884 resultados para Generalized linear mixed model
Os avanços tecnológicos e científicos, na área da saúde, têm vindo a aliar áreas como a Medicina e a Matemática, cabendo à ciência adequar de forma mais eficaz os meios de investigação, diagnóstico, monitorização e terapêutica. Os métodos desenvolvidos e os estudos apresentados nesta dissertação resultam da necessidade de encontrar respostas e soluções para os diferentes desafios identificados na área da anestesia. A índole destes problemas conduz, necessariamente, à aplicação, adaptação e conjugação de diferentes métodos e modelos das diversas áreas da matemática. A capacidade para induzir a anestesia em pacientes, de forma segura e confiável, conduz a uma enorme variedade de situações que devem ser levadas em conta, exigindo, por isso, intensivos estudos. Assim, métodos e modelos de previsão, que permitam uma melhor personalização da dosagem a administrar ao paciente e por monitorizar, o efeito induzido pela administração de cada fármaco, com sinais mais fiáveis, são fundamentais para a investigação e progresso neste campo. Neste contexto, com o objetivo de clarificar a utilização em estudos na área da anestesia de um ajustado tratamento estatístico, proponho-me abordar diferentes análises estatísticas para desenvolver um modelo de previsão sobre a resposta cerebral a dois fármacos durante sedação. Dados obtidos de voluntários serão utilizados para estudar a interação farmacodinâmica entre dois fármacos anestésicos. Numa primeira fase são explorados modelos de regressão lineares que permitam modelar o efeito dos fármacos no sinal cerebral BIS (índice bispectral do EEG – indicador da profundidade de anestesia); ou seja estimar o efeito que as concentrações de fármacos têm na depressão do eletroencefalograma (avaliada pelo BIS). Na segunda fase deste trabalho, pretende-se a identificação de diferentes interações com Análise de Clusters bem como a validação do respetivo modelo com Análise Discriminante, identificando grupos homogéneos na amostra obtida através das técnicas de agrupamento. O número de grupos existentes na amostra foi, numa fase exploratória, obtido pelas técnicas de agrupamento hierárquicas, e a caracterização dos grupos identificados foi obtida pelas técnicas de agrupamento k-means. A reprodutibilidade dos modelos de agrupamento obtidos foi testada através da análise discriminante. As principais conclusões apontam que o teste de significância da equação de Regressão Linear indicou que o modelo é altamente significativo. As variáveis propofol e remifentanil influenciam significativamente o BIS e o modelo melhora com a inclusão do remifentanil. Este trabalho demonstra ainda ser possível construir um modelo que permite agrupar as concentrações dos fármacos, com base no efeito no sinal cerebral BIS, com o apoio de técnicas de agrupamento e discriminantes. Os resultados desmontram claramente a interacção farmacodinâmica dos dois fármacos, quando analisamos o Cluster 1 e o Cluster 3. Para concentrações semelhantes de propofol o efeito no BIS é claramente diferente dependendo da grandeza da concentração de remifentanil. Em suma, o estudo demostra claramente, que quando o remifentanil é administrado com o propofol (um hipnótico) o efeito deste último é potenciado, levando o sinal BIS a valores bastante baixos.
DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial.OB JECTIVE: To investigate the immediate effects on pressure pain thresholds over latent trigger points (TrPs) in the masseter and temporalis muscles and active mouth opening following atlanto-occipital joint thrust manipulation or a soft tissue manual intervention targeted to the suboccipital muscles. BACKGROUND : Previous studies have described hypoalgesic effects of neck manipulative interventions over TrPs in the cervical musculature. There is a lack of studies analyzing these mechanisms over TrPs of muscles innervated by the trigeminal nerve. METHODS: One hundred twenty-two volunteers, 31 men and 91 women, between the ages of 18 and 30 years, with latent TrPs in the masseter muscle, were randomly divided into 3 groups: a manipulative group who received an atlanto-occipital joint thrust, a soft tissue group who received an inhibition technique over the suboccipital muscles, and a control group who did not receive an intervention. Pressure pain thresholds over latent TrPs in the masseter and temporalis muscles, and active mouth opening were assessed pretreatment and 2 minutes posttreatment by a blinded assessor. Mixed-model analyses of variance (ANOVA) were used to examine the effects of interventions on each outcome, with group as the between-subjects variable and time as the within-subjects variable. The primary analysis was the group-by-time interaction. RESULTS: The 2-by-3 mixed-model ANOVA revealed a significant group-by-time interaction for changes in pressure pain thresholds over masseter (P<.01) and temporalis (P =.003) muscle latent TrPs and also for active mouth opening (P<.001) in favor of the manipulative and soft tissue groups. Between-group effect sizes were small. CONCLUSIONS: The application of an atlanto-occipital thrust manipulation or soft tissue technique targeted to the suboccipital muscles led to an immediate increase in pressure pain thresholds over latent TrPs in the masseter and temporalis muscles and an increase in maximum active mouth opening. Nevertheless, the effects of both interventions were small and future studies are required to elucidate the clinical relevance of these changes. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE : Therapy, level 1b. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2010;40(5):310-317. doi:10.2519/jospt.2010.3257. KEYWORDSDS: cervical manipulation, muscle trigger points, neck, TMJ, upper cervical.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Dr. Luís Pereira Gomes
RESUMO - Caracterização do problema: O sistema de saúde português atingiu um patamar de ineficiência tal que urge ser reestruturado de forma a torná-lo sustentável. De forma a atingir este nível de sustentabilidade, uma série de soluções podem ser consideradas das quais destacamos a integração de cuidados. Este conceito exige que os diferentes níveis de saúde sigam um único caminho, trabalhando de forma coordenada e contínua. A integração de cuidados pode ser implementada através de várias tipologias entre as quais se destaca a integração clínica que por sua vez é composta pela continuidade de cuidados. Assim, ao medir a continuidade de cuidados, quantifica-se de certa forma a integração de cuidados. Objetivos: Avaliar o impacto da continuidade de cuidados nos custos. Metodologia: Os dados foram analisados através de estatísticas descritivas para verificar o seu grau de normalidade. Posteriormente foram aplicados testes t-student para analisar a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as médias das diferentes variáveis. Foi então estudado o grau de associação entre variáveis através da correlação de spearman. Por fim, foi utilizado o modelo de regressão log-linear para verificar a existência de uma relação entre as várias naturezas de custos e os índices de continuidade. Com base neste modelo foram simulados dois cenários para estimar o impacto da maximização da continuidade de cuidados nas várias naturezas de custos. Conclusões: No geral, verifica-se uma relação muito ligeira entre a continuidade de cuidados e os custos. Mais especificamente, uma relação mais duradoura entre o médico e o doente resulta numa poupança de custos, independentemente da tipologia. Analisando a densidade da relação, observa-se uma relação positiva entre a mesma e os custos totais e o custo com Meios Complementares de Diagnóstico e Terapêutica (MCDT). Contudo verifica-se uma relação médico-doente negativa entre a densidade e os custos com medicamentos e com pessoal. Ao analisar o impacto da continuidade de cuidados nos custos, conclui-se que apenas a duração da relação médico-doente tem um impacto negativo em todas as categorias de custos, exceto o custo com medicamentos. A densidade de cuidados tem um impacto negativo apenas no custo com pessoal, influenciando positivamente as outras categorias de custos. Extrapolando para o nível nacional se o nível de densidade de uma relação fosse maximizado, existiria uma poupança de 0,18 euros, por ano, em custos com pessoal.
RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação de esquemas de tratamento alternativos para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia externa (EBRT) e braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose (LDRBT) com implantes permanentes de Iodo-125, biologicamente equivalentes aos convencionalmente usados na prática clínica, com recurso a modelos teóricos e a métodos de Monte Carlo (MC). Os conceitos de dose biológica efetiva (BED) e de dose uniforme equivalente (EUD) foram utilizados, com o modelo linear-quadrático (LQ), para a determinação de regimes de tratamento equivalentes. Numa primeira abordagem, utilizou-se a BED para determinar: 1) esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT mantendo as complicações retais tardias de regimes convencionais com doses totais de 75,6 Gy, 77,4 Gy, 79,2 Gy e 81,0 Gy; e 2) a relação entre as doses totais de EBRT e LDRBT de modo a manter a BED do regime convencional de 45 Gy de EBRT e 110 Gy de LDRBT. Numa segunda abordagem, recorreu-se ao código de MC MCNPX para a simulação de distribuições de dose de EBRT e LDRBT em dois fantomas de voxel segmentados a partir das imagens de tomografia computorizada de pacientes com carcinoma da próstata. Os resultados das simulações de EBRT e LDRBT foram somados e determinada uma EUD total de forma a obterem-se: 1) esquemas equivalentes ao tratamento convencional