983 resultados para Flow Chemistry


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The 19 kDa carboxyl-terminal fragment of merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP119) is a major component of the invasion-inhibitory response in individual immunity to malaria. A novel ultrasonic atomization approach for the formulation of biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles of malaria DNA vaccines encoding MSP119 is presented here. After condensing the plasmid DNA (pDNA) molecules with a cationic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI), a 40 kHz ultrasonic atomization frequency was used to formulate PLGA microparticles at a flow rate of 18 mL h1. High levels of gene expression and moderate cytotoxicity in COS-7 cells were achieved with the condensed pDNA at a nitrogen to phosphate (N/P) ratio of 20, thus demonstrating enhanced cellular uptake and expression of the transgene. The ability of the microparticles to convey pDNA was examined by characterizing the formulated microparticles. The microparticles displayed Z-average hydrodynamic diameters of 1.50-2.10 lm and zeta potentials of 17.8-23.2 mV. The encapsulation efficiencies were between 78 and 83%, and 76 and 85% of the embedded malaria pDNA molecules were released under physiological conditions in vitro. These results indicate that PLGA-mediated microparticles can be employed as potential gene delivery systems to antigen-presenting cells in the prevention of malaria.


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DNA vaccines or proteins are capable of inducing specific immunity; however, the translation to the clinic has generally been problematic, primarily due to the reduced magnitude of immune response and poor pharmacokinetics. Herein we demonstrate a composite microsphere formulation, composed of mesoporous silica spheres (MPS) and poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), enables the controlled delivery of a prime-boost vaccine via the encapsulation of plasmid DNA (pDNA) and protein in different compartments. Method with modified dual-concentric-feeding needles attached to a 40 kHz ultrasonic atomizer was studied. These needles focus the flow of two different solutions, which passed through the ultrasonic atomizer. The process synthesis parameters, which are important to the scale-up of composite microspheres, were also studied. These parameters include polymer concentration, feed flowrate, and volumetric ratio of polymer and pDNA-PEI/MPS-BSA. This fabrication technique produced composite microspheres with mean D[4,3] ranging from 6 to 34 μm, depending upon the microsphere preparation. The resultant physical morphology of composite microspheres was largely influenced by the volumetric ratio of pDNA-PEI/MPS-BSA to polymer, and this was due to the precipitation of MPS at the surface of the microspheres. The encapsulation efficiencies were predominantly in the range of 93-98% for pDNA and 46-68% for MPS. In the in vitro studies, the pDNA and protein showed different release kinetics in a 40 day time frame. The dual-concentric-feeding in ultrasonic atomization was shown to have excellent reproducibility. It was concluded that this fabrication technique is an effective method to prepare formulations containing a heterologous prime-boost vaccine in a single delivery system.


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Polymethacrylate monoliths, specifically poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethylene dimethacrylate) or poly(GMA-co-EDMA) monoliths, are a new generation of chromatographic supports and are significantly different from conventional particle-based adsorbents, membranes, and other monolithic supports for biomolecule purification. Similar to other monoliths, polymethacrylate monoliths possess large pores which allow convective flow of mobile phase and result in high flow rates at reduced pressure drop, unlike particulate supports. The simplicity of the adsorbent synthesis, pH resistance, and the ease and flexibility of tailoring their pore size to that of the target biomolecule are the key properties which differentiate polymethacrylate monoliths from other monoliths. Polymethacrylate monoliths are endowed with reactive epoxy groups for easy functionalization (with anion-exchange, hydrophobic, and affinity ligands) and high ligand retention. In this review, the structure and performance of polymethacrylate monoliths for chromatographic purification of biomolecules are evaluated and compared to those of other supports. The development and use of polymethacrylate monoliths for research applications have grown rapidly in recent times and have enabled the achievement of high through-put biomolecule purification on semi-preparative and preparative scales.


