978 resultados para Healthy practices


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The Leopold Center was created by the Iowa Legislature as part of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987. The Leopold Center believes contribute to a healthy ways of thinking about markets for Iowa farmers, a better understanding of local ecosystems, public policies and economic practices, and partnerships with consumers.


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The Leopold Center was created by the Iowa Legislature as part of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987. The Leopold Center believes contribute to a healthy ways of thinking about markets for Iowa farmers, a better understanding of local ecosystems, public policies and economic practices, and partnerships with consumers.


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The Leopold Center was created by the Iowa Legislature as part of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987. The Leopold Center believes contribute to a healthy ways of thinking about markets for Iowa farmers, a better understanding of local ecosystems, public policies and economic practices, and partnerships with consumers.


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The Leopold Center was created by the Iowa Legislature as part of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987. The Leopold Center believes contribute to a healthy ways of thinking about markets for Iowa farmers, a better understanding of local ecosystems, public policies and economic practices, and partnerships with consumers.


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The Leopold Center was created by the Iowa Legislature as part of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987. The Leopold Center believes contribute to a healthy ways of thinking about markets for Iowa farmers, a better understanding of local ecosystems, public policies and economic practices, and partnerships with consumers.


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The Leopold Center was created by the Iowa Legislature as part of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987. The Leopold Center believes contribute to a healthy ways of thinking about markets for Iowa farmers, a better understanding of local ecosystems, public policies and economic practices, and partnerships with consumers.


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In humans, NK receptors are expressed by natural killer cells and some T cells, the latter of which are preferentially alphabetaTCR+ CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL). In this study we analyzed the expression of nine NK receptors (p58.1, p58.2, p70, p140, ILT2, NKRP1A, ZIN176, CD94 and CD94/NKG2A) in PBL from both healthy donors and melanoma patients. The percentages of NK receptor-positive T cells (NKT cells) varied strongly, and this variation was more important between individual patients than between individual healthy donors. In all the individuals, the NKT cells were preferentially CD28-, and a significant correlation was found between the percentage of CD28- T cells and the percentage of NK receptor+ T cells. Based on these data and the known activated phenotype of CD28- T cells, we propose that the CD28- CD8+ T cell pool represents or contains the currently active CTL population, and that the frequent expression of NK receptors reflects regulatory mechanisms modulating the extent of CTL effector function. Preliminary results indicate that some tumor antigen-specific T cells may indeed be CD28- and express NK receptors in vivo.


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Résumé L'administration par voie orale d'acides gras polyinsaturés de type ω-3 contenus dans l'huile de poisson exerce des effets bénéfiques sur la réponse métabolique et inflammatoire chez des sujets sains soumis à une injection d'endotoxine. Ce modèle expérimental a été validé pour l'investigation clinique. Il simule un sepsis et induit une réponse comparable à un état grippal, accompagné de modifications métaboliques et inflammatoires. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les effets de l'huile de poisson administré par voie intraveineuse sur la réponse à l'endotoxine chez le sujet sain. L'hypothèse est qu'il sera possible de réduire le temps de latence en comparaison avec la voie orale. Pour ce faire, nous avons inclut dans une étude prospective randomisée 16 volontaires sains âgés de 16 à 35 ans et les avons répartis en 2 groupes : l'un recevant une émulsion lipidique contenant les acides gras polyinsaturés EPA et DHA et l'autre, sans traitement, constituant le groupe contrôle. Huit sujets reçoivent une perfusion continue de 0.5g/kg d'huile de poisson durant 6h, 48h et 24h avant la journée test. Lors de cette journée test, tous les volontaires ont reçu une dose d'endotoxine (2mg/kg) au temps t0. Les paramètres vitaux sont monitorés et enregistrés : fréquence cardiaque, respiratoire, pression artérielle, saturation artérielle en oxygène, ainsi que température. Des prises de sang sont effectuées à intervalles réguliers pour déterminer 1) l'incorporation membranaire des thrombocytes en EPA et DHA ; 2) le taux plasmatique d'hormones (insulin, glucagon, cortisol, ACTH et catécholamines), de marqueurs inflammatoires (TNF-α, IL-6, hsCRP), ainsi que de substrats énergétiques (glucose, lactate, acides gras libres et triglycérides). La dépense énergétique est déterminée par calorimétrie indirecte. L'analyse statistique est effectuée par analyse de variance (ANOVA). Les résultats montrent une incorporation significative de EPA et DHA au niveau membranaire des thrombocytes. L'huile de poisson induit une atténuation significative de la réponse neuro-endocrinienne et inflammatoire en réponse à l'injection d'endotoxine avec diminution de la fièvre (-0.7°C), ainsi que du taux plasmatique ,d'ACTH (-68%), TNF-α (-63%) et de noradrénaline (-%) dans le groupe huile de poisson. En conclusion, cette étude montre que la supplémentation de 2 doses d'huile de poisson par voie intraveineuse modifie la composition phospholipidique des membranes des thrombocytes et diminue la réaction inflammatoire et neuroendocrinienne en réponse à l'endotoxine. Ces résultats positifs ouvrent la perspective d'une supplémentation parentérale préopératoire en acides gras polyinsaturés ω-3 pour diminuer le stress lié à la chirurgie majeure.


