929 resultados para Excited-state life time
Most commercially available reverse osmosis (RO) and nanofiltration (NF) membranes are based on the thin film composite (TFC) aromatic polyamide membranes. However, they have several disadvantages including low resistance to fouling, low chemical and thermal stabilities and limited chlorine tolerance. To address these problems, advanced RO/NF membranes are being developed from polyimides for water and wastewater treatments. The following three projects have resulted from my research. (1) Positively charged and solvent resistant NF membranes. The use of solvent resistant membranes to facilitate small molecule separations has been a long standing industry goal of the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. We developed a solvent resistant membrane by chemically cross-linking of polyimide membrane using polyethylenimine. This membrane showed excellent stability in almost all organic solvents. In addition, this membrane was positively charged due to the amine groups remaining on the surface. As a result, high efficiency (> 95%) and selectivity for multivalent heavy metal removal was achieved. (2) Fouling resistant NF membranes. Antifouling membranes are highly desired for “all” applications because fouling will lead to higher energy demand, increase of cleaning and corresponding down time and reduced life-time of the membrane elements. For fouling prevention, we designed a new membrane system using a coating technique to modify membrane surface properties to avoid adsorption of foulants like humic acid. A layer of water-soluble polymer such as polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), polyacrylic acid (PAA), polyvinyl sulfate (PVS) or sulfonated poly(ether ether ketone) (SPEEK), was adsorbed onto the surface of a positively charged membrane. The resultant membranes have a smooth and almost neutrally charged surface which showed better fouling resistance than both the positively charged NF membranes and commercially available negatively charged NTR-7450 membrane. In addition, these membranes showed high efficiency for removal of multivalent ions (> 95% for both cations and anions). Therefore, these antifouling surfaces can be potentially used for water softening, water desalination and wastewater treatment in a membrane bioreactor (MBR) process. (3) Thermally stable RO membranes. Commercial RO membranes cannot be used at temperature higher than 45°C due to the use of polysulfone substrate, which often limits their applications in industries. We successfully developed polyimides as the membrane substrate for thermally stable RO membranes due to their high thermal resistance. The polyimide-based composite polyamide membranes showed desalination performance comparable to the commercial TFC membrane. However, the key advantage of the polyimide-based membrane is its high thermal stability. As the feed temperature increased from 25oC to 95oC, the water flux increased 5 - 6 times while the salt rejection almost kept constant. This membrane appears to provide a unique solution for hot water desalination and also a feasible way to improve the water productivity by increasing the operating temperature without any drop in salt rejection.
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Heterotrophic feeding has an important role in the processes of growth and reproduction of mixotrophic corals. The soft coral Sarcophyton cf. glaucum is a good candidate for aquaculture due to its economic interest for the marine aquarium trade and for the bioprospection of marine natural products. The lack of information on heterotrophic feeding of this species with preserved microalgae conducted to development of this work. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the conservation processes of microalgae in its suitability as heterotrophic feeding for the mixotrophic coral S. cf. glaucum. Additionally, we aimed to identify the most suitable freeze-dried microalgae species and cell density to be employed in the culture of this mixotrophic coral species. Two experiments were performed: in the first experiment the microalgae Nannochloropsis oculata was supplied to coral fragments in three different preservation forms (live paste, frozen and freeze-dried) at the concentration of 106 cell mL-1; in the second experiment three different microalgae species (Nannochloropsis oculata, Isochrysis galbana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum) were tested in two different amounts: 7.33 mg L-1 (corresponding to the concentration of 106 cell mL-1 of Nannochloropsis oculata) and 3.66 mg L-1. Growth rate, survival, organic weight and photobiology of coral fragments, as well as water quality in culture tanks, were evaluated in both experiments. Preserved forms of microalgae did not demonstrated differences in growth rate, organic weight and survival rate of coral fragments, but affected water quality. Freeze-dried microalgae seems to be a good feed supply for coral aquaculture, as it has the best results and it has the higher shell-life time and the lower associated costs. Between the species evaluated in second experiment, Isochrysis galbana promoted higher specific growth rate and higher percentage of organic weight in the coral fragments; additionally the culture tanks supplied with this microalgae species also presented a better water quality in the end of the experiment.
