904 resultados para Folkestone (GB)
A reconfigurable nonlinear equalizer (RNLE) based on inverse Volterra series transfer function is proposed for dual-polarization (DP) and multiband coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signals. It is shown that the RNLE outperforms by 2 dB the linear equalization in a 260-Gb/s DP-OFDM system at 1500 km. The RNLE improves the tolerance to inter/intraband nonlinearities, being independent on polarization tributaries, modulation format, signal bit rate, subcarrier number, and distance. © 1989-2012 IEEE.
Unrepeatered 42.7 Gb/s per channel RZ-DPSK transmission over standard SMF-28 fibre with novel URFL based amplification using fibre Bragg gratings is investigated. OSNR and gain performance are studied experimentally and through simulations. Error free transmission for 16 channels across the full C-band with direct detection was experimentally demonstrated for 280 km span length, as well as 6-channel transmission at 340 km and single-channel transmission up to 360 km (75 dB) without employing ROPA or specialty fibres.©2013 Optical Society of America.
We propose - as a modification of the optical (RF) pilot scheme -a balanced phase modulation between two polarizations of the optical signal in order to generate correlated equalization enhanced phase noise (EEPN) contributions in the two polarizations. The method is applicable for n-level PSK system. The EEPN can be compensated, the carrier phase extracted and the nPSK signal regenerated by complex conjugation and multiplication in the receiver. The method is tested by system simulations in a single channel QPSK system at 56 Gb/s system rate. It is found that the conjugation and multiplication scheme in the Rx can mitigate the EEPN to within 1/2 orders of magnitude. Results are compared to using the Viterbi-Viterbi algorithm to mitigate the EEPN. The latter method improves the sensitivity more than two orders of magnitude. Important novel insight into the statistical properties of EEPN is identified and discussed in the paper. © 2013 Optical Society of America.
We have demonstrated the feasibility of error-free DWDM 8×40 Gb/s transmission over an 800 km SMF/DCF link with 0.8 bit/s/Hz spectral efficiency without polarization multiplexing.
We demonstrate a novel subcarrier coding scheme combined with pre-EDC for fibre nonlinearity mitigation in CO-OFDM, showing that a performance improvement of 1.5 dB can be achieved in a 150 Gb/s BPSK PDM CO-OFDM transmission.
Dual-polarization multi-band orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (DP-MB-OFDM) signals are optimized at data rates up to 500 Gb/s in dispersion compensation fiber (DCF)-free long-haul links. We compare different polarization crosstalk compensation techniques and explore the DP-MB-OFDM transmission distance limitations. In addition, the impact of the OFDM subcarrier number and high-level modulation format on the transmission performance are also investigated. Finally, a comparison is made between DP-MB-OFDM and the industrial solution of single-carrier DP quaternary phase-shift keying (DP-QPSK) at 1000 km.
In this letter, a nonlinear semi-analytical model (NSAM) for simulation of few-mode fiber transmission is proposed. The NSAM considers the mode mixing arising from the Kerr effect and waveguide imperfections. An analytical explanation of the model is presented, as well as simulation results for the transmission over a two mode fiber (TMF) of 112 Gb/s using coherently detected polarization multiplexed quadrature phase-shift-keying modulation. The simulations show that by transmitting over only one of the two modes on TMFs, long-haul transmission can be realized without increase of receiver complexity. For a 6000-km transmission link, a small modal dispersion penalty is observed in the linear domain, while a significant increase of the nonlinear threshold is observed due to the large core of TMF. © 2006 IEEE.
We report the impact of longitudinal signal power profile on the transmission performance of coherently-detected 112 Gb/s m-ary polarization multiplexed quadrature amplitude modulation system after compensation of deterministic nonlinear fibre impairments. Performance improvements up to 0.6 dB (Q(eff)) are reported for a non-uniform transmission link power profile. Further investigation reveals that the evolution of the transmission performance with power profile management is fully consistent with the parametric amplification of the amplified spontaneous emission by the signal through four-wave mixing. In particular, for a non-dispersion managed system, a single-step increment of 4 dB in the amplifier gain, with respect to a uniform gain profile, at similar to 2/3(rd) of the total reach considerably improves the transmission performance for all the formats studied. In contrary a negative-step profile, emulating a failure (gain decrease or loss increase), significantly degrades the bit-error rate.
We investigate the pattern-dependent decoding failures in full-field electronic dispersion compensation (EDC) by offline processing of experimental signals, and find that the performance of such an EDC receiver may be degraded by an isolated "1" bit surrounded by long strings of consecutive "0s". By reducing the probability of occurrence of this kind of isolated "1" and using a novel adaptive threshold decoding method, we greatly improve the compensation performance to achieve 10-Gb/s on-off keyed signal transmission over 496-km field-installed single-mode fiber without optical dispersion compensation.
