989 resultados para Health Sciences, Toxicology|Biology, Microbiology


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The aim of this study was to examine the association between determinants of access to healthcare and preventable hospitalizations, based on Davidson et al.'s framework for evaluating the effects of individual and community determinants on access to healthcare. The study population consisted of the low income, non-elderly, hospitalized adults residing in Harris County, Texas in 2004. The objectives of this study were to examine the proportion of the variance in preventable hospitalizations at the ZIP-code level, to analyze the association between the proximity to the nearest safety net clinic and preventable hospitalizations, to examine how the safety net capacity relates to preventable hospitalizations, to compare the relative strength of the associations of health insurance and the proximity to the nearest safety net clinic with preventable hospitalizations, and to estimate and compare the costs of preventable hospitalizations in Harris County with the average cost in the literature. The data were collected from Texas Health Care Information Collection (2004), Census 2000, and Project Safety Net (2004). A total of 61,841 eligible individuals were included in the final data analysis. A random-intercept multi-level model was constructed with two different levels of data: the individual level and the ZIP-code level. The results of this study suggest that ZIP-code characteristics explain about two percent of the variance in preventable hospitalizations and safety net capacity was marginally significantly associated with preventable hospitalizations (p= 0.062). Proximity to the nearest safety net clinic was not related to preventable hospitalizations; however, health insurance was significantly associated with a decreased risk of preventable hospitalization. The average direct cost was $6,466 per preventable hospitalization, which is significantly different from reports in the literature. ^


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This study assesses adolescent's health issues in Comal County, TX. Adolescents are defined as youth between the ages of 12 to 17 years of age, who resided in Comal County during the time period of 2000 to 2007. The analysis focused on high risk behaviors including use of gateway drugs—tobacco and alcohol; illegal substance use; and reproductive health related indicators, including sexual activity, sexually transmitted diseases, and pregnancy. This study is based on the primary and secondary data collected as part of the 2008 Comal County Community Assessment. It compares findings from the primary data sources to extant data from four secondary data sources including: (1) The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (national) Healthy People 2010; (2) The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey, 2007; (3) The Texas Department of State Health Services, 2000 to 2007; and The Pride Survey (Local and Statewide). The methods are drawn from the literature on "rapid epidemiologic appraisal" (Annett H. & Rifkin S. B., 1988). The study focus on corroborating the perceptions, subjective concerns, opinions and beliefs of the Comal County key stakeholders and community participants with qualitative and quantitative indicators of health and well being. The value of this approach is to inform community leaders using a public health perspective and evidence in their decisions about priority setting and resources allocation activities for prevention of high risk behaviors and promotion of adolescent health and well being. ^


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The unprecedented attacks of September 11, 2001, and the subsequent anthrax-related events thrust our nation's often forgotten public health system into the forefront of public attention. A strong public health system with a well-prepared workforce plays a critical role in preparing for and responding to the threat of bioterrorism and other disasters and emergencies. Technical expertise is critical as is a basic awareness and understanding of core public health competencies especially as they relate to disaster and emergency response is also imperative for a public health agency to function as a vital Emergency Response team member. Ideally this training should begin at the Public Health graduate level so as to provide the baseline core tools to be able to function as a vital team member when they are practicing out in the real world. Online learning is an efficient and effective method for providing public health education to in a flexible format to meet the needs of busy student-professions. This Public Health Disaster Preparedness online course developed during an Emergency Response state program practicum is a practical and proficient approach to accomplish this endeavor. ^


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In 1979, China implemented the one child policy to stifle the burden of the massive demographic growth cast on the future economic development and quality of living conditions. At the time, a quarter of the world's population resided in China and occupied only 7 percent of the world's arable land (The World Factbook, 2006). The government set the target total population to about 1.4 billion for the year 2010 and to significantly reduce the natural increase rate. First this overview paper will describe population demographics and economy of China's society. This paper will also investigate what the one child policy entails and how it is implemented. Furthermore, the consequences of the policy in regard to population growth, sex ratio, marital discrepancies, adverse health of mother and child, aging population, and pension coverage will be examined. Finally, future recommendations and an alternative policy will be postulated to increase the effectiveness of the policy and improve its effects on health. ^


