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In the context of perturbative quantum gravity, the first three Seeley-DeWitt coefficients represent the counterterms needed to renormalize the graviton one-loop effective action in $D=4$ dimensions. A standard procedure to compute them is by means of the traditional heat kernel method. However, these coefficients can be studied also from a first quantization perspective through the so-called $\mathcal{N} = 4$ spinning particle model. It relies on four supersymmetries on the worldline and a set of worldline gauge invariances. In the present work, a different worldline model, able to reproduce correctly the Seeley-DeWitt coefficients in arbitrary dimensions, is developed. After a covariant gauge-fixing procedure of the Einstein-Hilbert action with cosmological constant, a worldline representation of the kinetic operators identified by its quadratic approximation is found. This quantum mechanical representation can be presented in different but equivalent forms. Some of these different forms are discussed and their equivalence is verified by deriving the gauge invariant counterterms needed to renormalize quantum gravity with cosmological constant at one-loop.