We investigate the use of different direct detection modulation formats in a wavelength switched optical network. We find the minimum time it takes a tunable sampled grating distributed Bragg reflector laser to recover after switching from one wavelength channel to another for different modulation formats. The recovery time is investigated utilizing a field programmable gate array which operates as a time resolved bit error rate detector. The detector offers 93 ps resolution operating at 10.7 Gb/s and allows for all the data received to contribute to the measurement, allowing low bit error rates to be measured at high speed. The recovery times for 10.7 Gb/s non-return-to-zero on–off keyed modulation, 10.7 Gb/s differentially phase shift keyed signal and 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed formats can be as low as 4 ns, 7 ns and 40 ns, respectively. The time resolved phase noise associated with laser settling is simultaneously measured for 21.4 Gb/s differentially quadrature phase shift keyed data and it shows that the phase noise coupled with frequency error is the primary limitation on transmitting immediately after a laser switching event.
A novel modulator array integrating eight GaAs electro-optic IQ modulators is characterized and tested over long-reach direct-detected multi-band OFDM-PONs. The GaAs IQ modulators present > 22 GHz bandwidth with 3V Vpi, being suitable for a 100-km 40-Gb/s OOFDM-PON supporting up to 1024 users.
Progress on advanced active and passive photonic components that are required for high-speed optical communications over hollow-core photonic bandgap fiber at wavelengths around 2 μm is described in this paper. Single-frequency lasers capable of operating at 10 Gb/s and covering a wide spectral range are realized. A comparison is made between waveguide and surface normal photodiodes with the latter showing good sensitivity up to 15 Gb/s. Passive waveguides, 90° optical hybrids, and arrayed waveguide grating with 100-GHz channel spacing are demonstrated on a large spot-size waveguide platform. Finally, a strong electro-optic effect using the quantum confined Stark effect in strain-balanced multiple quantum wells is demonstrated and used in a Mach-Zehnder modulator capable of operating at 10 Gb/s.
Transmission of a net 467-Gb/s PDM-16QAM Nyquist-spaced superchannel is reported with an intra-superchannel net spectral efficiency (SE) of 6.6 (b/s)/Hz, over 364-km SMF-28 ULL ultra-low loss optical fiber, enabled by bi-directional second-order Raman amplification and digital nonlinearity compensation. Multi-channel digital back-propagation (MC-DBP) was applied to compensate for nonlinear interference; an improvement of 2 dB in Q2 factor was achieved when 70-GHz DBP bandwidth was applied, allowing an increase in span length of 37 km.
Interregionalism is deeply rooted in the foreign policies and external relations of the EU. Interregional cooperation today not only encompasses trade and aid but also political dialogue, cultural relations and even security cooperation. Although the EU’s official ambition has been to formalize and institutionalize its interregional relations with other regional bodies or organizations (so-called ‘pure interregionalism’), in practice there are a bewildering variety of interregional or group-to-group relations on display (Hänggi 2006; Baert et al. 2014). The EU is rapidly evolving as a global actor and while doing so it has been trying to export its own civilian and normative values. Interregionalism is an important tool in this process, contributing to the EU’s policy of fostering regionalism worldwide, not only in the triad (Europe, North America and East Asia) (De Lombaerde and Schulz 2009). Through interregionalism, the EU and its regional others enhance their presence, gain recognition, tighten institutional cohesion and define identities. Interregionalism, therefore, occupies a special position in the construction of regional actorness in global affairs (Wunderlich 2012). However, the link between interregionalism and regionalism is both complex and underexplored (Baert et al. 2014; Doidge 2007). Much depends on the type of interregional relations, and the balance of other forms of cooperation, which appears to play out differently in different regions. All this leads to a number of research questions that should be addressed by the academic literature, including is there a preference for interregional relations in EU’s foreign policy? If so, for what reason(s)? What are the consequences of such a preference? What is the role of interregionalism in the broader context of EU’s external policies? How are expressions of regionalism related to expressions of interregionalism? Does the sui generis character of the EU lead to a sui generis character of EU interregionalism? This chapter provides a general overview of the evolution of the field, the key conceptual and analytical debates, as well as the main research questions that drive the research agenda. Emphasis is also placed on identifying the main gaps in the field and suggesting directions.
One major drawback of coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) that hitherto remains unsolved is its vulnerability to nonlinear fiber effects due to its high peak-to-average power ratio. Several digital signal processing techniques have been investigated for the compensation of fiber nonlinearities, e.g., digital back-propagation, nonlinear pre- and post-compensation and nonlinear equalizers (NLEs) based on the inverse Volterra-series transfer function (IVSTF). Alternatively, nonlinearities can be mitigated using nonlinear decision classifiers such as artificial neural networks (ANNs) based on a multilayer perceptron. In this paper, ANN-NLE is presented for a 16QAM CO-OFDM system. The capability of the proposed approach to compensate the fiber nonlinearities is numerically demonstrated for up to 100-Gb/s and over 1000km and compared to the benchmark IVSTF-NLE. Results show that in terms of Q-factor, for 100-Gb/s at 1000km of transmission, ANN-NLE outperforms linear equalization and IVSTF-NLE by 3.2dB and 1dB, respectively.