972 resultados para GN Anthropology


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This article examines the role of life narratives as discursive spaces for the performance of individual resistance. Through the inspection of three interviews with professional musicians in Athens, the essay will illustrate how the recounting of nodal events in their lives and careers facilitates an assertion of their current social ideology and their disillusionment with the popular music industry in which they operate. Ultimately, what follows will suggest a mode of listening to individual utterances and narratives as discursive forms of resistance that need to be appreciated as social acts as opposed to mere ethnographic data.


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This article presents a series of conversations with anthropologists working in collaborative, interdisciplinary settings and projects. It examines the changing role and place of anthropology on the island of Ireland, particular for early career anthropologists. With anthropologists now working in settings as diverse as business schools, health, music, documentary making and industry (to name but a few), early career researchers are now dealing with new challenges. In this piece, we map out a number of these debates and show how a multiplicity of anthropologies and practices are emerging on the island.


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The year 1916 witnessed two events that would profoundly shape both
politics and commemoration in Ireland over the course of the following
century. Although the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme were
important historical events in their own right, their significance also lay
in how they came to be understood as iconic moments in the emergence
of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Adopting an interdisciplinary
approach drawing on history, politics, anthropology and cultural
studies, this volume explores how the memory of these two foundational
events has been constructed, mythologised and revised over the course
of the past century. The aim is not merely to understand how the Rising
and Somme came to exert a central place in how the past is viewed in
Ireland, but to explore wider questions about the relationship between
history, commemoration and memory.


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Religion is a funny thing, because it always seems to be riding two horses at once. One could describe these horses in a number of different ways, using all sorts of familiar dichotomies; practice and belief, body and soul, earthly and heavenly, here and hereafter. “Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses”. Here, food and forgiveness, or, perhaps more accurately, ingestion and salvation, are claimed, simultaneously – even seamlessly – by religion. This list could (and does) go on, being inclusive of, for example, immanence and transcendence – but more on this below. Yet these binary pairs can clearly be observed bleeding into one another. Ingesting pork, for example, often appears to be religiously more troublesome than does ingesting bread. This is because matter matters. We may ask, then, is religion really riding two horses, or are these ‘familiar dichotomies’ so familiar because they are false? Rephrasing the question in terms that partially echo the title and subtitle of Morgan’s (2010) landmark edited volume Religion and Material Culture: The Matter of Belief, is, I think, helpfully clarifying. What, then, is the matter with religion? The answer presented below is that, very often, the matter with religion is the matter of religion. Put more simply still, the problem with religion is its materiality. This chapter examines the whys and wherefores of this problem for the anthropology of religion – its ethnographic puzzles and methodological opportunities, as well as its conceptual impasses and theoretical insights.


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The conceptualisation of reflexivity commonly found in social anthropology deploys the term as if it were both a ‘virtuous’ mechanism of self‐reflection and an ethical technique of truth telling, with reflexivity frequently deployed as an moral practice of introspection and avowal. Further, because reflexivity is used as a methodology for constructing the authority of ethnographic accounts, reflexivity in anthropology has come to closely resemble Foucault’s descriptions of confession. By discussing Lynch’s (2000) critical analysis of reflexivity as an ‘academic virtue’, I consider his argument through the lens of my own concept of ‘confessional reflexivity’. While supporting Lynch’s diagnosis of the ‘problem of reflexivity’, I attempt to critique his ethnomethodological cure as essentialist, I conclude that a way forward might be found by blending Foucault’s (1976, 1993) theory of confession with Bourdieu’s (1992) theory of ‘epistemic reflexivity’.


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‘Canzone d’autore’ is the name that a vast community of Italian music critics, authors, per-formers, producers agreed upon in the mid-1970s, to describe the Italian singer-songwriter genre. Singer-songwriters, who had been missing from Italian popular music – with very few exceptions – until the late 1950s, had become increasingly popular after 1958, and were dubbed ‘cantautori’ in 1960. The term, which propagated to Spain, Catalonia, and Latin Amer-ica, is still in use, but ‘canzone d’autore’ superseded it as a genre label, highlighting the con-nections between authorship and artistic value, implied in the already established notion of ‘Cinéma d’auteur’ from which it was derived.

