870 resultados para Escolas para profissionais de saúde


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The study aimed to understand the concept of women with physical disabilities about their ability to gestate, give birth or care a child. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with qualitative approach developed in three non-governmental organizations in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The data collection occurred in the period from April to June, 2014, through semi-structured interviews, using a script composed by sociodemographic questions and a guiding one. It was obtained a priori the permission from the association’s directors, the approval from the Research Ethics Committee, of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CAAE nº 27442814.7.0000.5537 and the assent n° 618.045, as well as the participant’s formal authorization by signing the Informed Consent Statement. Participated in the study 12 women, selected according to the following inclusion criteria: to have physical disability, to be aged 18 to 49 years old, and to affirm the existence of limiting characteristics from early childhood (0-3 years). The information obtained in the interviews were subjected to the precepts of Content Analysis according to Bardin, under the thematic analysis technique. From this process, three categories emerged: Conceiving motherhood in front of disability; Conceiving the capacity to be mother with disability; and Conceiving the support during pregnancy and puerperium period. As the theoretical framework we adopted the principles of symbolic interactionism proposed by Blumer. The discussion was supported by literature findings on women's health care in the context of reproduction. The interviewees conceive motherhood as an accomplishment and believe in their own ability to gestate, give birth and care a child. However, the desire for the maternal role tends to be influenced by adverse feelings and limitations raised by disability, social barriers and prejudices. They also referred the importance of support from partner, family and health professionals in the care of child. Upon these findings, it is understood that although there are barriers to the realization of their desire, these barriers were not enough to make them give up on becoming a mother. Therefore, it is necessary that health professionals, highlighted the nurse, be trained to care for women with disabilities in the context of reproductive health care in order to offer adequate support to their needs


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The objective of this study is to investigate how the team of health professionals of the Family Health Strategies program and clients in Currais Novos/RN deal with the use (or not) of medicinal plants as one of the complementary and holistic practices in the Individual Health System (SUS in Portuguese). The research is carried out using a qualitative approach, applying semi-structured interviews, related to the proposed objective, as the instruments of data collection. The interviews applied to professionals and clients were based on questionnaires and were recorded, with their permission, then transcribed in a field diary. The subjects of the study were doctors, nurses, dentists and community health agents of the Family Health Strategies team, totaling 24 (twenty four) health professionals, as well as ten volunteers identified in the research as people who use medicinal plants for health care purposes. From this study, we verify the great importance that health professionals and clients attribute to the use of medicinal plants, as well as evidence that family tradition is the main vehicle for the dissemination of knowledge regarding their use. Most medicinal plants had popular indications similar of those used scientifically, however, 70% of the clients reported never having had medical health advice or encouragement to use medicinal plants in their treatments. Half of the group of professionals interviewed reported not feeling safe in prescribing medicinal plants; approximately 25% reported having received information on the subject during their undergraduate program. Expected outcomes of this study include instigating the implementation of treatment protocols by the health professionals, and broadening holistic care practices, as well as access to alternative therapeutic options, client participation, ultimately strengthening the link between primary care and Family Health Strategies


