908 resultados para Facebook Developer
Object-oriented meta-languages such as MOF or EMOF are often used to specify domain specific languages. However, these meta-languages lack the ability to describe behavior or operational semantics. Several approaches used a subset of Java mixed with OCL as executable meta-languages. In this paper, we report our experience of using Smalltalk as an executable and integrated meta-language. We validated this approach in incrementally building over the last decade, Moose, a meta-described reengineering environment. The reflective capabilities of Smalltalk support a uniform way of letting the base developer focus on his tasks while at the same time allowing him to meta-describe his domain model. The advantage of our this approach is that the developer uses the same tools and environment
Successful software systems cope with complexity by organizing classes into packages. However, a particular organization may be neither straightforward nor obvious for a given developer. As a consequence, classes can be misplaced, leading to duplicated code and ripple effects with minor changes effecting multiple packages. We claim that contextual information is the key to rearchitecture a system. Exploiting contextual information, we propose a technique to detect misplaced classes by analyzing how client packages access the classes of a given provider package. We define locality as a measure of the degree to which classes reused by common clients appear in the same package. We then use locality to guide a simulated annealing algorithm to obtain optimal placements of classes in packages. The result is the identification of classes that are candidates for relocation. We apply the technique to three applications and validate the usefulness of our approach via developer interviews.
Software systems need to continuously change to remain useful. Change appears in several forms and needs to be accommodated at different levels. We propose ChangeBoxes as a mechanism to encapsulate, manage, analyze and exploit changes to software systems. Our thesis is that only by making change explicit and manipulable can we enable the software developer to manage software change more effectively than is currently possible. Furthermore we argue that we need new insights into assessing the impact of changes and we need to provide new tools and techniques to manage them. We report on the results of some initial prototyping efforts, and we outline a series of research activities that we have started to explore the potential of ChangeBoxes.
This afternoon you will be working on the question: How do you tell if a Facebook friend is really a friend?
In this issue...Martin Karplus, Noble Prize, Dodgeball Duel, President Obama, community college, Pintler mountains, cell phone evolution, Facebook, social media
Dynamic, unanticipated adaptation of running systems is of interest in a variety of situations, ranging from functional upgrades to on-the-fly debugging or monitoring of critical applications. In this paper we study a particular form of computational reflection, called unanticipated partial behavioral reflection, which is particularly well-suited for unanticipated adaptation of real-world systems. Our proposal combines the dynamicity of unanticipated reflection, i.e. reflection that does not require preparation of the code of any sort, and the selectivity and efficiency of partial behavioral reflection. First, we propose unanticipated partial behavioral reflection which enables the developer to precisely select the required reifications, to flexibly engineer the metalevel and to introduce the meta behavior dynamically. Second, we present a system supporting unanticipated partial behavioral reflection in Squeak Smalltalk, called Geppetto, and illustrate its use with a concrete example of a web application. Benchmarks validate the applicability of our proposal as an extension to the standard reflective abilities of Smalltalk.
Writing unit tests for legacy systems is a key maintenance task. When writing tests for object-oriented programs, objects need to be set up and the expected effects of executing the unit under test need to be verified. If developers lack internal knowledge of a system, the task of writing tests is non-trivial. To address this problem, we propose an approach that exposes side effects detected in example runs of the system and uses these side effects to guide the developer when writing tests. We introduce a visualization called Test Blueprint, through which we identify what the required fixture is and what assertions are needed to verify the correct behavior of a unit under test. The dynamic analysis technique that underlies our approach is based on both tracing method executions and on tracking the flow of objects at runtime. To demonstrate the usefulness of our approach we present results from two case studies.
Industrial software systems are large and complex, both in terms of the software entities and their relationships. Consequently, understanding how a software system works requires the ability to pose queries over the design-level entities of the system. Traditionally, this task has been supported by simple tools (e.g., grep) combined with the programmer's intuition and experience. Recently, however, specialized code query technologies have matured to the point where they can be used in industrial situations, providing more intelligent, timely, and efficient responses to developer queries. This working session aims to explore the state of the art in code query technologies, and discover new ways in which these technologies may be useful in program comprehension. The session brings together researchers and practitioners. We survey existing techniques and applications, trying to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches, and sketch out new frontiers that hold promise.
