isotopic composition was measured. For C4 diet, the formula for the muscle delta C-13 change related to the intake time of a new diet was delta C-13=- 14.88 - 9.2 1 e(-0.0209t) and the half-life (T) of the muscle carbon was 33.2 days. For C3 diet, the formula was delta C-13 = - 25.43 + 8.59e(-0.0533), with T = 13 days. The C3 diet was considered more appropriate based on its palatability and consequent larger food intake than the C4 diet, resulting in an increased muscle delta C-13 change rate. However, for future studies, would be necessary to mix both the C3 and C4 feedstuffs to formulate diets nutritionally appropriated, with contrasting stable isotopes signatures. Tissue delta C-13 change rate is therefore indicated as a promising tool to better understand the biotic and abiotic factors that influence nutrients utilization from the diet and animal growth. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the present study, we investigated the effects of inhibition of the caudal ventrolateral medulla (CVLM) with the GABA(A) agonist muscimol combined with the blockade of glutamatergic mechanism in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) with kynurenic acid (kyn) on mean arterial pressure (MAP), heart rate (HR), and regional vascular resistances. In male Holtzman rats anesthetized intravenously with urethane/chloralose, bilateral injections of muscimol (120 pmol) into the CVLM or bilateral injections of kyn (2.7 nmol) into the NTS alone increased MAP to 186 +/- 11 and to 142 +/- 6 mmHg, respectively, vs. control: 105 +/- 4 mmHg; HR to 407 +/- 15 and to 412 +/- 18 beats per minute (bpm), respectively, vs. control: 352 +/- 12 bpm; and renal, mesenteric and hindquarter vascular resistances. However, in rats with the CVLM bilaterally blocked by muscimol, additional injections of kyn into the NTS reduced MAP to 88 +/- 5 mmHg and mesenteric and hindquarter vascular resistances below control baseline levels. Moreover, in rats with the glutamatergic mechanisms of the NTS blocked by bilateral injections of kyn, additional injections of muscimol into the CVLM also reduced MAP to 92 +/- 2 mmHg and mesenteric and hindquarter vascular resistances below control baseline levels. Simultaneous blockade of NTS and CVLM did not modify the increase in HR but also abolished the increase in renal vascular resistance produced by each treatment alone. The results suggest that important pressor mechanisms arise from the NTS and CVLM to control vascular resistance and arterial pressure under the conditions of the present study.
Serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] and CCK injected into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) inhibit NaCl and water intake. In this study, we investigated interactions between 5-HT and CCK into the LPBN to control water and NaCl intake. Male Holtzman rats with cannulas implanted bilaterally in the LPBN were treated with furosemide + captopril to induce water and NaCl intake. Bilateral LPBN injections of high doses of the 5-HT antagonist methysergide (4 mug) or the CCK antagonist proglumide (50 mug), alone or combined, produced similar increases in water and 1.8% NaCl intake. Low doses of methysergide (0.5 mug) + proglumide (20 mug) produced greater increases in NaCl intake than when they were injected alone. The 5-HT2a/2c agonist 2,5-dimetoxy-4-iodoamphetamine hydrobromide (DOI; 5 mug) into the LPBN reduced water and NaCl intake. After proglumide (50 mug) + DOI treatment, the intake was not different from vehicle treatment. CCK-8 (1 mug) alone produced no effect. CCK-8 combined with methysergide (4 mug) reduced the effect of methysergide on NaCl intake. The data suggest that functional interactions between 5-HT and CCK in the LPBN may be important for exerting inhibitory control of NaCl intake.
Adult rats deprived of water for 24-30 h were allowed to rehydrate by ingesting only water for 1-2 h. Rats were then given access to both water and 1.8% NaCl. This procedure induced a sodium appetite defined by the operational criteria of a significant increase in 1.8% NaCl intake (3.8 +/- 0.8 ml/2 h; n = 6). Expression of Fos (as assessed by immunohistochemistry) was increased in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT), median preoptic nucleus (MnPO), subfornical organ (SFO), and supraoptic nucleus (SON) after water deprivation. After rehydration with water but before consumption of 1.8% NaCl, Fos expression in the SON disappeared and was partially reduced in the OVLT and MnPO. However, Fos expression did not change in the SFO. Water deprivation also 1) increased plasma renin activity (PRA), osmolality, and plasma Na+; 2) decreased blood volume; and 3) reduced total body Na+; but 4) did not alter arterial blood pressure. Rehydration with water alone caused only plasma osmolality and plasma Na+ concentration to revert to euhydrated levels. The changes in Fos expression and PRA are consistent with a proposed role for ANG II in the control of the sodium appetite produced by water deprivation followed by rehydration with only water.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)