841 resultados para Informatics Engineering - Human Computer Interaction


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Eye tracking has become a preponderant technique in the evaluation of user interaction and behaviour with study objects in defined contexts. Common eye tracking related data representation techniques offer valuable input regarding user interaction and eye gaze behaviour, namely through fixations and saccades measurement. However, these and other techniques may be insufficient for the representation of acquired data in specific studies, namely because of the complexity of the study object being analysed. This paper intends to contribute with a summary of data representation and information visualization techniques used in data analysis within different contexts (advertising, websites, television news and video games). Additionally, several methodological approaches are presented in this paper, which resulted from several studies developed and under development at CETAC.MEDIA - Communication Sciences and Technologies Research Centre. In the studies described, traditional data representation techniques were insufficient. As a result, new approaches were necessary and therefore, new forms of representing data, based on common techniques were developed with the objective of improving communication and information strategies. In each of these studies, a brief summary of the contribution to their respective area will be presented, as well as the data representation techniques used and some of the acquired results.


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Nas últimas décadas, a investigação de antibióticos com novos mecanismos de acção, tem vindo a ser motivada pela contínua emergência de estirpes bacterianas multirresistentes. No entanto, nos últimos anos esse desenvolvimento tem vindo a abrandar, o que representa um grave problema de saúde pública. Antes da era dos antibióticos a fagoterapia representava a terapêutica de primeira linha no tratamento de infecções bacterianas. Como a ausência de recursos impossibilitava a compreensão dos mecanismos de acção moleculares do fago, a fagoterapia era apenas sustentada pelo conhecimento empírico. A ausência de conhecimento associada ao início da era dos antibióticos foram condições suficientes para que a terapêutica fágica fosse posta de parte, à excepção de alguns países da Europa do Leste. De acordo com a literatura disponibilizada por estes países, vários têm sido os casos de sucesso no tratamento de infecções bacterianas, incluindo infecções causadas por estirpes multirresistentes aos antibióticos convencionais. No entanto, contrariamente aos ensaios clínicos, a maioria destes estudos omite informação crítica que impossibilita a interpretação dos respectivos resultados. Actualmente, as novas ferramentas oferecidas pelos avanços biotecnológicos possibilitam não só a compreensão do mecanismo de infecção bacteriana como também permitem compreender melhor a interacção entre os bacteriófagos e o organismo humano. Como tal, no futuro, a fagoterapia pode ser considerada uma alternativa efectiva para solucionar os casos críticos de multirresistência bacteriana aos antibióticos convencionais.


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On August 2931, 2004, 84 academic and industry scientists from 16 countries gathered in Copper Mountain, Colorado USA to discuss certain issues at the forefront of the science of probiotics and prebiotics. The format for this invitation only meeting included six featured lectures: engineering human vaginal lactobacilli to express HIV inhibitory molecules (Peter Lee, Stanford University), programming the gut for health (Thaddeus Stappenbeck, Washington University School of Medicine), immune modulation by intestinal helminthes (Joel Weinstock, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics), hygiene as a cause of autoimmune disorders (G. A. Rook, University College London), prebiotics and bone health (Connie Weaver, Purdue University) and prebiotics and colorectal cancer risk (Ian Rowland, Northern Ireland Centre for Food and Health). In addition, all participants were included in one of eight discussion groups on the topics of engineered probiotics, host-commensal bacteria communication, 'omics' technologies, hygiene and immune regulation, biomarkers for healthy people, prebiotic and probiotic applications to companion animals, development of a probiotic dossier, and physiological relevance of prebiotic activity. Brief conclusions from these discussion groups are summarized in this paper.