A large body of research analyzes the runtime execution of a system to extract abstract behavioral views. Those approaches primarily analyze control flow by tracing method execution events or they analyze object graphs of heap snapshots. However, they do not capture how objects are passed through the system at runtime. We refer to the exchange of objects as the object flow, and we claim that object flow is necessary to analyze if we are to understand the runtime of an object-oriented application. We propose and detail Object Flow Analysis, a novel dynamic analysis technique that takes this new information into account. To evaluate its usefulness, we present a visual approach that allows a developer to study classes and components in terms of how they exchange objects at runtime. We illustrate our approach on three case studies.
As more and more open-source software components become available on the internet we need automatic ways to label and compare them. For example, a developer who searches for reusable software must be able to quickly gain an understanding of retrieved components. This understanding cannot be gained at the level of source code due to the semantic gap between source code and the domain model. In this paper we present a lexical approach that uses the log-likelihood ratios of word frequencies to automatically provide labels for software components. We present a prototype implementation of our labeling/comparison algorithm and provide examples of its application. In particular, we apply the approach to detect trends in the evolution of a software system.
For popular software systems, the number of daily submitted bug reports is high. Triaging these incoming reports is a time consuming task. Part of the bug triage is the assignment of a report to a developer with the appropriate expertise. In this paper, we present an approach to automatically suggest developers who have the appropriate expertise for handling a bug report. We model developer expertise using the vocabulary found in their source code contributions and compare this vocabulary to the vocabulary of bug reports. We evaluate our approach by comparing the suggested experts to the persons who eventually worked on the bug. Using eight years of Eclipse development as a case study, we achieve 33.6\% top-1 precision and 71.0\% top-10 recall.
Conventional debugging tools present developers with means to explore the run-time context in which an error has occurred. In many cases this is enough to help the developer discover the faulty source code and correct it. However, rather often errors occur due to code that has executed in the past, leaving certain objects in an inconsistent state. The actual run-time error only occurs when these inconsistent objects are used later in the program. So-called back-in-time debuggers help developers step back through earlier states of the program and explore execution contexts not available to conventional debuggers. Nevertheless, even back-in-time debuggers do not help answer the question, ``Where did this object come from?'' The Object-Flow Virtual Machine, which we have proposed in previous work, tracks the flow of objects to answer precisely such questions, but this VM does not provide dedicated debugging support to explore faulty programs. In this paper we present a novel debugger, called Compass, to navigate between conventional run-time stack-oriented control flow views and object flows. Compass enables a developer to effectively navigate from an object contributing to an error back-in-time through all the code that has touched the object. We present the design and implementation of Compass, and we demonstrate how flow-centric, back-in-time debugging can be used to effectively locate the source of hard-to-find bugs.
Navigating large software systems is difficult as the various artifacts are distributed in a huge space, while the relationships between different artifacts often remain hidden and obscure. As a consequence, developers using a modern interactive development environment (IDE) are forced to open views on numerous source artifacts to reveal these hidden relationships, leading to a crowded workspace with many opened windows or tabs. Developers often lose the overview in such a cluttered workspace as IDEs provide little support to get rid of unused windows. AutumnLeaves automatically selects windows unlikely for future use to be closed or grayed out while important ones are displayed more prominently. This reduces the number of windows opened at a time and adds structure to the developer's workspace. We validate AutumnLeaves with a benchmark evaluation using recorded navigation data of various developers to determine the prediction quality of the employed algorithms.
Open Source (OS) community offers numerous eLearning platforms of both types: Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Learning Content Systems (LCS). General purpose OS intermediaries such as SourceForge, ObjectWeb, Apache or specialized intermediaries like CampusSource reduce the cost to locate such eLearning platforms. Still, it is impossible to directly compare the functionalities of those OS software products without performing detailed testing on each product. Some articles available from eLearning Wikipedia show comparisons between eLearning platforms which can help, but at the end they barely serve as documentation which are becoming out of date quickly [1]. The absence of integration activities between OS eLearning platforms - which are sometimes quite similar in terms of functionalities and implementation technologies - is sometimes critical since most of the OS projects possess small financial and human resources. This paper shows a possible solution for these barriers of OS eLearning platforms. We propose the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) concept to capture functionalities and to identify similarities between available OS eLearning platforms. This contribution evolved from a fruitful discussion at the 2nd CampusSource Developer Conference at the University of Muenster (27th August 2004).
The next generation of learners expect more informality in learning. Formal learning systems such as traditional LMS systems no longer meet the needs of a generation of learners used to Twitter and Facebook, social networking and user-generated content. Regardless of this, however, formal content and learning models are still important and play a major role in educating learners, particularly in enterprise. The eLite project at DERI addressed this emerging dichotomy of learning styles, reconciling the traditional with the avant garde by using innovative technology to add informal learning capabilities to formal learning architectures.