985 resultados para Instrumental Orff


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Majolica pottery was the most characteristic tableware produced in Spain during the Medieval and Renaissance periods. A study of the three main production centers in the historical region of Aragon during Middle Ages and Renaissance was conducted on a set of 71 samples. The samples were analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), and the resulting data were interpreted using an array of multivariate statistical procedures. Our results show a clear discrimination among different production centers allowing a reliable provenance attribution of ceramic sherds from the Aragonese workshops.


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Building on the instrumental model of group conflict (IMGC), the present experiment investigates the support for discriminatory and meritocratic method of selections at university in a sample of local and immigrant students. Results showed that local students were supporting in a larger proportion selection method that favors them over immigrants in comparison to method that consists in selecting the best applicants without considering his/her origin. Supporting the assumption of the IMGC, this effect was stronger for locals who perceived immigrants as competing for resources. Immigrant students supported more strongly the meritocratic selection method than the one that discriminated them. However, contrasting with the assumption of the IMGC, this effect was only present in students who perceived immigrants as weakly competing for locals' resources. Results demonstrate that selection methods used at university can be perceived differently depending on students' origin. Further, they suggest that the mechanisms underlying the perception of discriminatory and meritocratic selection methods differ between local and immigrant students. Hence, the present experiment makes a theoretical contribution to the IMGC by delimiting its assumptions to the ingroup facing a competitive situation with a relevant outgroup. Practical implication for universities recruitment policies are discussed.


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Local trajectories and arrangements play a significant role because the development of a research field, such as nanoscience and nanotechnology, requires substantial investments in human and instrumental resources. But why are there often concentrated in a limited number of places? What dynamics lead to such concentration? The hypothesis is that there is an assemblage of heterogeneous resources through the action of local actors. The chapter will explore, from an Actor Network Theory (ANT) perspective, how the local emergence of research dynamics from: the revival of local traditions, the local and national action of institutional entrepreneurs, controversial dynamics, and researchers' arrangements to involve other actors. It will examine how they connect up with each other and mutually commit themselves to the development of new technologies. It will focus on the role of narratives in this assembling: how were the local narratives of the past mobilized and to what effect.


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We provide robust and compelling evidence of the marked impact of tertiary education on the economic growth of less developed countries and of its the relatively smaller impact on the growth of developed ones. Our results argue in favor of the accumulation of high skill levels especially in technologically under-developed countries and, contrary to common wisdom, independently of the fact that these economies might initially produce lower-technology goods or perform technology imitation. Our results are robust to the different measures used in proxying human capital and to the adjustments made for cross-country differences in the quality of education. Country-specific institutional quality, as well as other indicators including legal origin, religious fractionalization and openness to trade have been used to control for the robustness of the results. These factors are also shown to speed up technology convergence thereby confirming previous empirical studies. Our estimates tackle problems of endogeneity by adopting a variety of techniques, including instrumental variables -for both panel and cross-section analyses- and the two-step efficient dynamics system GMM.


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The aim of this study was to devise a method for computing a composite indicator that measures the regional degree of exposure to external knowledge sources. On the basis of this indicator, we propose a typology of regions according to their potential capacity to access extra-local items of knowledge, which might help them to recombine complementary elements of such an asset to produce a higher number of new ideas. Building on various research streams that have been relatively independent to date, we summarize a non-exhaustive instrumental list of recent studies that motivates our approach and the construction of our complex indicator, which can be used to appraise the extent to which each region is in an optimal position to access external innovative resources.


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BACKGROUND: Delirium and frailty - both potentially reversible geriatric syndromes - are seldom studied together, although they often occur jointly in older patients discharged from hospitals. This study aimed to explore the relationship between delirium and frailty in older adults discharged from hospitals. METHODS: Of the 221 patients aged >65 years, who were invited to participate, only 114 gave their consent to participate in this study. Delirium was assessed using the confusion assessment method, in which patients were classified dichotomously as delirious or nondelirious according to its algorithm. Frailty was assessed using the Edmonton Frailty Scale, which classifies patients dichotomously as frail or nonfrail. In addition to the sociodemographic characteristics, covariates such as scores from the Mini-Mental State Examination, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living scale, and Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics and details regarding polymedication were collected. A multidimensional linear regression model was used for analysis. RESULTS: Almost 20% of participants had delirium (n=22), and 76.3% were classified as frail (n=87); 31.5% of the variance in the delirium score was explained by frailty (R (2)=0.315). Age; polymedication; scores of the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM), instrumental activities of daily living, and Cumulative Illness Rating Scale for Geriatrics; and frailty increased the predictability of the variance of delirium by 32% to 64% (R (2)=0.64). CONCLUSION: Frailty is strongly related to delirium in older patients after discharge from the hospital.