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Background A novel ultrasonic atomization approach for the formulation of biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) microparticles of a malaria DNA vaccine is presented. A 40 kHz ultrasonic atomization device was used to create the microparticles from a feedstock containing 5 volumes of 0.5% w/v PLGA in acetone and 1 volume of condensed DNA which was fed at a flow rate of 18ml h-1. The plasmid DNA vectors encoding a malaria protein were condensed with a cationic polymer before atomization. Results High levels of gene expression in vitro were observed in COS-7 cells transfected with condensed DNA at a nitrogen to phosphate (N/P) ratio of 10. At this N/P ratio, the condensed DNA exhibited a monodispersed nanoparticle size (Z-average diameter of 60.8 nm) and a highly positive zeta potential of 38.8mV. The microparticle formulations of malaria DNA vaccine were quality assessed and it was shown that themicroparticles displayed high encapsulation efficiencies between 82-96% and a narrow size distribution in the range of 0.8-1.9 μm. In vitro release profile revealed that approximately 82% of the DNA was released within 30 days via a predominantly diffusion controlledmass transfer system. Conclusions This ultrasonic atomization technique showed excellent particle size reproducibility and displayed potential as an industrially viable approach for the formulation of controlled release particles.


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Dewatering of microalgal culture is a major bottleneck towards the industrial-scale processing of microalgae for bio-diesel production. The dilute nature of harvested microalgal cultures poses a huge operation cost to dewater; thereby rendering microalgae-based fuels less economically attractive. This study explores the influence of microalgal growth phases and intercellular interactions during cultivation on dewatering efficiency of microalgae cultures. Experimental results show that microalgal cultures harvested during a low growth rate phase (LGRP) of 0.03 d-1 allowed a higher rate of settling than those harvested during a high growth rate phase (HGRP) of 0.11 d-1, even though the latter displayed a higher average differential biomass concentration of 0.2 g L-1 d-1. Zeta potential profile during the cultivation process showed a maximum electronegative value of -43.2 ± 0.7 mV during the HGRP which declined to stabilization at -34.5 ± 0.4 mV in the LGRP. The lower settling rate observed for HGRP microalgae is hence attributed to the high stability of the microalgal cells which electrostatically repel each other during this growth phase. Tangential flow filtration of 20 L HGRP culture concentrated 23 times by consuming 0.51 kWh/m3 of supernatant removed whilst 0.38 kWh/m3 was consumed to concentrate 20 L of LGRP by 48 times.


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An effective means of facilitating DNA vaccine delivery to antigen presenting cells is through biodegradable microspheres. Microspheres offer distinct advantages over other delivery technologies by providing release of DNA vaccine in its bioactive form in a controlled fashion. In this study, biodegradable poly(D,L-lactide-coglycolide) (PLGA) microspheres containing polyethylenimine (PEI) condensed plasmid DNA (pDNA) were prepared using a 40 kHz ultrasonic atomization system. Process synthesis parameters, which are important to the scale-up of microspheres that are suitable for nasal delivery (i.e., less than 20 μm), were studied. These parameters include polymer concentration; feed flowrate; volumetric ratio of polymer and pDNA-PEI (plasmid DNA-polyethylenimine) complexes; and nitrogen to phosphorous (N/P) ratio. PDNA encapsulation efficiencies were predominantly in the range 82-96%, and the mean sizes of the particle were between 6 and 15 μm. The ultrasonic synthesis method was shown to have excellent reproducibility. PEI affected morphology of the microspheres, as it induced the formation of porous particles that accelerate the release rate of pDNA. The PLGA microspheres displayed an in vitro release of pDNA of 95-99% within 30 days and demonstrated zero order release kinetics without an initial spike of pDNA. Agarose electrophoresis confirmed conservation of the supercoiled form of pDNA throughout the synthesis and in vitro release stages. It was concluded that ultrasonic atomization is an efficient technique to overcome the key obstacles in scaling-up the manufacture of encapsulated vaccine for clinical trials and ultimately, commercial applications.