de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT; e 2) esquemas equivalentes a EUD na próstata de 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy e 110 Gy. Em todos os resultados nota-se um ganho terapêutico teórico na utilização de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT. Para uma BED no reto equivalente ao esquema convencional, tem-se um aumento de 2% na BED da próstata com menos 5 frações. Este incremento dá-se de forma cada vez mais visível à medida que se reduz o número de frações, sendo da ordem dos 10-11% com menos 20 frações e dos 35-45% com menos 40 frações. Considerando os resultados das simulações de EBRT, obteve-se uma EUD média de 107 Gy para a próstata e de 42 Gy para o reto, com o esquema convencional de 110 Gy de LDRBT, seguidos de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT. Em termos de probabilidade de controlo tumoral (igual EUD), é equivalente a este tratamento a administração de EBRT em 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, 56 de 2 Gy, 40 de 2,5 Gy, 31 de 3 Gy, 20 de 4 Gy ou 13 de 5 Gy. Relativamente à administração de 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, a EUD generalizada no reto reduz em 6% com o recurso a frações de 2,5 Gy e em 10% com frações de 4 Gy. Determinou-se uma BED total de 162 Gy para a administração de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT. Variando-se a dose total de LDRBT (TDLDRBT) em função da dose total de EBRT (TDEBRT), de modo a garantir uma BED de 162 Gy, obteve-se a seguinte relação:.......... Os resultados das simulações mostram que a EUD no reto diminui com o aumento da dose total de LDRBT para dose por fração de EBRT (dEBRT) inferiores a 2, Gy e aumenta para dEBRT a partir dos 3 Gy. Para quantidades de TDLDRBT mais baixas (<50 Gy), o reto beneficia de frações maiores de EBRT. À medida que se aumenta a TDLDRBT, a EUD generalizada no reto torna-se menos dependente da dEBRT. Este trabalho mostra que é possível a utilização de diferentes regimes de tratamento para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia que possibilitem um ganho terapêutico, quer seja administrando uma maior dose biológica com efeitos tardios constantes, quer mantendo a dose no tumor e diminuindo a toxicidade retal. A utilização com precaução de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT, para além do benefício terapêutico, pode trazer vantagens ao nível da conveniência para o paciente e economia de custos. Os resultados das simulações deste estudo e conversão para doses de efeito biológico para o tratamento do carcinoma da próstata apresentam linhas de orientação teórica de interesse para novos ensaios clínicos. --------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to determine alternative radiotherapy regimens for the treatment of prostate cancer using external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and low dose-rate brachytherapy (LDRBT) with Iodine-125 permanent implants which are biologically equivalent to conventional clinical treatments, by the use of theoretical models and Monte Carlo techniques. The concepts of biological effective dose (BED) and equivalent uniform dose (EUD), together with the linear-quadratic model (LQ), were used for determining equivalent treatment regimens. In a first approach, the BED concept was used to determine: 1) hypofractionated schemes of EBRT maintaining late rectal complications as with the conventional regimens with total doses of 75.6 Gy, 77.4 Gy, 79.2 Gy and 81.0 Gy; and 2) the relationship between total doses of EBRT and LDRBT in order to keep the BED of the conventional treatment of 45 Gy of EBRT and 110 Gy of LDRBT. In a second approach, the MC code MCNPX was used for simulating dose distributions of EBRT and LDRBT in two voxel phantoms segmented from the computed tomography of patients with prostate cancer. The results of the simulations of EBRT and LDRBT were added up and given an overall EUD in order to obtain: 1) equivalent to conventional treatment regimens of 25 fraction of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110Gy of LDRBT; and 2) equivalent schemes of EUD of 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy, and 110Gy to the prostate. In all the results it is noted a therapeutic gain using hypofractionated EBRT schemes. For a rectal BED equivalent to the conventional regimen, an increment of 2% in the prostate BED was achieved with less 5 fractions. This increase is visibly higher as the number of fractions decrease, amounting 10-11% with less 20 fractions and 35-45% with less 20 fractions. Considering the results of the EBRT simulations an average EUD of 107 Gy was achieved for the prostate and of 42 Gy for the rectum with the conventional scheme of 110 Gy of LDRBT followed by 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT. In terms of tumor control probability (same EUD) it is equivalent to this treatment, for example, delivering the EBRT in 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, 56 fractions of 2 Gy, 40 fractions of 2.5 Gy, 31 fractions of 3 Gy, 20 fractions of 4 Gy or 13 fractions of 5 Gy. Regarding the use of 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, the rectum EUD is reduced to 6% with 2.5 Gy per fraction and to 10% with 4 Gy. A total BED of 162 Gy was achieved for the delivery of 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110 Gy of LDRBT. By varying the total dose of LDRBT (TDLDRBT) with the total dose of EBRT (TDEBRT) so as to ensure a BED of 162 Gy, the following relationship was obtained: ....... The simulation results show that the rectum EUD decreases with the increase of the TDLDRBT, for EBRT dose per fracion (dEBRT) less than 2.5 Gy and increases for dEBRT above 3 Gy. For lower amounts of TDLDRBT (< 50Gy), the rectum benefits of larger EBRT fractions. As the TDLDRBT increases, the rectum gEUD becomes less dependent on the dEBRT. The use of different regimens which enable a therapeutic gain, whether deivering a higher dose with the same late biological effects or maintaining the dose to the tumor and reducing rectal toxicity is possible. The use with precaution of hypofractionated regimens, in addition to the therapeutic benefit, can bring advantages in terms of convenience for the patient and cost savings. The simulation results of this study together with the biological dose conversion for the treatment of prostate cancer serve as guidelines of interest for new clinical trials.
