941 resultados para Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs)
The 20th century witnessed the extensive use of microwaves in industrial, scientific and medical fields. The major hindrance to many developments in the ISM field is the lack of knowledge about the effect of microwaves on materials used in various applications. The study of the interaction of microwaves with materials demanded the knowledge of the dielectric properties of these materials. However, the dielectric properties of many of these materials are still unknown or less studied. This thesis is an effort to shed light into the dielectric properties of some materials which are used in medical, scientific and industrial fields. Microwave phantoms are those materials used in microwave simulation applications. Effort has been taken to develop and characterize low cost, eco-friendly phantoms from Biomaterials and Bioceramics. The interaction of microwaves with living tissues paved way to the development of materials for electromagnetic shielding. Materials with good conductivity/absorption properties could be used for EMI shielding applications. Conducting polymer materials are developed and characterized in this context. The materials which are developed and analyzed in this thesis are Biomaterials, Bioceramics and Conducting polymers. The use of materials of biological origin in scientific and medical applications provides an eco-friendly pathway. The microwave characterization of the materials were done using cavity material perturbation method. Low cost and ecofriendly biomaterial films were developed from Arrowroot and Chitosan. The developed films could be used in applications such as microwave phantom material, capsule material in pharmaceutical applications, trans-dermal patch material and eco-friendly Band-Aids. Bioceramics with better bioresorption and biocompatibility were synthesized. Bioceramics such as Hydroxyapatite, Beta tricalcium phosphate and Biphasic Calcium Phosphate were studied. The prepared bioceramics could be used as phantom material representing Collagen, Bone marrow, Human abdominal wall fat and Human chest fat. Conducting polymers- based on Polyaniline, are developed and characterized. The developed materials can be used in electromagnetic shielding applications such as in anechoic chambers, transmission cables etc
A nanocomposite is a multiphase solid material where one of the phases has one, two or three dimensions of less than 100 nanometers (nm), or structures having nano-scale repeat distances between the different phases that make up the material. In the broadest sense this definition can include porous media, colloids, gels and copolymers, but is more usually taken to mean the solid combination of a bulk matrix and nano-dimensional phase(s) differing in properties due to dissimilarities in structure and chemistry. The mechanical, electrical, thermal, optical, electrochemical, catalytic properties of the nanocomposite will differ markedly from that of the component materials. Size limits for these effects have been proposed, <5 nm for catalytic activity, <20 nm for making a hard magnetic material soft, <50 nm for refractive index changes, and <100 nm for achieving superparamagnetism, mechanical strengthening or restricting matrix dislocation movement. Conducting polymers have attracted much attention due to high electrical conductivity, ease of preparation, good environmental stability and wide variety of applications in light-emitting, biosensor chemical sensor, separation membrane and electronic devices. The most widely studied conducting polymers are polypyrrole, polyaniline, polythiophene etc. Conducting polymers provide tremendous scope for tuning of their electrical conductivity from semiconducting to metallic region by way of doping and are organic electro chromic materials with chemically active surface. But they are chemically very sensitive and have poor mechanical properties and thus possessing a processibility problem. Nanomaterial shows the presence of more sites for surface reactivity, they possess good mechanical properties and good dispersant too. Thus nanocomposites formed by combining conducting polymers and inorganic oxide nanoparticles possess the good properties of both the constituents and thus enhanced their utility. The properties of such type of nanocomposite are strongly depending on concentration of nanomaterials to be added. Conducting polymer composites is some suitable composition of a conducting polymer with one or more inorganic nanoparticles so that their desirable properties are combined successfully. The composites of core shell metal oxide particles-conducting polymer combine the electrical properties of the polymer shell and the magnetic, optical, electrical or catalytic characteristics of the metal oxide core, which could greatly widen their applicability in the fields of catalysis, electronics and optics. Moreover nanocomposite material composed of conducting polymers & oxides have open more field of application such as drug delivery, conductive paints, rechargeable batteries, toners in photocopying, smart windows, etc.The present work is mainly focussed on the synthesis, characterization and various application studies of conducting polymer modified TiO2 nanocomposites. The conclusions of the present work are outlined below, Mesoporous TiO2 was prepared by the cationic surfactant P123 assisted hydrothermal synthesis route and conducting polymer modified TiO2 nanocomposites were also prepared via the same technique. All the prepared systems show XRD pattern corresponding to anatase phase of TiO2, which means that there is no phase change occurring even after conducting polymer modification. Raman spectroscopy gives supporting evidence for the XRD results. It also confirms the incorporation of the polymer. The mesoporous nature and surface area of the prepared samples were analysed by N2 adsorption desorption studies and the mesoporous ordering can be confirmed by low angle XRD measurementThe morphology of the prepared samples was obtained from both SEM & TEM. The elemental analysis of the samples was performed by EDX analysisThe hybrid composite formation is confirmed by FT-IR spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopyAll the prepared samples have been used for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes, antibiotic, endocrine disruptors and some other organic pollutants. Photocatalytic antibacterial activity studies were also performed using the prepared systemsAll the prepared samples have been used for the photocatalytic degradation of dyes, antibiotic, endocrine disruptors and some other organic pollutants. Photocatalytic antibacterial activity studies were also performed using the prepared systems Polyaniline modified TiO2 nanocomposite systems were found to have good antibacterial activity. Thermal diffusivity studies of the polyaniline modified systems were carried out using thermal lens technique. It is observed that as the amount of polyaniline in the composite increases the thermal diffusivity also increases. The prepared systems can be used as an excellent coolant in various industrial purposes. Nonlinear optical properties (3rd order nonlinearity) of the polyaniline modified systems were studied using Z scan technique. The prepared materials can be used for optical limiting Applications. Lasing studies of polyaniline modified TiO2 systems were carried out and the studies reveal that TiO2 - Polyaniline composite is a potential dye laser gain medium.
