1000 resultados para Fronzoni, April


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Neste estudo descreve-se as características da estrutura vertical de um episódio de Jatos de Baixos Níveis (JBN) ocorrido no litoral do Pará, utilizando-se para tal, dados das radiossondagens de Ajuruteua, Município de Bragança coletados durante o experimento DESMATA (Impacto do Desmatamento Junto ao Litoral Atlântico da Amazônia) realizado no período de 08 a 22 de abril de 2002. Dentre os casos detectados no período chuvoso, selecionou-se um que se manteve por 12 horas com velocidade média de 15m/s e que estava direcionado de Nordeste para Leste, no ponto de máxima velocidade. Os resultados observacionais indicaram que, este JBN localizado no litoral Paraense foi resultado da ação combinada de dois fatores: (1) oscilação inercial e (2) baroclinia superficial. Estes dois fatores combinados sustentaram este JBN com intensidades entre 10 e 13m/s durante o dia e entre 14 e 16m/s durante a noite, localizado a uma altitude média de 800m acima da superfície.


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Table of Contents: Crystal River’s Manatee Rescue Squad, page 3 Focus on . . . Birds and Birding, pages 8-15 Assessing Damage in an Arizona Wilderness, page 16 Have Hammers, Will Travel page 18


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Table of Contents: America’s Birds: In an Alarming State Snakes Alive! Title Sub Title East Coast Wetlands Are Disappearing Chief’s Corner: What We Do Now Extreme Makeover for Bird Sightings by Mike Carlo Taking Care of Our World War II Legacy by Lisa Matlock Whatever Happened to . . . . San Francisco Bay Wetland Restoration Projects Recalling the Battle of Long Island Sound by David Klinger Bold Approaches for Climate Change How Alligator River Refuge Is Planning and Adapting by Mike Bryant Rapid Climate Change Is Transforming the Arctic by David Payer Tracking Change on Wildlife Refuges by Kathy Granillo Where SLAMM Foretells a Wetter Future Reviving the Land – and the Air by Bob Ford and Pete Jerome Connecting the Conservation Landscape a New Priority by Mike Scott and Bob Adamcik Awards for Refuge System Palmyra Atoll Refuge Becomes Ramsar Site Not So Strategic Habitat Conservation: A True Story by David Viker Putting Food on Alaskan Tables by Andy Aderman


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Table of Contents: Energy Company Fine Benefits Ottawa Refuge, page 3 Hide and Seek…but Mostly Hide page 4 Focus on …Pollinators, page 10 Great Storytellers, page 18


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Table of Contents: What’s Melting: Togiak Refuge Sizes Up Its Glaciers, page 3 Focus on Fish Conservation, pages 10-15 Whatever happened to…, pages 16-17 Wildlife Cooperatives, page 20


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Table of Contents: An Encyclopedia for the Refuge, page 4 Awarded for Excellence, page 5 MBNA Donates for Refuge System Projects, page 16 The Thoughts of a Detailee, page 19


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Table of Contents: Planting a Seed, page 4-5 Master Naturalist Initiative Joins the Refuge System, page 8 Focus on . . . Habitat Management, pages 10-21 Leatherback Turtles Are Helped to a Future, page 24-25


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In April 1998, as part of a project to collect biopsy samples of putative pygmy blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda) in the waters around the Republic of the Maldives, Indian Ocean, incidental sightings of cetaceans encountered were recorded. Using modified line-transect methods and handheld binoculars, a total of 267 sightings of 16 species of whales and dolphins were recorded during 20 at-sea days in the northeastern part of the atoll. Significant results include the following: (1) cetaceans were abundant and species diversity was high, including nearly every pantropical species of pelagic cetacean; (2) the spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) was by far the most common species encountered (56 sightings) and also had the largest mean school size ( = 50.3 individuals); (3) blue whales were rare; only four individuals were sighted; (4) a large concentration of Bryde’s whales (28 sightings in two days) was apparently feeding in nearshore waters; (5) this paper reports the first records for the Maldives of Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris), Blainville’s beaked whale (Mesoplodon densirostris) and the dwarf sperm whale (Kogia sima): the latter was particularly common (17 sightings); (6) the spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) was rare and almost always associated with yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares), spinner dolphin, or seabirds, as has been reported in the eastern Pacific and western Indian oceans.


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Table of Contents: USDA Seeks Comments on New CWD Rule Some of the Intricacies of CWD 3rd International CWD Symposium White Nose Syndrome Update Wildlife Poisoning in Kansas Salmonellosis in Your Backyard Trichomonosis in Songbirds Dr. Al Franzmann Staff & Student Recognition


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Table of Contents: SCWDS History Continued: The Domestic Animal Connection WNV Still With Us: Other Arboviruses May Follow Avian Influenza Update – Spring 2007 Scholarship in Memory of Ed Couvillion Chronic Lead Poisoning in Raptors Unusual Deer Tumor Kevin Keel Receives Award New Edition of Wild Bird Diseases Book