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Indigent and congregate-living populations have high susceptibilities for disease and pose a higher risk for disease transmission to family, friends and to persons providing services to these populations. The adoption of basic infection control, personal hygiene, safe food handling and simple engineering practices will reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission to, from and among indigent and congregate-living populations. ^ The provision of social services, health promotion activities and other support services to indigent and congregate-living populations is an important aspect of many public health-related governmental, community-based and other medical care provider agencies. ^ In the interest of protecting the health of indigent and congregate-living populations, of personnel from organizations providing services to these populations and of the general community, an educational intervention is warranted to prevent the spread of blood-borne, air-borne, food-borne and close contact-borne infectious diseases. ^ An educational presentation was provided to staff from a community-based organization specializing in providing housing, health education, foodstuffs and meals and support services to disabled, low-income, homeless and HIV-infected individuals. The educational presentation delivered general best practices and standard guidelines. A pre and post test were administered to determine and measure knowledge pertinent to controlling the spread of infectious diseases between and among homeless shelter-living clients and between clients and the organization's staff. ^ Comparing pre-test and post-test results revealed areas of knowledge currently held by staff and other areas that staff would benefit from additional educational seminars and training. ^


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Objectives. The chief goal of this study was to analyze copy number variation (CNV) in breast cancer tumors from 25 African American women with early stage breast cancer (BC) using molecular inversion probes (MIP) in order to: (1) compare the degree of CNV in tumors compared to normal lymph nodes, and (2) determine whether gains and/or losses of genes in specific chromosomes differ between pathologic subtypes of breast cancer defined by known prognostic markers, (3) determine whether gains/losses in CN are associated with known oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes, and (4) determine whether increased gains/losses in CN for specific chromosomes were associated with differences in breast cancer recurrence. ^ Methods. Twenty to 37 nanograms of DNA extracted from 25 formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tumor samples and matched normal lymph nodes were added to individual tubes. Oligonucleotide probes with recognition sequences at each terminus were hybridized with a genomic target sequence to form a circular structure. Probes are released from genomic DNA obtained from FFPE samples, and those which have been correctly "circularized" in the proper allele/nucleotide reaction combination are amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers. Amplicons were fluorescently labeled and the tag sequences released from the genome homology regions by treatment with uracil-N-glycosylase to cleave the probe at the site where uracils are present, and detected using a complementary tag array developed by Affymetrix. ^ Results. Analysis of CN gains and losses from tumors and normal tissues showed marked differences in tumors with numerous chromosomes affected. Similar changes were not observed in normal lymph nodes. When tumors were stratified into four groups based on expression or lack of expression of the estrogen receptor and HER2/neu, distinct patterns of CNV for different chromosomes were observed. Gains or losses in CN for specific chromosomes correlated with amplifications/deletions of particular oncogenes or tumor suppressor genes (i.e. such as found on chromosome 17) known to be associated with aggressive tumor phenotype and poor prognosis. There was a trend for increases in CN observed for chromosome 17 to correlate inversely with time to recurrence of BC (p=0.14 for trend). CNV was also observed for chromosomes 5, 8, 10, 11, and 16, which are known sites for several breast cancer susceptibility alleles. ^ Conclusions. This study is the first to validate the MIP technique, to correlate differences in gene expression with known prognostic tumor markers, and to correlate significant increases/decreases in CN with known tumor markers associated with prognosis. The results of this study may have far reaching public health implications towards identifying new high-risk groups based on genomic differences in CNP, both with respect to prognosis and response to therapy, and to eventually identify new therapeutic targets for prevention and treatment of this disease. ^


