944 resultados para Helicity method, subtraction method, numerical methods, random polarizations


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The role played by the attainable set of a differential inclusion, in the study of dynamic control systems and fuzzy differential equations, is widely acknowledged. A procedure for estimating the attainable set is rather complicated compared to the numerical methods for differential equations. This article addresses an alternative approach, based on an optimal control tool, to obtain a description of the attainable sets of differential inclusions. In particular, we obtain an exact delineation of the attainable set for a large class of nonlinear differential inclusions.


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The purpose of this work was the study of numerical methods for differential equations of fractional order and ordinary. These methods were applied to the problem of calculating the distribution of the concentration of a given substance over time in a given physical system. The two compartment model was used for representation of this system. Comparison between numerical solutions obtained were performed and, in particular, also compared with the analytical solution of this problem. Finally, estimates for the error between the solutions were calculated


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Introduction and Objective: Microorganisms are responsible for multiple infections and pathologies; this is why it is important to control microbes that can be found in the triple syringe used for irrigation in different dental procedures. The aim of this study was to identify cultivable species of microbes (fungus and bacteria) found in some dental units water lines of a private dental clinic from Medellín, Colombia. Materials and Methods: Random samples were taken from 11 chairs from a total of 89; a sample of water of 500ml was collected from the triple syringe of each selected chair. The study aim to search for the presence of total coliforms, filamentous fungi and leavened Results: the average presence of microorganisms was between 40CFU and more of 200 CFU. Microorganisms such as Aeromona salmonicida, Actinobacilus sp and Pseudomona maltophil were isolated. No total coliforms neither fecal coliforms were found. Conclusions: the high levels of contamination suggest that there is a mature biofilm in somewhere of the dental unit water line, but the absence of total and fecalis coliforms suggest that the water had been treated.


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Voltages and currents in the transmission line are described by differential equations that are difficult to solve due soil and skin effect that has to be considered for accurate results, but it increases their complexity. Therefore there are some models to study the voltages and currents along in transmission line. The distributed parameters model that transforms the equations in time domain to the frequency domain and once the solutions are obtained, they are converted to time domain using the Inverse Laplace Transform using numerical methods. Another model is named lumped parameters model and it considers the transmission line represented by a pi-circuit cascade and the currents and voltages are described by state equations. In the simulations using the lumped parameters model, it can be observed the presence of spurious oscillations that are independent of the quantity of pi-circuits used and do not represent the real value of the transient. In this work will be projected a passive low-pass filter directly inserted in the lumped parameters model to reduce the spurious oscillations in the simulations, making this model more accurate and reliable for studying the electromagnetic transients in power systems.


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Pós-graduação em Matemática Universitária - IGCE


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Usually we observe that Bio-physical systems or Bio-chemical systems are many a time based on nanoscale phenomenon in different host environments, which involve many particles can often not be solved explicitly. Instead a physicist, biologist or a chemist has to rely either on approximate or numerical methods. For a certain type of systems, called integrable in nature, there exist particular mathematical structures and symmetries which facilitate the exact and explicit description. Most integrable systems, we come across are low-dimensional, for instance, a one-dimensional chain of coupled atoms in DNA molecular system with a particular direction or exist as a vector in the environment. This theoretical research paper aims at bringing one of the pioneering ‘Reaction-Diffusion’ aspects of the DNA-plasma material system based on an integrable lattice model approach utilizing quantized functional algebras, to disseminate the new developments, initiate novel computational and design paradigms.


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Studies with organic systems have shown the feasibility and ecological and social sustainability of these agroecosystems, unlike the systems agrochemicals (conventional) production. Some studies have concluded that for the model agrochemical exists less interaction between the flow of internal energy, basically the crop receives all inputs to production with no increase in "energy quality" within the system, while in the organic model of production has increased interaction between different resources in the system. The current economic and ecological crisis, exposed no sustainability of the production pattern of industrialized agriculture developed in a way, showing the dependence of developed countries on imports of agricultural commodities produced in the third world, among there coffee. Given these facts, developed a survey to identify problems in the Alta Paulista region, west of São Paulo State, in relation to coffee production systems. Actually, the fundamental problem, according to the research, farmers in this region, is to choose a viable production system correctly (environmental, social and economic); agrochemical or organic. The objectives of this study were to analyze the yield of production systems and agro-chemical and organic coffee in the period from 2003 to 2007, in 30 producing properties, located in this region, in order to point the production system to produce the highest yield. According to the methodology of CONAB, data collected were recorded on spreadsheets to be used as variables in statistical analysis models and mathematics. We performed a descriptive analysis of productivity data and were used for statistical analysis tests for parametric and nonparametric analysis of variance. The mathematical analyses of the curves were prepared with Origin for Windows 6.0 software, which uses numerical methods to fit the data supplied to a function of variable parameters. Unlike conventional systems of production, the organic system showed greater viability of the production model. Furthermore, with the quantitative modeling proposal, it is possible to perform the evaluation of these types of investments, providing more security to the farmer at the time of decision.


