986 resultados para Geology, Stratigraphic -- Eocene
Numerous sapropels and sapropelic strata from Upper Pliocene and Pleistocene hemipelagic sediments of the Tyrrhenian Sea show that intermittent anoxia, possibly related to strongly increased biological productivity, was not restricted to the eastern Mediterranean basins and may be a basin-wide result of Late Pliocene-Pleistocene climatic variability. Even though the sapropel assemblage of the Tyrrhenian Sea clearly originates from multiple processes such as deposition under anoxic conditions or during spikes in surface water productivity and lateral transport of organic-rich suspensates, many "pelagic sapropels" have been recognized. Stratigraphic ages calculated for the organic-rich strata recovered during ODP Leg 107 indicate that the frequency of sapropel formation increased from the lowermost Pleistocene to the base of the Jaramillo magnetic event, coinciding with a period when stable isotope records of planktonic foraminifera indicate the onset of climatic cooling in the Mediterranean. A second, very pronounced peak in sapropel formation occurred in the Middle to Late Pleistocene (0.73-0.26 Ma). Formainifers studied in three high-resolution sample sets suggest that changes in surface-water temperature may have been responsible for establishing anoxic conditions, while salinity differences were not noted in the faunal assemblage. However, comparison of sapropel occurrence at Site 653 with the oxygen isotopic record of planktonic foraminifers established by Thunell et al. (1990, doi:10.2973/odp.proc.sr.107.155.1990) indicates that sapropel occurrences coincide with negative d18O excursions in planktonic foraminifers in thirteen of eighteen sapropels recognized in Hole 653A. A variant of the meltwater hypothesis accepted for sapropel formation in the Late Pleistocene eastern Mediterranean may thus be the cause of several "anoxic events" in the Tyrrhenian as well. Model calculations indicate that the amount of oxygen advection from Western Mediterranean Deep Water exerts the dominant control on the oxygen content in deep water of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Inhibition of deep-water formation in the northern Adriatic and the Balearic Basin by increased meltwater discharge and changing storm patterns during climatic amelioration may thus be responsible for sapropel formation in the Tyrrhenian Sea.
The Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) has been attributed to the rapid release of ~2000 * 10**9 metric tons of carbon in the form of methane. In theory, oxidation and ocean absorption of this carbon should have lowerd deep-sea pH, thereby triggering a rapid (<10,000-year) shoaling of the calcite compensation depth (CCD), followed by gradual recovery. Here we present geochemical data from five new South Atlantic deep-sea sections that constrain the timing and extent of massive sea-floor carbonate dissolution coincident with the PETM. The sections, from between 2.7 and 4.8 kilometers water depth, are marked by a prominent clay layer, the character of which indicates that the CCD shoaled rapidly (<10,000 years) by more than 2 kilometers and recovered gradually (>100,000 years). These findings indicate that a large mass of carbon (>>2000 * 10**9 metric tons of carbon) dissolved in the ocean at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and that permanent sequestration of this carbon occurred through silicate weathering feedback.
Volcanogenic rocks from the Sea of Okhotsk are divided into seven age complexes: Late Jurassic, Early Cretaceous, Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Late Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene. All these complexes are united into two groups - Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Each group reflects a certain stage of development of the Sea of Okhotsk region. Late Mesozoic volcanites build the geological basement of the Sea of Okhotsk, and their petrochemical features are similar to those of the volcanic rocks from the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanogen. Pliocene-Pleistocene volcanites reflect stages of tectono-magmatic activity; the latter destroyed the continental margin and produced riftogenic troughs. Geochemical features of volcanites from the Sea of Okhotsk indicate influence of the sialic crust on magma formation and testify formation of the Okhotsk Sea Basin on the destructive margin of the Asian continent.
Twenty-five samples from selected cored intervals of problematic Triassic-Jurassic age from Sites 545, 546, and Hole 547B have been analyzed palynologically to aid age determination. Section 545-73-1 yielded a marine palynoflora of Sinemurian-Bajocian age. A palynoflora of nonmarine origin and assigned a Rhaetian-Hettangian age was recovered from halite in Section 546-18-2. Marine palynofloras of Hettangian-early Pliensbachian age were recovered from Sample 547B-24-CC to Section 547B-14-2. Sections 547B-28-1 to 547B-25-3 yielded impoverished nonmarine palynofloras to which only a general Rhaetian-Hettangian age could be given.