The influence of uniaxial stress upon three types of imperfections occurring in the alkali halide crystal lattice has been investigated. The imperfections are the interstitial atom, the interstitial ion, and the negative ion vacancy. The interstitial atom, or H center, is a paraelastic defect which assumes a preferential crystal orientation in the field of an external mechanical stress. From the results of the reorientation kinetics - studies, it was possible to show that H centers are not stable in the KBr crystal lattice above 2SoK. At temperatures higher than 2SoK, the H centers are transformed into two new paraelastic defects, H(ii) and H(iii), possessing the same optical absorption band as the H center but differing both from the H' center and from each other in their reorientation kinetics. A study of the wavelength dependence of the H, H(ii), and VI (Na+) centers s~owed the 'existence of three similar-polarized transitions for each of these defects. One of these transitions, located at 230 run for all of the defects studied, was determined to be too high in energy to be explained by the simple X2 - level scheme. In addition, a comparison of various properties of the four defects indicates that the last three can be described as perturbed H centers. Dichroism measurements, performed as a function of temperature and wavelengt, h on the 230-nm I band in KBr, showed this band to be a composite of a band at 234 nm due to the I center and a band at 230 nm attributed to the H center. The I center dichroism was isolated and was observed under various experimental conditions. The results of these observations are consistent with a body-centered model for the I center in which the I-center absorption band is attributed to the excitation of a p-like electron on the interstitial Br- ion. Similar measurements were also perfonned on the a band in KI. The a-band dichroism measurements were found to be consistent with an electronic transition from an s-like ground state to a p-like excited state, indicating that the a center is best described as a quasi-molecule.
Enquadramento: Actualmente existe um elevado números de pessoas em situação de dependência, com algum tipo de incapacidade funcional ou em risco de perda de funcionalidade, que necessitam ingressar na Rede Nacional de Cuidados Continuados com o intuito de se promover uma melhoria das condições de vida e bem-estar das pessoas, através da prestação de cuidados continuados de saúde e de apoio social. Aceitando a vulnerabilidade da pessoa humana, a doença revela-se como um período de fragilidade circunstancial às condições decorrentes da sua existência. O utente/família deparam-se com a desmoralização, a ameaça, o desamparo e a perda de sentido, podendo levar o mesmo a uma profunda tristeza, desespero e sofrimento. Neste sentido e tendo em conta que a esperança influencia o bem-estar e uma vez que se encontra ligada à existência, tanto física como emocional e espiritual é fundamental percebermos até que ponto a esperança pode ajudar a pessoa a lidar com o futuro. Objetivos: Avaliar níveis de esperança nos Doentes internados em Cuidados Continuados, e identificar determinantes socio-demográficos, clínicas e psicossociais correlacionadas com essa esperança. Métodos: O estudo foi realizado,na Unidade de Cuidados Continuados da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Seia, nas unidades de internamento de Média Duração e Reabilitação e Unidade de Longa Duração e Manutenção. O questionário foi aplicado a 46 doentes, com idades compreendidas entre os 46 e os 92 anos de idade ( x =74.39 anos). Trata-se de um estudo não experimental, quantitativo, do tipo transversal, descritivo e correlacional. O instrumento de recolha de dados integrou um Questionário de caracterização sócio-demográfica e clínica, a escala da Esperança (Herth Hope Index), uma escala para a avaliação da Qualidade de Vida – Functinal Assessement of Cancer Therapy – General e o Questionário de Sono de Oviedo. Resultados: Os dados mostram que 45,7% dos participantes apresenta esperança reduzida, 39,1% esperança elevada e 15,2% esperança moderada. Constatámos ainda que apenas o “bem-estar funcional” da escala da QDV e os “fenómenos adversos” da escala do sono se correlacionam significativamente (p=0,000; p=0,035) com a esperança explicando respetivamente 55,2% e 31,1% da variância explicada. Já o género, idade, estado civil, situação profissional, escolaridade, rendimento mensal, tipologia e número de internamentos, mostraram não estar relacionados com a esperança dos nossos doentes. Conclusão: A esperança é uma crença ou virtude inerente ao Homem, que pode assumir níveis diferenciados, que acompanha o ser humano no seu processo de viver e de morrer condicionando ajustes nos momentos de crise, afectando e/ou sendo afetada pelo bem-estar e a qualidade de vida. Palavras-chave: Cuidados Continuados, Esperança, Qualidade de Vida, Doentes, Sono.
