976 resultados para Feed efficiency


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The efficacy of three feeds incorporated with different probiotics -Lactobacil, Vizylac and Cyfolac as nutrient supplement was evaluated in an ornamental fish, Carassius auratus (Linn.). The basal diet (40% protein) was prepared and the probiotics were incorporated at different levels viz. Lactobacil at 8x10 super(7)/100g and 12x10 super(7)/100g, Vizylac at 8x10 super(7)/100g and 12x10 super(7)/100g and Cyfolac at 12x10 super(7)/100g. Feeding trial was conducted for a period of 4 weeks. At the end of the experiment, bio-growth parameters and proximate composition of the fishes were studied. The growth, survival and protein content were improved in all the probiotic fed fishes compared to control. The maximum growth (0.74 g) and survival (85%) were observed in fishes fed with Lactobacil at 12x10 super(7)/100g. It emphasizes that supplementation of feed with probiotics has a positive impact on the growth, survival and the body composition of goldfish.


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Mahseer, Tor putitora with 12.75, 12.11, and 12.02g of initial weight were fou · J to attain a net weight gain of 12.0 kg, ll.5 kg, and 11.4 kg respectively in pond-1 (commercial feed), pond-2 (farm-made feed), and pond-3 (farm-made feed), respectively against 78.2 kg, 70.3 kg, and 68.1 kg feed fed. Gross energy contents in fish were 1359.3 Kcal/kg, 1281.5 Kcal/kg and 1266.6 Kcal/kg, respectively in pond-1, pond-2, and pond-3 against 3630.4, 3876.9 and 3570.5 Kcal/kg energy in the feed fed. Only 9.4%, 10.5% and 13.7% of the protein, and 8.9%, 3.4% and 3.3% of the lipid fed to fish were converted into muscle respectively in pond-1, pond-2 and pond-3. It was observed that the higher the protein content in feed, the lower the rate of conversion in muscle; the same was also true for lipid. It is supposed that feed derived wastes contribute potentially to water quality deterioration and eutrophication. Lower feed conversion, higher nitrogenous and phosphatic concentrations and higher plankton biomass in the ponds are all supportive to this observation.


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A 70 day long experiment was carried out to evaluate three commercial pangas feeds available in Bangladesh viz. Quality Feeds Ltd. (QF), Aftab Bohumukhi Farm Ltd. (ABF) and Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. (SBFF) (designated as treatment_T1 T2 and T3) on the growth of Pangas, Pangasius hypophthalmus. Each treatment had two replicates using six experimental ponds of each 80m2 size. The stocking density was 250 fish/80m2. At the beginning, the fish were fed twice daily at 15% of their body weight which was gradually reduced to 10 and 6%, respectively for the rest of the period. The ranges of water quality parameters observed were: temperature 29.0°C- ~5.1 °C, pH 6.85 - 8.52, DO 1.71 - 7.65 mg/1 and transparency or Secchi depth 14.5 - 30.0 em. The mean weight gain of fish was significantly (~<0.05) higher in T3 followed by T2 and T. The specific growth rate (SGR) ranged. between 4.09 and 5.06, feed conversion ratio (FCR) values between 1.54 and 1.61 with treatment T1 showing the lowest FCR. Protein efficiency ratio (PER) values ranged between 2.03 and 2.11. The survival of fish varied between 90.4 and 91.6%. The significantly (P<0.05) highest production of fish (kg/ha/70 days) and profit (Tk/ha/70 days) was observe in T3 (SBFF) followed by T2 (ABF) and T1 (QF), respectively. The result of the study showed that on the basis of nutritive value and growth performance of pangas, feed from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. is the best.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of phosphorus supplementation in the formulated fish diet on carcass quality of Nile tilapia in net-cages suspended in fertilized earthen ponds. In the experiment 3% di-calcium phosphate (DCP), 3% triple supper phosphate (TSP) and 7% 16:20 inorganic fertilizer were added as phosphorous sources to three diets containing fish meal as main protein ingredient. Feeding tilapia in net-cages with these diets significantly (pfeed. The final body composition and bone phosphorous content of Nile tilapia fed with DCP, TSP and 16:20 grade fertilizer supplemented diets were comparable.


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The study was designed to determine the costs, returns and relative profitability of pond fish and nursery fish production. In order to attain this objective, a total of 70 producers: 35 producing pond fish and 35 producing nursery fish were selected on the basis of purposive random sampling technique from 6 villages under two Upazilas (Sujanagar and Santhia) of Pabna district. It was estimated that per hectare per year gross cost of pond fish production was Tk 65,918 while gross return and net return were Tk 91,707 and Tk 25,789 respectively. Per hectare per year gross cost of nursery fish production was Tk 87,489 while gross return and net return were Tk 1,39,272 and Tk 51,783 respectively. The findings revealed that nursery fish production was more profitable than pond fish production. Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to realize the specific effect of the factors on pond fish and nursery fish production. It was observed that most of the included variables had significant impact on pond fish and nursery fish production. Out of five variables included in the function, all the variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production but stock value of pond, material cost and pond area had positive impact on return from nursery fish production.


