879 resultados para Geociencias - Sensoriamento remoto


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Crustal discontinuities may be seen as A-type collision sutures with triple junction arrays. Shear belts developed at the block borders due to oblique plate convergence. A consistent litho-structural zoning may be observed along the border zones of the blocks: the known high-grade terrains are exposed along the upper block border and pass to distal granite-greenstone terrains; in the lower block, granite-greenstone terrains form the older basement, and supracrustals occur as a metavolcano-sedimentary belt near or adjacent to the suture. This regional litho-structural framework may be related to diachronous collisions of sialic masses which lead to their amalgamation into an extensive continental mass. -from English summary


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The Itaqui Granitoid Complex is a drop shaped WNW-ESE trending intrusion with its head' at west. Its contacts with the low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Sao Roque Group are intrusive at west, northwest, north and northeast, and tectonic at south and northeast. The complex is built up by four main intrusive phases which characterize a rising and unroofing process. Petrographically the Itaqui granite comprises five distinct magmatic associations in nine igneous units. -from English summary


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This short paper describes an outcrop that is a very good example of the aeolian sedimentation in the Piramboia Formation (Triassic) in the Parana Basin. -English summary


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During a basinal scale study on Palermo Formation (Upper Permian, Parana Basin) high elevated Gamma Ray picks were identified mainly in the lower third of that stratigraphic unit. Those Gamma Ray signatures have been used as good regional stratigraphic markers. From them it was possible one chronostratigraphic analysis of Palermo Formation as pointed out by previous papers (Perinotto). Potassium40 is the responsible for the high Gamma Ray picks in the Palermo Formation. -from English summary


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The older Precambrian geological setting of north Goias/south Tocantins includes three areas of granite-greenstone terrains formed of medium-grade gneisses with associated greenstone belts and nepheline syenitic gneisses, separated by two orogenic belts composing a crustal-scale pop-up structure. The movements were firstly oblique towards NW along the northwestern NNE-SSW-trending Porto Nacional suture, and afterwards of essentially frontal type towards ESE along the southeastern Ceres suture of curved geometry with N-S direction at north and WNW-ESE at the south. The Porangatu block, limited by these sutures, was upthrusted over the neighbouring underthrusted blocks. Three principal kinematic phases are recognized along the orogenic belts. -from English summary


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The geographic area of the present study corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course (Figure 1), in the portion that extends from the tributaries of its source, in the east of the plateau Correntes/Itiquira, in the neighbourhoods the city of Alto Garç as, to the scarp of the São Jerônimo mountain range, toward the west of Itiquira, in the state of Mato Grosso, totalizing 5,361 km 2. The area is placed in the eastern part of the Alto Paraguai basin, in the western portion of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin plateau. Through GIS techniques, it was possible to asses total soil losses from the Itiquira river basin, considering the years of 1966, 1985 and 1996, being based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Thus, in 1966 the basin lost 201,546.94 ton of soil, with an average loss of 0.37 ton/ha/year. Considering that the total area of the Itiquira river basin is of 536,100 ha, while in 1985 the soil losses had passed to 1,760,833.40 ton, with an increase of approximately 8.5 times. The average of soil losses in 1985 was of 3.28 ton/ha/year. In 1996 the basin lost 1,662,043.24 ton, with a reduction of only 9.4% in relation to 1985 but, in relation the 1966, the increase continued in the order of 8 times. The average losses per hectare in this year was in the order of 3.10 ton/ha/year (Chart 1). The map of potential of the laminar erosion for 1966 (Figure 3), shows to the highest values in small areas, situated in the northeast of the area, in Alto Garças, with values between 10 the 20 ton/ha/year and some spots in sources of the Itiquira and Ariranha rivers, with values between 1 the 5 ton/ha/year. In a general way, however, the area presents low soil loss for laminar erosion in this year, with inferior values to 1 ton/ha/year. The higher class of erosion, over 10 ton/ha/year, occupied 2,947 ha in 1966. In the year of 1985 (Figure 4), the erosive process spread over the entire studied area, and the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year, already started to occupy 78,437 ha, implying an increase of approximately 27 times in 19 years. A strong increment in the erosive process was noticed in the western part of the area, to along the BR-163 road, exactly where great areas of natural vegetation (open pasture) had been transformed in culture and pasture areas. In the north-eastern part of the area it was also noticed an increment in the erosive process in agreement with the increase of culture areas and reduction of the natural areas, but it was not of so intense form as in the western portion of the area. In the year of 1996 (Figure 5), the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year had diminished for a total of 53.499 ha noticing a retraction of the erosive process in the western part of the area, alongside the BR-163 road. On the other hand, it occurred a strong increment in the northern part of the area, in the neighbourhoods of the city of Alto Garças, alongside the BR-364 road and part of the MT-040 road. In a general way, in the outskirts of the city of Itiquira, in the central part of the area, it was verified an increase of the amount of zones with erosion between 0-1 ton/ha/year, passing to the immediately superior class, of 1-3 ton/ha/year; scarce data of hydrosedimentology in the UHE Itiquira (1999), shows good agreement with the values gotten for the EUPS (Chart 2). Based on the hydric classification proposal for FAO (1967) (Chart 3), it is noticed that areas with high degree of erosion (> 50) in the analysed area are very restricted, occupying 493 ha in 1985 and 332 ha in 1996 (Chart 4). In 1996 appeared as isolated spots in the north of Itiquira and Alto Garças, however beyond limits of the Itiquira river basin. These areas require special cares in its use as agricultural areas. Aiming at identifying and indicating the areas of potential risk of erosion and that need implementation of conservation practices, it was elaborated the map of limit of tolerance to the soil losses. In 1966 (Figure 6), areas with soil losses over of the tolerable were restricted to small spots located in the eastern part of the area, occupying 0.43% of the total of the area; already in 1985 (Figure 7), this percentage passed to 5.86%, spreading for all the area; in 1996 (Figure 8) it is observed a fast reduction of the areas with soil losses over of the tolerance limit, passing 5.43% of the total of the area. All the areas with losses over of the tolerable value must be considered as risk areas and were done in these areas studies for implementation of conservation practices.