Hintergrund: Die koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) ist eine häufige und potenziell tödliche Erkrankung mit einer Lebenszeitprävalenz von über 20%. Allein in Deutschland wird die Zahl der durch die ischämische Herzerkrankung und des akuten Myokardinfarkts jährlich verursachten Todesfälle auf etwa 140.000 geschätzt. Ein Zusammenhang eng mit dem Lebensstil verbundener Risikofaktoren mit Auftreten und Prognose der KHK ist nachgewiesen. Durch Maßnahmen der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention wird versucht, diese Risikofaktoren positiv zu verändern sowie die KHK im Gegensatz zu palliativen interventionellen Therapiestrategien kausal zu behandeln. Zur Wirksamkeit der nichtmedikamentösen sekundärpräventiven Maßnahmen liegt eine ganze Reihe von Einzelstudien und -untersuchungen vor, eine systematische Analyse, die die Evidenz aller hauptsächlich angewandten Sekundärpräventionsstrategien zusammenfasst, fehlt unseres Wissens nach bislang jedoch. Auch eine Auswertung vorhandener Studien zur Kosten-Effektivität der Maßnahmen ist hierbei zu integieren. Fragestellung: Ziel dieses HTA-Berichts (HTA=Health Technology Assessment) ist die Erstellung einer umfassenden Übersicht der aktuellen Literatur zu nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen in der Behandlung der KHK, um diese Maßnahmen und deren Komponenten bezüglich ihrer medizinischen Wirksamkeit sowie Wirtschaftlichkeit zu beurteilen. Weiterhin sollen die ethischen, sozialen und rechtlichen Aspekte der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention und die Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse auf den deutschen Versorgungsalltag untersucht werden. Methodik: Relevante Publikationen werden über eine strukturierte und hochsensitive Datenbankrecherche sowie mittels Handrecherche identifiziert. Die Literaturrecherche wird in vier Einzelsuchen zu medizinischen, gesundheitsökonomischen, ethischen und juristischen Themen am 18.09.2008 durchgeführt und erstreckt sich über die vergangenen fünf Jahre. Die methodische Qualität der Publikationen wird von jeweils zwei unabhängigen Gutachtern unter Beachtung von Kriterien der evidenzbasierten Medizin (EbM) systematisch geprüft. Ergebnisse: Von insgesamt 9.074 Treffern erfüllen 43 medizinische Publikationen die Selektionskriterien, mit einem Nachbeobachtungszeitraum zwischen zwölf und 120 Monaten. Insgesamt ist die Studienqualität zufriedenstellend, allerdings berichtet nur ca. die Hälfte der Studien differenziert die Gesamtmortalität, während die übrigen Studien andere Outcomemaße verwenden. Die Wirksamkeit einzelner Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen stellt sich als sehr heterogen dar. Insgesamt kann langfristig eine Reduktion der kardialen sowie der Gesamtmortalität und der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse sowie eine Erhöhung der Lebensqualität beobachtet werden. Vor allem für trainingsbasierte und multimodale Interventionen ist eine effektive Reduktion der Mortalität zu beobachten, während psychosoziale Interventionen besonders in Bezug auf eine Erhöhung der Lebensqualität effektiv zu sein scheinen. Für die ökonomischen Auswertungen werden 26 Publikationen identifiziert, die von ihrer Themenstellung und Studienart dem hier betrachteten Kontext zugeordnet werden können. Insgesamt kann festgestellt werden, dass sich die Studienlage zur multimodalen Rehabilitation sowohl bezüglich ihrer Menge als auch Qualität der Analysen besser darstellt, als dies für Evaluationen von Einzelmaßnahmen beobachtet werden kann. Die internationale Literatur bestätigt den multimodalen Ansätzen dabei zwar ein gutes Verhältnis von Kosten und Effektivität, untersucht jedoch nahezu ausschließlich ambulante oder häuslichbasierte Maßnahmen. Die Auswertung der Studien, die einzelne sich mit präventiven Maßnahmen in Hinblick auf ihre Kosten-Effektivität