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BACKGROUND: High fructose consumption is suspected to be causally linked to the epidemics of obesity and metabolic disorders. In rodents, fructose leads to insulin resistance and ectopic lipid deposition. In humans, the effects of fructose on insulin sensitivity remain debated, whereas its effect on ectopic lipids has never been investigated. OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of moderate fructose supplementation on insulin sensitivity (IS) and ectopic lipids in healthy male volunteers (n = 7). DESIGN: IS, intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured before and after 1 and 4 wk of a high-fructose diet containing 1.5 g fructose . kg body wt(-1) . d(-1). Adipose tissue IS was evaluated from nonesterified fatty acid suppression, hepatic IS from suppression of hepatic glucose output (6,6-2H2-glucose), and muscle IS from the whole-body glucose disposal rate during a 2-step hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. IHCL and IMCL were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. RESULTS: Fructose caused significant (P < 0.05) increases in fasting plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol (36%), VLDL-triacylglycerol (72%), lactate (49%), glucose (5.5%), and leptin (48%) without any significant changes in body weight, IHCL, IMCL, or IS. IHCL were negatively correlated with triacylglycerol after 4 wk of the high-fructose diet (r = -0.78, P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Moderate fructose supplementation over 4 wk increases plasma triacylglycerol and glucose concentrations without causing ectopic lipid deposition or insulin resistance in healthy humans.


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Consumption of simple carbohydrates has markedly increased over the past decades, and may be involved in the increased prevalence in metabolic diseases. Whether an increased intake of fructose is specifically related to a dysregulation of glucose and lipid metabolism remains controversial. We therefore compared the effects of hypercaloric diets enriched with fructose (HFrD) or glucose (HGlcD) in healthy men. Eleven subjects were studied in a randomised order after 7 d of the following diets: (1) weight maintenance, control diet; (2) HFrD (3.5 g fructose/kg fat-free mass (ffm) per d, +35 % energy intake); (3) HGlcD (3.5 g glucose/kg ffm per d, +35 % energy intake). Fasting hepatic glucose output (HGO) was measured with 6,6-2H2-glucose. Intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL) and intramyocellular lipids (IMCL) were measured by 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Both fructose and glucose increased fasting VLDL-TAG (HFrD: +59 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +31 %, P = 0.11) and IHCL (HFrD: +52 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +58 %, P = 0.06). HGO increased after both diets (HFrD: +5 %, P < 0.05; HGlcD: +5 %, P = 0.05). No change was observed in fasting glycaemia, insulin and alanine aminotransferase concentrations. IMCL increased significantly only after the HGlcD (HFrD: +24 %, NS; HGlcD: +59 %, P < 0.05). IHCL and VLDL-TAG were not different between hypercaloric HFrD and HGlcD, but were increased compared to values observed with a weight maintenance diet. However, glucose led to a higher increase in IMCL than fructose.