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The Taciba and Rio Bonito (lower Triunfo Mbr) formations are divided into six depositional sequences based on cores, gamma-ray and electrical logs from shallow drillings from northern Santa Catarina State, Each sequence is formed by two systems tracts, a lower one, sandy (lowstand) and an upper one, shaly (highstand). The Taciba Formation has three sequences, S 0 to S 0 sequence S 0 has a thick turbidite sandstone at the base (Rio Segredo Member) that pinches out towards the eastern margin and even disappears in the Mafra outcrop area. Sequence S 1 varies from a thin fluvial-estuarine system to a thick turbidite sandstone of a channelized fan system; S 1 upper shaly system tract is marine in well PP-11, and it is glacially-influenced in well PP-10. Sequence S 2 is a thick sand-stone body of shallow marine origin, but restricted to one well (PP-11); its upper shaly tract is dominated by massive siltstones intercalated with thin, distal tempestites. The lower Triunfo Member (or Taciba-Triunfo transition) begins with the arrival of deltaic clastics of sequence S 3 lower tract, coarsening-up from medial- to proximal delta front sandstones. Sequence S 4 is quite similar to S 3, both showing sand-stone progradation from north to south, as opposed to the southwest-sourced transgressive diamictites. Sequence S 5 consists of fluvial deposits at well PP-12, and two transgressive cycles from wells PP-11 to PP-9, each one of them composed of fluvial-estuarine to marine systems. Well PP-10 is an exception, where the lower cycle presents deglaciation to marine deposits.


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The purpose of this paper is to present preliminary aspects of the petrography and chemistry of intrusive rocks (sills and dykes) from the eastern portion of the Parana Basin in the State of Säo Paulo. Data from 80 samples of the region show a subaphyric and subophitic nature and have plagioclase (25-50%), augite (3-39%), pigeonite (0-10%) and magnetite (4-20%) as an essential minerals. Apatite and quartz are present as accessory minerals. The geochemical data of intrusive rocks show a basic to intermediate composition (48% < SiO 2 < 56%) and a high Ti nature (TiO 2 > 2%). Based on the minor and trace composition of the intrusive rocks, two different magma types were recognized, named Paranapanema and Pitanga. The spatial distribution of these magma types is not alleatory in the studied region. The intrusive rocks of Pitanga magma type are displayed in the Campinas-Paulinia region, while the Paranapanema magma type cover a large region above that one, between Rio Claro and Cajuru. Furthermore, the chemical composition of the lava flows of the Serra Geral Formation, sampled in this work, reveals a magma of Urubici type. So, the intrusive rocks of the eastern portion of the of State Säo Paulo are not the extension of the lava flows, or they aren't a portions which don't reach the surface.


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The use of phosphate fertilizers and amendments in sugar cane crops may increase the concentration of some elements in soils, from where they would become available for plants (principally in acid soils) and transferred to me human food chain. This paper reports the transference of heavy metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn), fluorine and radionuclides ( 238U, 234U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K) from phosphate fertilizers and amendments to agricultural soils at Corumbatal River basin (SP). The products utilized and colleted in sugar cane crops at Corumbatai River basin are: phosphate fertilizers NPK 5:25:25 (two samples), limestones (three samples), phosphogypsum (two samples) and KCl (two samples). The heavy metals were determined by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), fluorine by potentiometry and radionuclides by alpha and gamma spectrometry. Heavy metals (17.8, 31.2, 75.2, 69.5, 138.8, 114.9 and 342.9 g/ha of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn and F, respectively) and radionuclides (0.47, 0.16, 0.17 and 6.33 Bq/kg of soil to 238U, 226Ra, 232Th and 40K, respectively) incorporated in phosphate fertilizers and amendments are annually added in the sugar cane crops, but if utilized in accordance with the recommended rates, they do not raise the concentration levels in soils up to hazards values.