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Objective: Evaluate the work structure and process in Psychos ocial Care Centers (CAPS) and the professionals profile, the satisfaction, conditions and work overload. Methods: Cross - sectional study conducted in five CAPS in Campina Grande city. The study sample consisted of five coordinators, 42 graduate professional s, 26 mid - level (technical and auxiliary nurses, and caregivers), and the medical records pertaining to 413 users followed up. Data were collected using validated questionnaires (CAPSUL - rating CAPS in southern Brazil) and adapted to the study, between July and October 2014. The questionnaires were double entered and submitted to validation in the sub - program “Validate Epi Info 3.5.4” , used along with the “SPSS 17.0” for processing the statistical analyzes. Measures of central tendency and dispersion were ap plied to the descriptive analyzes; “Fisher's” exact test to check the CAPS impact on hospital admissions and the “Bonferroni” adjusted to verify the diagnoses according to sex. 5% significance level was adopted. The study was approved by the Ethics Committ ee of the Rio Grande do Norte Federal University (UFRN), protocol 719.435, of 05.30.2014. Results: From the structure analysis were identified contextual factors that influenced the work process of CAPS professionals, such as: deficiencies with regard to h uman resources; forms of health professionals employment and qualifications; temporary contract existence. As to process dimension, it was found that the home visits performance by health professionals shows to be ineffective, given its insufficiency and i rregularity, which can be explained by the high demand, reduced staff and transportation lack. It was low coverage of items inherent to Therapeutic Individual Project, as the income generation program, insertion at work and home visit. The reference and co unter reference flow are still not satisfactorily organized. There was statistically significant difference for the diagnosis, with a predominance of mood disorders related to stress among women and those related to alcohol and other drugs among men (p <0. 05). There was an association between the degree of health professionals satisfaction and working conditions, overload and factors related to the content and working conditions, the security measures, comfort and CAPS appearance, contact between the teams and users, families treatment by the teams, temporary employment relationship. Conclusion: The data collected indicate the need for the CAPS organization through increased investments in the sector in order to enhance the infrastructure as potentiating el ement of practices with a view to changing the care model for mental health proposed by the Psychiatric Reform. It is hoped therefore that this research will contribute to better planning in CAPS unit management, with another tool to improve the dimensions involving the structure and the professional work process and improve this mental health care model.


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Unplanned pregnancy is experienced by millions of women worldwide. Such fact increases the risk of abortion-related morbimortality, which represents a serious public health problem. This study aims to evaluate the advances and challenges of the implementation of Humanized Abortion Care at the Maternity-School in Natal, state of Rio Grande do Norte. The research was evaluative, was preceded by an Evaluative Study, and resulted in a Case Study. The intentional sample totaled 102 subjects (60 users, 39 professionals and 3 managers). The collection techniques included documental analysis, semi-structured interview and observation with a field diary. The documental analysis was descriptive, while the Content Analysis by Bardin was used for semi-structured interviews and field diary. The Evaluative Study observed that Humanized Abortion Care is an evaluative program with preparation and pact of the logical model, of the matrix of indicators and evaluative questions. The Case Study showed that users were satisfied with the problem-solving capacity and access to the service; however, is also showed that they pointed out inadequacy in terms of environment, qualified hearing and reproductive planning. Professionals reported that the inefficiency of service consists of infrastructure and environment, which are considered inefficient and inadequate to humanized care, especially regarding patient accommodation, the lack of hospital beds, the reduced number of rooms in the surgical center and the lack of laboratory inside the maternity. Moreover, reproductive planning does not consist of an institutionalized practice in the service, and integrality with other services or partnership with the community is not in place. The Maternity Board emphasizes that the excessive demand of patients is one of the reasons that hinders the appropriate implementation of the technical standard. We then conclude that although satisfied regarding problem-solving capacity in terms of service and ease of access, there is room for improvement in qualified hearing systems, in the creation of a system to promote team work, implementation of ombudsman and satisfaction surveys. The right of shared choice did not prevail among users and health professionals with regard to the option of uterine evacuation procedure. Environment was the most mentioned category as that requiring more changes, seeing as a limited factor for the development of humanized and welcoming practices. Health professionals do not establish a periodic routine of planning practices, and such practices are not aligned with the Technical Standard. Incorporation of guidelines and availability of a plurality of methods and possibilities of choices for family planning are required. There is no institutionalization of reference and counter-reference, or partnerships with the community, which makes integrality of care not viable. The Standard needs to be included in the action plans of managers as one of the priorities in the construction of care strategies for women's health, in order to enable, allied to other initiatives, the real integration among safe conduct service, primary care network and social organizations. As a result, respect for human rights and adequate humanized care, as a way of attention and prevention of abortion, can be secured.