Cochin University of Science and Technology
International School of Photonics
Polymers with conjugated π-electron backbone display unusual electronic properties such as low energy optical transition, low ionization potentials, and high electron affinities. The properties that make these materials attractive include a wide range of electrical conductivity, mechanical flexibility and thermal stability. Some of the potential applications of these conjugated polymers are in sensors, solar cells, field effect transistors, field emission and electrochromic displays, supercapacitors and energy storage. With recent advances in the stability of conjugated polymer materials, and improved control of properties, a growing number of applications are currently being explored. Some of the important applications of conducting polymers include: they are used in electrostatic materials, conducting adhesives, shielding against electromagnetic interference (EMI), artificial nerves, aircraft structures, diodes, and transistors.
Bei Dämmen auf wenig tragfähigem Untergrund ist es zwischenzeitlich Stand der Technik, an der Dammbasis eine Bewehrung aus hochzugfesten Geokunststoffen (Gewebe oder Geogitter) einzulegen. Dabei können die Bewehrungslagen direkt auf den weichen Boden oder über Pfahlelementen angeordnet werden, die die Dammlasten in tiefere, tragfähigere Schichten abtragen. Die horizontale Bewehrung an der Dammbasis hat die Aufgabe, die vertikalen Dammlasten und die nach außen wirkenden Spreizkräfte aufzunehmen. Dies ist besonders für bewehrte Tragschichten über Pfählen von großer Bedeutung, da sonst die Pfähle/Säulen eine Biegebeanspruchung erhalten, die sie aufgrund des geringen Durchmessers (oftmals unbewehrt) nicht aufnehmen können. Abgesicherte wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse über Größe und Verteilung der Spreizspannung in Höhe ober- und unterhalb der Bewehrungslagen liegen derzeit noch nicht vor, aus denen dann auch die Beanspruchung abzuleiten ist, die aus der Spreizwirkung bei der Geokunststoffbemessung zu berücksichtigen ist. Herr Dr.-Ing. Gourge Fahmi hat dafür zunächst den Kenntnisstand zur Spreizbeanspruchung ohne und mit Bewehrung sowie ohne und mit Pfahlelementen zusammengefasst. Ein wesentlicher Teil einer wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen stellt die Modellversuche in einem relativ großen Maßstab dar, die u. a. auch zur Validierung von numerischen Berechnungen zur Fragestellung vorgesehen waren. Dabei konnte nach gewissen Parameteranpassungen überwiegend eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen Modellversuchen und FEM-Berechnungen erreicht werden. Lediglich bei den Dehnungen bzw. Zugkräften in den Geogittern über Pfahlelementen ergab die FEM bei dem verwendeten Programmsystem viel zu niedrige Werte. Es wurde dazu in der Arbeit anhand eigener Untersuchungen und Vergleichsergebnissen aus der Literatur eine Hypothese formuliert und zunächst die Berechnungsergebnisse mit einem Faktor angepasst. Mit den durchgeführten Verifikationen stand damit dann ein weitestgehend abgesichertes numerisches Berechnungsmodell zur Verfügung. Aufbauend auf diesen Vorarbeiten konnten Parameterstudien mit numerischen und analytischen Methoden zur Spreizproblematik durchgeführt werden. Dabei wurden die Randbedingungen und Parametervariationen sinnvoll und für die Fragestellung zutreffend gewählt. Die numerischen Verfahren ergaben vertiefte Erkenntnisse zur Mechanik und zum Verhalten der Konstruktion. Die analytischen Vergleichsberechnungen validierten primär die Güte dieser vereinfachten Ansätze für praktische Berechnungen. Zusammenfassend wurde festgestellt, dass erwartungsgemäß die Spreizkräfte im Geogitter nahezu linear mit der Dammhöhe anwachsen. Von besonderer Bedeutung für die Größe der Spreizkräfte ist die Steifigkeit der Weichschichten. Dieser Parameter wird bei den bisher bekannten analytischen Berechnungsverfahren nicht berücksichtigt. Je weicher der Untergrund, je größer wird das Verhältnis zwischen Spreiz- und Membranbeanspruchung. Eine steilere Dammböschung hat erwartungsgemäß ebenfalls eine höhere Spreizwirkung zur Folge. Des Weiteren ergeben sich bei mehrlagigen Geogittern die höheren Beanspruchungen in der unteren Lage aus dem Membraneffekt und in der oberen Lage aus dem Spreizeffekt. Zu diesen Erkenntnissen wurden in der Arbeit erste Vorschläge für die praktischen Bemessungen gemacht, die aber noch weiter zu optimieren sind. Schließlich erfolgt von Herrn Fahmi eine Betrachtung der Pfahlelementbeanspruchung aus Pfahlkopfverschiebung und Biegemomenten. Dabei wurde ersichtlich, dass die Pfahlelemente bei hohen Dämmen erhebliche Beanspruchungen erhalten können, wenn relativ weicher Untergrund vorhanden ist, und es zeigt die Notwendigkeit entsprechend abgesicherter Bemessungsverfahren auf.