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The rural electrification is characterized by geographical dispersion of the population, low consumption, high investment by consumers and high cost. Moreover, solar radiation constitutes an inexhaustible source of energy and in its conversion into electricity photovoltaic panels are used. In this study, equations were adjusted to field conditions presented by the manufacturer for current and power of small photovoltaic systems. The mathematical analysis was performed on the photovoltaic rural system I- 100 from ISOFOTON, with power 300 Wp, located at the Experimental Farm Lageado of FCA/UNESP. For the development of such equations, the circuitry of photovoltaic cells has been studied to apply iterative numerical methods for the determination of electrical parameters and possible errors in the appropriate equations in the literature to reality. Therefore, a simulation of a photovoltaic panel was proposed through mathematical equations that were adjusted according to the data of local radiation. The results have presented equations that provide real answers to the user and may assist in the design of these systems, once calculated that the maximum power limit ensures a supply of energy generated. This real sizing helps establishing the possible applications of solar energy to the rural producer and informing the real possibilities of generating electricity from the sun.


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We consider modifications of the nonlinear Schrodinger model (NLS) to look at the recently introduced concept of quasi-integrability. We show that such models possess an in finite number of quasi-conserved charges which present intriguing properties in relation to very specific space-time parity transformations. For the case of two-soliton solutions where the fields are eigenstates of this parity, those charges are asymptotically conserved in the scattering process of the solitons. Even though the charges vary in time their values in the far past and the far future are the same. Such results are obtained through analytical and numerical methods, and employ adaptations of algebraic techniques used in integrable field theories. Our findings may have important consequences on the applications of these models in several areas of non-linear science. We make a detailed numerical study of the modified NLS potential of the form V similar to (vertical bar psi vertical bar(2))(2+epsilon), with epsilon being a perturbation parameter. We perform numerical simulations of the scattering of solitons for this model and find a good agreement with the results predicted by the analytical considerations. Our paper shows that the quasi-integrability concepts recently proposed in the context of modifications of the sine-Gordon model remain valid for perturbations of the NLS model.


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[ES] La Planificación de Rutas o Caminos es un disciplina de Robótica que trata la búsqueda de caminos factibles u óptimos. Para la mayoría de vehículos y entornos, no es un problema trivial y por tanto nos encontramos con un gran diversidad de algoritmos para resolverlo, no sólo en Robótica e Inteligencia Artificial, sino también como parte de la literatura de Optimización, con Métodos Numéricos y Algoritmos Bio-inspirados, como Algoritmos Genéticos y el Algoritmo de la Colonia de Hormigas. El caso particular de escenarios de costes variables es considerablemente difícil de abordar porque el entorno en el que se mueve el vehículo cambia con el tiempo. El presente trabajo de tesis estudia este problema y propone varias soluciones prácticas para aplicaciones de Robótica Submarina.


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Reinforced concrete columns might fail because of buckling of the longitudinal reinforcing bar when exposed to earthquake motions. Depending on the hoop stiffness and the length-over-diameter ratio, the instability can be local (in between two subsequent hoops) or global (the buckling length comprises several hoop spacings). To get insight into the topic, an extensive literary research of 19 existing models has been carried out including different approaches and assumptions which yield different results. Finite element fiberanalysis was carried out to study the local buckling behavior with varying length-over-diameter and initial imperfection-over-diameter ratios. The comparison of the analytical results with some experimental results shows good agreement before the post buckling behavior undergoes large deformation. Furthermore, different global buckling analysis cases were run considering the influence of different parameters; for certain hoop stiffnesses and length-over-diameter ratios local buckling was encountered. A parametric study yields an adimensional critical stress in function of a stiffness ratio characterized by the reinforcement configuration. Colonne in cemento armato possono collassare per via dell’instabilità dell’armatura longitudinale se sottoposte all’azione di un sisma. In funzione della rigidezza dei ferri trasversali e del rapporto lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro, l’instabilità può essere locale (fra due staffe adiacenti) o globale (la lunghezza d’instabilità comprende alcune staffe). Per introdurre alla materia, è proposta un’esauriente ricerca bibliografica di 19 modelli esistenti che include approcci e ipotesi differenti che portano a risultati distinti. Tramite un’analisi a fibre e elementi finiti si è studiata l’instabilità locale con vari rapporti lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro e imperfezione iniziale-diametro. Il confronto dei risultati analitici con quelli sperimentali mostra una buona coincidenza fino al raggiungimento di grandi spostamenti. Inoltre, il caso d’instabilità globale è stato simulato valutando l’influenza di vari parametri; per certe configurazioni di rigidezza delle staffe e lunghezza d’inflessione-diametro si hanno ottenuto casi di instabilità locale. Uno studio parametrico ha permesso di ottenere un carico critico adimensionale in funzione del rapporto di rigidezza dato dalle caratteristiche dell’armatura.