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The need for universal access to health and the failure of the pedagogical model centered on the transmission of knowledge has led to changes in the training of health professionals. The objective of this study was to provide a new alternative for evaluating dental students through the development, validation and application of evaluation criteria based on the National Curriculum Guidelines (DCN in Brazil). Therefore, the study was conducted in three phases: development and validation of evaluation criteria of Dentistry courses based on the DCN; a pilot study to verify the applicability of the validated criteria and evaluation of the dentistry courses in the Northeast. In the first stage, a logical model was formulated, allowing for the construction of a criteria matrix, validated by a modified Delphi consensus technique. The validated matrix has the following dimensions: Profile of graduates, health care guidance, teaching and service integration, and pedagogical approach. The pilot study was conducted in five dental courses through a documentary study of the pedagogical project course (PPC), and application of validated questionnaires and interviews with course coordinators. The results of the pilot study indicate the possibility of being verified by means of validated criteria and using different methodological proposals, advances and curricular limitations facing the proposed reorientation of training recommended by DCN. The evaluation of Northeast Dentistry courses was carried out by applying a questionnaire validating a matrix of 30 course coordinators, including public and private institutions. The data were submitted to descriptive analysis, and also tested the difference between means and the correlation between the assessment of the coordinators in the dimensions and sub-dimensions with each other, among the general evaluation of courses and between the following variables: administrative category, time since last curriculum updating, participation in reorienting the training of health professionals programs, ENADE and CPC (Preliminary Concepts of the Course) scores in the year 2013. Positive correlation (p <0.01) was found between the means obtained by the perception of the coordinators in most dimensions, and also between them and the overall performance of the course. There were no significant differences between the coordinators’ perception about course performance and the administrative category (public / private). This difference is slightly higher when the average performance is compared with respect to time due to the last curriculum update, getting better performance in courses with the latest updated curriculum, even with there not 11 being this significant difference between dimensions. Better averages of performance were obtained in courses that do not participate in reorientation programs of professional training, with a significant difference (p<0.05) for the overall score and for all dimensions except the dimensions of teaching-service Integration (p = 0.064). There was no significant correlation between the assessment of coordinators in all dimensions, in the overall assessment or ENADE and CPC scores in 2013. The final instrument proposed in this study is a different alternative assessment for health training of both dentists and other professionals, considering that the DCN providing for the training and graduation of professionals is focused on the health needs of the population, integrated with the SUS (the National Brazilian Health System) and based on student-centered learning.


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The Nursing Homes are an important alternative care in the world, but Brazil still has no valid instrument to monitor the quality these institutions. In the United States, the Observable Indicators of Nursing Home Care Quality Instrument (OIQ) is used to assess the quality of Nursing Home care using 30 indicators of structure (2 dimensions) and process (5 dimensions) related to quality person-centered care. The present study aimed at cross-culturally adapting the OIQ in order to evaluate the quality of Nursing Home care in Brazil. Conceptual and item equivalence were determined to assess the relevance and viability of OIQ in the Brazilian context, using the Content Validity Index (CVI) and a group of specialists composed of 10 participants directly involved in the object of study. Next, operational, idiomatic and semantic equivalence were carried out concurrently. This consisted of 5 phases: (1) two translations and (2) their respective back translations; (3) formal appraisal of referential and general meaning; (4) review by a second group of specialists; (5) application of the pretest at three Nursing Homes by different social entities: health professionals, sanitary surveillance regulators and potential consumers. Measurement equivalence was evaluated by the Cronbach’s alpha test to verify the internal consistency of the instrument. To measure inter-evaluator agreement, the General Agreement Index (ICG) and Kappa coefficient were used. Timely compliance and 95% Confidence Interval of indicators, dimensions and total construct were estimated. The CVI obtained high results for both relevance (95.3%) and viability (94.3%) in the Brazilian context. With respect to referential meaning, similarity was observed, ranging between 90-100% for the first back translation and 70-100% for the second. In relation to general meaning, version 1 was better, classified as “unchanged” in 80% of the items, whereas in version 2 it was only 47%. In the pretest, the OIQ was easy to understand and apply. The following outcomes were obtained: a high Cronbach’s alpha (0.93), satisfactory ICG (75%) and substantial agreement between the pairs of evaluators (health professionals, regulators from the Superintendency of Sanitary Surveillance –SUVISA-, and potential consumers), according to the Kappa coefficient (0.65). It´s possible take the operational equivalence held since it preserved the original layout in the Brazilian version from the maintenance in application mode, response options, number of items, statements and scores. The performance of nursing homes obtained approximate average scores of 87, a variation 55-111 considering a range from 30 to 150 points. The worst outcomes were related to process indicators with a mean of 2.8 per item, while structure was 3.75 on a scale of 1 to 5. The lowest score was obtained for the care dimension (mean 2). The OIQ version was deemed to be a valid and reliable instrument in the Brazilian context. It is recommended that health professionals, regulators and potential consumers adopt it to access and monitor the quality of Nursing Home care and demonstrating opportunities for improvement.


