994 resultados para Forma traço


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O presente artigo procura analisar o posicionamento político-econômico da Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo diante do processo de reestruturação do Estado Brasileiro na década de 1990, e a correspondente inserção do país na nova etapa de acumulação do capital. A principal entidade da fração industrial da burguesia brasileira elabora uma proposta para o “Brasil Moderno”, que se baseia no resgate dos pressupostos liberais como conditio sine qua non para o desenvolvimento econômico e social do país. Tais propostas fazem coro com as diretrizes dos organismos burgueses internacionais, explicitadas através do documento intitulado Consenso de Washington, e reafirmam a condição do país como economia periférica e subordinada aos pólos centrais do capitalismo mundial.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Genética e Melhoramento Animal - FCAV


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Materiais estruturais utilizados no projeto de equipamentos e instalações industriais podem apresentar mudança de seu comportamento à fratura quando se varia a temperatura. Este tipo de comportamento caracteriza-se pela existência de uma curva de transição, onde 3 regiões ficam bem definidas: os patamares inferior e superior e a região de transição. Na região de transição, os resultados experimentais apresentam alto espalhamento e são bastante dependentes da geometria ensaiada. Para solucionar este problema, foi desenvolvido um modelo analítico experimental, que resultou na edição da norma ASTM E1921-97. O trabalho inclui um estudo da influência de diversas rotas de tratamentos térmicos aplicadas em um aço 4130 utilizado pela indústria aeronáutica, um aço de qualidade API utilizado pela indústria petrolífera e um aço da classe A516 atualmente utilizado pela indústria nacional de vasos de pressão, na microestrutura, propriedades mecânicas de tração e tenacidade à fratura. Os resultados mostraram que o aço 4130 A450, apresentou a melhor correlação entre resistência e tenacidade entre as microestruturas pesquisadas. Este comportamento deve estar associado a rota de tratamento térmico aplicada a esta condição. O tratamento de austêmpera possibilita a formação de bainita que, tradicionalmente é conhecida por apresentar elevados valores de tenacidade. O método proposto pela ASTM pode ser considerado viável para as diversas microestruturas pesquisadas ampliando a aplicação da metodologia que recomenda o ensaio apenas para aços ferríticos. No entanto, a metodologia da Curva Mestra em materiais tratados termicamente deve ser conduzida de forma a se estabelecer parâmetros que considerem as modificações microestruturais sofridas pelo material.


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This experiment aim was to evaluate the contamination of the trace elements (TE) arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, lead, selenium, and zinc considered in the CONAMA resolution 375 after 13 years long using sewage sludge (SS) as fertilizer in two soils: an Eutroferric Clayed Red Latosol (Rhodic Eutrudox - RE) and a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Typic Haplorthox - TH). Experiment in the field under maize cultivation had four treatments (0, 5, 10, and 20 t of SS ha(-1), dry weight), five replications and an experimental design in randomized blocks. The agrochemicals (dolomitic limestone, single superphosphate, and potassium chloride), SS, soils, and the certified reference materials were digested according to the USEPA 3051A method and the chemical elements were quantified by ICP OES. The TE contents found in the agrochemicals used should not cause immediate environmental impact. The higher TE values were found in the RE and they did not reach the agricultural (more stringent) Investigation Level (IL) yet, according to 420 CONAMA resolution. Persisting the actual SS fertilization amount applied in the soil and the TE concentration in the SS is foreseen that Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Zn will be the first elements to reach the IL in the RE.


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The process of electric arc welding with shielding gas (GMAW) is being increasingly used in various industrial applications. This process occurs by which an electric arc is established between the work piece and a consumable in the form of wire, the arc melts the wire continuously as it is fed to the weld pool. The weld metal is protected from the atmosphere by flowing a gas (or gas mixture) inert or active. This paper presents a study of the welding process GMAW - MIG on aluminum tubes, alloy 6101 - T6, used in the manufacture of armored busbar, intended for driving electric power plants. 5(five) were welded specimens, changing certain welding parameters at each time was monitored welding joint as well as the interpass temperature. Tests were performed bending, tensile and macrographical analysis of body-of-evidence and through its results was possible to reach a better welding condition, which minimizes the appearance of pores, since the porosity has great influence on the mechanical strength and electrical conductivity of welded pipes