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The aim of this paper is to describe the process and challenges in building exposure scenarios for engineered nanomaterials (ENM), using an exposure scenario format similar to that used for the European Chemicals regulation (REACH). Over 60 exposure scenarios were developed based on information from publicly available sources (literature, books, and reports), publicly available exposure estimation models, occupational sampling campaign data from partnering institutions, and industrial partners regarding their own facilities. The primary focus was on carbon-based nanomaterials, nano-silver (nano-Ag) and nano-titanium dioxide (nano-TiO2), and included occupational and consumer uses of these materials with consideration of the associated environmental release. The process of building exposure scenarios illustrated the availability and limitations of existing information and exposure assessment tools for characterizing exposure to ENM, particularly as it relates to risk assessment. This article describes the gaps in the information reviewed, recommends future areas of ENM exposure research, and proposes types of information that should, at a minimum, be included when reporting the results of such research, so that the information is useful in a wider context.


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Please cite this paper as: Maurer et al. (2012) Who knew? Awareness of being recommended for influenza vaccination among US adults. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses 6(4), 284-290. Background  Starting with the 2010-2011 influenza season, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends annual influenza vaccination to all people aged 6 months and older unless contraindicated. Objectives  To measure perceived influenza vaccination recommendation status among US adults (n = 2122) and its association with socio-demographic characteristics and recommendation status during the 2009-2010 pandemic influenza season. Methods  We analyze nationally representative data from longitudinal Internet surveys of US adults conducted in November-December 2009 and September-October 2010. Results  During the 2010-2011 vaccination season, 46·2 percent (95%-CI: 43·3-49·1%) of US adults correctly reported to be covered by a government recommendation for influenza vaccination. Awareness of being covered by a government influenza vaccination recommendation was statistically significantly higher among non-working adults and adults who had been recommended for seasonal vaccination or both seasonal and H1N1 vaccination during the 2009-2010 pandemic influenza vaccination season. Conclusion  Our results highlight that a majority of US adults do not know that they are recommended for annual influenza vaccination by the government. The fraction of adults who are unaware of their recommendation status is especially large among newly recommended healthy young adults. The universal vaccination recommendations will only be successful if they reach both patients and physicians and lead to changing vaccination practices. The universal nature of the new recommendation simplifies vaccination-related outreach and compliance with government vaccination guidelines considerably, as it does not require any identification of specific recommendation groups based on complex personal or health risk factors.


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Many good maintenance practices are done routinely to ensure safe travel on low-volume local roads. In addition, there are many specific treatments that may go beyond the point of routine maintenance and in fact provide additional safety benefits with a relatively low price tag. The purpose of this publication is to try to assemble many of these treatments that are currently practiced in Iowa by local agencies into one, easy-to-reference handbook that not only provides some clarity to each treatment with photos and narrative, but also features references to agencies currently using that technique. Some strategies that are utilized by Iowa, other states, and are topics of research have also been included to allow the user more information about possible options. Even though some areas overlap, the strategies presented have been grouped together in the following areas: Signing and Delineation, Traffic "Calming," Pavement Marking and Rumble Strips/Stripes, Roadside and Clear Zone, Guardrail and Barriers, Lighting, Pavements and Shoulders, Intersections, Railroad Crossings, Bridges and Culverts, and Miscellaneous. The intention is to make this a “living” document, which will continue to be updated and expanded periodically as other existing practices are recognized or new practices come into being.


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The Leopold Center was created by the Iowa Legislature as part of the Iowa Groundwater Protection Act of 1987. The Leopold Center believes contribute to a healthy ways of thinking about markets for Iowa farmers, a better understanding of local ecosystems, public policies and economic practices, and partnerships with consumers.


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This bimonthly electronic newsletter will provide information and resources on nutrition and health promotion and disease prevention. The Healthy Aging Update is produced for informal and educational purposes only. The newsletter will be distributed electronically and posted on the Department’s website at www.state.ia.us/elderaffairs.