beschäftigen, ergibt lediglich positive Tendenzen für Interventionen der Raucherentwöhnung und des körperlichen Trainings. Im Hinblick auf psychosoziale Maßnahmen sowie auch die Ernährungsumstellung können aufgrund der unzureichenden Studienlage jedoch keine Aussagen über die Kosten-Effektivität getroffen werden. Insgesamt werden im Rahmen der Betrachtung sozialer Aspekte der nichtmedikamentösen Sekundärprävention elf Publikationen einbezogen. Die relativ neuen Studien bestätigen, dass Patienten mit niedrigem sozioökonomischen Status insgesamt schlechtere Ausgangsbedingungen und demnach einen spezifischen Bedarf an rehabilitativer Unterstützung haben. Gleichzeitig sind sich die Forscher jedoch uneinig, ob gerade diese Patientengruppe relativ häufiger oder seltener an den Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen teilnimmt. Bezüglich der Barrieren, die Patienten von der Teilnahme an den präventiven Maßnahmen abhalten, werden psychologische Faktoren, physische Einschränkungen aber auch gesellschaftliche und systemisch-orientierte Einflüsse genannt. Diskussion: Nichtmedikamentöse Sekundärpräventionsmaßnahmen sind sicher und in der Lage eine Reduktion der Mortalität sowie der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse zu erzielen sowie die Lebensqualität zu erhöhen. Da nur wenige der methodisch verlässlichen Studien Teilnehmer über einen längeren Zeitraum von mindestens 60 Monaten nachverfolgen, müssen Aussagen über die Nachhaltigkeit als limitiert angesehen werden. Verlässliche Angaben in Bezug auf relevante Patientensubgruppen lassen sich nur sehr eingeschränkt machen ebenso wie im Hinblick auf die vergleichende Beurteilung verschiedener Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention, da diese von eingeschlossenen Studien nur unzureichend erforscht wurden. Zukünftige methodisch verlässliche Studien sind notwendig, um diese Fragestellungen zu untersuchen und zu beantworten. Bezogen auf die Kosten-Effektivität nichtmedikamentöser sekundärpräventiver Maßnahmen kann aus den internationalen Studien eine insgesamt positive Aussage zusammengefasst werden. Einschränkungen dieser resultieren jedoch zum einen aus den Besonderheiten des deutschen Systems der stationären Rehabilitationsangebote, zum anderen aus den qualitativ mangelhaften Evaluationen der Einzelmaßnahmen. Studien mit dem Ziel der Bewertung der Kosten-Effektivität stationärer Rehabilitationsangebote sind ebenso erforderlich wie auch qualitativ hochwertige Untersuchungen einzeln erbrachter Präventionsmaßnahmen. Aus sozialer Perspektive sollte insbesondere untersucht werden, welche Patientengruppe aus welchen Gründen von einer Teilnahme an Rehabilitations- bzw. präventiven Maßnahmen absieht und wie diesen Argumenten begegnet werden könnte. Schlussfolgerung: Nichtmedikamentöse sekundärpräventive Maßnahmen sind in der Lage eine Reduktion der Mortalität und der Häufigkeit kardialer Ereignisse zu erzielen sowie die Lebensqualität zu erhöhen. Eine Stärkung des Stellenwerts nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention erscheint vor diesem Hintergrund notwendig. Auch kann für einige Interventionen ein angemessenes Verhältnis von Effektivität und Kosten angenommen werden. Es besteht allerdings nach wie vor erheblicher Forschungsbedarf bezüglich der Wirksamkeitsbeurteilung nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen der Sekundärprävention in wichtigen Patientensubgruppen und der Effizienz zahlreicher angebotener Programme. Darüber hinaus ist weitere Forschung notwendig, um die Nachhaltigkeit der Maßnahmen und Gründe für die Nichtinanspruchnahme detailliert zu untersuchen. Vor allem gilt es jedoch den Versorgungsalltag in Deutschland, wie er sich für Ärzte, Patienten und weitere Akteure des Gesundheitswesens darstellt, zu untersuchen und den heutigen Stellenwert nichtmedikamentöser Maßnahmen aufzuzeigen.