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A study was conducted to ascertain the existing farm water, effluent and feed quality of selected giant freshwater prawn farms from major prawn farming areas (Bagerhat Sadar, Noakhali Sadar and Mymensingh) of Bangladesh during July to November 2005. Water quality parameters such as the mean values of dissolved oxygen, alkalinity, nitrite-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorus and ammoniacal nitrogen did not show any significantly differences among the farming areas. Whereas significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the mean values of temperature, secchi disc visibility, pH and chlorophyll a. However, all the water quality parameters in the farming areas were within the suitable range for prawn culture. There was no significant variation in nutrients concentration of discharged effluent among the prawn farming areas. All of the nutrients measured in effluent water were within the acceptable range and did not seem to pose a direct threat to the recipient environment. The analysed crude protein contents of commercial CP, Quality and Saudi-Bangla prawn feeds were 31.84%, 27.21% and 28.97%, respectively, whereas all analysed farm made feeds were less than 25%. The other nutrients of prawn feeds varied largely with the source of feeds and ingredients used to prepare feed. The annual yield of prawn varied from 320.4 to 512.6 kg/ha (mean 412.3 kg/ha) depending on the management system.


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Two experiments were conducted to formulate and evaluate test diets using locally available ingredients to find out suitable diets for mono and polyculture of Macrobrachium rosenbergii in ponds. The first experiment was conducted from 1 July 2003 to 29 September 2003 in 12 experimental ponds each measuring 30 square meters behind the Fisheries Faculty Building, BAU campus, Mymensingh. Three experimental diets containing 30% protein were formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oilcake, sesame meal and rice bran and assigned to treatments 1, 2 and 3, respectively. A special shrimp feed (Starter-II) from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. was assigned to treatment 4 (Control). Each treatment had three replications. Juveniles of M. rosenbergii (2.90±0.81g) were stocked at the rate of 4/square meter. Prawns were fed three times daily at the rate of 15% of their body weight at the beginning, which was gradually reduced to 10% and 5% for the last two months. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference between the weight gains of prawns fed diets 1 and 4 (control), but they were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of diets 2 and 3. The FCR values of diets ranged between 2.61 to 3.36 with diets 1 and 4 showing significantly (P<0.05) lower FCR values. The survival rate of prawns ranged between 68 to 78% with prawns fed diets 1 and 4 showing significantly higher survival rate. The production of prawn ranged from 921 to 1,428 kg/ha/90 days and diet 1 gave the highest production. Treatment 1 gave the highest net profit ofTk. 161,980/ha/90 days. The second experiment was conducted from December, 2003 to April, 2004 to see the growth of over wintered M. rosenbergii juveniles in polyculture with indigenous major carps (catla and rohu) in ponds using formulated diets. Three isoenergetic experimental diets formulated using fish meal, meat and bone meal, mustard oil cake, rice bran, wheat bran and molasses, and a shrimp feed 'Golda special feed' from Saudi-Bangla Fish Feed Ltd. were assigned to treatments 1, 2, 3 and 4 (control), respectively, each treatment had two replications. Eight experimental ponds each measuring 80 square meters in the Field Laboratory Complex of the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU campus, Mymensingh were used. The mean initial weights of M. rosenbergii, catla and rohu were 1.60±0.01, 30.0±0.09 and 25.0±0.08 g, respectively. A total of 160 fish and prawn (20,000/ha) were stocked in each pond at the ratio of 2:1:1 (prawn: catla: rohu). Fish were fed at the rate of 3-5% of their body weight. Prawns fed diet 1, 2 and 4 showed higher weight gains compared to diet 3. The weight gain of catla was significantly higher in T1 while in case of rohu was higher in T1 and T4, respectively. There were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the survival rate of fish as obtained from different treatments. The overall total fish production ranged from 2196 to 2679 kg/ha/5 months. The highest production and the highest profit (Tk. 56,531/ha/5 months) was obtained from T1 and the lowest (Tk. 24,932/ha/5 months) from T4.


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Common-rail fuel injection systems on modern light duty diesel engines are effectively able to respond instantaneously to changes in the demanded injection quantity. In contrast, the air-system is subject to significantly slower dynamics, primarily due to filling/emptying effects in the manifolds and turbocharger inertia. The behaviour of the air-path in a diesel engine is therefore the main limiting factor in terms of engine-out emissions during transient operation. This paper presents a simple mean-value model for the air-path during throttled operation, which is used to design a feed-forward controller that delivers very rapid changes in the in-cylinder charge properties. The feed-forward control action is validated using a state-of-the-art sampling system that allows true cycle-by-cycle measurement of the in-cylinder CO2 concentration. © 2011 SAE International.


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The influence of formulated isocaloric diets of different protein levels (30, 35, 40, 45 and 50%) on the growth and ammonia excretion of the Indian major carp Cirrhina mrigala fry was studied for a rearing period of four weeks in the laboratory. Fishmeal, groundnut oilcake and silkworm pupae formed the source of protein in all the diets. As the dietary protein level increased from 30 to 40%, the growth and conversion efficiency increased significantly. Further increase in the protein level resulted in decrease in growth and conversion efficiency. Growth rate, weight gain (%), and gross and net feed conversion efficiencies were maximum at 40% dietary protein level. Ammonia excretion was directly proportional to the level of protein in the diet.


