999 resultados para Imigração africana


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En el siguiente trabajo plantearemos un recorrido histórico de la presencia africana en Arica, Chile. Pondremos especial atención al periodo de chilenización del territorio, antes peruano, desde el Tratado de Ancón (1883). Este proceso de violencia, represión y exilio del pueblo peruano, se realiza en un tiempo y región en los que la mayoría de la población era afrodescendiente. Consideraremos entonces, el periodo de chilenización, llamado también plebiscitario, como un periodo de continuación de la diáspora africana que generó la ruptura de la construcción de hogar y "nueva África" que se instalaba en Arica. Utilizaremos para reflexionar en torno a esta tesis, algunas fuentes historiográficas y algunos relatos orales recogidos ad portas del Censo 2012, en Chile, que una vez más no considerará la variante afrodescendiente


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En 1935, Carlos Muzio Saénz Peña, el director de El Mundo, envía a Roberto Arlt como corresponsal a Europa desde donde remite casi a diario y por avión sus impresiones de viajero. Entre julio y agosto de 1935 se publican en el diario las aguafuertes que documentan y describen su recorrido por el norte de Africa. Es relevante destacar que la intervención de Arlt en el diario no sólo se llevó a cabo a partir de sus crónicas, sino también a partir de su labor como fotógrafo. Estas notas de viaje fueron publicadas, en su gran mayoría, junto a dos o tres fotografías tomadas por el mismo autor. Posteriormente, en 1938, Arlt retoma el escenario africano y sus personajes los relatos que componen El criador de gorilas.1 La siguiente ponencia se propone indagar, a este respecto, el modo en que la experiencia oriental es plasmada por el autor a través de tres manifestaciones artísticas diferentes- fotografía, discurso periodístico, cuento fantástico- que al mismo tiempo que demuestran el impacto de la cultura africana en el pensamiento del autor, también postulan un recorrido que se inicia con la instantaneidad de la imagen fotográfica y desemboca, años más tarde, en la relaboración fantástica de los relatos de El criador de gorilas


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El presente trabajo se encuentra inmerso en un proyecto destinado a resignificar geopolíticamente a la región del Atlántico Sur. En tal sentido, resulta indispensable definir al Africa subsahariana y, más específicamente, a su frente suratlántico, tanto en lo que hace a su situación interna (social, económica, política, ambiental, cultural...) como a su relación con un mundo cada vez más globalizado y en transición hacia un escenario complejo y multipolar. En este marco, Africa sufre el más grande retroceso de su economía, con el abandono de sus débiles avances planificadores para el desarrollo, la instalación de élites tecnocráticas repetidoras de las recetas de los organismos multilaterales de crédito y comercio -FMI, Banco Mundial, OMC-, y la retirada de muchas de las inversiones extranjeras directas ante la opción de mayores beneficios en otras regiones más competitivas. Por otra parte, la situación en la que el impacto colonial y el posterior proceso de descolonización, condicionado por el mercado mundial, las antiguas metrópolis y la actual potencia hegemónica han dejado al continente negro en un nivel de preocupación extremo, tanto por las estructuras periféricas allí generadas como por las graves calamidades sociales y naturales que sufre en forma cotidiana. Nos proponemos aquí indagar en la hipótesis de Sylvie Brunel acerca de si la actual crisis africana representa un avance acelerado de su destrucción total o un indicio de su transición hacia un futuro esperanzador. Como los indicios más notorios parecen conducirnos hacia la primera de las respuestas, intentamos no sólo recordar las características de esa crisis, sino también avanzar en las características de su potencial, no sólo económico, sino también humano y político. Para ello, analizaremos, por un lado, las experiencias internas destinadas a afrontar la crisis y responder al desafío global y, por otro, las relaciones del continente negro con las actuales propuestas para una avanzada cooperación sur-sur y con sus principales protagonistas, las potencias emergentes