Traditional organic chemistry has long been dominated by ground state thermal reactions. The alternative to this is excited state chemistry, which uses light to drive chemical transformations. There is considerable interest in using this clean renewable energy source due to concerns surrounding the combustion byproducts associated with the consumption of fossil fuels. The work presented in this text will focus on the use of light (both ultraviolet and visible) for the following quantitative chemical transformations: (1) the release of compounds containing carboxylic acid and alcohol functional groups and (2) the conversion of carbon dioxide into other useable chemicals. Chapters 1-3 will introduce and explore the use of photoremovable protecting groups (PPGs) for the spatiotemporal control of molecular concentrations. Two new PPGs are discussed, the 2,2,2-tribromoethoxy group for the protection of carboxylic acids and the 9-phenyl-9-tritylone group for the protection of alcohols. Fundamental interest in the factors that affect C–X bond breaking has driven the work presented in this text for the release of carboxylic acid substrates. Product analysis from the UV photolysis of 2,2,2-tribromoethyl-(2′-phenylacetate) in various solvents results in the formation of H–atom abstraction products as well as the release of phenylacetic acid. The deprotection of alcohols is realized through the use of UV or visible light photolysis of 9-phenyl-9-tritylone ethers. Central to this study is the use of photoinduced electron transfer chemistry for the generation of ion diradicals capable of undergoing bond-breaking chemistry leading to the release of the alcohol substrates. Chapters 4 and 5 will explore the use of N-heterocyclic carbenes (NHCs) as a catalyst for the photochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. Previous experiments have demonstrated that NHCs can add to CO2 to form stable zwitterionic species known as N-heterocylic-2-carboxylates (NHC–CO2). Work presented in this text illustrate that the stability of these species is highly dependent on solvent polarity, consistent with a lengthening of the imidazolium to carbon dioxide bond (CNHC–CCO2). Furthermore, these adducts interact with excited state electron donors resulting in the generation of ion diradicals capable of converting carbon dioxide into formic acid.
Background: Partially clonal organisms are very common in nature, yet the influence of partial asexuality on the temporal dynamics of genetic diversity remains poorly understood. Mathematical models accounting for clonality predict deviations only for extremely rare sex and only towards mean inbreeding coefficient (F-IS) over bar < 0. Yet in partially clonal species, both F-IS < 0 and F-IS > 0 are frequently observed also in populations where there is evidence for a significant amount of sexual reproduction. Here, we studied the joint effects of partial clonality, mutation and genetic drift with a state-and-time discrete Markov chain model to describe the dynamics of F-IS over time under increasing rates of clonality. Results: Results of the mathematical model and simulations show that partial clonality slows down the asymptotic convergence to F-IS = 0. Thus, although clonality alone does not lead to departures from Hardy-Weinberg expectations once reached the final equilibrium state, both negative and positive F-IS values can arise transiently even at intermediate rates of clonality. More importantly, such "transient" departures from Hardy Weinberg proportions may last long as clonality tunes up the temporal variation of F-IS and reduces its rate of change over time, leading to a hyperbolic increase of the maximal time needed to reach the final mean (F-IS,F-infinity) over bar value expected at equilibrium. Conclusion: Our results argue for a dynamical interpretation of F-IS in clonal populations. Negative values cannot be interpreted as unequivocal evidence for extremely scarce sex but also as intermediate rates of clonality in finite populations. Complementary observations (e.g. frequency distribution of multiloci genotypes, population history) or time series data may help to discriminate between different possible conclusions on the extent of clonality when mean (F-IS) over bar values deviating from zero and/or a large variation of F-IS over loci are observed.
Nowadays, the search for new technologies that are able to follow the upcoming challenges in oil industry is a constant. Always trying properties improvements of the used materials, looking for the best performance and greater life time. Besides the search for technologies that show an improvement of performance, the search for materials environmentally correct along the whole production process. In Oil well cementing, this search for new technologies passes through the development of slurry systems that support these requests and that are also environmentally friendly. In this context, the use of geopolymer slurries is a great alternative route to cementing oil wells. Besides having good properties, comparable to Portland cement slurries, this alternative material releases much less CO2 gas in the production of their root materials when compared the production of Portland cement, which releases tons of CO2. In order to improve the properties of geopolymer slurries has been added Calcium Oxide, as observed in other studies that slurries where the Calcium is present the values of compressive strength is greater. The addition has been realized based in the CaO/SiO2 molar ratio of 0.05, 0.10 and 0.15. Have been performed compressive strength tests, thickening time, rheology and fliud loss control test of the slurries, following NBR 9831, as well as the physical chemical characterization of XRD, SEM and TG. Has been observed in most of the tests the slurries follow a tendency until the ratio of 0.10, which inverses in the ratio 0.15. This behavior can be explained by two phenomena that occur simultaneously, the first one is the break of the polymer chains and a consequent increase in molucules mobility, which prevails until the ratio of 0.1, and the second is possible approach of the chains due to the capacity of the calcium ions stabilize the charges of two different aluminum. There is only one linearity in the mechanical behavior that can be attributed to the appereance of the C-S-H phase. Based on this, it is concluded that the phenomenon of breaking the polymer chains predominates until the ratio of 0.1, causing an increase of the filtrate volume, lower rheological parameters and increasing thickening time. From the ratio of 0.15 the approach of the chains predominates, and the behavior is reversed
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2016.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.
