Prior theoretical studies indicate that the negative spatial derivative of the electric field induced by magnetic stimulation may he one of the main factors contributing to depolarization of the nerve fiber. This paper studies this parameter for peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) induced by time.-varying gradient fields during MRI scans. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic human, full-body model. Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient sets in MRI systems and various input signals have been explored. The spatial distributions of the induced electric field and their gradients are calculated and attempts are made to correlate these areas with reported experimental stimulation data. The induced electrical field pattern is similar for both the planar coils and cylindrical coils. This study provides some insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced field gradients for PNS in MRI, which may be used to further evaluate the sites where magnetic stimulation is likely to occur and to optimize gradient coil design.
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, nonuniform static magnetic fields outside the central imaging region, in which the movement of the body may be able to induce electric currents in tissues which could be possibly harmful. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced electric fields and currents in the patient when moving into the MRI scanner and also for head motion at various positions in the magnet. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic, full-body, male model. 3D field profiles from an actively shielded 4T magnet system are used and the body model projected through the field profile with a range of velocities. The simulation shows that it possible to induce electric fields/currents near the level of physiological significance under some circumstances and provides insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced fields. The results are extrapolated to very high field strengths and tabulated data shows the expected induced currents and fields with both movement velocity and field strength. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
Influence of magnetically-induced E-fields on cardiac electric activity during MRI: A modeling study
In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), patients are exposed to strong, time-varying gradient magnetic fields that may be able to induce electric fields (E-fields)/currents in tissues approaching the level of physiological significance. In this work we present theoretical investigations into induced E-fields in the thorax, and evaluate their potential influence on cardiac electric activity under the assumption that the sites of maximum E-field correspond to the myocardial stimulation threshold (an abnormal circumstance). Whole-body cylindrical and planar gradient coils were included in the model. The calculations of the induced fields are based on an efficient, quasi-static, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic, whole-body model. The potential for cardiac stimulation was evaluated using an electrical model of the heart. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals were simulated and inspected for arrhythmias caused by the applied fields for both healthy and diseased hearts. The simulations show that the shape of the thorax and the conductive paths significantly influence induced E-fields. In healthy patients, these fields are not sufficient to elicit serious arrhythmias with the use of contemporary gradient sets. However, raising the strength and number of repeated switching episodes of gradients, as is certainly possible in local chest gradient sets, could expose patients to increased risk. For patients with cardiac disease, the risk factors are elevated. By the use of this model, the sensitivity of cardiac pathologies, such as abnormal conductive pathways, to the induced fields generated by an MRI sequence can be investigated. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Raw milk was stored for 0, 2 and 4 days and processed in a UHT pilot plant by either direct or indirect heating. The unstored raw milk was also pasteurised. The thermally induced changes resulting from these treatments were investigated by examining a number of indices of heat damage. Lactulose, furosine, total and free hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) and acid-soluble beta-lactoglobulin were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) while soluble tryptophan was examined by fluorescence spectroscopy. The directly heated UHT milk showed less heat damage than the indirectly heated milk, while the pasteurised milk displayed the least heat damage. During storage of the UHT milk for 12 weeks at similar to20degreesC, the levels of lactulose remained constant, while the furosine concentration increased. Both the total HMF and undenatured beta-lactoglobulin contents showed a general decrease during storage; however free HMF values initially rose but then decreased after four weeks' storage. As the age of the milk at the time of UHT processing increased, the levels of some of the indicators decreased. It is concluded that lactulose is the most reliable index of heat treatment, as it is virtually unaffected by refrigerated storage of the milk before or ambient storage after UHT processing. Reliance on other indicators may give misleading information on the heat load that UHT milk has received during processing.
Objective To compare the effects of transferring from low-dose transdermal estrogen to raloxifene (RLX), with a phase of alternate-day RLX therapy with or without low-dose transdermal estrogen, on serum lipids and fibrinogen in postmenopausal women previously administered estrogen plus progestogen therapy. Methods Sixty postmenopausal women (mean age 55 years) were randomized to one of two treatment groups: RLX + low-dose transdermal estrogen (RLX + E) or RLX + placebo. The study consisted of four 8-week phases: phase I (all subjects low-dose transdermal estrogen 25 mug/day), phase II (double-blind RLX 60 mg every 2nd day in combination with either low-dose transdermal estrogen or placebo), phase III (all subjects RLX 60 mg every 2nd day + placebo) and phase IV (all subjects RLX 60 mg/day + placebo). Results No significant differences existed between groups for baseline measurements prior to phase I. In phase I, for all subjects combined, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotem cholesterol both showed a significant increase (median increase of 0.2 mmol/l, p = 0.008 and 0.4 mmol/l, p < 0.001, respectively), while triglycerides decreased significantly (median decrease of 0.2 mmol/l, p < 0.001). For the primary analysis (phase II to phase IV), the mean change from baseline observations showed no significant differences between the therapy groups for serum lipids, fibrinogen, vital signs or weight. In the comparison phase (phase II), changes in serum lipids, fibrinogen, vital signs and weight were not significantly different between groups. Conclusion Gradual conversion to RLX from low-dose transdermal estrogen, with a phase of alternate-day RLX therapy with or without low-dose transdermal estrogen, does not have any effect on the serum lipid profile or fibrinogen level.