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Dental caries is a common preventable childhood disease leading to severe physical, mental and economic repercussions for children and their families if left untreated. A needs assessment in Harris County reported that 45.9% of second graders had untreated dental caries. In order to address this growing problem, the School Sealant Program (SSP), a primary preventive initiative, was launched by the Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) to provide oral health education, and underutilized dental preventive services to second grade children from participating Local School Districts (LSDs). ^ To determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the SSP, a program evaluation was conducted by the HDHHS between September 2007 and June 2008 for the Oral Health Education (OHE) component of the SSP. The objective of the evaluation was to assess short term changes in oral health knowledge of the participants and determine if these changes, if any, were due to the OHE sessions. An 8-item multiple choice pre/post test was developed for this purpose and administered to the participants before and immediately after the OHE sessions. ^ The present project analyzed pre and post test data of 1,088 second graders from 22 participating schools. Changes in overall and topic-specific knowledge of the program participants before and after the OHE sessions were analyzed using the Wilcoxon's signed rank test. ^ Results. The overall knowledge assessment showed a statistically significant (p <0.001) increase in the dental health knowledge of the participants after the oral health education sessions. Participants in the higher scoring category (7-8 correct responses) increased from 9.5% at baseline to 60.8% after the education sessions. Overall knowledge increased in all school regions with the highest knowledge gains seen in the Central and South regions. Males and females had similar knowledge gains. Significant knowledge differences were also found for each of the topic specific categories (functions of teeth, healthy diet, healthy habits, dental sealants; p<0.001) indicating an increase in topic specific knowledge of the participants post-health education sessions. ^ Conclusions. The OHE sessions were successful in increasing the short term oral health knowledge of the participants. ^


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The events of the 1990's and early 2000's demonstrated the need for effective planning and response to natural and man-made disasters. One of those potential natural disasters is pandemic flu. Once defined, the CDC stated that program, or plan, effectiveness is improved through the process of program evaluation. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999) Program evaluation should be accomplished not only periodically, but in the course of routine administration of the program. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999) Accomplishing this task for a "rare, but significant event" is challenging. (Herbold, John R., PhD., 2008) To address this challenge, the RAND Corporation (under contract to the CDC) developed the "Facilitated Look-Backs" approach that was tested and validated at the state level. (Aledort et al., 2006).^ Nevertheless, no comprehensive and generally applicable pandemic influenza program evaluation tool or model is readily found for use at the local public health department level. This project developed such a model based on the "Facilitated Look-Backs" approach developed by RAND Corporation. (Aledort et al., 2006) Modifications to the RAND model included stakeholder additions, inclusion of all six CDC program evaluation steps, and suggestions for incorporating pandemic flu response plans in seasonal flu management implementation. Feedback on the model was then obtained from three LPHD's—one rural, one suburban, and one urban. These recommendations were incorporated into the final model. Feedback from the sites also supported the assumption that this model promotes the effective and efficient evaluation of both pandemic flu and seasonal flu response by reducing redundant evaluations of pandemic flu plans, seasonal flu plans, and funding requirement accountability. Site feedback also demonstrated that the model is comprehensive and flexible, so it can be adapted and applied to different LPHD needs and settings. It also stimulates evaluation of the major issues associated with pandemic flu planning. ^ The next phase in evaluating this model should be to apply it in a program evaluation of one or more LPHD's seasonal flu response that incorporates pandemic flu response plans.^


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Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. Although HPV prevalence is high in the United States, there are a limited number of research studies that focus on Hispanics, who have higher incidence rates of cervical cancer than their non-Hispanic counterparts. The HPV vaccine introduced in 2006 may offer a feasible solution to the issues surrounding high prevalence of HPV. Due to the high prevalence of HPV infection among adolescents and young adults it has been suggested that HPV vaccination begin prior to onset sexual activity and focus on non-sexually active adolescents and pre-adolescents. Consequently, it has become increasingly important to assess knowledge and awareness of HPV in order to develop effective intervention strategies. This pilot study evaluated the knowledge and health beliefs of Hispanic parents regarding HPV and the HPV vaccine using a newly developed questionnaire based on the constructs of the Health Belief Model. The sample was recruited from an ob-gyn office in El Paso, Texas. Descriptive data show that the majority of the sample was female (94.1%), Hispanic (76.5%), Catholic (64.7%), and had at least a high school education (55.9%). Chi-square analysis revealed that the following variables differed amongst parents who intended to vaccinate their child against HPV and those who did not: religion (p=0.038), perceived severity item "HPV infections are easily treated" (p=0.052), perceived benefits item "It is better to vaccinate a child against an STI before they become sexually active" (p=0.014) and perceived barriers item "The HPV vaccine may have serious side effects that could harm my child" (p=0.004). Univariate logistic regression indicated that religion (OR = 4.8, CI: 1.04, 21.8) and "The HPV vaccine may have serious side effects that could harm my child" (OR = 15.9, CI: 1.73, 145.8) were significant predictors of parental intention to vaccinate. Multivariate logistic regression, using backwards elimination, indicated that religion (OR = 7.7, CI: 1.25, 47.8) and "The HPV vaccine may have serious side effects that may harm my child" (OR = 7.6, CI: 1.15, 50.2) were the best predictive variables for parental intention to vaccinate. ^


