950 resultados para Females.
Recently, the German redfish fishery displayed a pronounced seasonal pattern in geographic effort distribution and depth. The second and third quarters were the main season when 80 % of the effort was exerted. During the second quarter, the fleet activities were concentrated in international waters close to the Icelandic Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), fishing at depths exceeding 600 m. In contrast, the catches in the third quarter were taken mainly inside the Greenland EEZ at depths around 300 m. From 1995 to 1998, the annual effort ranged from 14 000 to 18 000 trawling hours, without a trend. This effort yielded about 18 000 to 21 000 t (international catch > 100 000 t) annually. Since 1996, the catch rate (CPUE) decreased during the main season. The decrease in CPUE should be interpreted as the first reaction of the stock to increased exploitation. The fish size also varied seasonally and peaked during the second quarter at depths exceeding 600 m. Here, males were bigger than females and both sexes were equally frequent. The increase of fish size with increasing depth did not contribute to the hypothesis of two separate pelagic redfish stocks above and below 500 m. In contrast, the close relation between fish size and depth point to the so-called “deeper-bigger phenomenon” which was found in numerous fish stocks. Very few redfish in the catches were immature.
Experiment on induced spawning of Clarias lazera and C. anguillaris using human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) freshly prepared toad and Clarias pituitary hormogenates were carried out. Clarias pituitary hormogenates induced spawning in C. lazera and C. anguillaris at dosage levels of 0.27-0.46 mg/150 g body weight or 2 glands/fish of equivalent weights. HCG induced spawning in C. anguillaris at 500 i.u/500 g body weight but failed in C. lazera. Toad pituitary was not successful at even a higher dosage level of 0.60 mg/150 g body weight. The implications of these results are discussed. Spawning occurred in the HCG (and Clarias pituitary treated females in less than 12 hours after injection and subsequent examination of ovaries of the spawned fish showed incomplete spawning. Furthermore, fertilization occurred, following spawning in the piscine pituitary hormone treated male and female fish but failed in the HCG (treated pair. A mean fertilization rate of 50-90% was recorded. Possible explanations of these observations are advanced. The hatching time of 24-48 hours and a mean hatching rate of 75-90% were recorded. A high larval mortality of up to 95% was observed in the post yolk-sac stag after 8 days. The need for the development of appropriate larval food for Clarias species in culture practice is stressed
The meristic and morphometric characteristics of Gymnarchus niloticus are described and linear equations relating various parts of the body to the head length or total length are given. The age of G. niloticus in Lake Chad (Nigeria) was determined from growth marks on the opercular bones. The mean lengths for age, and mean weights for age obtained for the first five years of life are given. The assymptotic length and the von Betarlanffy growth parameters for the males and females combined are given
The length-weight relationship and the diets of Clarias lazera were investigated between July 1981 and June 1982. About 450 specimens were examined. The standard lengths of the fish ranged from 8.5 cm to 42.2 cm. Significant differences were found between the standard lengths of the males and females with the latter slightly shorter. Somatic weights varied between 10 g to 502 g. Length-weight regression analysis gave a "b" value of 3.02 for both males and females combined; thus indicating an isometric growth. Analysis of the food in the stomachs showed that the fish is an omnivore although, it fed more on insects and fish than other food items
A study of the length at maturity and hooks/gill net mesh selection in Clarias lazera from Lake Chad
The minimum length at first maturity of Clarias lazera was found to be 24 cm (4.8%) for females and 20 cm (1.8%) for males. Fifty percent maturity was attained at length of 28 cm to 30 cm for both sexes; there being little difference among the sexes at this level of maturity. The modal retention lengths for gill nets were: 13 cm for 25.5 mm mesh; 18 cm for 32 mm mesh; 28 cm for 57 mm mesh; and 38 cm for 76 mm mesh. Modal lengths of Clarias lazera caught by various hooks sizes were No. 10 (28 cm); No. 11 (33 cm); Nos. 15 and 16 (28 cm). It is recommended that to protect the clarias fishery in Lake Chad, the use of gill nets of less than 57 mm mesh size and fishing hook No. 16 (and smaller sizes) which caught 43.94% of immature fishes should be discouraged
Biological studies of Heterotis niloticus were conducted for three years in the middle River Niger. Scales were found to be the most suitable structure in ageing Heterotis which was validated by length/histogram curve. Annual rings were found to be formed between March to June. Growth was rapid in the first two years and they reached sexual maturity at 2 years. The male grow longer while the female are bulkier. The length-weight relationship of male and female Heterotis did not differ significantly and the resulting equation for male was W = 1.25L super(2.5) and W = 1.6L super(2.7) for females respectively where W = weight (g) and L = total length. The total length to body scale relationship was found to be L = 14.3R super(2.6) where (R = oral radius of scale Heterotis growth was found to be allometric
Some aspects of the reproduction of Nematopalaemon hastatus in the artisanal shrimp fishery in the outer Cross River estuary (Nigeria) was investigated. 2 kg samples were taken from the daily catch of the N. hastatus fishery on a twice-weekly basis. The N. hastatus in the sample were then observed for gravidity, using a hand lens, and their post-orbital carapace length (POCL) taken. This was done over a 12-month period. The eggs in formalin-fixed samples showed colour changes from light orange to dark brown with maturation. Gravid females with eggs in different stages of maturation, from light orange to dark brown were observed in the samples. The reproduction occurs all year-round. The proportion of gravid females observed in samples had two distinct peaks in June and November, and two distinct troughs in May and October. The lowest length at which gravidity was observed was 6.0 mm POCL. There were no Penaeus notialis in the samples