A comparative study has been made of the radiation grafting of styrene onto poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA) and polypropylene (PP) substrates, using the simultaneous irradiation method. Effects of grafting conditions such as monomer concentrations, type of solvent, dose rate and irradiation dose on the grafting yield were investigated. Under the same grafting conditions it was found that a higher degree of grafting of styrene was obtained using a mixture of dichloromethane/methanol solvents for PFA and methanol for PP and the degree of grafting was higher in PP than in PFA at all doses. However, the micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of the graft revealed that, for the same degree of grafting, the penetration depth of the grafted polystyrene into the substrate was higher in PFA than in PP substrates. In both polymers the crystallinity was hardly affected by the grafting process and the degree of crystallinity decreased slightly with grafting dose. The dependence of the initial rate of grafting on the dose rate and the monomer concentration was found to be 0.6 and 1.4 order for PFA and 0.15 and 2.2 for PP, respectively. The degree of grafting increased with increasing radiation dose in both polymers. However, the grafting yield decreased with an increase in the dose rate. The increase in the overall grafting yield for PFA and PP was accompanied by a proportional increase in the penetration depth of the graft into the substrates. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
Experimental antoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterised by inflammation and demyelination of the central nervous system and is the best available animal model of multiple sclerosis (MS). Since previous studies have shown that EAE is less severe or is delayed in onset during pregnancy and that administration of the pregnancy hormone early pregnancy factor (EPF) down-regulates EAE, experiments in the present study were designed to explore further the role of EPF in EAE. By using the rosette inhibition test, the standard bioassay for EPF and, by semi-quantitative RT-PCR techniques, we have now shown that inflammatory cells from the spinal cord of rats with EAE can produce and secrete EPF, with production being greatest during recovery from disease. Administration of EPF to rats with EAE resulted in a significant increase in the expression of IL-4 and IL-10 mRNA and a significant decrease in IFN-gamma mRNA expression in spinal cord inflammatory cells. Encephalitogenic MBP-specific T cell lines were prepared from popliteal lymph nodes of rats with EAE. Proliferation assays using these cells demonstrated the ability of exogenous EPF to down-regulate the responses of T lymphocytes to MBP. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Iron chelators of the 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde isonicotinoylhydrazone (HPCIH) class show high potential for the treatment of iron overload diseases. In the present study, selected first-row transition metal (from Mn to Zn) complexes with HPCIH and 2-pyridinecarbaldehyde (4'-aminobenzoyl)hydrazone (HPCAH) were synthesised and characterised. Crystallography reveals that HPCAH exclusively forms bis complexes with divalent transition metals, with each ligand coordinating meridionally through its pyridine-N, imine-N and carbonyl-O atoms, forming distorted octahedral cis-MN4O2 complexes. Complexes of HPCIH were more varied and unpredictable, with metal/ligand ratios of 1:1, 1:2, 2:2 and 3:2 obtained with different metal ions. The isonicotinoyl ring N-atom in HPCIH was found to be an effective ligand, and this resulted in the varied metal/ligand ratios observed. The formation constants of divalent metal complexes with HPCIH were determined by potentiometric titrations and the values obtained were consistent with similar tridentate ligands and with the Irving-Williams order. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003).
The 93 K X-ray crystal structure of tris(ethane-1,2-diamine)zinc(II) dinitrate is reported. As predicted by the spectroscopic studies of other workers, there is a reversible phase transition of the structure at low temperature. We have determined this temperature to be 143 K. The structure at this temperature and below resembles that of the room temperature structure, except the crystallographic D-3 symmetry of the complex cation (296 K) is lowered to C-2 ( below 144 K) by subtle changes in cation-anion hydrogen bonding. No change in the conformation of the cation or its bond lengths and angles was found.