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To acting in emergencies it is important that health professionals develop specific and differentiated skills, which shows us the importance of training in emergency planning. So undergraduate courses in medicine and nursing should encourage the development of these skills and evaluate them through various instruments targeted to the different fields. The aim of this study was to implement an optional and interprofessional curricular component, focusing on interprofessional education in pre-hospital emergency for medical and nursing courses Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). This is an exploratory descriptive study, with 24 medical and nursing graduates of last year undergraduate of supervised training, who underwent theoretical and practical training in the care of pre-hospital emergency services. There were theoretical and practical lessons per week for one school semester, taught by doctors and nurses of the Emergency Medical Service (EMS), where the topics discussed were: basic and advanced life support, safe transport in clinical emergencies, trauma, gynecological, obstetric, pediatric and psychiatric diseases, and have been carried out practical activities in ambulances. The students were evaluated by pre-test, post-test and practical stations made through the Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation (OSCE), in the skills laboratory of the Health Sciences Center. During the activities the students were encouraged to critical and reflective thinking, highlighting the importance of integration between the various health care professionals. It was observed that 88% of the students had a score increase over the pre-test. In the evaluation process carried out by medical students and nursing UFRN have similar expectations regarding the essential skills acquired during the training activity. The results of this study will form the basis for the organization of interprofessional education activity in pre-hospital emergency medical students and nursing, as well as helped to organize practices stations, identifying basic clinical skills, and implementing student assessment tools UFRN.


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The object of this study was motivated by the need to know the possible causes of differences in results achieved in the implementation of a Computerised Management System (CMS) in a Federal University Hospital, located in northeastern Brazil, to understand the factors that influenced the results in different groups when was used the same systems implementation methodologies. Considering the implication of managers, health professionals, other professionals involved and the existing organizational structure in the period when implantation occurred, aimed to know the perception of these people about the development of CMS in the deployment process in your group or sector and also in the organization.The methodology used in this study was the content analysis which provides a rich set of methodological tools for evaluating speeches,enabling us to discourse from the unknown analysis and subjectivity, but with scientific rigor, allowing, at the end, to understand the disparity in results in the implementation of CMS.It was used as a research tool, a semi-structured interview, which exploits a qualitative approach, as suggested by the authors. It was used the approach of the episodic interview, to be more narrative about the experiences of the interview participants in their practical experience along the CMS deployment process in the hospital.Were interviewed three groups of professional and a group of managers, all with higher education in their professions and who participated in the entire implementation process from the beginning.It followed the Bardin's methodology (2009) in all the phases of treatment and interpretation of data, where emerged three categories: the "Thought and Knowledge"; the "Practices and Changes"; the "Obtained Results". From the category "Thought and Knowledge"emerged three subcategories: the "Administrative", the "Institutional" and the "IT Knowledge". From the category "Practices and Changes" emerged three subcategories: "Reality Prior to CMS"; "The IT Project and the implementation of CMS" and "Impacts of the CMS Implementation". From the category "Results Obtained" emerged three subcategories: "Benefits Promoted by CMS", "Dissatisfaction Observed" and "Level of Use and Understanding CMS ". It was observed that the lack of integration of the sectors was a determinant problem in the implementation of CMS. The CMS implementation project was not well dimensioned and divulged in the institution. Different models of leaderships and of objectives of the sectors influenced in the course of the CMS implementation process. We can mention that an CMS should be a consolidation of organizational practices tool already institutionalized and of integration amongthe sectors and not supporting to isolated practices and personalistsfrom sectors of the institution.