Benthic forammifers in the size-fraction greater than 0.073 mm were studied in 88 Paleocene to Pleistocene samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 525 (Hole 525A, Walvis Ridge, eastern south Atlantic). Clustering of the samples on the basis of the 86 most abundant foramimfers (in total, 331 taxa were identified) allowed separating two major assemblage zones: the Paleocene to Eocene interval, and the Oligocene to Pleistocene interval. Each of these, in turn, were subdivided into three minor subzones as follows: lower upper Paleocene (approx. 62.4 to 57 8 Ma); upper upper Paleocene (56.6 to 56 2 Ma), lower and middle Eocene (55.3 to 46 8 Ma); upper Oligocene to middle Miocene (25.3 to 16 Ma), middle Miocene to Pliocene (15.7 to 4.2 Ma), and lower Pleistocene (0.4 to 0.02 Ma), with only minor differences with the previous zone. Some very abundant taxa span most of the column studies (Bolivina huneri, Cassidulina subglobosa, Eponides bradyi, E. weddellensis, Gavelinella micra, Oridorsalis umbonatus, etc.). Several of the faunal breaks recorded coincide with conspicuous minima in the specific diversity curve, thus suggesting that the corresponding turnovers signal the final stages of periods of faunal impoverishment. At least one major bottomwater temperature drop (as derived from delta18O data) is synchronous with a decrease in the forammiferal specific diversity. On the other hand, a specific diversity maximum in the middle Miocene might be associated with a delta13C increase at approx 16 to 12 Ma. Highest foraminiferal abundances (up to 600-800 individuals per gram of dry sediment) occurred in the late Paleocene and in the early Pleistocene, in coincidence with the lowest diversity figures calculated. The magnitude of the most important faunal turnover recorded, between the middle Eocene and the late Oligocene, is magnified in our data set by the large hiatus which separates the middle Eocene from the upper Oligocene sediments. Considerably smaller overturns occurred within the late Paleocene (in coincidence with changes in the specific diversity, absolute abundance of forammiferal tests, and delta13C), and in the middle Miocene (in coincidence with a specific diversity maximum and a delta13C excursion). New reformation on the morphology and the stratigraphic ranges of several species is furnished. For all the taxa recorded the number of occurrences, total number of individuals identified and first and last appearances are listed.
Glassy Turonian foraminifera preserved in clay-rich sediments from the western tropical Atlantic yield the warmest equivalent d18O sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) yet reported for the entire Cretaceous-Cenozoic. We estimate Turonian SSTs that were at least as warm as (conservative mean ~30 °C) to significantly warmer (warm mean ~33 °C) than those in the region today. However, if independent evidence for high middle Cretaceous pCO2 is reliable and resulted in greater isotopic fractionation between seawater and calcite because of lower sea-surface pH, our conservative and warm SST estimates would be even higher (32 and 36°C, respectively). Our new tropical SSTs help reconcile geologic data with the predictions of general circulation models that incorporate high Cretaceous pCO2 and lend support to the hypothesis of a Cretaceous greenhouse. Our data also strengthen the case for a Turonian age for the Cretaceous thermal maximum and highlight a 20-40 m.y. mismatch between peak Cretaceous-Cenozoic global warmth and peak inferred tectonic CO2 production. We infer that this mismatch is either an artifact of a hidden Turonian pulse in global ocean-crust cycling or real evidence of the influence of some other factor on atmospheric CO2 and/or SSTs. A hidden pulse in crust cycling would explain the timing of peak Cretaceous-Cenozoic sea level (also Turonian), but other factors are needed to explain high-frequency (~10-100 k.y.) instability in middle Cretaceous SSTs reported elsewhere.
A growing body of geologic evidence suggests that emplacement of the North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) played a major role in global warming during the early Paleogene as well as in the transient Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) event. A ~5 million year record of major and trace element abundances spanning 56 to 51 Ma at Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 401 and 549 confirms that the majority of NAIP volcanism occurred as subaerial flows. Thus the trace element records provide constraints on the nature and scope of the environmental impact of the NAIP during the late Paleocene-early Eocene interval. Subaerial volcanism would have injected mantle CO2 directly into the atmosphere, resulting in a more immediate increase in atmospheric greenhouse gas abundances than CO2 input through submarine volcanism. The lack of significant hydrothermalism contradicts recently proposed mechanisms for thermally destabilizing methane hydrate reservoirs during the PETM. Any connection between NAIP volcanism and PETM warming had to occur through the atmosphere.