979 resultados para Grammar School


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Traducido al castellano e inglés


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ENGLISH: The accuracy and precision of dolphin school size estimates based on aerial photograph counts were examined using data collected on recent aerial and ship surveys. These estimates were found to be accurate during a 1979research cruise aboard a tuna purse-seiner; dolphin schools were photographed from the ship’s helicopter, encircled with the purse-seine, and then counted as the dolphins were released from the net. A comparison of photographic estimates with these counts indicated that the relationship was fairly close and gave no indication of significantly differing from 1:1. During a 1980 aerial study, photographic estimates from different schools, passes, and camera formats were compared and were found to be quite precise with a standard deviation of approximately 60/0 of school size. Photographic estimates were also compared with estimates made by aerial observers. Most observers tended to underestimate school size, particularly for large schools. The variability among observers was high, indicating that observers should be individually calibrated. SPANISH: Se examinó la exactitud y la precisión de las estimaciones de la magnitud de los cardúmenes de delfines basadas en el cálculo de las fotografías aéreas, usando los datos obtenidos en los últimos reconocimientos aéreos y de los barcos. En 1979, durante un crucero de investigación en un cerquero atunero, se encontró que estas estimaciones eran acertadas; se fotografiaron los cardúmenes de delfines desde un helicóptero del barco, cercados con la red y luego se contaron a medida que se libraban los delfines de la red. Una comparación de las estimaciones fotográficas con estos cálculos indicó que la relación era bastante aproximada y no hubo indicación que se diferenció significativamente de la razón 1:1. Durante un estudio aéreo en 1980, se compararon las estimaciones fotográficas de diferentes del cardúmenes, en los pases y los formatos de las cámaras y se encontró que eran bastante precisos, con una desviación normal de cerca del 60/0 de la magnitud cardumen. Se compararon también las estimaciones fotográficas con las estimaciones realizadas por los observadores aéreos. La mayoría de los observadores tienden a subestimar la magnitud de los cardúmenes, especialmente los cardúmenes grandes. La variabilidad entre los observadores fue elevada, lo que indica que se deben calibrar individualmente los datos de observadores. (PDF contains 39 pages.)


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This survey was carried out to provide the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP), whose overall goal is the improvement of the standard of living of fishing communities around Kainji Lake, Nigeria, and an increase in the availability of fish to consumers, with nutritional status baseline data for long-term monitoring and evaluation of the overall project goal. In a cross-sectional survey, baseline anthropometric data was collected from 768 children, aged 3-60 months in 389 fisherfolk households around the southern sector of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. In addition, data was collected on the nutritional status and fertility of the mothers, vaccination coverage of children and child survival indicators. For control purposes, 576 children and 292 mothers from non-fishing households around Kainji Lake were likewise covered by the survey. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect relevant information, while anthropometric measurements were made using appropriate equipment. Data compilation and analysis was carried out with DATAEASE registered and EPI-INFO registered software, using NCHS reference data for the analysis of anthropometric measurements. The prevalence of stunted children in fishing households was high at 40%, while the prevalence of wasted and underweight children was likewise high at 10% and 29% respectively. Children from non-fishing households had a marginally lower prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight with 37%, 7% and 25 % respectively, although these differences were not statistically significant. Considering the fact that the survey was carried out during a period of relative food abundance, the prevalence of wasting and underweight children is likely to be much higher during periods of food shortage. The prevalence of stunting, wasting and underweight was relatively high for children aged 3 to 23 months, suggesting an increased risk of malnutrition during this period, most likely associated with inadequate weaning practices. The prevalence of malnourishment amongst women of child-bearing age was relatively high, irrespective of occupation of the household, with an average of 11% undernourished and 6% wasted. Vaccination coverage was very low while infant and child mortality were extremely high with about 1 in 5 children dying before their fifth birthday. Based on the ethical obligation to maximise the potential benefits of the survey, recommendations for activities to improve community nutrition and health were made for communication to relevant authorities. (PDF contains 52 pages)