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 198, Sites 1207, 1208, 1212, 1213, and 1214 were drilled on Shatsky Rise, coring Lower to mid-Cretaceous successions of nannofossil chalk, porcellanite, and chert. Although recovery was poor, these sites yielded an outstanding record of calcareous nannoplankton, providing valuable data concerning the evolutionary succession and paleobiogeography of the largest Cretaceous marine habitat. Mid-Cretaceous sections (Aptian-Cenomanian) were recovered at all sites, and Site 1213 includes an apparently complete Berriasian-Hauterivian section. Biostratigraphic dating is problematic in places because of the absence or rarity of zonal fossils of both Boreal and Tethyan affinity. The majority of nannofossil assemblages are relatively typical of this age, but there are clear differences that set them apart from coeval epicontinental assemblages: for example, Lithraphidites carniolensis is common to abundant throughout and was most likely an oceanic-adapted taxon; the cold- to temperate-water species Crucibiscutum salebrosum, Repagulum parvidentatum, and Seribiscutum primitivum are entirely absent, indicating the persistence of tropical, warm surface water temperatures; and the warm-water species Hayesites irregularis is common. Most striking, however, is the virtual absence of Nannoconus and Micrantholithus, both taxa that were conspicuous and often common components of many Tethyan and Atlantic nannofloras. These forms were almost certainly neritic adapted and usually absent in deep open-ocean settings away from guyots and platforms. Other Tethyan taxa are also absent or rare and sporadically distributed (e.g., Calcicalathina oblongata, Conusphaera spp., Tubodiscus verenae, and Lithraphidites bollii), and factors related to neritic environments presumably controlled their distribution. Site 1213 also records extended Early Cretaceous ranges for species previously thought to have become extinct during the Late Jurassic (e.g., Axopodorhabdus cylindratus, Hexapodorhabdus cuvillieri, and Biscutum dorsetensis), suggesting these species became Pacific-restricted prior to their extinction. Watznaueria britannica may also have been a species with Pacific affinities before reexpansion of its biogeography in the early Aptian. One new genus (Mattiolia) and thirteen new species (Zeugrhabdotus clarus, Zeugrhabdotus petrizzoae, Helicolithus leckiei, Rhagodiscus amplus, Rhagodiscus robustus, Rhagodiscus sageri, Rhagodiscus adinfinitus, Tubodiscus bellii, Tubodiscus frankiae, Gartnerago ponticula, Haqius peltatus, Mattiolia furva, and Kokia stellata) are described from the Shatsky Rise Lower Cretaceous section.


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El presente trabajo aborda comparativamente ejes de convergencia sobre la cultura afroantillana en Así habló el tío (1928) del antropólogo haitiano Jean Price-Mars y El reino de este mundo (1949) del escritor cubano Alejo Carpentier. Se focalizan los mecanismos narrativos peculiares que en cada texto convierten a los sujetos populares en objeto de conocimiento y de representación de una identidad étnica de raíz africana. Desde esta perspectiva, es posible analizar en qué medida esta apuesta discursiva de legitimación simbólica de las huellas culturales africanas en las islas de Cuba y Haití culmina en un proceso resemantizador que tiende a homogeneizar la compleja heterogeneidad afrocaribeña.


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This study examines how the youth's Professional projects in new generation of family farmers are prepared and the perspective of reproduction of the familiar mode of production. The sociological task is to specify the distinctive features of the situation of the youth in family farming, seeking to identify the elements considered in the preparation of their professional projects. Qualitative data were produced by a case study of young farmers who lives in the city of Faxinal do Soturno, a municipality belonging to the fourth colony of Italian immigration in Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil. We performed 36 interviews, consisting of open questions, adopting a semi-structured script, wich were examined by de method of content analysis. Among the results, were observed a context marked by professional projects that breaks with the succession of the family farm work. The negative ratings on agricultural work stand out, particularly on issues related to health, salubrity of work and conditions of aging in rural areas. Family and emotional issues, and also specific aspects of the juvenile condition, marked by the pursuit of autonomy and emancipation, permeate the professional projects in development and show a complex analytical framework, wich amplify the explanatory factors of migration of youth.