The expression ‘entechno laiko tragoudi’ (‘art-folk song’) was coined in Greece by Mikis The-odorakis in the 1950s, to describe a new music genre combining the urban-folk musical idi-om with lyrics coming from high-art poetry. Although the origins of the genre are tied to the work of composers like Theodorakis and Hatzidakis who did not perform as singers, from the 1970s onwards entechno became the privileged field of new generations of Greek singer-songwriters. Dropping ‘laiko’ (folk) from its label, entechno expanded its musical influences outside the urban-folk repertory and transformed into the more all-encompassing contempo-rary ‘art song’.


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O turismo, na sua complexidade e multiplicidade, afecta as pessoas, os locais e a cultura de uma sociedade. A visão antropológica é insuficiente para compreender a riqueza e a diversidade do fenómeno turístico. No entanto, ela tem dado e continua a dar um contributo fundamental para a análise das práticas turísticas culturais em diferentes sociedades. O presente artigo pretende analisar a importância que a Antropologia assume nos planos curriculares dos Cursos Superiores de Turismo em Portugal.


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O nosso estudo debruça-se sobre o uso de estruturadores do discurso na interacção verbal, em contexto pedagógico. As nossas referências teóricas estão vinculadas à Análise do Discurso, quer à escola francesa (com origem na Linguística), quer à escola anglo-saxónica (com origem na Antropologia). Em relação à área da Linguística, buscámos os pressupostos da Pragmática, Sociolinguística e Psicolinguística; relativamente à Antropologia, seguimos as abordagens etnográficas, etnometodológicas e interaccionistas. Nesta pesquisa participaram 15 professores e 778 alunos de cinco escolas do ensino secundário/equiparado da cidade da Beira e da região de Maputo (Moçambique), que integravam, nomeadamente, as turmas do 1.º e 2.º ano do ramo comercial e 9.ª e 10.ª classe do ensino secundário geral. Observámos 40 aulas, das quais foram transcritas e analisadas 10 aulas. A transcrição e a anotação foram realizadas com o auxílio do programa Transcriber. Usámos métodos qualitativos e quantitativos e, predominantemente, procedimentos descritivos. Identificámos 4700 marcadores discursivos distribuídos nas seguintes subcategorias: marcadores discursivos directivos, marcadores discursivos de confirmação, marcadores discursivos de natureza fáctica e de concordância e as interjeições como marcadores discursivos. Os resultados da nossa pesquisa permitiram-nos concluir que os marcadores discursivos e as disfluências desempenham funções ligadas à estruturação textual-interactiva. Estes fenómenos linguísticos, ao estruturarem o discurso de professores e alunos, contribuem para a produção/compreensão de sentido das frases.


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A compreensão dos estados mentais dos outros – Teoria da Mente (TM) – é um processo crucial no desenvolvimento cognitivo e social. A relação entre a Teoria da Mente e a Linguagem tem sido alvo de vários estudos ao longo das últimas décadas (Happé, 1995; de Villiers & Villiers, 2000; Astington, 2001; Ruffman et al., 2002; Lohmann & Tomasello, 2003; Astington & Baird, 2005; Astington & Pelletier, 2005; Farrar et al, 2009). Neste estudo avaliaram-se 229 crianças entre os 3 e os 7 anos que frequentavam jardim-de-infância. Destas 229 crianças, foram constituídos dois grupos, um constituído por crianças com desenvolvimento típico (GN) e outra por crianças com Perturbações da Fala/ Linguagem (GPFL), sendo que neste último foi ainda criado um sub-grupo de crianças com Perturbações Desenvolvimentais da Linguagem (SGPDL). Foi aplicado um teste de avaliação da TM, constituído por três sub-testes (Compreensão de falsas crenças de primeira ordem, crenças e desejos e acesso ao conhecimento) e um teste de avaliação de linguagem (T.A.L.C.) Foi também pedido aos cuidadores o preenchimento de um Questionário de Avaliação das Competências Sociais (Rydell et al., 1997). Verificou-se a existência de uma associação positiva e significativa entre a idade e a TM. Por outro lado, observou-se a presença de uma associação negativa e significativa entre a idade de início de fala e a TM. De uma forma geral, verifica-se que a TM está associada de forma positiva e estatisticamente significativa com os scores da linguagem, sendo esta relação mais forte relativamente aos aspectos relativos às Intenções comunicativas e score total de Expressão e Compreensão da linguagem. Vimos também que as crianças do SGPDL apresentaram scores inferiores ao nível da TM relativamente ao GN. Encontramos diferenças estatisticamente significativas em relação ao tempo de duração da prova de TM entre o GN e o GPFL, tendo estes últimos necessitado de maior tempo de resposta. Relativamente à associação existente entre competências sociais e TM, verificamos que não se encontrou a existência de correlações estatisticamente significativas, excepto para o factor “Altruísmo”. Pensa-se que este aspecto estará relacionado com o facto das competências de TM avaliadas neste estudo não se encontrarem associadas às questões emocionais, as quais constituem um sub-tipo de TM do tipo afectivo, mas antes do sub-tipo cognitivo. Os indivíduos GN apresentaram valores para a “Orientação Pró-Social”, “Iniciação Social” e score Total das Competências Sociais significativamente superiores às crianças do GPFL.