This paper describes the modification of a two-dimensional finite element long wave hydrodynamic model in order to predict the net current and water levels attributable to the influences of waves. Tests examine the effects of the application of wave induced forces, including comparisons to a physical experiment. An example of a real river system is presented with comparisons to measured data, which demonstrate the importance of simulating the combined effects of tides and waves upon hydrodynamic behavior. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Low temperature during panicle development in rice increases spikelet sterility. This effect is exacerbated by high rates of nitrogen (N) application in the field. Spikelet sterility induced by low temperature and N fertilisation was examined in glasshouse experiments to clarify the mechanisms involved. In two glasshouse experiments, 12-h periods of low (18/13degreesC) and high (28/23degreesC) day/night temperatures were imposed over periods of 5-7 days during panicle development, to determine the effects of low temperature and N fertilisation on spikelet sterility. In one experiment, 50% sunlight was imposed together with low temperature to investigate the additive effects of reduced solar radiation and low temperature. The effect of increased tillering due to N fertilisation was examined by a tiller removal treatment in the same experiment. Pollen grain number and spikelet sterility were recorded at heading and harvest, respectively. Although there was no significant effect of low temperature on spikelet sterility in the absence of applied N, low temperature greatly increased spikelet sterility as a result of a reduction in the number of engorged pollen grains per anther in the presence of applied N. Spikelet sterility was strongly correlated with the number of engorged pollen grains per anther. Low temperature during very early ( late stage of spikelet differentiation-pollen mother cell stage) and peak ( second meiotic division stage-early stage of extine formation) microspore development caused a severe reduction in engorged pollen production mainly as a result of reduced total pollen production. Unlike low temperature, the effect of shading was rather small. The increased tillering due to application of high rates of N, increased both spikelet number per plant and spikelet sterility under low temperature conditions. The removal of tillers as they appeared reduced the number of total spikelets per plant and maintained a large number of engorged pollen grains per anther which, in turn, reduced spikelet sterility. The number of engorged pollen grains per anther determined the numbers of intercepted and germinated pollen grains on the stigma. It is concluded that N increased tillering and spikelet number per plant and this, in turn, reduced the number of engorged pollen grains per anther, leading into increased spikelet sterility under low temperature condition.
Low temperatures impose restrictions on rice (Oryza sativa L.) production at high latitudes. This study is related to low temperature damage that can arise mid-season during the panicle development phase. The objective of this study was to determine whether low temperature experienced by the root, panicle, or foliage is responsible for increased spikelet sterility. In temperature-controlled glasshouse experiments, water depth, and water and air temperatures, were changed independently to investigate the effects of low temperature in the root, panicle, and foliage during microspore development on spikelet sterility. The total number of pollen and number of engorged pollen grains per anther, and the number of intercepted and germinated pollen grains per stigma, were measured. Spikelet sterility was then analysed in relation to the total number of pollen grains per spikelet and the efficiency with which these pollen grains became engorged, were intercepted by the stigma, germinated, and were involved in fertilisation. There was a significant combined effect of average minimum panicle and root temperatures on spikelet sterility that accounted for 86% of the variation in spikelet sterility. Total number of pollen grains per anther was reduced by low panicle temperature, but not by low root temperature. Whereas engorgement efficiency ( the percentage of pollen grains that were engorged) was determined by both root and panicle temperature, germination efficiency (the percentage of germinated pollen grains relative to the number of engorged pollen grains intercepted by the stigma) was determined only by root temperature. Interception efficiency (i.e. percentage of engorged pollen grains intercepted by the stigma), however, was not affected by either root or panicle temperature. Engorgement efficiency was the dominant factor explaining the variation in spikelet sterility. It is concluded that both panicle and root temperature affect spikelet sterility in rice when the plant encounters low temperatures during the microspore development stage.
For some applications for fluoropolymers they must be subjected to high-energy radiation, e.g., when they are grafted with styrene using an irradiation method to produce fuel cell membranes or matrix supports for combinatorial chemistry. In some of these applications they may be subjected to mechanical stress or elevated temperature, so it is important to elucidate the effects of the radiolysis on these properties. In the present work the effect of gamma-radiolysis on the glass transition, melting behavior, and thermal stability of PFA has been studied as well as the effect of the radiolysis on the tensile properties of the polymer.
Chronic lead exposure induces hypertension in humans and animals, affecting endothelial function. However, studies concerning acute cardiovascular effects are lacking. We investigated the effects of acute administration of a high concentration of lead acetate (100 µΜ) on the pressor response to phenylephrine (PHE) in the tail vascular bed of male Wistar rats. Animals were anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital and heparinized. The tail artery was dissected and cannulated for drug infusion and mean perfusion pressure measurements. Endothelium and vascular smooth muscle relaxation were tested with acetylcholine (5 µg/100 µL) and sodium nitroprusside (0.1 µg/100 µL), respectively, in arteries precontracted with 0.1 µM PHE. Concentration-response curves to PHE (0.001-300 µg/100 µL) were constructed before and after perfusion for 1 h with 100 µΜ lead acetate. In the presence of endothelium (E+), lead acetate increased maximal response (Emax) (control: 364.4 ± 36, Pb2+: 480.0 ± 27 mmHg; P < 0.05) and the sensitivity (pD2; control: 1.98 ± 0.07, 2.38 ± 0.14 log mM) to PHE. In the absence of endothelium (E-) lead had no effect but increased baseline perfusion pressure (E+: 79.5 ± 2.4, E-: 118 ± 2.2 mmHg; P < 0.05). To investigate the underlying mechanisms, this protocol was repeated after treatment with 100 µM L-NAME, 10 µM indomethacin and 1 µM tempol in the presence of lead. Lead actions on Emax and pD2 were abolished in the presence of indomethacin, and partially abolished with L-NAME and tempol. Results suggest that acute lead administration affects the endothelium, releasing cyclooxygenase-derived vasoconstrictors and involving reactive oxygen species.