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In the context of current capitalist society, marked by the logic that restricts the human person their status as workforce, in order to generate profits, old age is often treated as an underprivileged life stage. This reality becomes more intense considering the sharp aging process that affects brazilian society is accompanied by the country's entry into a globalized world and tensioned by the dictates of capital. Thus, despite the increasing development of policies to strengthen the guarantee of elderly rights, it is necessary to establish effective strategies of these measures to ensure a higher quality of life to these subjects. Therefore, it is necessary to develop studies that problematize the issue of the elderly, which represent a growing portion of the population, and hence have more visible demands, including in health. With the increase in the elderly population in Brazil it is possible to realize the country is going through a demographic transition and epidemiological changes that contribute to change the landscape of health care of the elderly, especially the hospitalization. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the multiple aspects of ensuring the rights of elderly patients admitted to the State Hospital Dr. Ruy Pereira dos Santos (HRPS), located in Natal / RN, whose most patients are elderly. Specifically sought to understand the aging process, its social consequences and the vulnerability to which it is exposed, especially during the disease situation; understand the process of construction of the Brazilian public health and their actions for older people; learn the expressions of citizenship formation in Brazil with regard to policies for older people; and investigate the design of health professionals about the guarantee of the right of hospitalized elderly. Starting from an integrated coordinated theoretical and practical possibilities, a qualitative research and literature character, documentary and field was held. For this, there were four semi-structured interviews with health research locus Hospital professionals - namely, two social workers, a doctor and a nurse - as well as life stories with the hospitalized elderly patients, one in each deck the said Hospital, totaling three. The results pointed to the difficulty of health policy become effective as law and stressed one historical scenario violation of the rights of elderly hospitalized patients, which persists due to the precarious situation and the difficulty of effective implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS ) and other public policies to that end.


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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease, rare, multisystem, with a very heterogeneous clinical and serological manifestations standard. The patient, in addition to suffering injuries on his physical and physiological functioning, may also face a number of psychosocial problems. Research indicates that SLE can cause significant damage to the psychological realm, especially with the presence of anxiety and depression. In 1999, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), proposed the establishment of 19 neuropsychiatric clinical syndromes attributed to SLE. Depression lies between mood disorders and is one of the most common psychiatric manifestations in this group, being found more frequently in these patients than in the general population. Studies also suggest that social support plays an important role in the development of coping strategies, in SLE management and depression. This study has as main objective verify the association between depressive symptoms and perceived social support in patients with SLE. The specific objectives turned to: investigte the prevalence of depressive symptoms; investigate the perceived social support and verify if there is an association between depression, social support and sociodemographic variables. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. The analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The final sample could count with 79 SLE women, with an average age of 35.7 years. 44 (55.7%) of the participants were married. Only 6 (7.59%) had completed higher education and 32 (40.51%) have not finished high school. Seventy-one (89.87%) had an income below three minimum salaries and 71 (89.87) practiced a religion, and the Catholic (67.71%) was the most mentioned by them. Of the total sample, 37 (46.74%) had been diagnosed SLE more than 7 years before, and 25 (31.65%) had the disease for more than 10 years. Only 19 (24.05%) had some work activity. Forty-two of them (53.17%) had depressive symptoms levels from mild to severe, and 51 (64.46%) reported pain levels of 5, or above. The study found a significant association between depressive symptoms and pain (p = 0.013) and depressive symptoms and work activity (p = 0.02). When we examined the perception of social support, the results showed high levels among participants. Using the Spearman correlation test we found a strong correlation between depressive symptoms and social support (p= 0,000037). It means that the higher the frequency of support, the lower the score of depression. These findings are relevant because depressive symptoms in patients with SLE have a multicausal and multifactorial character and may remain unnoticed, since many of them are confused with the manifestations of the disease. This fact requires a careful assessment from professionals, not only in the clinical setting, but also considering other psychosocial reasons, that may be influencing the emergence or worsening of symptoms. These results also corroborate other studies, which not only confirm the predictive role of social support in the physical wellbeing, but also in the psychological.