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Este estudo apresenta o universo patrimonial pela perspetiva da acessibilidade pública conferida por instituições museológicas. Consiste em exploração e análise das informações e experiências proporcionadas por museus no âmbito da cultura material indumentária e de moda. O foco desta abordagem são as exposições presenciais e os websites institucionais, com ênfase à acessibilidade aos catálogos de coleções. Pela perspectiva do designer como antropólogo neste estudo – com base em estudos de caso e outros dados coletados – são apresentadas ferramentas comparativas da realidade atual e propostas para a disseminação mais alargada, diversificada e especializada das informações cultura material e imaterial de moda. Duas hipóteses orientaram esta tese: - A noção de que as exposições de artefatos de traje podem ser inovadoras em relação às exposições de outros objetos, já que a roupa vincula-se a movimento, toque, corpo e usabilidade que induz experiências e conexões, sentimentos e identidades em uma relação de metamorfose. - A noção de que o potencial de ensino e difusão de uma cultura de design, com destaque aos contextos de Portugal e Brasil, é um campo relevante à visibilidade pública da indústria da moda nestes países e alavanca para um melhor posicionamento na competitividade global. Pelas propostas específicas e pelo contributo de fornecer informações inéditas a respeito do universo investigado, este estudo abre novas perspectivas para futuras investigações, principalmente nas áreas de museologia, museografia, história e teoria da moda e do design, design de exposição, design de produto, estudos da cultura material, comunicação e antropologia do design.


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This book chapter extends the argument constructed by Oakley in his conference paper ‘Containing gold: Institutional attempts to define and constrict the values of precious metal objects’ presented at ‘Itineraries of the Material’, a conference held at Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main in 2011. Oakley’s chapter investigates the social forces that define the identities, social pathways and physical movement of objects made of precious metal. It presents a case study in which constitutive substance rather than the conceptual object is the key driver behind the social trajectories of numerous artefacts and their reception by contemporary audiences. This supports the main contention of the book as a whole: the need to reconsider, and when necessary challenge, the dominance of the social biography of objects in the study of material culture. Oakley’s research used historical and ethnographic approaches, including three years’ of ethnographic field research in the jewellery industry. This included training as a precious metal assayer at the Birmingham Assay Office and observing the industry and public response to government proposals to abolish the hallmarking legislation. This fieldwork was augmented by archive, library and object collection research on the histories of assaying and goldsmithing. Oakley presents an analysis of the historical development and contemporary social relevance of hallmarking, a technological process that has never previously been subject to ethnographic study, yet is fundamental to one of the UK’s creative industries.


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The ability and right to have secrets may be a condition of social ethics (Derrida, A Taste for the Secret), but at the same time the nature of secrets is that they undermine themselves. Once told, secrets are no longer secret but are known. Even to name them as possibilities is to bring them into view as objects of knowledge. Secrets are thus always in some ways partial secrets, but their “openness” also connotes the lack of certainty of any knowledge about them, their evasiveness, their lack of fixity, and hence, their partial character and openness to change. In this article, I explore partial secrets in relation to a 2011 interview study of HIV support in the United Kingdom, where HIV’s relatively low prevalence and high treatment access tends toward its invisibilization. I suggest that in this context, HIV is positioned ambiguously, as a “partial secret,” in an ongoing and precarious tension between public knowledge and acceptance of HIV, HIV’s constitution as a condition of citizenship attended by full human rights, and HIV’s being resecreted through ongoing illness, constrained resources, citizenly exclusion, and the psychological and social isolation of those affected.