SETTING: Ambulatory paediatric clinic in Lausanne, Switzerland, a country with a significant proportion of tuberculosis (TB) among immigrants. AIM: To assess the factors associated with positive tuberculin skin tests (TST) among children examined during a health check-up or during TB contact tracing, notably the influence of BCG vaccination (Bacille Calmette Guérin) and history of TB contact. METHOD: A descriptive study of children who had a TST (2 Units RT23) between November 2002 and April 2004. Age, sex, history of TB contact, BCG vaccination status, country of origin and birth outside Switzerland were recorded. RESULTS: Of 234 children, 176 (75%) had a reaction equal to zero and 31 (13%) tested positive (>10 mm). In a linear regression model, the size of the TST varied significantly according to the history of TB contact, age, TB incidence in the country of origin and BCG vaccination status but not according to sex or birth in or outside Switzerland. In a logistic regression model including all the recorded variables, age (Odds Ratio = 1.21, 95% CI 1.08; 1.35), a history of TB contact (OR = 7.31, 95% CI 2.23; 24) and the incidence of TB in the country of origin (OR = 1.01, 95% CI 1.00; 1.02) were significantly associated with a positive TST but sex (OR = 1.18, 95% CI 0.50; 2.78) and BCG vaccination status (OR = 2.97, 95% CI 0.91; 9.72) were not associated. CONCLUSIONS: TB incidence in the country of origin, BCG vaccination and age influence the TSTreaction (size or proportion of TST > or = 10 mm). However the most obvious risk factor for a positive TST is a history of contact with TB.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are carcinogenic. Estimating PCB half-life in the body based on levels in sera from exposed workers is complicated by the fact that occupational exposure to PCBs was to commercial PCB products (such as Aroclors 1242 and 1254) comprised of varying mixtures of PCB congeners. Half-lives were estimated using sera donated by 191 capacitor manufacturing plant workers in 1976 during PCB use (1946-1977), and post-exposure (1979, 1983, and 1988). Our aims were to: (1) determine the role of covariates such as gender on the half-life estimates, and (2) compare our results with other published half-life estimates based on exposed workers. All serum PCB levels were adjusted for PCB background levels. A linear spline model with a single knot was used to estimate two separate linear equations for the first two serum draws (Equation A) and the latter two (Equation B). Equation A gave half-life estimates of 1.74 years and 6.01 years for Aroclor 1242 and Aroclor 1254, respectively. Estimates were 21.83 years for Aroclor 1242 and 133.33 years for Aroclor 1254 using Equation B. High initial body burden was associated with rapid PCB elimination in workers at or shortly after the time they were occupationally exposed and slowed down considerably when the dose reached background PCB levels. These concentration-dependent half-life estimates had a transition point of 138.57 and 34.78 ppb for Aroclor 1242 and 1254, respectively. This result will help in understanding the toxicological and epidemiological impact of exposure to PCBs in humans.