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The extent of exothermicity associated with the construction of large-volume methacrylate monolithic columns has somewhat obstructed the realisation of large-scale rapid biomolecule purification especially for plasmid-based products which have proven to herald future trends in biotechnology. A novel synthesis technique via a heat expulsion mechanism was employed to prepare a 40 mL methacrylate monolith with a homogeneous radial pore structure along its thickness. Radial temperature gradient was recorded to be only 1.8 °C. Maximum radial temperature recorded at the centre of the monolith was 62.3 °C, which was only 2.3 °C higher than the actual polymerisation temperature. Pore characterisation of the monolithic polymer showed unimodal pore size distributions at different radial positions with an identical modal pore size of 400 nm. Chromatographic characterisation of the polymer after functionalisation with amino groups displayed a persistent dynamic binding capacity of 15.5 mg of plasmid DNA/mL. The maximum pressure drop recorded was only 0.12 MPa at a flow rate of 10 mL/min. The polymer demonstrated rapid separation ability by fractionating Escherichia coli DH5α-pUC19 clarified lysate in only 3 min after loading. The plasmid sample collected after the fast purification process was tested to be a homogeneous supercoiled plasmid with DNA electrophoresis and restriction analysis.


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The creation of a commercially viable and a large-scale purification process for plasmid DNA (pDNA) production requires a whole-systems continuous or semi-continuous purification strategy employing optimised stationary adsorption phase(s) without the use of expensive and toxic chemicals, avian/bovine-derived enzymes and several built-in unit processes, thus affecting overall plasmid recovery, processing time and economics. Continuous stationary phases are known to offer fast separation due to their large pore diameter making large molecule pDNA easily accessible with limited mass transfer resistance even at high flow rates. A monolithic stationary sorbent was synthesised via free radical liquid porogenic polymerisation of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EDMA) and glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) with surface and pore characteristics tailored specifically for plasmid binding, retention and elution. The polymer was functionalised with an amine active group for anion-exchange purification of pDNA from cleared lysate obtained from E. coli DH5α-pUC19 pellets in RNase/protease-free process. Characterization of the resin showed a unique porous material with 70% of the pores sizes above 300 nm. The final product isolated from anion-exchange purification in only 5 min was pure and homogenous supercoiled pDNA with no gDNA, RNA and protein contamination as confirmed with DNA electrophoresis, restriction analysis and SDS page. The resin showed a maximum binding capacity of 15.2 mg/mL and this capacity persisted after several applications of the resin. This technique is cGMP compatible and commercially viable for rapid isolation of pDNA.


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Improved biopharmaceutical delivery may be achieved via the use of biodegradable microspheres as delivery vehicles. Biodegradable microspheres offer the advantages of maintaining sustained protein release over time whilst simultaneously protecting the biopharmaceutical from degradation. Particle samples produced by ultrasonic atomization were studied in order to determine a feed stock capable of producing protein loaded poly-ε-caprolactone (PCL) particles suitable for nasal delivery (i.e., less than 20 μm). A 40 kHz atomization system was used with a 6 mm full wave atomization probe. The effect of solids percent, feed flow rate, volumetric ratio of the polymer stock to the protein stock, and protein concentration in the protein stock on particle size characteristics were determined. It was shown that feed stocks containing 100 parts of 0.5 or 1.0% w/v PCL in acetone with one part 100 mg ml -1 BSA and 15 mg ml -1 PVA produced particles with a mass moment diameter (D[4,3]) of 13.17 μm and 9.10 μm, respectively in addition to displaying high protein encapsulation efficiencies of 93 and 95%, respectively. The biodegradable PCL particles were shown to be able to deliver encapsulated protein in vitro under physiological conditions.


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This paper presents an extension to the Rapidly-exploring Random Tree (RRT) algorithm applied to autonomous, drifting underwater vehicles. The proposed algorithm is able to plan paths that guarantee convergence in the presence of time-varying ocean dynamics. The method utilizes 4-Dimensional, ocean model prediction data as an evolving basis for expanding the tree from the start location to the goal. The performance of the proposed method is validated through Monte-Carlo simulations. Results illustrate the importance of the temporal variance in path execution, and demonstrate the convergence guarantee of the proposed methods.