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The present work evaluates the effectiveness of partial or total replacement of live feed (LF) (Tubifex) together with formulated diet (FD) for Betta splendens. Three hundred Betta splendens fry of uniform size (mean weight 0.19±0.01g) were equally distributed in five treatment groups with three replicates in glass aquaria of 351itre capacity. Fishes were given diets at different ratio of LF and FD viz. T1(C) 100% LF; T2 75% LF, 25% FD; T3 50% LF, 50% FD; T4 25% LF, 75% FD and T5 100% FD and the experiment continued for 105 days. T2 group registered highest (P<0.05) % body weight gain (125.61±0.26) and specific growth rate (2.34±0.02), which was similar to T1 and T3 groups. Lowest FCR was recorded in T2 (2.40±0.11) group, which was similar to Tl, T3 and T4 groups. Highest (P<0.05) PER was observed in T4 (1.00±0.03) group, which was similar to T3 and T5 groups. At the end of experiment, highest % survival was recoded in T1, T2 and T3 groups (96.67±1.67), which was similar to T4 group. From the study, it is concluded that LF can be successfully replaced up to 75% by FD without any adverse effect on the growth and survival of Betta splendens.


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Horizontal curved, vertical curved and V-shaped otter boards were studied to compare their relative efficiency under identical fishing conditions. The gear operated with V-shaped otter boards performed well followed by the gear fitted with horizontal curved boards. Vertical curved boards were found to be comparatively less efficient, but with slight modification, can be used advantageously for bottom and off bottom fishes. Fishing at various depths with horizontal curved and V-shaped otter boards at different scope ratios showed better performance of horizontal curved boards at a scope ratio of 1:6 and V-shaped otter boards at a scope ratio of 1:5.


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Comparative studies of the efficiency of 32 m bulged belly, long wing and four panel trawls have shown that the bulged belly trawl to be superior to the other nets in catching bottom fishes and column fishes. 40% of the bottom fishes and 48% of the column fishes were caught by the bulged belly trawl. However, for prawn catch, the long wing trawl appears to be better as it landed 52% of the total prawn catch of the three nets. Bulged belly trawl was found to be next only to long wing trawl in this respect.


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Comparative studies with a new 17 m parallel twin-body trawl and a 17 m bulged belly trawl conducted off Cochin during 1974-77 are reported. The parallel twin body trawl showed an increase of 28% in catch over that of bulged belly with a break up of 39.9% and 23.1 % for prawns and fishes respectively. The increase in catch is attributed to the extra wide mouth opening (26.6 %) of the parallel twin-body trawl. Parallel twin-body trawl had 8.96% lesser resistance which resulted in lower utilization of horse power.


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Forest mapping over mountainous terrains is difficult because of high relief Although digital elevation models (DEMs) are often useful to improve mapping accuracy, high quality DEMs are seldom available over large areas, especially in developing countries


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A feeding trial was conducted for six months in farmer's ponds to assess the performance of BFRI formulated catfish feed on the growth and survival of Clarias batrachus (L.). Nine interested farmers and their ponds (size range: 10-15 dec) in the Barera union of Mymensingh Sadar were selected. The ponds were divided into 3 treatments each with 3 replications. Among the three treatment diets, two diets - traditional (F1) and BFRI formulated (F3) were prepared by using low cost agro-based locally available ingredients and the commercial diets was Saudi-Bangla Grower-1 (F2). The diets were designed as F1, F2 and F3 for traditional (20.40% protein), Commercial (31% protein) and BFRI formulated (30.44% protein) diets respectively. The fingerlings of catfish (7.3 g) were collected from local fish vendors and stocked at the rate of 100/dec. Feeding rates were adjusted by weight after fortnightly sampling of fish. Feeding rate were 10 and 8% of the total body weight respectively for 1st, 2nd month and 5% for the rest of the experimental period. The range of some selected water quality parameters were as follows: dissolved oxygen 4.0 - 7.4 mg/l, temperature 24.0°- 33.9°C, pH 6.8 - 8.00, and transparency 17.0 - 32.00 cm. Which showed suitability of the ponds for rearing fish. At the end of the experiment, significantly highest gain (p<0.05) in weight (1210.96% ±87) and lowest gain in weight (865.25% ±90) were observed in the group of fish fed on diets F3 and F1 respectively. However, no significant differences in growth (p>0.05) was observed in fish fed on commercial diet (F2) and BFRI formulated diet (F3). The FCR value ranged between 2.00 and 2.80 with the traditional diet (F1) showing significantly lower FCR. The total production of fish ranged between 1398.08 and 2145.34 kg/ha with F3 diet resulting in the highest production and net profit. A simple economic analysis showed that fish fed with BFRI formulated (F3) diet resulted in the highest net profit in farmer's pond.