Youth-Adult Partnerships (Y-APs) have been found to foster youth engagement and positive youth development. However, existing research tends to confound the characteristics of Y-APs with their general outcomes and the existing methods of evaluating Y-APs tend to be based on correlational methodologies. I sought to create a measure of Y-AP success that did not confound the characteristics of a successful Y-AP with outcomes. Using the existing literature as a guide, three components were selected for inclusion in the Y-AP success measure: 1) perceptions of productivity; 2) positive affect; and 3) having one's contributions welcomed and considered. Using this new measure, I tested a model to assess how adult warmth and expertise interacted with task difficulty to influence three components of Y-AP success. Participants included 402 university students (M = 19.27, SD = 1.28, 89.1 % female) from Brock University and Cape Breton University. Video clips of an adult, depicting all possible combinations of warmth and expertise were created for this study, as well as a pair of hypothetical tasks designed to elicit differential degrees of perceived difficulty. Participants were exposed to one video of a hypothetical adult and two hypothetical tasks and responded to the Y-AP success measures twice, for each ofthe tasks. Results from mixed-model ANOVAs revealed that the adult and task characteristics were not consistently related to all components of Y-AP success. However, several significant interactions suggested that youth perceptions of task difficulty and their impressions of adult partners influenced the extent to which they expected a Y-AP to be successful. The results are discussed in the context of how they support or conflict with the existing literature and serve as a first step in the inference of causality within the study of Y-APs.
The objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a 12 week weight loss intervention in a commercial fitness centre on body mass index (BMI), moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and behavioural regulations consistent with Organismic Integration Theory (OIT, Deci & Ryan, 2002). The intervention group received weekly coaching sessions and bi-weekly seminars designed to increase MVPA and improve dietary intake. The results of the mixed model analyses of variance showed a significant within-subjects main effect for BMI (F = 3.57, p = .04). Changes in MVPA were not observed over time or between conditions. Changes in behavioural regulations congruent with OIT (Deci & Ryan, 2002) favoured the intervention condition. Study results indicate that 12 week weight loss challenges in commercial fitness centres may be effective to support the internalization process of exercise behavioural regulations but ineffective at producing sustainable weight loss or behavioural changes.
This thesis describes two different approaches for the preparation of polynuclear clusters with interesting structural, magnetic and optical properties. Firstly, exploiting p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene (TBC4) macrocycles together with selected Ln(III) ions for the assembly of emissive single molecule magnets, and secondly the preparation and coordination of a chiral mpmH ligand with selected 3d transition metal ions, working towards the discovery of chiral polynuclear clusters. In Project 1, the coordination chemistry of the TBC4 macrocycle together with Dy(III) and Tb(III) afforded two Ln6[TBC4]2 complexes that have been structurally, magnetically and optically characterized. X-ray diffraction studies reveal that both complexes contain an octahedral core of Ln6 ions capped by two fully deprotonated TBC4 macrocycles. Although the unit cells of the two complexes are very similar, the coordination geometries of their Ln(III) ions are subtly different. Variable temperature ac magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that both complexes display single molecule magnet (SMM) behaviour in zero dc field and the energy barriers and associated pre-exponential factors for each relaxation process have been determined. Low temperature solid state photoluminescence studies reveal that both complexes are emissive; however, the f-f transitions within the Dy6 complex were masked by broad emissions from the TBC4 ligand. In contrast, the Tb(III) complex displayed green emission with the spectrum comprising four sharp bands corresponding to 5D4 → 7FJ transitions (where J = 3, 4, 5 and 6), highlighting that energy transfer from the TBC4 macrocycle to the Tb(III) ion is more effective than to Dy. Examples of zero field Tb(III) SMMs are scarce in the chemical literature and the Tb6[TBC4]2 complex represents the first example of a Tb(III) dual property SMM assembled from a p-tert-butylcalix[4]arene macrocycle with two magnetically derived energy barriers, Ueff of 79 and 63 K. In Project 2, the coordination of both enantiomers of the chiral ligand, α-methyl-2-pyridinemethanol (mpmH) to Ni(II) and Co(II) afforded three polynuclear clusters that have been structurally and magnetically characterized. The first complex, a Ni4 cluster of stoichiometry [Ni4(O2CCMe3)4(mpm)4]·H2O crystallizes in a distorted cubane topology that is well known in Ni(II) cluster chemistry. The final two Co(II) complexes crystallize as a linear mixed valence trimer with stoichiometry [Co3(mpm)6]·(ClO4)2, and a Co4 mixed valence complex [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2], whose structural topology resembles that of a defective double cubane. All three complexes crystallize in chiral space groups and circular dichroism experiments further confirm that the chirality of the ligand has been transferred to the respective coordination complex. Magnetic susceptibility studies reveal that for all three complexes, there are competing ferro- and antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. The [Co(II)¬2Co(III)2(NO3)2(μ-mpm)4(ONO2)2] complex represents the first example of a chiral mixed valence Co4 cluster with a defective double cubane topology.