Dissertação de mestrado, Qualidade em Análises, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Tese de Doutoramento, Ciências do Mar, da Terra e do Ambiente, Ramo: Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente, Especialização em Ecotoxicologia, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016
Organic carbon-rich shales deposited during the Coniacian-Santonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 were drilled during ODP Leg 207 at Demerara Rise. We present integrated high-resolution geochemical records of core intervals from ODP Sites 1259 and 1261 both from nannofossil biozone CC14. Our results reveal systematic variations in marine and detrital sediment contribution, depositional processes, and bottom water redox conditions during black shale formation at two locations on Demerara Rise in different paleo-water depths. A combination of redox proxies (Fe/S, P/Al, C/P, redox-sensitive/sulfide-forming trace metals Mn, Cd, Mo, Ni, V, Zn) and other analytical approaches (bulk sediment composition, P speciation, electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction) evidence anoxic to sulfidic bottom water and sediment conditions throughout the deposition of black shale. These extreme redox conditions persisted and were periodically punctuated by short-termed periods with less reducing bottom waters irrespective of paleo-water depth. Sediment supply at both sites was generally dominated by marine material (carbonate, organic matter, opal) although relationships of detrital proxies as well as glauconitic horizons support some influence of turbidites, winnowing bottom currents and/or variable detritus sources, along with less reducing bottom water at the proposed shallower location (ODP Site 1259). At Site 1261, located at greater paleo-depth, redox fluctuations were more regular, and steady hemipelagic sedimentation sustained the development of mostly undisturbed lamination in the sedimentary record. Strong similarities of the studied deposits exist with the stratigraphic older Cenomanian-Turonian OAE2 black shale sections at Demerara Rise, suggesting that the primary mechanisms controlling continental supply and ocean redox state were time-invariant and kept the western equatorial Atlantic margin widely anoxic over millions of years.
The objective of the work described in this dissertation is the development of new wireless passive force monitoring platforms for applications in the medical field, specifically monitoring lower limb prosthetics. The developed sensors consist of stress sensitive, magnetically soft amorphous metallic glass materials. The first technology is based on magnetoelastic resonance. Specifically, when exposed to an AC excitation field along with a constant DC bias field, the magnetoelastic material mechanically vibrates, and may reaches resonance if the field frequency matches the mechanical resonant frequency of the material. The presented work illustrates that an applied loading pins portions of the strip, effectively decreasing the strip length, which results in an increase in the frequency of the resonance. The developed technology is deployed in a prototype lower limb prosthetic sleeve for monitoring forces experienced by the distal end of the residuum. This work also reports on the development of a magnetoharmonic force sensor comprised of the same material. According to the Villari effect, an applied loading to the material results in a change in the permeability of the magnetic sensor which is visualized as an increase in the higher-order harmonic fields of the material. Specifically, by applying a constant low frequency AC field and sweeping the applied DC biasing field, the higher-order harmonic components of the magnetic response can be visualized. This sensor technology was also instrumented onto a lower limb prosthetic for proof of deployment; however, the magnetoharmonic sensor illustrated complications with sensor positioning and a necessity to tailor the interface mechanics between the sensing material and the surface being monitored. The novelty of these two technologies is in their wireless passive nature which allows for long term monitoring over the life time of a given device. Additionally, the developed technologies are low cost. Recommendations for future works include improving the system for real-time monitoring, useful for data collection outside of a clinical setting.