940 resultados para Exeter Cathedral.
decade has raised the interest among the research community on the acceptance and use of these systems by both teachers and students. At first, the implementation of LMS was based on their technical design and the adaptation of the learning processes to the virtual environment, neglecting students’ characteristics when the systems were deployed, which led to expensive and failing implementations. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) proposes a framework which allows the study of the acceptance and use of technology that takes into consideration the students’ characteristics and how they affect the acceptance and the degree of use of educational technology. This study questions the role of the user’s attitude towards use of LMS and uses the UTAUT to examine the moderating effect of technological culture in the adoption of LMS in Spain. The results from the comparison and analysis of three different models confirm the relevance of attitude towards use as an antecedent of intention to use the system, as well as the important moderating effect of gender and technological culture. The discussion of results suggests the need for a more in-depth analysis and interrelations of cultural dimensions in the adoption of educational technologies and learning management systems
The arrival of European master masons to Burgos and Toledo during the mid-fifteenth century was essential for the promotion of the late Gothic ribbed vault design techniques in Spain. The Antigua Chapel in Seville Cathedral, designed by the Spanish master mason Simón de Colonia on 1497, provides an outstanding case study on this subject. This vault is characterized by the interlacing of the ribs near the springing, reflecting the influence of German ribbed vault designs. This paper analyses the relationship between German ribbed vaults and their design methods with those of Spanish ribbed vaults; with particular attention to the presence of ribs that cut through one another above the springing, materialized in the work of Simón de Colonia. This characteristic is reflected in some manuscripts in the German area, like the Wiener Sammlungen (15th-16th centuries) and the Codex Miniatus 3 (ca. 1560-1570), but no Spanish documents of the same period make reference to it.
Esta tesis se enmarca en el ámbito de la Historia de la Construcción, se estudia la Catedral de Ávila desde un punto de vista técnico, necesario para completar la visión que de esta catedral se tenía. La interpretación de la documentación de archivo, que se encontraba dispersa e inconexa, ha permitido realizar una cronología revisada y completa de las campañas constructivas para el conjunto de la Catedral, desde el siglo XI al XXI. Mediante el análisis de los Contratos de Obra e Informes, se ha puesto de relieve conocimientos de técnicas constructivas medievales. Se plantean dos hipótesis para el orden en el proceso constructivo. En la zona del Cimorro, en relación con la supresión de la tribuna, colocación de los arbotantes y construcción de la fortificación y triple almenado. En el cuerpo de las naves, referida a la posible existencia de una tribuna, colocación del sistema de contrarresto que vemos actualmente y misión del arco entibo del coro. Se ha analizado la estabilidad estructural de la Catedral bajo el marco teórico del Análisis Límite para Estructuras de Fábrica, utilizando la restitución gráfica procedente del levantamiento topográfico realizado. Estos análisis han servido como comprobación de las hipótesis planteadas, por realizarse tanto para la situación actual como para las diferentes campañas constructivas propuestas. Se ha comprobado la validez de las reglas geométricas tradicionales para el análisis de la estructuras de fábrica en los elementos principales de la estructura gótica. Esta tesis incrementa el conocimiento de la historia mecánica del edificio interpretando el funcionamiento mecánico de sus arbotantes, proyectados de forma atípica, y la colocación de los arcos entibo y codales para conseguir la estabilidad del conjunto. La tesis cuenta con un anexo que recopila una extensa documentación gráfica: planimetría, iconografía y fotografía histórica; la trascripción inédita del Contrato de obra para la Capilla de San Segundo y un anexo de cálculo de la zona del Cimorro y del Cuerpo de Naves. This thesis aims to the field of Construction History. The Cathedral of Ávila is studied from a technical point of view, which was necessary to complete the existing knowledge about this Cathedral. The interpretation of archive documentation, which was disperse and unconnected before this work, has allowed the proposal of a revised and complete chronology of the diverse building stages of the Cathedral, dating from the XI century to the XXI century. The analysis of work contracts and of reports has revealed knowledge of medieval construction techniques. Two hypotheses are presented about the order in the construction process. The first hypothesis concerning the destruction of the tribune, the placing of the flying buttress and the building of the fortification and triple system of battlement in the area of the “Cimorro”. The second hypothesis regarding the naves: the possible existence of a tribune, the placing of the system of counterthrust, which can currently be seen, and the function of the “entibo” arch in the choir. The Structural Stability of the Cathedral has been analysed within the theoretical Framework of Limit Analysis to Masonry Structure, by using of the drawing proceeding from our lifting topographical. These analyses have proven the presented hypotheses, since they have been applied to the current situation as well as to the several building stage proposed in the chronology. The validity of the traditional geometric rules for the analysis of the masonry structure in the core elements of Gothic structures has been verified. This thesis increases the knowledge of the mechanical history of the building by interpreting the mechanical working of the flying buttress in an atypical arrangement and the placing of the “entibo” arch and “codal” arch in order to obtain the stability of the monument. The thesis incorporates supplementary material which can be categorized in three groups: 1) extensive graphic documentation (planning, iconography and history photography); 2) the hitherto unknown transcription of the “CONTRATO DE OBRA PARA LA CAPILLA DE SAN SEGUNDO”; 3) an appendix of Analysis of Calculation for the “Cimorro” and the naves.