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This paper reports on the experimental testing of oxygen-enriched porous fuel injection in a scramjet engine. Fuel was injected via inlet mounted, oxide-based ceramic matrix composite (CMC) injectors on both flow path surfaces that covered a total of 9.2 % of the intake surface area. All experiments were performed at an enthalpy of 3.93−4.25±3.2% MJ kg−1, flight Mach number 9.2–9.6 and an equivalence ratio of 0.493±3%. At this condition, the engine was shown to be on the verge of achieving appreciable combustion. Oxygen was then added to the fuel prior to injection such that two distinct enrichment levels were achieved. Combustion was found to increase, by as much as 40 % in terms of combustion-induced pressure rise, over the fuel-only case with increasing oxygen enrichment. Further, the onset of combustion was found to move upstream with increasing levels of oxygen enrichment. Thrust, both uninstalled and specific, and specific impulse were found to be improved with oxygen enrichment. Enhanced fuel–air mixing due to the pre-mixing of oxygen with the fuel together with the porous fuel injection are believed to be the main contributors to the observed enhanced performance of the tested engine.


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This study aimed to develop a multi-component model that can be used to maximise indoor environmental quality inside mechanically ventilated office buildings, while minimising energy usage. The integrated model, which was developed and validated from fieldwork data, was employed to assess the potential improvement of indoor air quality and energy saving under different ventilation conditions in typical air-conditioned office buildings in the subtropical city of Brisbane, Australia. When operating the ventilation system under predicted optimal conditions of indoor environmental quality and energy conservation and using outdoor air filtration, average indoor particle number (PN) concentration decreased by as much as 77%, while indoor CO2 concentration and energy consumption were not significantly different compared to the normal summer time operating conditions. Benefits of operating the system with this algorithm were most pronounced during the Brisbane’s mild winter. In terms of indoor air quality, average indoor PN and CO2 concentrations decreased by 48% and 24%, respectively, while potential energy savings due to free cooling went as high as 108% of the normal winter time operating conditions. The application of such a model to the operation of ventilation systems can help to significantly improve indoor air quality and energy conservation in air-conditioned office buildings.


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Traffic is one of the prominent sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and road surfaces are the most critical platform for stormwater pollution. Build-up of pollutants on road surfaces was the focus of this research study. The study found that PAHs build-up on road surfaces primarily originate from traffic activities, specifically gasoline powered vehicles. Other sources such as diesel vehicles, industrial oil combustion and incineration were also found to contribute to the PAH build-up. Additionally, the study explored the linkages between concentrations of PAHs and traffic characteristics such as traffic volume, vehicle mix and traffic flow. While traffic congestion was found to be positively correlated with 6- ring and 5- ring PAHs in road build-up, it was negatively correlated with 3-ring and 4 ring PAHs. The absence of positive correlation between 3-ring and 4-ring PAHs and traffic parameters is attributed to the propensity of these relatively volatile PAHs to undergo re-suspension and evaporation. The outcomes of this study are expected to contribute effective transport and land use planning for the prevention of PAH pollution in the urban environment.


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We propose the use of optical flow information as a method for detecting and describing changes in the environment, from the perspective of a mobile camera. We analyze the characteristics of the optical flow signal and demonstrate how robust flow vectors can be generated and used for the detection of depth discontinuities and appearance changes at key locations. To successfully achieve this task, a full discussion on camera positioning, distortion compensation, noise filtering, and parameter estimation is presented. We then extract statistical attributes from the flow signal to describe the location of the scene changes. We also employ clustering and dominant shape of vectors to increase the descriptiveness. Once a database of nodes (where a node is a detected scene change) and their corresponding flow features is created, matching can be performed whenever nodes are encountered, such that topological localization can be achieved. We retrieve the most likely node according to the Mahalanobis and Chi-square distances between the current frame and the database. The results illustrate the applicability of the technique for detecting and describing scene changes in diverse lighting conditions, considering indoor and outdoor environments and different robot platforms.