PURPOSE: Intraoperative adverse events significantly influence morbidity and mortality of laparoscopic colorectal resections. Over an 11-year period, the changes of occurrence of such intraoperative adverse events were assessed in this study. METHODS: Analysis of 3,928 patients undergoing elective laparoscopic colorectal resection based on the prospective database of the Swiss Association of Laparoscopic and Thoracoscopic Surgery was performed. RESULTS: Overall, 377 intraoperative adverse events occurred in 329 patients (overall incidence of 8.4 %). Of 377 events, 163 (43 %) were surgical complications and 214 (57 %) were nonsurgical adverse events. Surgical complications were iatrogenic injury to solid organs (n = 63; incidence of 1.6 %), bleeding (n = 62; 1.6 %), lesion by puncture (n = 25; 0.6 %), and intraoperative anastomotic leakage (n = 13; 0.3 %). Of note, 11 % of intraoperative organ/puncture lesions requiring re-intervention were missed intraoperatively. Nonsurgical adverse events were problems with equipment (n = 127; 3.2 %), anesthetic problems (n = 30; 0.8 %), and various (n = 57; 1.5 %). Over time, the rate of intraoperative adverse events decreased, but not significantly. Bleeding complications significantly decreased (p = 0.015), and equipment problems increased (p = 0.036). However, the rate of adverse events requiring conversion significantly decreased with time (p < 0.001). Patients with an intraoperative adverse event had a significantly higher rate of postoperative local and general morbidity (41.2 and 32.9 % vs. 18.0 and 17.2 %, p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative surgical complications and adverse events in laparoscopic colorectal resections did not change significantly over time and are associated with an increased postoperative morbidity.
Aquest treball consta d’un procés d’investigació en el qual hi podem trobar la corroboració de la pregunta inicial sobre com influencia la pràctica Dalcroze en l’estimulació de les diferents capacitats dels infants. Aquest mètode consisteix en estimular la coordinació i la maduresa personal de l’infant i està basat en el moviment i la percepció del ritme. Basant-me en el què diuen alguns autors i pedagogs s’han comprovat les hipòtesis a partir d’una investigació. Per poder investigar aquest fet s’han realitzat una sèrie d’observacions de diferents sessions de música amb infants de tres a set anys de dues escoles diferents. En una de les escoles, en la qual s’ha estat investigant, els alumnes fan música a partir del mètode Dalcroze i a l’altre escola no. A partir de les observacions de totes les sessions de música s’ha analitzat i comparat les dues maneres de treballar la música i les capacitats que es poden desenvolupar treballant la música d’una manera vivencial i dinàmica. Per fer la part pràctica s’ha utilitzant una metodologia qualitativa la qual investiga si a partir de la rítmica Dalcroze es poden estimular les diferents capacitats dels infants. Les dades han estat recollides en una graella d’observació on hi ha transcrita cada una de les sessions de música de les dues escoles, també han estat recollides a partir de les gravacions de totes les sessions i dues entrevistes realitzades a les professores de música. A partir d’aquí ha començat el procés d’investigació i anàlisi.
[spa] Tras largas y complejas negociaciones, la Unión Europea celebró un acuerdo comercial con Colombia en 2010 que ha empezado a aplicarse provisionalmente el 1 de agosto de 2013. El artículo se centra en las relaciones entre Colombia y la Unión y analiza el impacto que dicho acuerdo pueda tener en el marco de las obligaciones de las partes de respetar los derechos humanos universalmente reconocidos, incluyendo derechos sociales y los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. De dicho análisis se deriva que la presencia de cláusulas democráticas o de derechos humanos en el Acuerdo es insuficiente, habida cuenta los antecedentes del SGP+ vigente hasta la entrada en vigor del nuevo acuerdo, mientras que algunos aspectos sustantivos del Acuerdo permiten augurar consecuencias negativas respecto de los sectores sociales más desfavorecidos en la República de Colombia.
The Iowa D.O.T. specifications do not require 100 percent of 50 blow Marshall density (generally 94%) for field compaction. However, stabilities are determined in the Laboratory on specimens compacted to 100 percent of Marshall density. The purpose of this study is to determine the stabilities of specimens compacted to various densities which are below 100 percent of the 50 blow Marshall density.
Three comparable hot mixed asphalt paving mixes were produced using two different aggregates produced from reclaimed portland cement concrete paving and one from a crushed limestone aggregate. These were subjected both dry and soaked to indirect tensile tests to determine the wet strength retention. One mix made from reclaimed concrete demonstrated a slightly better strength retention than the limestone mix and the other less. Satisfactory asphalt paving mixes can be produced from reclaimed concrete pavements but the increased asphalt demand (about 1%) negates part of the potential savings.