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This survey was carried out to provide the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP), whose overall goal is the improvement of the standard of living of fishing communities around Kainji Lake, Nigeria, managing the fisheries on a sustainable basis, with follow-up data for long-term monitoring and evaluation of the overall project goal. A similar survey, conducted in 1996, provided the baseline against which data from the current survey was evaluated. In a cross-sectional survey, anthropometric data was collected from 576 children aged 3-60 months in 282 fisherfolk households around the southern sector of Kainji Lake, Nigeria. In addition, data was collected on the nutritional status and fertility of the mothers, vaccination coverage of children and child survival indicators. For control purposes, 374 children and 181 mothers from non-fishing households around Kainji Lake were likewise covered by the survey. A standardised questionnaire was used to collect relevant data, while anthropometric measurements were made using appropriate equipment. Data compilation and analysis was carried out with a specially designed Microsoft Access application, using NCHS reference data for the analysis of anthropometric measurements. Statistical significance testing was done using EPI-INFO" software. The results of the follow-up survey indicate a slight increase in the percentage of stunted pre-school children in fishing households around Kainji Lake, from 40% in 1996 to 41% in 1999. This increase is however not statistically significant (p= 0.704). Over the same period, the percentage of stunted children in non-fishing households increased from 37% to 39% (p= 0.540), which is also not statistically significant. Likewise, there were no statistically significant differences between the 1996 and 1999 results for the prevalence of either wasted or underweight children in fishing households. The same applies to children from non-fishing households. In addition, vaccination coverage remains very low while infant and child mortality rates continue to be extremely high with about 1 in 5 children dying before their fifth birthday. There has been no perceptible and lasting improvement in the standard of living of fishing households over the course of the second project phase as indicated by the persistently high prevalence of stunting. The situation is the same for the control group, indicating that for the region as a whole, a number of factors beyond the immediate influence of the project continue to negatively impact on the standard of living. The results also show that the project activities have not had any negative long-term effect on the nutritional status of the beneficiaries. (PDF contains 44 pages)


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This is a short grammar of the Basque language, or Euskara as it is called by its speakers. What follows is a partial description of the syntax of Euskara. The text has been arranged in the following fashion: there is an index where you can find the distribution of topics. Within each of the topics, an effort has been made to arrange information from general to specific, so that as you read into a given section, you will get into more details about the topic being under discussion. This grammar hopes to be useful to a wide variety of users. Therefore, it will probably not satisfy anyone completely: Those who want a quick 'feel' for the language will be disappointed by the slow and messy details the text dives into. Those who want a detailed, professional description will be disappointed by the lack of depth in the discussion. The text hopes to sit somewhere in the middle, and if it tells too much to those who want to know a little, and too little to those who want to know a lot, then it will have done its job.


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Esta dissertação busca contribuir para o ensino da língua materna promovendo uma análise linguístico - discursiva organizada em níveis das produções que compõem o corpus investigado. Considerando um universo de 375 produções discentes, propõe-se uma análise de 37 produções textuais de alunos dos Colégios Militares do Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Porto Alegre e Campo Grande, a fim de, com base no aporte teórico que estabelece a interseção da concepção tridimensional do discurso de Fairclough e as regularidades discursivas de Foucault, sejam propostos níveis de letramento da escrita de alunos do 6 ano do Ensino Fundamental. A proposta metodológica deste estudo baseia-se em duas categorias de análise, a saber: uma categoria discursiva e outra gramatical. A primeira, subdividida em intratexto e intertexto, aponta para a construção de sentido e para o posicionamento do aluno como sujeito. A segunda, subdividida em coesão referencial e coesão sequencial, indica a importância dos elementos gramaticais na sustentabilidade e desenvolvimento do texto. Em cada uma dessas categorias foram levantadas regularidades discursivas que, interseccionadas, retratam os diferentes níveis de proficiência leitora e escritora presentes num mesmo grupo, resultantes dos diferentes níveis de letramento, além de indicar para o professor os aspectos linguísticos que precisam ser desenvolvidos numa sala de aula