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The Permo-Carboniferous Harare Group crops out in the Matra area, represented by Campo do Tenente, Mafra and Rio do Sul formations; they correspond in subsurface to Lagoa Azul, Campo Mourão and Tacïba formations. A composite sampling of the Group was performed through drilling of six wells, which average 60 m in depth; three of them cored the depositional sequence here designated as Upper Mafra\Lower Rio do Sul. The Upper Mafra Formation were sampled by TC-4 and BR-5 wells, and it consists of three units: the lower two are sandy, glacial-deltaic and fluvial-deltaic in origin, corresponding to a lowstand tract. The last unit is composed of two dirtying-upward successions of sandstone, diamictite and rhythmite, interpreted as deglaciation/transgressive events, and well represented in BR-5 drilling. The Lower-Rio do Sul Formation (Lontras Shale) is formed by two marine units: the lower one is represented by shale and bioturbated siltstone which culminate the previous deglaciation, transgressive succession, while the upper one, sampled by SL-2 well, is formed by shale and thin, turbidite sandstone, attributed to a highstand tract.


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The auto-radiography is a photographic method to registrate in sensitive emulsion the spatial distribution a rays emitted by radioisotopes of a sample or an object. The auto-radiography was applied to detect the presence of radioactive minerals in some samples of schists and gneisses from the Ticunzal Formation, Northeast Goiás State, aiming to implement the use of this technique in LABIDRO - Hydrochemistry and Isotopes Laboratory of the Department of Petrology and Metallogenesis, State University of São Paulo/Campus of Rio Claro.


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This study was developed on the basis of petrophysics characterization, 3D seismic interpretation, and rock-wire-log integration. The results were integrated with amplitude attribute through cross plot (rock attribute x amplitude value). 3D seismic data also allowed inteipreting the top of Lagoa Feia, Macaé, and Carapebus formations, and Outeiro Member. The analyses of the maps of structures and attributes, integrated with wire-log data, suggest that Namorado turbidite level is candidate to be mapped with stratigraphic attributes like AverageTroughAmplitude, RMS velocity and Total AbsoluteAmplitude. Lagoa Feia Formation attribute maps (Dip-Azimuth and TotalEnergy) allows to interpret a low fault density at the carbonate coquina level in the Namorado field. This level is also considered one at the best seismic reflector and an important reservoir of the Campos Basin.


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There is yet enthusiastic debate in the literature about the environmental conditions that originated the Cretaceous deposits of the Bauru Group, despite many authors accept that arid climatic conditions widely dominant at the base, evolved to chiefly fluvial-lacustrine conditions at the intermediate portion, and to arid conditions again at the top of the unit. The Bauru Group covers an area of about 117.000 km 2 of the Paraná Basin in São Paulo State territory. Core samples of this lithostratigraphic unit collected from a drill hole at Pirapozinho (Southwest of the São Paulo State) are described and together with well log data brought new information that do not agree with the described model. It was identified in this well the Caiuá, Pirapozinho, Santo Anastácio, Araçatuba and Adamantina formations. The study of these core samples clearly showed the dominance of hydrodynamic sedimentary structures and high to medium intensity of bioturbation in whole profile. These characteristics observed in core samples and compared to patterns of geophysical logs testify the dominance of fluvial processes in the Bauru Group deposition at the studied area. These new data suggests that the paleo-environmental evolution of the unit was much more complex, showing strong lateral and vertical changes that diverges from the model more widely accepted in the literature.


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Running water is one of the most important of all the physical processes which fashion the landscape, allowing gravity to operate along the valley floors. Besides this, the streams show a fast adjustment to the crustal deformations, even to the most gentle ones. This geologic behavior turns them a potential tool for neotectonic studies, specially the analysis of morphotnetric parameters associated with hydraulic gradient and discharge, this second factor being directly proportional to the extension of the streams. Both elements, gradient and stream length, can be combined in the SL index. The purpose of this paper is to show the RDE index application in the neotectonics analysis of the Rio do Peixe hydrographic basin and to compare the obtained values with the geologic basement incised by the streams. This basement encompasses Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of post-Serra Oeral Formation magmatism (Caiuá and Bauru groups) and Quaternary deposits that include chiefly recent alluvial plains and some Pleistocene terrace deposits. In the final part of this paper, an attempt is made in order to correlate the RDE results and the neotectonic framework admitted to this portion of the São Paulo State territory, as well as with field geologic, seismologic and paleoseismologic known elements. The results indicate the presence of two groups of anomalies: The first set corresponds to the Marília-Exaporã Plateau border, and the second one, located in the central portion of the hydrographic basin, is correlated to the Presidente Prudente seimogenic zone.