A two-stage mixing process for concrete involves mixing a slurry of cementitious materials and water, then adding the slurry to coarse and fine aggregate to form concrete. Some research has indicated that this process might facilitate dispersion of cementitious materials and improve cement hydration, the characteristics of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between aggregate and paste, and concrete homogeneity. The goal of the study was to find optimal mixing procedures for production of a homogeneous and workable mixture and quality concrete using a two-stage mixing operation. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: (1) To achieve optimal mixing energy and time for a homogeneous cementitious material, (2) To characterize the homogeneity and flow property of the pastes, (3) To investigate effective methods for coating aggregate particles with cement slurry, (4) To study the effect of the two-stage mixing procedure on concrete properties, (5) To obtain the improved production rates. Parameters measured for Phase I included: heat of hydration, maturity, and rheology tests were performed on the fresh paste samples, and compressive strength, degree of hydration, and scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging tests were conducted on the cured specimens. For Phases II and III tests included slump and air content on fresh concrete and compressive and tensile strengths, rapid air void analysis, and rapid chloride permeability on hardened concrete.
Pavements are subjected to different stresses during their design lives. A properly designed pavement will perform adequately during its design life, and the distresses will not exceed the allowable limits; however, there are several factors that can lead to premature pavement failure. One such factor is moisture sensitivity. AASHTO T 283 is the standard test used in the moisture susceptibility evaluation of asphalt mixtures, but the results of the test are not very representative of the expected behavior of asphalt mixtures. The dynamic modulus test measures a fundamental property of the mixture. The results of the dynamic modulus test can be used directly in the Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Guide (MEPDG) and are considered a very good representation of the expected field performance of the mixture. Further research is still needed to study how the dynamic modulus results are affected by moisture. The flow number test was studied in previous research as a candidate test for moisture-susceptibility evaluation, but the results of that research were not favorable. This research has four main objectives. The first objective of this research is to evaluate the usefulness of the dynamic modulus and flow number tests in moisture-susceptibility evaluation. The second objective is to compare the results to those achieved using the AASHTO T 283 test. The third objective is to study the effect of different methods of sample conditioning and testing conditions. The fourth objective of the research is to study the variability in the test results.
Early entry sawing applies sawing earlier and more shallowly than conventional sawing and is believed to increase sawing productivity and reduce the cost of the joint sawing operations. However, some early entry sawing joints (transverse joints) in Iowa were found to experience delayed cracking, sometimes up to 30 days. A concern is whether early entry sawing can lead to late-age random cracking. The present study investigated the effects of different sawing methods on random cracking in portland cement concrete (PCC) pavements. The approach was to assess the cracking potential at sawing joints by measuring the strain development of the concrete at the joints using concrete embedment strain gages. Ten joints were made with the early entry sawing method to a depth of 1.5 in., and two strain gages were installed in each of the joints. Another ten joints were made with the conventional sawing method, five of which were sawed to a depth of one-third of the pavement thickness (3.3 in.), and the other five of which were sawed to a depth of one-quarter of the pavement thickness (2.5 in.). One strain gage was installed in each joint made using conventional sawing. In total, 30 strain gages were installed in 20 joints. The results from the present study indicate that all 30 joints cracked within 25 days after paving, though most joints made using early entry sawing cracked later than the joints made using conventional sawing. No random cracking was observed in the early entry sawing test sections two months after construction. Additionally, it was found that the strain gages used were capable of monitoring the deformations at the joints. The joint crack times (or crack initiation time) measured by the strain gages were generally consistent with the visual observations.
Currently, no standard mix design procedure is available for CIR-emulsion in Iowa. The CIR-foam mix design process developed during the previous phase is applied for CIR-emulsion mixtures with varying emulsified asphalt contents. Dynamic modulus test, dynamic creep test, static creep test and raveling test were conducted to evaluate the short- and long-term performance of CIR-emulsion mixtures at various testing temperatures and loading conditions. A potential benefit of this research is a better understanding of CIR-emulsion material properties in comparison with those of CIR-foam material that would allow for the selection of the most appropriate CIR technology and the type and amount of the optimum stabilization material. Dynamic modulus, flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion mixtures using CSS- 1h were generally higher than those of HFMS-2p. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion using RAP materials from Story County was higher than those from Clayton County. Flow number and flow time of CIR-emulsion with 0.5% emulsified asphalt was higher than CIR-emulsion with 1.0% or 1.5%. Raveling loss of CIR-emulsion with 1.5% emulsified was significantly less than those with 0.5% and 1.0%. Test results in terms of dynamic modulus, flow number, flow time and raveling loss of CIR-foam mixtures are generally better than those of CIR-emulsion mixtures. Given the limited RAP sources used for this study, it is recommended that the CIR-emulsion mix design procedure should be validated against several RAP sources and emulsion types.
The objective is to determine the optimum percentage of water needed to produce the best foam properties for a given asphalt binder. The optimum water content is determined by achieving the maximum expansion ratio and half-life of the foamed asphalt. Expansion ratio is defined as the maximum volume over its original volume and half-life is defined as the time in seconds for foam to become a half of its maximum volume.