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The aim of this study was to empirically evaluate an embodied conversational agent called GRETA in an effort to answer two main questions: (1) What are the benefits (and costs) of presenting information via an animated agent, with certain characteristics, in a 'persuasion' task, compared to other forms of display? (2) How important is it that emotional expressions are added in a way that is consistent with the content of the message, in animated agents? To address these questions, a positively framed healthy eating message was created which was variously presented via GRETA, a matched human actor, GRETA's voice only (no face) or as text only. Furthermore, versions of GRETA were created which displayed additional emotional facial expressions in a way that was either consistent or inconsistent with the content of the message. Overall, it was found that although GRETA received significantly higher ratings for helpfulness and likability, presenting the message via GRETA led to the poorest memory performance among users. Importantly, however, when GRETA's additional emotional expressions were consistent with the content of the verbal message, the negative effect on memory performance disappeared. Overall, the findings point to the importance of achieving consistency in animated agents. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The convergence speed of the standard Least Mean Square adaptive array may be degraded in mobile communication environments. Different conventional variable step size LMS algorithms were proposed to enhance the convergence speed while maintaining low steady state error. In this paper, a new variable step LMS algorithm, using the accumulated instantaneous error concept is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the accumulated instantaneous error is used to update the step size parameter of standard LMS is varied. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is simpler and yields better performance than conventional variable step LMS.


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The 'Uncanny Valley' was conceived in 1970 by Prof Masahiro Mori and details a possible relationship between an object's appearance or motion and how people perceive the object. Initially this research was used without validation. Modern technology has enabled initial investigations, summarised here, that conclude further work is required. A good design guideline for humanoid robots is desired if humanoid robots are to assist with an increasingly elderly population, but not yet possible due to technological constraints. Prosthetics is considered a good resource as the user interaction is comparable to the anticipated level of human-robot interaction and there is a wide range of existing devices.


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For people with motion impairments, access to and independent control of a computer can be essential. Symptoms such as tremor and spasm, however, can make the typical keyboard and mouse arrangement for computer interaction difficult or even impossible to use. This paper describes three approaches to improving computer input effectivness for people with motion impairments. The three approaches are: (1) to increase the number of interaction channels, (2) to enhance commonly existing interaction channels, and (3) to make more effective use of all the available information in an existing input channel. Experiments in multimodal input, haptic feedback, user modelling, and cursor control are discussed in the context of the three approaches. A haptically enhanced keyboard emulator with perceptive capability is proposed, combining approaches in a way that improves computer access for motion impaired users.


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In recent years, the potential role of planned, internal resettlement as a climate change adaptation measure has been highlighted by national governments and the international policy community. However, in many developing countries, resettlement is a deeply political process that often results in an unequal distribution of costs and benefits amongst relocated persons. This paper examines these tensions in Mozambique, drawing on a case study of flood-affected communities in the Lower Zambezi River valley. It takes a political ecology approach – focusing on discourses of human-environment interaction, as well as the power relationships that are supported by such discourses – to show how a dominant narrative of climate change-induced hazards for small-scale farmers is contributing to their involuntary resettlement to higher-altitude, less fertile areas of land. These forced relocations are buttressed by a series of wider economic and political interests in the Lower Zambezi River region, such dam construction for hydroelectric power generation and the extension of control over rural populations, from which resettled people derive little direct benefit. Rather than engaging with these challenging issues, most international donors present in the country accept the ‘inevitability’ of extreme weather impacts and view resettlement as an unfortunate and, in some cases, necessary step to increase people’s ‘resilience’, thus rationalising the top-down imposition of unpopular social policies. The findings add weight to the argument that a depoliticised interpretation of climate change can deflect attention away from underlying drivers of vulnerability and poverty, as well as obscure the interests of governments that are intent on reordering poor and vulnerable populations.


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We extend all elementary functions from the real to the transreal domain so that they are defined on division by zero. Our method applies to a much wider class of functions so may be of general interest.