Sex ratio and fecundity variations of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and Chrysichthys walkeri from Asejire Lake (Nigeria) were examined. The Logarithm transformation of weight (W) against standard length (SL) gave a straight-line graph represented by the following equations: 1) C. nigrodigitatus LogW =-0.66 + 2.13 Log SL; = 0.854; (P < 0.001) n = 209; 2) C. walkeri LogW = -1.23 + 2.63 Log SL; = 0.759; (P < 0.001) n = 237. Males were generally more than females in both species. The ratio of males:females was higher in C. nigrodigitatus (1:0.18) than in C. walkeri (1:0.8). C. walkeri attained sexual maturity at a smaller size of 20.0 g (12.0 cm Standard Length) compared with C. nigrodigitatus maturity size of 45.0 g (14.0 cm Standard Length). Relative fecundity was not dependent on body weight and standard length for C. walkeri but it was significant at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 respectively for C. nigrodigitatus
Aspects of the reproductive biology of Mugil cephalus in the Bonny estuary (Nigeria) were studied between January and December 1996. Males were observed to be more slender than females while the females have deeper bodies. The male:female ratio (1:0:95) was not significantly different. The minimum size at maturity was 16.6cm (0.5 yr). Fish matured at 24.3cm TL(1.76 yr) with median maturity size of 19.5cm TL(0.71 yr). Median maturity for male and female fish were 16.4cm TL(0.41 yr) and 18.2cm TL(0.60 yr) respectively. Breeding occurred once a year between September and December, from late rainy season to early dry season. Mean absolute fecundity was 1,403, 808 eggs (range 107, 729-4,445, 423 eggs) for fish of TL (mean 22.5cm TL). Fecundity correlated positively with fish total weight, length, ovary weight and age
The age and growth of Mugil cephalus was investigated in Bonny Estuary, Nigeria, from January, 1995 to December, 1996. Length-weight relationships were isometric with length exponents of 2.84 (males), 2.90 (females) and 2.88 (overall). Modal length at age were 12.0cm, 20.9cm, 25.0cm, 28.4cm and 30.2cm TL for ages 0+, 1+, 2+, 3+ and 4+ respectively. Corresponding total weights were 20.01g, 78.93g, 173.12g, 217.61g and 247.50g, respectively. Asymptotic length (Lo) was estimated 33.2cm TL, asymptotic weight (W sub(o)) was 484g, growth coefficient K=0.55847 super(-1) and hypothetical age at zero length To = 0.152yr. Longevity, Tmax, was 5.0yr, length and weight growth performance indices were Q super(1)=2.79 and Q = 1.44, respectively. Total mortality, natural mortality and fishing mortality were z = 1.02yr super(-1), M=0.607yr super(-1) and F=O. 3129yr super(-1), respectively. The exploitation ratio E was 0.4048 and exploitation rate U = 0.2302yr super(-1)
Early life stages (ELS) of Clarias gariepinus were found to be less sensitive to acute dieldrin toxicity than ELS of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus; 96 h LC50 for 37 day old fry were 11.7 and 4.95pg/l, respectively. Growth of O. niloticus fry was significantly reduced in 22.4 pg/l dieldrin whereas growth of C. gariepinus fry was unaffected. Adult C. gariepinus rapidly absorbed dieldrin from aquaeous solution and accumulated it in their tissues, especially in the liver where after 30 days in 4.0 pg/l bioconcentration was close to 1000 fold. Chronic exposure of C. gariepinus to dieldrin had no effect on blood haematocrit and haemoglobin, but appeared to slow the growth of catfish, and had a clear negative effect on the reproductive potential of mature females
A total of 45 Male and 5 female Clarias gariepinus bred and reared in the hatchery in sunning for one year were obtained for this experiment. The fish were then housed separately according to their sexes and maintained on trout diet at 10% body weight for two days before they were subjected to induction. These were then induced using both human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG - 500iu) and carp pituitary suspension (CPS -3mg kg super(-1) suspended in 0.9% saline) either as priming or resolving doses. The milt produced was used to fertilize eggs tripped from females. The results indicated high milt production, motility and fertility in most males
Samples of C. gariepinus collected from the wild and cultured populations in Plateau and Niger States of Nigeria were analyzed for length-weight relationship and organ indices (Gonadosomatic index (GSI), hepatosomatic index (HSI), renalsomatic index (RSI) and somatic fat deposit index (PDI). High correlation and linear relationship between body length and body weight was observed in all sample population (P<0.05). A significant difference was observed between the GSI of males and females of both wild and cultured population and also between females of the wild and cultured population,(P < 0.05).There was no significant difference in HSI, CSI RSI and PDI of all the sample populations (P < 0.05).The importance of length-weight relationship and organ indices in fish production are discussed
Aiming at a better knowledge on the distribution and fecundity of hibernating Crangon crangon (L.), the R.V. "Solea" in January is sampling shrimps in the German Bight since 1991. A total of 3.000 shrimps (1.608 females and 1.392 males) have been investigated with regard to total length, to the width of the carapace and to spawning activity.
There was variation in the ingestion of the food objects by the sexes. Despite the similarity in rank-order of the food objects, the ingestion of the objects vary significantly (rg=0.320, P>0.05). Dipterans adult and Hymenoptera were the only food objects not eaten by the males whereas insect remains and unidentified bivalves were absent from the trophics spectrum of the females. There was significant increase in feeding intensity by females than males. There was significant increase in GRI by specimens from Nipa Creek whereas individuals from mangrove creek recorded higher MGF and vice-versa. Dipterans adult. Hymenoptera, insect remains, Neritina glabrata and unid bivalves were absent from dietaries for nipa creek whereas a complete array of the food objects were eaten in the mangrove creek. The present findings highlights the importance of the mangrove ecosystem as the native vegetation encompassing great diversity of food resources and living conditions than the succeeding alien nipa vegetation