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We have studied the motor abilities and associative learning capabilities of adult mice placed in different enriched environments. Three-month-old animals were maintained for a month alone (AL), alone in a physically enriched environment (PHY), and, finally, in groups in the absence (SO) or presence (SOPHY) of an enriched environment. The animals' capabilities were subsequently checked in the rotarod test, and for classical and instrumental learning. The PHY and SOPHY groups presented better performances in the rotarod test and in the acquisition of the instrumental learning task. In contrast, no significant differences between groups were observed for classical eyeblink conditioning. The four groups presented similar increases in the strength of field EPSPs (fEPSPs) evoked at the hippocampal CA3-CA1 synapse across classical conditioning sessions, with no significant differences between groups. These trained animals were pulse-injected with bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to determine hippocampal neurogenesis. No significant differences were found in the number of NeuN/BrdU double-labeled neurons. We repeated the same BrdU study in one-month-old mice raised for an additional month in the above-mentioned four different environments. These animals were not submitted to rotarod or conditioned tests. Non-trained PHY and SOPHY groups presented more neurogenesis than the other two groups. Thus, neurogenesis seems to be related to physical enrichment at early ages, but not to learning acquisition in adult mice.


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The northwestern margin of the Valencia trough is an area of low strain characterized by slow normal faults and low to moderate seismicity. Since the mid 1990s this area has been the subject of a number of studies on active tectonic which have proposed different approaches to the location of active faults and to the calculation of the parameters that describe their seismic cycle. Fifty-six active faults have been found and a classification has been made in accordance with their characteristics: a) faults with clear evidence of large paleo-, historic or instrumental earthquakes (2/56); b) faults with evidence of accumulated activity during the Plio-Quaternary and with associated instrumental seismicity (7/56); c) faults with evidence of accumulated activity during the Plio-Quaternary and without associated instrumental seismicity (17/56); d) faults with associated instrumental seismicity and without evidence of accumulated activity during the Plio-Quaternary (30/56), and e) faults without evidence of activity or inactive faults. The parameters that describe the seismic cycle of these faults have been evaluated by different methods that use the geological data obtained for each fault except when paleoseismological studies were available. This classification can be applied to other areas with low slip faults because of the simplicity of the approaches adopted. This study reviews the different approaches proposed and describes the active faults located, highlighting the need a) to better understand active faults in slow strain zones through paleoseismological studies, and b) to include them in seismic hazard studies.


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En este trabajo de investigación se realiza una exploración de las tendencias y preferencias creativas de estudiantes universitarios de diferentes especialidades, a través de la prueba"Descubre tu creatividad" (DTC) de Saturnino de la Torre (2006). El estudio nos adentra en la consistencia de la autoimagen que tienen de sus inclinaciones creativas, así como en los campos en los que se manifiesta. En ese sentido, la investigación nos permite conocer la percepción de las expresiones creativas de los estudiantes y dar cuenta del momento en que se encuentran y de las potencialidades que poseen. La metodología consistió en un enfoque cualitativo, con un diseño de estudio de caso de tipo instrumental. Los resultados tienen que ver con realizaciones creativas y potenciales que se expresan de forma focalizada o en diversos ámbitos de expresión. Se destaca la importancia de los ambientes de aprendizaje y los socioculturales en el desarrollo de la creatividad.


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An annual-resolved precipitation reconstruction for the last 800 yr in Southern Spain has been performed using stable carbon isotope (δ13C) of Pinus nigra tree rings. The reconstruction exhibits high- to low-frequency variability and distinguishes a Little Ice Age (LIA, AD 13501850) characterized by lower averaged rainfall than both in the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the LIA and in the 20th century. The driest conditions are recorded during the Maunder solar Minimum (mid 17thearly 18th centuries), in good agreement with the Spanish documentary archive. Similar linkage between solar activity (maximum/minimum) and precipitation (increase/decrease) is observed throughout the entire LIA. Additionally, the relationship between the hydrological pattern in the Iberian Peninsula and Morocco during the LIA suggests different spatial distribution of precipitation in the south-eastern sector of the North Atlantic region such as it is known currently. Whereas in the instrumental record the precipitation evolves similarly in both regions and opposite to the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO) index, the coldest periods of the LIA shows a contrasting pattern with drier conditions in the South of Spain and wetter in Northern Africa. We suggest an extreme negative NAO conditions, accompanied by a southward excursion of the winter rainfall band beyond that observed in the last century, can explain this contrast. The sustained NAO conditions could have been triggered by solar minima and higher volcanic activity during the LIA.