Most research current to the time of these projects was focused on use of Superpave mix designs on higher volume roads. Low volume roads have different requirements in terms of mix design, aggregate types, aggregate sources and project budgets. The purpose of this research was to determine if the Superpave mix design strategy for low volume roads was practical and economical. Eight projects were selected in five counties. The projects were completed in the summer of 1998. Performance evaluation of the resulting pavements was carried out annually. There was no significant increase in costs related to the use of Superpave. Nor were there any significant construction issues. There were some differences noted in placement and compaction in the field, but these were not serious.
Portland cement pervious concrete (PCPC) is being used more frequently due to its benefits in reducing the quantity of runoff water,improving water quality, enhancing pavement skid resistance during storm events by rapid drainage of water, and reducing pavement noise. In the United States, PCPC typically has high porosity and low strength, which has resulted in the limited use of pervious concrete, especially in hard wet freeze environments (e.g., the Midwestern and Northeastern United States and other parts of the world).Improving the strength and freeze-thaw durability of pervious concrete will allow an increase in its use in these regions. The objective of this research is to develop a PCPC mix that not only has sufficient porosity for stormwater infiltration, but also desirable strength and freeze-thaw durability. In this research, concrete mixes were designed with various sizes and types of aggregates, binder contents, and admixture amounts. The engineering properties of the aggregates were evaluated. Additionally, the porosity, permeability, strength, and freeze-thaw durability of each of these mixes was measured. Results indicate that PCPC made with single-sized aggregate has high permeability but not adequate strength. Adding a small percent of sand to the mix improves its strength and freeze-thaw resistance, but lowers its permeability. Although adding sand and latex improved the strength of the mix when compared with single-sized mixes, the strength of mixes where only sand was added were higher. The freeze-thaw resistance of PCPC mixes with a small percentage of sand also showed 2% mass loss after 300 cycles of freeze-thaw. The preliminary results of the effects of compaction energy on PCPC properties show that compaction energy significantly affects the freeze-thaw durability of PCPC and, to a lesser extent, reduces compressive strength and split strength and increases permeability.
BACKGROUND: A new diagnostic system, called one-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA), has recently been designed to detect cytokeratin 19 mRNA as a surrogate for lymph node metastases. The objective of this prospective investigation was to compare the performance of OSNA with both standard hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) analysis and intensive histopathology in the detection of colon cancer lymph node metastases. METHODS: In total, 313 lymph nodes from 22 consecutive patients with stage I, II, and III colon cancer were assessed. Half of each lymph node was analyzed initially by H&E followed by an intensive histologic workup (5 levels of H&E and immunohistochemistry analyses, the gold standard for the assessment of sensitivity/specificity of OSNA), and the other half was analyzed using OSNA. RESULTS: OSNA was more sensitive in detecting small lymph node tumor infiltrates compared with H&E (11 results were OSNA positive/H&E negative). Compared with intensive histopathology, OSNA had 94.5% sensitivity, 97.6% specificity, and a concordance rate of 97.1%. OSNA resulted in an upstaging of 2 of 13 patients (15.3%) with lymph node-negative colon cancer after standard H&E examination. CONCLUSIONS: OSNA appeared to be a powerful and promising molecular tool for the detection of lymph node metastases in patients with colon cancer. OSNA had similar performance in the detection of lymph node metastases compared with intensive histopathologic investigations and appeared to be superior to standard histology with H&E. Most important, the authors concluded that OSNA may lead to a potential upstaging of >15% of patients with colon cancer.
The goals of this new program are to improve health care quality and access to Medicaid members, support responsibility for health outcomes and create a Medicaid budget that is steady and more manageable. IA Health Link gives you the same health coverage you know and use, but will be covered by a Managed Care Organization (MCO) that you get to choose.
La relación entre el trabajo y la salud puede abordarse desde distintas perspectivas. El abordaje de los riesgos a los cuales los trabajadores están expuestos, en psicología, tiene su origen en lo que se conoce como riesgos emergentes, haciendo referencia a aquellos resultantes de la organización del trabajo. Estos se manifiestan a través de problemas como el absentismo, defectos de calidad, estrés, ansiedad, etc. y en ocasiones en trastornos músculo-esqueléticos, que somatiza el trabajador. Así pues para conseguir el bienestar del trabajador, es necesario tener en cuenta la percepción que éste tiene de las condiciones psicosociales de su trabajo. Partiendo del estudio de un puesto de trabajo, desde un punto de vista ergonómico y psicosocial, y teniendo en cuenta la sintomatología del trabajador, se pretende llegar a conclusiones que determinen y definan tareas que llevadas a la práctica resulten más saludables. Desde una perspectiva más amplia, que la mera evaluación de un puesto de trabajo, se pretende establecer relación entre el desarrollo de alteraciones músculo-esqueléticas y una serie de factores relacionados con las condiciones de trabajo. En conclusión, mediante este estudio, podemos afirmar que no sólo las exigencias ergonómicas correlacionan con trastornos músculo-esqueléticos, o los factores psicosociales con la percepción de estrés, los factores personales así como los laborales de carácter psicosocial y organizacional, pueden tener relación directa sobre la intensificación de la sintomatología por trastornos músculo-esqueléticos.