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Objective. To identify how an individual's finances and health insurance coverage affects their decision whether to avoid or delay medical care. Methods. Secondary data analysis of The Effects of Financial and Insurance Considerations on Health Care Utilization 2007 telephone survey data. Study inclusion criteria. 18 years old, Harris County resident, and had a need for medical care within the past year. Post weighing was done to correct for non-response bias. Results. Survey decision makers were predominately minorities (60%), Female (70%), and insured (71%). Ninety-two percent of participants sought care when needed, however, of this population 39% delayed medical care. Fifty-six percent of participants who delayed medical care sought care in the Doctor's office. For those who replied "Yes" to considering health insurance and finances in deciding to avoid medical care, 61% stated that they were confused about their insurance coverage as the explanation why. Fifty-five percent of Respondents indicated that delaying medical care was due to not knowing whether medical care was necessary. Conclusion. Additional research needs to be conducted to examine the relationship between onset of medical symptoms and final medical diagnosis to identify whether survey participants who delayed or avoided medical care actions were appropriate responses to their initial medical symptoms and final diagnosis. ^


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Trimethylaminuria (TMAU) or Fish odor syndrome is an autosomal recessive disease that is characterized by pungent body odor with subsequent psychosocial complications. There are limited studies of the sequence variants causing TMAU in the literature with most studies describing only one or two patients and lacking genotype-phenotype correlations. Also to date, there is no laboratory in the US or Europe that offers TMA genetic testing on a clinical basis. We have recently validated genetic testing in the University of Colorado DNA Diagnostic Laboratory. We have a database of a few dozen patients with a biochemical diagnosis of TMA at the University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center (UCDHSC) which includes a few patients with the classical form of the disease. We have used the newly established clinical test in our institution to attempt to characterize the genotype (sequence variants including mutations and polymorphisms) of classical TMAU patients and to establish a genotype-phenotype (biochemical and clinical) association. The questionnaire results confirmed most of the previously reported epidemiological findings of TMAU and also indicated that TMAU patients use multiple intervention measures in attempt to control their symptoms with dietary control being most effective. Despite the complexity of intervention, most patients did not have any medical follow up and there was underutilization of specialist care. In a set of our patients, two deleterious mutations were identified in 4/12 patients including a novel T237P sequence variant, while the majority of our patients (8/12) did not reveal any mutations. Some of the latter were double heterozygous for the E158K and E308G polymorphisms which could explain a mild phenotype while others had only the E158K variant which raised the question of undetected mutations. These results indicate that further experiments are needed to further delineate the full mutational spectrum of the FMO3 gene. ^


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Background. Previous studies show emergency rooms to be over crowded nation wide. With growing attention to this problem, the Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC) initiated a study in 2005 to assess their region's emergency health care system, and continued this effort in 2007. The purpose of this study was to examine recent changes in volume, capacity and performance in the Houston-Galveston region's emergency health care system and determine whether the system has been able to effectively respond to the residents' demands. Methods. Data were collected by the Houston-Galveston Area Council and The Abaris Group using a self-administered 2002-2006 survey completed by administrators of the region's hospitals, EMS providers, and select fire departments that provide EMS services. Data from both studies were combined and matched to examine trends. Results. Volume increased among the reporting hospitals within the Houston-Galveston region from 2002 to 2006; however, capacity remained relatively unchanged. EMS providers reported higher average off load times in 2007 compared to 2005, but the increases were not statistically significant. Hospitals reported transferring a statistically significant greater percentage of patients in 2006 than 2004. There was no statistically significant change in any of the other measures. Conclusion. These findings indicate an increase in demand for the Houston-Galveston region's emergency healthcare services with no change in supply. Additional studies within the area are needed to fully assess and evaluate the impact of these changes on system performance. ^