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Past research in using ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) in interpersonal communication showed that age plays an important role. There is a general assumption that the elderly are left behind regarding the adoption and the use of ICTs. Furthermore, elders tend to use ICTs mainly for instrumental purposes and the use is rather non-sophisticated. When elders are using ICTs to maintain their social network, similar patterns could be found: They start using internet, or intensify its use, when their children move abroad while they might decrease using the tool if the motivation ends. In this research we explore elders' incentives to go online and use internet services to communicate; the type of agencies they use to communicate with children and grandchildren abroad; and the situations that make them stop using the ICTs or even reject internet mediated communications. We base our discussion on the empirical evidence the two authors gathered in different cities and countries: Barcelona, Romania, Toronto, Los Angeles, Montevideo and Lima, through semi-structured interviews and observation, with people aged 60 years old and over. The results show that the ability for using ICT tools in an autonomous way is a better explanation than age. In this, we distinguish between assisted users and autonomous users. We found that oldest seniors and those seniors who are less socially active are more likely to be assisted users than those who are socially or professionally active. For them communication with their children and grandchildren abroad follows no agency or it is mediated by significant others from their local social network, who are able to use ICTs and select specific information to share, in the second step, with the elder. For some younger participants the use of ICTs is rather situational and imposed by their children or grandchildren, who installed the tool in the first place and assisted them in using it. Finally, other elders describe a proficient and independent use of ICTs so they use the devices and services the way they want to.We discuss the implications of the patterns in using ICTs, for elders' social life and their relationships with children and grandchildren. First, we emphasis the fact that those elders rejecting the ICTs or being unskilled in using them to communicate might be left out from their family circle, particularly when children are abroad -they would experience more isolation. Second, we underline the fact that when children and grandchildren are the ones that control the ICTs used by their parents and grandparents, they are controlling also the information flow and this will redefine the power relations between elders and their younger relatives.


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NLRC5, a member of the NOD-like receptor (NLR) protein family, has recently been characterized as the master transcriptional regulator of MHCI molecules in lymphocytes, in which it is highly expressed. However, its role in activated dendritic cells (DCs), which are instrumental to initiate T cell responses, remained elusive. We show in this study that, following stimulation of DCs with inflammatory stimuli, not only did NLRC5 level increase, but also its importance in directing MHCI transcription. Despite markedly reduced mRNA and intracellular H2-K levels, we unexpectedly observed nearly normal H2-K surface display in Nlrc5(-/-) DCs. Importantly, this discrepancy between a strong intracellular and a mild surface defect in H2-K levels was observed also in DCs with H2-K transcription defects independent of Nlrc5. Hence, alongside with demonstrating the importance of NLRC5 in MHCI transcription in activated DCs, we uncover a general mechanism counteracting low MHCI surface expression. In agreement with the decreased amount of neosynthesized MHCI, Nlrc5(-/-) DCs exhibited a defective capacity to display endogenous Ags. However, neither T cell priming by endogenous Ags nor cross-priming ability was substantially affected in activated Nlrc5(-/-) DCs. Altogether, these data show that Nlrc5 deficiency, despite significantly affecting MHCI transcription and Ag display, is not sufficient to hinder T cell activation, underlining the robustness of the T cell priming process by activated DCs.


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In the present work, the pH dependent colour change of the crude flower extracts is suggested as subject in teaching chemical or acid-base equilibria, visual indicators and some aspects of spectrophotometric concepts and applications. The vegetal species used are commonly found in Brazil, and the extraction methodology proposed is inexpensive and easy to perform in secondary schools and in general chemistry or instrumental undergraduate courses. A bibliographic review about the use of vegetal extracts in chemical education and a discussion of the flower colour are also presented.


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This paper proposes an experiment to be performed in both instrumental analysis and experimental physical-chemistry curricular disciplines in order to open options to develop challenging basic research activities. Thus the experimental procedures and the results obtained in the preparation of electrodeposited lead dioxide onto graphite and its evaluation as potentiometric sensor for H3O+ and Pb2+ ions, are presented. The data obtained in acid-base titrations were compared with those of the traditional combination glass electrode at the same conditions. Although a linear sub-Nernstian response to free hydrogen ions was observed for the electrodeposited PbO2 electrode, a good agreement was obtained between them. Working as lead(II) sensing electrode, the PbO2 showed a linear sub-Nernstian behavior at total Pb2+ concentrations ranging from 3,5 x 10-4 to 3,0 x 10-2 mol/L in nitrate media. For the redox couple PbO2/Pb(II) the operational slope converges to the theoretical one, as the acidity of the working solution increases.


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El objetivo de este estudio es identificar factores que contribuyen a mantener un enfoque básicamente instrumental para enseñar los sistemas externos de representación matemáticos y lingüísticos en las primeras edades de escolarización. En el estudio han participado 123 maestros de Educación Infantil de diversos centros escolares públicos de Andalucía, Asturias, Cataluña y Navarra que han asistido a cursos de formación permanente del profesorado. El análisis cualitativo realizado se basa en grupos de discusión a partir de tópicos. Los resultados evidencian la influencia de diversos factores: el currículo de Educación Infantil; las concepciones del profesorado; las presiones entre etapas educativas; y, finalmente, la presión social. La identificación de los factores asociados a una enseñanza instrumental de los sistemas externos de representación puede entenderse como un tipo de información relevante acerca de las condiciones de la enseñanza de estos sistemas que, además, pueden servir de base para reconstruir las prácticas educativas