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According to the drilling probes of the Deep Waier Drilling Project, Neogene sediments in a tropical area of the Pacific Ocean are divided into 15 zones based on diatoms. The author shows that a unique zonation may be applied for the entire region. Identification of diatoms zones boundaries was conducted through their direct correlation with nannoplancton, radiolarian and foraminiferal zonal sceals. Their ultra-structure and morphological relationship are being analysed. The mode of siliceous accumulation within the equatorial belt differed through the western central and eastern region since the early Miocene and the difference become more evident from the end of Middle Miocene. The distribution of Neogene diatomaceous silt in the tropical area is controlled by the character of gyre-water circulation and agrees with the modern geographical zonation.


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The distribution of pollen in marine sediments is used to record vegetation change on the continent. Generally, a good latitudinal correspondence exists between the distribution patterns of pollen in the marine surface sediments and the occurrence of the source plants on the adjacent continent. To investigate land-sea interactions during deglaciation, we compare proxies for continental (pollen assemblages) and marine conditions (alkenone-derived sea surface temperatures) of two high-resolution, radiocarbon-dated sedimentary records from the tropical southeast Atlantic. The southern site is located West of the Cunene River mouth; the northern site is located West of the Angolan Huambe Mountains. It is inferred that the vegetation in Angola developed from Afroalpine and open savannah during the last Glacial maximum (LGM) via Afromontane Podocarpus forest during Heinrich Event 1 (H1), to an early increase of lowland forest after 14.5 ka. The vegetation record indicates dry and cold conditions during the LGM, cool and wet conditions during H1 and a gradual rise in temperature starting well before the Younger Dryas (YD) period. Terrestrial and oceanic climate developments seem largely running parallel, in contrast to the situation ca. 5° further South, where marine and terrestrial developments diverge during the YD. The cool and wet conditions in tropical West Africa, South of the equator, during H1 suggest that low-latitude insolation variation is more important than the slowdown of the thermohaline circulation for the climate in tropical Africa.


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As age-diagnostic fossils are rare in the Middle to Upper Jurassic sedimentary succession of Gebel Maghara, North Sinai, Egypt, and in order to ensure maximal stratigraphic resolution, chronostratigraphic boundaries were determined based on quantitative biostratigraphy. A data matrix comprising 231 macrofaunal taxa in 93 samples from four sections has been processed with the Unitary Association (UA) Method. This led to construction of a sequence of 29 UAs (maximal sets of actually or virtually coexisting taxa), which have been grouped into 14 laterally reproducible association zones. The UA method allowed an in-depth analysis of the stratigraphically conflicting taxa, enabled the biostratigraphic subdivision of the studied interval, and also provided stratigraphic correlation among the measured sections and with the Tethyan ammonite zones.


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Ocean Drilling Program Leg 103 recovered Lower Cretaceous sediments from the Galicia margin off the coast of Iberia. The high diversity and abundance of assemblages makes this excellent material for the study of Early Cretaceous calcareous nannofossils. With the exception of a hiatus between the upper Hauterivian and lower Barremian, nannofossil distributions form a continuous composite section from the lower Valanginian to lower Cenomanian sediments recovered at the four sites. The sedimentation history of this rifted continental margin is complex, and careful examination of the nannofossil content and lithology is necessary in order to obtain optimum biostratigraphic resolution. The Lower Cretaceous sequence consists of a lower Valanginian calpionellid marlstone overlain by terrigenous sandstone turbidites deposited in the Valanginian and Hauterivian during initial rifting of this part of the margin. Interbedded calcareous marl and claystone microturbidites overlie the sandstone turbidites. Rifting processes culminated in the late Aptian-early Albian, resulting in the deposition of a calcareous, clastic turbidite sequence. The subsequent deposition of dark carbonaceous claystones (black shales) represents the beginning of seafloor spreading, as the margin continued to subside to depths near or below the CCD. The diversity, abundance, and preservation of nannofossils within these varied lithologies differ, and an attempt to distinguish between near shore and open-marine assemblages is made. Genera used for this purpose include Nannoconus, Micrantholithus, Pickelhaube, and Lithraphidites. In this study, six new species and one new subspecies are described and documented. Ranges of other species are extended, and an attempt is made to clarify existing, yet poorly understood, taxonomic concepts. A technique in which a single specimen is viewed with both light and scanning electron microscopes was used extensively to aid in this task. In addition, further subdivisions of the Sissingh (1977) zonation are suggested in order to increase biostratigraphic resolution.