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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease, rare, multisystem, with a very heterogeneous clinical and serological manifestations standard. The patient, in addition to suffering injuries on his physical and physiological functioning, may also face a number of psychosocial problems. Research indicates that SLE can cause significant damage to the psychological realm, especially with the presence of anxiety and depression. In 1999, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), proposed the establishment of 19 neuropsychiatric clinical syndromes attributed to SLE. Depression lies between mood disorders and is one of the most common psychiatric manifestations in this group, being found more frequently in these patients than in the general population. Studies also suggest that social support plays an important role in the development of coping strategies, in SLE management and depression. This study has as main objective verify the association between depressive symptoms and perceived social support in patients with SLE. The specific objectives turned to: investigte the prevalence of depressive symptoms; investigate the perceived social support and verify if there is an association between depression, social support and sociodemographic variables. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. The analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The final sample could count with 79 SLE women, with an average age of 35.7 years. 44 (55.7%) of the participants were married. Only 6 (7.59%) had completed higher education and 32 (40.51%) have not finished high school. Seventy-one (89.87%) had an income below three minimum salaries and 71 (89.87) practiced a religion, and the Catholic (67.71%) was the most mentioned by them. Of the total sample, 37 (46.74%) had been diagnosed SLE more than 7 years before, and 25 (31.65%) had the disease for more than 10 years. Only 19 (24.05%) had some work activity. Forty-two of them (53.17%) had depressive symptoms levels from mild to severe, and 51 (64.46%) reported pain levels of 5, or above. The study found a significant association between depressive symptoms and pain (p = 0.013) and depressive symptoms and work activity (p = 0.02). When we examined the perception of social support, the results showed high levels among participants. Using the Spearman correlation test we found a strong correlation between depressive symptoms and social support (p= 0,000037). It means that the higher the frequency of support, the lower the score of depression. These findings are relevant because depressive symptoms in patients with SLE have a multicausal and multifactorial character and may remain unnoticed, since many of them are confused with the manifestations of the disease. This fact requires a careful assessment from professionals, not only in the clinical setting, but also considering other psychosocial reasons, that may be influencing the emergence or worsening of symptoms. These results also corroborate other studies, which not only confirm the predictive role of social support in the physical wellbeing, but also in the psychological.


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The Telehealth Brazil Networks Program, created in 2007 with the aim of strengthening primary care and the unified health system (SUS - Sistema Único de Saúde), uses information and communication technologies for distance learning activities related to health. The use of technology enables the interaction between health professionals and / or their patients, furthering the ability of Family Health Teams (FHT). The program is grounded in law, which determines a number of technologies, protocols and processes which guide the work of Telehealth nucleus in the provision of services to the population. Among these services is teleconsulting, which is registered consultation and held between workers, professionals and managers of healthcare through bidirectional telecommunication instruments, in order to answer questions about clinical procedures, health actions and questions on the dossier of work. With the expansion of the program in 2011, was possible to detect problems and challenges that cover virtually all nucleus at different scales for each region. Among these problems can list the heterogeneity of platforms, especially teleconsulting, and low internet coverage in the municipalities, mainly in the interior cities of Brazil. From this perspective, the aim of this paper is to propose a distributed architecture, using mobile computing to enable the sending of teleconsultation. This architecture works offline, so that when internet connection data will be synchronized with the server. This data will travel on compressed to reduce the need for high transmission rates. Any Telehealth Nucleus can use this architecture, through an external service, which will be coupled through a communication interface.


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In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.