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Transreal numbers provide a total semantics containing classical truth values, dialetheaic, fuzzy and gap values. A paraconsistent Sheffer Stroke generalises all classical logics to a paraconsistent form. We introduce logical spaces of all possible worlds and all propositions. We operate on a proposition, in all possible worlds, at the same time. We define logical transformations, possibility and necessity relations, in proposition space, and give a criterion to determine whether a proposition is classical. We show that proofs, based on the conditional, infer gaps only from gaps and that negative and positive infinity operate as bottom and top values.


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Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om bullerexponering för omgivning och förare vid sönderdelning av skogsbränsle till flis. Sammanlagt har sex fallstudier genomförts, tre skotare, två lastbilar och en mobil anläggning. Fallen har valts med syftet att representera olika typer av sönderdelningsekipage och teknik. Studierna har genomförts i Dalarnas, Stockholms och Gävleborgs län. Bullerexponering för omgivning och förare i samband med sönderdelning till flis har undersökts med föreskrivna metoder. Det är stora skillnader på bullerexponering för förarna av de olika ekipagen. En skotarförare har daglig bullerexponering under såväl insats- som gränsvärde. Två förare (en skotarförare och en lastbilsförare) överskred insatsvärde, men var under gränsvärdet. Övriga förares bullerexponering överskred gränsvärdet. Alla maskiner har bullernivåer över 40/45 dB(A) på 200 meters avstånd, vilket överstiger acceptabla nivåer dagtid för områden med fritidsbebyggelse och fritidsområden. Endast ett av ekipagen (en skotare) hade bullernivåer på 200 meters avstånd i nivå med riktlinjer för områden med bostäder för permanent boende.  Övriga ekipage hade högre värden. De slutsatser som kan göras från denna studie är: Merparten av förare vid sönderdelning av skogsbränsle till flis exponeras för dagliga bullernivåer som kräver åtgärder. Bullernivåerna varierar mellan olika typer av ekipage för sönderdelning av skogsbränsle till flis. Studerade ekipage har högre värden för buller på 200 meters avstånd till bostäder, arbetslokaler och friluftsområden än vad som rekommenderas.


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Tidigare studier har indikerat att exponering för trädamm och mögeldamm vid hantering av GROT (grenar och toppar) kan vara en hälsorisk. Syftet med denna studie är att ytterligare öka kunskapen om dammförhållanden inom skogsenergibranschen. Mer specifikt är målet att genom fallstudier studera dammförekomst vid hantering av GROT samt stubbar. Enstaka fallstudier av mögelförekomst i förarmiljön inkluderas. Sammanlagt har 19 fallstudier genomförts hos tio olika företag i Dalarna, Västmanland, ödermanland, Uppland, och Närke. Totaldamm har mätts med filterprovtagning inne i hytten och utanför hytten. Mögel har mätts med filterprovtagning inne i hytten. Sammanfattningsvis kan konstateras att vid samtliga fall av skotning uppmättes förhöjda dammnivåer utomhus. Högst dammnivåer uppmättes vid sönderdelning av GROT vid olika årstider. Förare som utförde arbete utanför hytten exponerades för högre dammnivåer än de som enbart arbetade inifrån hytten. De enstaka fallstudierna av mögel visade på relativt låga värden av mögelsporer. Arbetsmomentet såsom byte av knivar indikerade ökade mögelhalter. Slutsatser från denna studie är: Inga höga damm och mögelhalter har uppmätts i dessa fallstudier. Då väderförhållandena innebar mer nederbörd än i genomsnitt är resultaten inte generaliserbara. Förhöjda dammhalter uppmättes då förare utfört service och underhållsarbete utanför hytten. I studerade fall där dammängden utanför hytten var förhöjd har inga dammhalter mätts upp inne i hytterna, vilket tyder på bra luftfilter. Rekommendationer till förare är att: Regelbundet byta hyttens luftfilter och att hålla fönster och dörrar stängda för att förhindra dammexponering inne i hytten. Vid service- och underhållsarbete ska föraren i möjligaste mån undvika att använda tryckluft. Andningsskydd bör användas under de korta moment som tryckluft används.