The pendular motion of a giant censer (O Botafumeiro) that hangs in the transept of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, and is cyclically pumped by men who pull at the supporting rope, is analyzed. Maximum angular amplitude attainable, and number of cycles and time needed to attain it, are calculated; the results agree with observed values (~ 82°, ~ 17 cycles, ~ 80 seconds) to the few percent accuracy of both the analysis and the observations and parameter measurements. The energy gain in a pumping cycle is obtained for an arbitrary pumping procedure to two orders in the small fractional change of pendular length; the relevance of the ratio (characteristic radial acceleration during pumping)/g to the gain is discussed- Effects due to rope mass, air drag on both Censer and rope, and the fact that the Censer is not a point mass, are considered. If the pumping cycle is inverted once the maximum amplitude has been attained, the Censer could be swiftly brought to rest, avoiding the usual violent stop. Historically recorded accidents, rope shape, and the influence of relevant parameters on the motion are discussed.
The PIBAMARMI pavilion at the 2013 edition of MARMOMACC in Verona was designed by the Spanish architect Alberto CAMPO BAEZA, winner of the Fair’s International Award Architecture in Stone 2013 for the office building of the Castilla León Junta in front of the Cathedral in Zamora.
Descripción del horizonte acústico mediante métodos de evaluación subjetiva en la catedral de Toledo
Se tiene evidencia de que en el pasado, en las catedrales, se realizaban simultáneamente diferentes actividades. El proyecto trata de definir las áreas de la Catedral de Toledo en las cuales se considera escucha aceptable, cuando se están produciendo varias actividades simultáneamente a partir de un test de escucha de evaluación subjetiva. Para ello, se ha planteado una situación con tres fuentes sonoras situadas en el trascoro y en dos capillas. A partir de un modelo acústico diseñado en Odeon se han obtenido varias auralizaciones, con las señales procedentes de las tres fuentes, que han sido sometidas al test. Con el fin de crear un entorno que facilite la realización del mismo, tanto a los sujetos que lo realicen, como el tratamiento posterior de los datos obtenidos, se ha creado una herramienta desarrollada en Matlab. Se trata de una interfaz gráfica que permite escuchar las distintas auralizaciones, así como los sonidos procedentes de las distintas fuentes y recoge los juicios de los sujetos sometidos al test en un archivo Excel. Una vez recogidos los datos de los participantes se ha realizado un tratamiento estadístico de los mismos a fin de obtener resultados a cerca del horizonte acústico en la Catedral de Toledo, para la situación planteada. ABSTRACT. We have evidence from the old times that cathedrals were used to host different activities at the same time. This project aims to define the areas of the Cathedral of Toledo that have an acceptable listening level while several activities are carried out simultaneously, by performing subjective listening evaluation test. To achieve the objective, three sound sources are located inside the Cathedral, one behind the choir and two in the chapels. Several auralizations have been obtained, with the signals from the three test sources, by using an acoustic model designed with Odeon. In order to create an environment that facilitates the realization of the listening tests and the post-processing of the data obtained, a tool has been developed in Matlab. It has a graphical interface that allows the subject to listen to different auralizations, as well as the sounds from the different sources, and then collect the results of each test in an excel file. Once the data from the participants is collected, a statistical processing is performed in order to get the results for the acoustic horizon of the Cathedral of Toledo for the aforementioned setup.