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In the early 1990s, a major milestone in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome was the development of highly active combination antiretroviral therapy. The great benefit generated by the use of this therapy was prolonging the survival of the people who got this disease, since it is no longer considered fatal, becoming a chronic condition. Despite improvements generated by this therapy, there are still many difficulties to be overcome. One is the patient adherence to their treatment, bringing challenges to services and health professionals. Hence the need for early identification of nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession so that solutions are sought by the nurse with the patient and his family. With this problem, adds to the difficulty of hospital nurses in inferring that diagnosis, especially in identifying their defining characteristics. In this context, the objective was to evaluate the accuracy of clinical indicators of nursing diagnosis Lack of Adherence to antiretroviral treatment for people living with the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The research took place in two stages. The first consists of the evaluation of the diagnostic indicators in the study; and second, the diagnostic inference performed by specialist nurses. The first step took place in a referral hospital in the treatment of infectious diseases in the Northeast of Brazil, and data were collected through an instrument for carrying out history and physical examination and analyzed for the presence or absence of the diagnostic indicators. In the second stage, the data were sent to experts, who judged the presence or absence of the diagnosis in the studied clientele. The project was submitted to the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, obtaining approval with the General Certificate for Ethics Assessment (CAAE) No 46206215.3.0000.5537. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Test were used Fisher's exact, chi-square test of Pearson and logistic regression. Since the accuracy of clinical indicators was measured by sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, likelihood ratios. As a result, we identified the presence of diagnosis Lack of Accession on 69% (n = 78) of the study patients. The defining characteristics that showed statistically significant association with the diagnosis studied were: lack of adherence behavior, complications related to development, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. The characteristic with greater sensitivity was missing scheduled appointments and the highest specificity behavior of noncompliance. The logistic regression showed as predictors for the diagnosis Lack of Accession: lack of adherence behavior, missing scheduled appointments, failure to achieve results, and exacerbation of symptoms. It was concluded that the identification of clinical indicators accurately enabled a good prediction of the nursing diagnosis Lack of Accession on people living with the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, helping nurses develop early on strategies for promoting adherence to the use of antiretrovirals.


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The health paradigm, consolidated in the last century, directed the training of health professionals, educated under the aegis of the Flexnerian training, fragmentary and hospital-centered model. However, it proved to be insufficient to meet the demands of the Unified Health System and the population. In this sense, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate health courses emerge as a normative framework in proposing a new professional profile, as well as the recommendation of strategies for the restructuring of curricula and teaching practices, and one of them is the teaching-service integration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the process of training of Physiotherapy course students of the Federal University of Paraíba with the guiding principle of teaching-service integration, considering DCN. In this sense, the chosen method was a case study with qualitative approach. The sample was intentional, including all faculty members of the permanent staff of the Department of Physiotherapy at UFPB, linked to curriculum components whose practice scenarios occur in the SUS network and time longer than one year in that component. The data collection technique was the semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed using the content analysis technique. The following categories were considered: professional training for SUS, integration of students to the SUS network services, the relationship between theory and practice in the training of physiotherapists, teaching and health professional partnership in the teaching-learning process and programs of training reorientation and their integration with the course. The results allowed identifying positive points in the teaching-service integration: recognition of the importance of integration activities between university and health services based on the insertion of students in the network, the combined actuation with health service professionals and the opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary team; the existence of structured and organized School Network; participation of students and teachers in government programs that offer the experience of insertion in the labor market. The following weaknesses stood out: difficulties in agreement, planning and evaluation of activities by the service; gap between theoretical and practical activities; lack of definition of roles of teacher and health service professionals in the training process and the fragile relationship of reorientation of vocational training programs with the curricular activities of the course. The teaching-service integration as a guiding principle in the analysis of the formation of physiotherapists reveals limits and possibilities for training that meets the health needs of the population. Thus, the choices of educational institutions regarding the care model have an influence on health practices, as well as the commitment by management and services and the permeability to social control instances decisively contribute to the improvement in the training of future professionals. Thus, the commitment of all involved for the effective change in the training process of health paradigm is indispensable.