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In questi ultimi anni il tema della sicurezza sismica degli edifici storici in muratura ha assunto particolare rilievo in quanto a partire soprattutto dall’ordinanza 3274 del 2003, emanata in seguito al sisma che colpì il Molise nel 2002, la normativa ha imposto un monitoraggio ed una classificazione degli edifici storici sotto tutela per quanto riguarda la vulnerabilità sismica (nel 2008, quest’anno, scade il termine per attuare quest’opera di classificazione). Si è posto per questo in modo più urgente il problema dello studio del comportamento degli edifici storici (non solo quelli che costituiscono monumento, ma anche e soprattutto quelli minori) e della loro sicurezza. Le Linee Guida di applicazione dell’Ordinanza 3274 nascono con l’intento di fornire strumenti e metodologie semplici ed efficaci per affrontare questo studio nei tempi previsti. Il problema si pone in modo particolare per le chiese, presenti in grande quantità sul territorio italiano e di cui costituiscono gran parte del patrimonio culturale; questi edifici, composti di solito da grandi elementi murari, non presentano comportamento scatolare, mancando orizzontamenti, elementi di collegamento efficace e muri di spina interni e sono particolarmente vulnerabili ad azioni sismiche; presentano inoltre un comportamento strutturale a sollecitazioni orizzontali che non può essere colto con un approccio globale basato, ad esempio, su un’analisi modale lineare: non ci sono modi di vibrare che coinvolgano una sufficiente parte di massa della struttura; si hanno valori dei coefficienti di partecipazione dei varii modi di vibrare minori del 10% (in generale molto più bassi). Per questo motivo l’esperienza e l’osservazione di casi reali suggeriscono un approccio di studio degli edifici storici sacri in muratura attraverso l’analisi della sicurezza sismica dei cosiddetti “macroelementi” in cui si può suddividere un edificio murario, i quali sono elementi che presentano un comportamento strutturale autonomo. Questo lavoro si inserisce in uno studio più ampio iniziato con una tesi di laurea dal titolo “Analisi Limite di Strutture in Muratura. Teoria e Applicazione all'Arco Trionfale” (M. Temprati), che ha studiato il comportamento dell’arco trionfale della chiesa collegiata di Santa Maria del Borgo a San Nicandro Garganico (FG). Suddividere un edificio in muratura in più elementi è il metodo proposto nelle Linee Guida, di cui si parla nel primo capitolo del presente lavoro: la vulnerabilità delle strutture può essere studiata tramite il moltiplicatore di collasso quale parametro in grado di esprimere il livello di sicurezza sismica. Nel secondo capitolo si illustra il calcolo degli indici di vulnerabilità e delle accelerazioni di danno per la chiesa di Santa Maria del Borgo, attraverso la compilazione delle schede dette “di II livello”, secondo quanto indicato nelle Linee Guida. Nel terzo capitolo viene riportato il calcolo del moltiplicatore di collasso a ribaltamento della facciata della chiesa. Su questo elemento si è incentrata l’attenzione nel presente lavoro. A causa della complessità dello schema strutturale della facciata connessa ad altri elementi dell’edificio, si è fatto uso del codice di calcolo agli elementi finiti ABAQUS. Della modellazione del materiale e del settaggio dei parametri del software si è discusso nel quarto capitolo. Nel quinto capitolo si illustra l’analisi condotta tramite ABAQUS sullo stesso schema della facciata utilizzato per il calcolo manuale nel capitolo tre: l’utilizzo combinato dell’analisi cinematica e del metodo agli elementi finiti permette per esempi semplici di convalidare i risultati ottenibili con un’analisi non-lineare agli elementi finiti e di estenderne la validità a schemi più completi e più complessi. Nel sesto capitolo infatti si riportano i risultati delle analisi condotte con ABAQUS su schemi strutturali in cui si considerano anche gli elementi connessi alla facciata. Si riesce in questo modo ad individuare con chiarezza il meccanismo di collasso di più facile attivazione per la facciata e a trarre importanti informazioni sul comportamento strutturale delle varie parti, anche in vista di un intervento di ristrutturazione e miglioramento sismico.