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Purpose. The purpose of the study was to use measures of an HIV positive child's health to examine whether or not there is a difference in their health status according to caretaker and household economic status. ^ Study design. This was a case comparison study between HIV infected children living with parents and those living with grandparents. ^ Study setting. The study was conducted at the Pediatric Infectious Disease Clinic (PIDC) in Mulago, Kampala, Uganda. ^ Participants. 369 HIV-infected children aged seven months to 15 years attending the PIDC between June 13th and August 15th 2007 as well as their caretakers. ^ Method. Patients were recruited during their clinic visits after they had seen the health care providers and waited to receive their medication. Methods used included a survey of all the 369 caregiver participants and abstraction of data from the 369 patient charts. ^ Results. There was no significant association between staging and caretaker status (OR: 0.73 95%CI 0.44–1.21 p=0.09). Children taken care of by grandparents were more likely to have low height for age z-scores and higher weight for height z-scores (OR: 0.32, 95%CI: 0.14–0.74, p = 0.005). There was no difference is social support seeking behavior between parents and grandparents. ^ Conclusion. There was no statistically significant association observed between caretaker status and presenting in advanced stages. This implies that the stage at which HIV-infected children present for care is not determined by the type of caretaker. Caretakers for HIV-infected children need a lot of support beyond medical care. ^


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Toxic side effect is a major problem in cancer chemotherapy. Therefore, identification and development of new agents that can selectively remove cancer with low toxicity to normal cells would have significant clinical impact. Compared to normal cells, cancer cells are under intrinsic stress with elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. My research aimed to exploit this biochemical alteration as a novel basis to develop a selective agent. The goal of my dissertation research was to test the hypothesis that since most cancer cells are under higher oxidative stress than normal cells, compounds which modulate oxidative stress such as pphenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) may preferentially impact cancer cells through ROS-mediated mechanisms and have implications in cancer therapeutics. Using H-RasV1-transformed ovarian cells and their immortalized non-tumorigenic counterparts, I discovered that the transformed cells exhibited increased ROS generation and this intrinsic stress rendered them highly dependent on glutathione antioxidant system to maintain redox balance. Abolishing this system by PEITC through depletion of glutathione and inhibition of GPX activity led to a preferential ROS increase in the transformed cells. The severe ROS accumulation caused oxidative damage to the mitochondria membranes and impaired the membrane integrity leading to massive cell death. In contrast, PEITC caused only a modest increase of ROS insufficient to cause significant cell death in non-transformed cells. Promisingly, PEITC exhibited anticancer activity in vivo by prolonging survival of mice bearing the Ras-transformed ovarian xenograft with minimal toxic side effect. Further study in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells isolated from the blood samples of CLL patients revealed that PEITC not only exhibits promising selectivity against primary CLL cells compared to normal lymphocytes, but it is also effective in removing CLL cells resistant to standard anti-cancer drug Fludarabine. In conclusion, the data implicate that intrinsic oxidative stress in cancer cells could serve as a biochemical basis to develop selective novel anticancer agents such as PEITC, with significant therapeutic implications. ^


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Research examining programs designed to retain patients in health care focus on repeated interactions between outreach workers and patients (Bradford et al. 2007; Cheever 2007). The purpose of this study was to determine if patients who are peer-mentored at their intake exam remain in care longer and attend more physicians' visits than those who were not mentored. Using patients' medical records and a previously created mentor database, the study determined how many patients attended their intake visit but subsequently failed to establish regular care. The cohort study examined risk factors for establishing care, determined if patients lacking a peer mentor failed to establish care more than peer mentor assisted patients, and subsequently if peer mentored patients had better health outcomes. The sample consists of 1639 patients who were entered into the Thomas Street Patient Mentor Database between May 2005 and June 2007. The assignment to the mentored group was haphazardly conducted based on mentor availability. The data from the Mentor Database was then analyzed using descriptive statistical software (SPSS version 15; SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results indicated that patients who had a mentor at intake were more likely to return for primary care HIV visits at 90 and 180 days. Mentored patients also were more likely to be prescribed ART within 180 days from intake. Other risk factors that impacted remaining in care included gender, previous care status, time from diagnosis to intake visit, and intravenous drug use. Clinical health outcomes did not differ significantly between groups. This supports that mentoring did improve outcomes. Continuing to use peer-mentoring programs for HIV care may help in increasing retention of patients in care and improving patients' health in a cost effective manner. Future research on the effects of peer mentoring on mentors, and effects of concordance of mentor and patient demographics may help to further improve peer-mentoring programs. ^