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This work has as objective understand the role of chief public relations professional in the design of strategies for an organization considering the theories of semiotics, particularly the concepts of Firstness, secondness and Thirdness defended and presented by Charles Sanders Peirce, and business administration. We will give attention to the process that the public relations of an organization sets the detection of a problem / opportunity until the moment that takes science for all individuals and is resolved / utilized in an organization. Then to better illustrate the concepts presented, it has been a case study of the performance of a public relations professional in an organization, and its importance in her career


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The properties of the hot melt adhesive pressure sensitive (HMPSA) using an elastomer as a base polymer a copolymer of styrene and butadiene (SBS) and variation of tackifiers resins such as hydrocarbon resins and hydrogenated hydrocarbon were investigated. The formulations were prepared by mixing process within shear. The adhesives prepared were evaluated in test Brookfield viscosity and softening point Ring and Ball to compare the formulations and the influence of variations in raw materials. Infrared analyzes were performed to detect the reactions between the inputs and investigate the chemical interactions of the same properties of the adhesive. In thermal analysis, the assay was performed thermogravimetry (TG) and diferencial exploratory calorimetry (DSC). Were investigated the parameters of the tensile test on each of the formulations. Finally, were analysed comparatively the basic formulations of adhesives with their respective raw materials


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This paper presents the communication as a major part in construction of a reality symbolized by the individual, his close relationship with politics and how political leaders use it to build a positive image that gives them credibility, membership of the intended audience, the assumption and maintenance of the power to represent the collective body. In the light of sociological, anthropological and discourse theories, understands communication as a social phenomenon indispensable to building democracy while, paradoxically, becomes part of the political problem when it’s used to override individual interests to collective interests. It concludes by examining the documentary Entreatos to demonstrate how the theory presented is applicable in political campaigns and their use in promoting the political leader as a formatted product to be “consumed” by the voter


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When a bolted joint is loaded in tension with dynamically, part of this load is absorbed by the bolt and rest is absorbed by the joint material. What determines the portion that is to absorbed by the bolt is the joint stiffness factor. This factor influences the tension which corresponds to pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure, thus being an important factor in the design of bolted joints. In this work, three methods of calculating the stiffness factor are compared through a spreadsheet in Excel software. The ratio of initial pre-load and the safety factor for fatigue failure depending on the stiffness factor graph is generated. The calculations for each method show results with a small difference. It is therefore recommended that each project case is analyzed, and depending on its conditions and the range of stiffness values, the more or less rigid method about the safety factor for fatigue failure is chosen. In general, the approximation method provides consistent results and can be easily calculated


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Alloy Al-7%Si-0,3Mg (AA356), having an excellent combination of properties such as low solidification shrinkage and good fluidity, good weldability, high wear resistance, high strength to weight particularly in the automotive and aerospace engineering. The refinement of the structure aluminum silicon eutectic alloy is a fairly common practice in the casting, through the treatment knows as modification. You can get the modification for the addition of chemicals and rare earths, these have the ability to modify the structure of the eutectic, but only sodium and strontium produce a strong action modifier when used in low concentrations. The modifying effect of silicon grain turns into a fibrous form branched and enveloped by the metal matrix in the form of a composite structure that has the highest limit of tensile strength, ductility and machinability. This work will be obtained AA356 alloy ingots using two different types of molds: metal mold and sand mold. Macrographs will be made in ingots obtained for observation of the macrostructures obtained in both types of ingots. Will be sampled at strategic locations of the ingots to correlate microstructure and cooling rate. The results showed that the material of the ingot has a strong influence on the resulting micro-andmacrostructure


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A espécie vegetal Casearia sylvestris é uma planta nativa do Brasil e de uso tradicional, sendo utilizada popularmente para combate de doenças do trato digestório. Seus extratos e mesmo substâncias purificadas apresentaram diversas atividades farmacológicas, sendo a mais eficaz a ação antiulcerogênica. Neste trabalho, desenvolveram-se granulados a partir do extrato etanólico de folhas de C. sylvestris. A metodologia envolve métodos de extração de droga vegetais, granulação via úmida e ensaios de caracterização do perfil micromerítico dos granulados