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A linguagem veiculada pela mídia eletrônica, produzida por jovens em salas de bate-papo, vem causando reações adversas em vários setores da sociedade brasileira, tais como os da lingüística, filosofia, educação, psicologia, psiquiatria e do direito. Jornais e revistas, freqüentemente, divulgam a perplexidade de muitos diante dessa linguagem. Em virtude disso, abriu-se um campo fecundo de investigação científica na área de estudos da língua portuguesa. O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar não só os elementos gramaticais dos enunciados/discursos concernentes ao corpus, mas, além disso, extrapolar as fronteiras da morfossintaxe, que opera no plano da descrição da frase, em direção à análise de discurso, que opera no plano da interpretação, do modo como são construídos os discursos, da materialidade discursiva e das condições de produção deste. O corpus é constituído de textos do gênero chat, produzidos por jovens, entre treze e dezesseis anos, matriculados em uma escola particular do Rio de Janeiro. Para abordar um uso conversacional da língua portuguesa no chat, do ponto vista discursivo, optou-se pelo quadro teórico de Jacqueline Authier-Revuz, com o fito de interpretar questões, tais como: formas de heterogeneidade mostrada e marcada; interdiscurso; negação do enunciador estratégico; distinção entre o sujeito cartesiano (homogêneo e transparente) e o sujeito não-cartesiano (heterogêneo e opaco); discurso direto (em que a alteridade transparece no enunciado/discurso do locutor, que dá lugar ao discurso de um outro em seu próprio discurso); e conotação autonímica. A metodologia adotada parte do campo das ciências humanas como uma pesquisa de cunho qualitativo. Em suma, é possível encontrar, nesta dissertação, a reflexão diluída dos conteúdos teóricos que contemplam a Gramática da Língua Portuguesa e a Análise de Discurso


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Buena parte de lo expuesto en este artículo fue presentado por el autor en las IV Jornadas de Lingüística Vasco-Románica (Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao, 29 de noviembre de 2013)


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The potential for changes to onboard handling practices in order to improve the fate of juvenile school prawns (Metapenaeus macleayi) discarded during trawling were investigated in two Australian rivers (Clarence and Hunter) by comparing a purpose-built, water-filled sorting tray against a conventional dry tray across various conditions, including the range of typical delays before the start of sorting the catch (2 min vs. 15 min). Juvenile school prawns (n= 5760), caught during 32 and 16 deployments in each river, were caged and sacrificed at four times: immediately (T0), and at 24 (T24), 72 (T72), and 120 (T12 0) hours after having been discarded. In both rivers, most mortalities occurred between T0 and T24 and, after adjusting for control deaths (<12%), were greatest for the 15-min conventional treatment (up to 41% at T120). Mixed-effects logistic models revealed that in addition to the sampling time, method of sorting, and delay in sorting, the weight of the catch, salinity, and percentage cloud cover were significant predictors of mortality. Although trawling caused some mortalities and comparable stress (measured as L -lactate) in all school prawns, use of the water tray lessened the negative impacts of some of the above factors across both the 2-min and 15-min delays in sorting so that the overall discard mortality was reduced by more than a third. When used in conjunction with selective trawls, widespread application of the water tray should help to improve the sustainability of trawling for school prawns.


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A necessidade de basear as aulas de Língua Portuguesa na gramática normativa é muito defendida no ambiente escolar. As universidades, por outro lado, aceitam a ideia de que os princípios da Sociolinguística laboviana devem ser introduzidos na educação básica. Dessa maneira, há uma lacuna entre o que se aprende na teoria pedagógica e o que, de fato, ocorre em sala de aula. Buscando encurtar a distância existente entre a teoria linguística e a prática pedagógica, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo apresentar um roteiro de atividades que se relacionam à reflexão por parte dos alunos no que tange a suas crenças linguísticas, principalmente as que apresentam uma vertente preconceituosa. Para isso, foi aplicado um teste de crenças linguísticas com alunos do sexto ano do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública, localizada no município de Paracambi, RJ. Depois foram ministradas quatro aulas a fim de demonstrar aos alunos que a norma popular apresenta uma regularidade, portanto, não é linguisticamente inferior à norma de prestígio. Para finalizar, o mesmo teste de crenças linguísticas foi aplicado nos mesmos alunos. Essa pesquisa, baseada em Cyranka (2007), verificou a viabilidade de um trabalho com a Sociolinguística na escola, procurando avaliar a capacidade de os alunos refletirem sociolinguisticamente