The photoviscosity effect in aqueous solutions of novel poly(4-methacryloyloxyazobenzene-co-N,N-dimethyl acrylamide) (MOAB-DMA) was demonstrated. The observed significant reduction in the zero-shear viscosity upon UV-irradiation of MOAB-DMA aqueous solutions was due to the dissociation of the interchain azobenzene aggregates. Such phenomena can be advantageously used in photoswitchable fluidic devices and in protein separation. Introduction of enzymatically degradable azo cross-links into Pluronic-PAA microgels allowed for control of swelling due to degradation of the cross-links by azoreductases from the rat intestinal cecum. Dynamic changes in the cross-link density of stimuli-responsive microgels enable novel opportunities for the control of gel swelling, of importance for drug delivery and microgel sensoric applications.
Amphiphilic polymers are a class of polymers that self-assemble into different types of microstructure, depending on the solvent environment and external stimuli. Self assembly structures can exist in many different forms, such as spherical micelles, rod-like micelles, bi-layers, vesicles, bi-continuous structure etc. Most biological systems are basically comprised of many of these organised structures arranged in an intelligent manner, which impart functions and life to the system. We have adopted the atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) technique to synthesize various types of block copolymer systems that self-assemble into different microstructure when subject to an external stimuli, such as pH or temperature. The systems that we have studied are: (1) pH responsive fullerene (C60) containing poly(methacrylic acid) (PMAA-b-C60); (2) pH and temperature responsive fullerene containing poly[2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate] (C₆₀-b-PDMAEMA); (3) other responsive water-soluble fullerene systems. By varying temperature, pH and salt concentration, different types microstructure can be produced. In the presence of inorganic salts, fractal patterns at nano- to microscopic dimension were observed for negatively charged PMAA-b-C60, while such structure was not observed for positively charged PDMAEMA-b-C60. We demonstrated that negatively charged fullerene containing polymeric systems can serve as excellent nano-templates for the controlled growth of inorganic crystals at the nano- to micrometer length scale and the possible mechanism was proposed. The physical properties and the characteristics of their self-assembly properties will be discussed, and their implications to chemical and biomedical applications will be highlighted.
Objective: The objective of this study is to conduct a description of the features of optic neuropathy associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus in relation to their possible incidence within our population, regarding that there is no data in our population in terms of frequency of this pathology (1,2). Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study of a clinical series of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus, but AIDS, and the thickness of optic nerve´s layer of fibers studied with OCT technology (optical coherence tomography), patients were cited once captured. OCT was performed by the same observer, by taking 3 shots and picking the one with better reliability. Patients were given personally to the Ophthalmologic Foundation of Santander to conduct the review called OCT (optical coherence tomography). Results: In terms of viral load variable, we found a clear correlation in which validates the hypothesis that lower viral load means a thicker layer of fibers finding statistically significant differences for the 6 hours in right eye and 12 and 6 hours in left eye. Comparison between the known nomogram of fiber layer thickness for the population of Bucaramanga, Santander and thickness found in our sample, we note a clear decrease in the upper and lower quadrants, specifically in 7 hours and 11 hours, being more important in 7 hours, showing statistically significant differences. Conclusions: The pattern of thinning of the nerve fiber layer in HIV positive patients without AIDS, and antiretroviral treatment type HAART, showed a statistically significant thinning targeted at 7 hours and 11 hours, being higher in first. Viral load figures have a direct relation with loss fiber layer, showing a statistically significant difference for the 6 and 12 hours.
Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging, which measures directional information of water diffusion in the brain, has emerged as a powerful tool for human brain studies. In this paper, we introduce a new Monte Carlo-based fiber tracking approach to estimate brain connectivity. One of the main characteristics of this approach is that all parameters of the algorithm are automatically determined at each point using the entropy of the eigenvalues of the diffusion tensor. Experimental results show the good performance of the proposed approach
El treball que s'ha dut a terme es centra en la recerca d'agents modificants per a fibres cel·lulòsiques capaços de reduir la polaritat de les funcions alcohol de la seva estructura per formació de funcions ester. Les fibres de jute se sotmeten a reacció en un sistema tancat provist d'atmòsfera de nitrogen a fi d'evitar reaccions laterals que no són del nostre interés.L'obtenció dels resultats perseguits està lligat a les condicions experimentals aplicades durant les reaccions. La influència de les diferents variables escollides facilitarà en major o menor grau la reacció entre les molècules d'agent d'acoblament i cel·lulosa vinculades. Una gran part de l'atenció es centrarà en l'estudi de l'etapa de modificació, sobretot en l'efectivitat dels reactius addicionats per la reacció amb els grups hidroxil. Un cop comparats els experiments realitzats tant amb clorur d'oleïl com amb anhídrid metacrílic, es conclou que la majoria de condicions provades permeten assolir valors de modificació prou significatius. L'excepció ve donada quan la temperatura utilitzada és de 20ºC, llavors les mateixes condicions que a una temperatura de 60ºC condueixen cap a resultats poc satisfactoris. La reactivitat per part dels dos agents d'acoblament utilitzats no ha estat la mateixa. Els resultats per condicions experimentals del mateix tipus han conduït cap a valors força diferents. Pel que fa a la determinació dels paràmetres òptims es conclou que les variables amb les que el grau de modificació millora considerablement són: una temperatura de 60ºC, 10% de catalitzador respecte la quantitat de clorur d'oleïl o anhídrid addicionada, relació OH reactiu estequiomètrica 1:1 i 40mL de solvent. Un cop modificada la fibra, se sotmet a reacció amb el monòmer estirè. Es comprova que el grau de polimerització segueix el valor de modificació prèviament obtingut, a menor quantitat de funcions alcohol lliures major interacció amb el monòmer estirè. Les propietats inicials de la fibra no es corresponen amb les obtingudes després del tractament, l'increment de la resistència a l'atac de microorganismes i a l'absorció d'humitat s'explica per una reducció de la presència de funcions alcohol polars i per la capa d'estirè polimeritzat per unió amb els dobles enllaços introduïts amb els agents d'acoblament. Pel que fa referència a les dues tècniques de caracterització més utilitzades, l'anàlisis elemental permet quantificar d'una manera precisa la reacció de la fibra amb els agents d'acoblament i la posterior reacció de la fibra modificada amb el monòmer estirè. La caracterització per espectroscopia d'infraroig permet comprovar qualitativament la reactivitat del clorur d'oleïl i qualitativament-quantitativament la de l'anhídrid metacrílic amb les funcions alcohol de la cel·lulosa present en les fibres de jute. Els pics més característics apareguts seran utilitzats per avaluar la reactivitat de la funció carbonílica del reactiu modificant amb l'estructura cel·lulòsica i del doble enllaç de la cel·lulosa modificada amb la matriu polimèrica.
Virtual tools are commonly used nowadays to optimize product design and manufacturing process of fibre reinforced composite materials. The present work focuses on two areas of interest to forecast the part performance and the production process particularities. The first part proposes a multi-physical optimization tool to support the concept stage of a composite part. The strategy is based on the strategic handling of information and, through a single control parameter, is able to evaluate the effects of design variations throughout all these steps in parallel. The second part targets the resin infusion process and the impact of thermal effects. The numerical and experimental approach allowed the identificationof improvement opportunities regarding the implementation of algorithms in commercially available simulation software.