In this paper, we develop finite-sample inference procedures for stationary and nonstationary autoregressive (AR) models. The method is based on special properties of Markov processes and a split-sample technique. The results on Markovian processes (intercalary independence and truncation) only require the existence of conditional densities. They are proved for possibly nonstationary and/or non-Gaussian multivariate Markov processes. In the context of a linear regression model with AR(1) errors, we show how these results can be used to simplify the distributional properties of the model by conditioning a subset of the data on the remaining observations. This transformation leads to a new model which has the form of a two-sided autoregression to which standard classical linear regression inference techniques can be applied. We show how to derive tests and confidence sets for the mean and/or autoregressive parameters of the model. We also develop a test on the order of an autoregression. We show that a combination of subsample-based inferences can improve the performance of the procedure. An application to U.S. domestic investment data illustrates the method.
L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l’impact d’une infection intra-mammaire (IIM) subclinique causée par staphylocoque coagulase-négative (SCN) ou Staphylococcus aureus diagnostiquée durant le premier mois de lactation chez les taures sur le comptage de cellules somatiques (CCS), la production laitière et le risque de réforme durant la lactation en cours. Des données bactériologiques provenant d’échantillons de lait composites de 2 273 taures Holstein parmi 50 troupeaux ont été interprétées selon les recommandations du National Mastitis Council. Parmi 1 691 taures rencontrant les critères de sélection, 90 (5%) étaient positives à S. aureus, 168 (10%) étaient positives à SCN et 153 (9%) étaient négatives (aucun agent pathogène isolé). Le CCS transformé en logarithme népérien (lnCCS) a été modélisé via une régression linéaire avec le troupeau comme effet aléatoire. Le lnCCS chez les groupes S. aureus et SCN était significativement plus élevé que dans le groupe témoin de 40 à 300 jours en lait (JEL) (P < 0.0001 pour tous les contrastes). La valeur journalière du lnSCC chez les groupes S. aureus et SCN était en moyenne 1.2 et 0.6 plus élevé que le groupe témoin respectivement. Un modèle similaire a été réalisé pour la production laitière avec l’âge au vêlage, le trait génétique lié aux parents pour la production laitière et le logarithme népérien du JEL de la pesée inclus. La production laitière n’était pas statistiquement différente entre les 3 groupes de culture de 40 à 300 JEL (P ≥ 0.12). Les modèles de survie de Cox ont révélé que le risque de réforme n’était pas statistiquement différent entre le groupe S. aureus ou SCN et le groupe témoin (P ≥ 0.16). La prévention des IIM causées par SCN et S. aureus en début de lactation demeure importante étant donné leur association avec le CCS durant la lactation en cours.
Huit cent trente et un troupeaux de vaches laitières répartis dans 5 états américains ont été enrôlés dans une étude de cohorte prospective. Un modèle d’équations d'estimation généralisées a été utilisé pour étudier l'association entre les signes cliniques et la détection de salmonelles dans les fèces des animaux soupçonnés de salmonellose clinique. La sensibilité et la spécificité de la culture bactériologique ont été estimées à l’aide d’un modèle de classes latentes. Dix-huit pour cent des 874 échantillons provenant de veaux et 29% des 1479 échantillons de vaches adultes étaient positifs pour Salmonella spp. Il n’a pas été possible d’établir une association claire entre les différents signes cliniques observés et la détection de salmonelles. Les 2 sérotypes les plus fréquemment isolés étaient Typhimurium et Newport. La probabilité de détecter des salmonelles était plus élevée chez les veaux où un autre agent entéropathogène était également détecté. La proportion d’échantillons positifs était plus élevée parmi les vaches ayant reçu des antibiotiques dans les jours précédant l’échantillonnage. La sensibilité de la culture a été estimée à 0,48 (intervalle de crédibilité à 95% [ICr95%]: 0,22-0,95) pour les veaux et 0,78 (ICr95%: 0,55-0,99) pour les vaches. La spécificité de la culture était de 0,94 (ICr95%: 0,87-1,00) pour les veaux et de 0,96 (ICr95%: 0,90-1,00) pour les vaches. Malgré une sensibilité imparfaite, la culture bactériologique demeure utile pour obtenir une meilleure estimation de la probabilité post-test de salmonellose clinique chez un bovin laitier, par rapport à la probabilité estimée suite au seul examen clinique.