968 resultados para Eräsaari, Leena
Virtaava vesi muokkaa uomansa muotoa ja rakennetta tehokkaasti, kun taas uoman morfologia muuttaa veden virtausrakennetta. Lumien sulamisesta aiheutuvat kevättulvat kasvattavat virtaavan veden määrää ja virtausnopeutta tehostaen veden voimaa. Tulvien aikana tapahtuvien veden virtausrakenteen ja uoman pohjan morfologian muutosten ymmärtäminen mahdollistaa ympäristön olosuhteiden muutoksia ennakoivan vesirakentamisen ja jokiympäristön käytön. Tässä tutkimuksessa mitattiin ja analysoitiin jokikaarteen pohjanläheisen ja syvyyskeskiarvotetun virtausnopeuden ja ‐suunnan sekä uoman morfologian päivittäisiä muutoksia kevättulvan nousevassa vaiheessa. Virtausrakenne ja uoman morfologia mitattiin päivittäin akustisella virtausprofiilimittarilla (eng. acoustic doppler current profiler, ADCP). Virtausmittausten sijainti mitattiin VRS‐GNSS ‐satelliittipaikantimen avulla. Päivittäiset pohjanläheiset ja syvyyskeskiarvotetut virtausnopeudet ja ‐suunnat, pohjanläheinen kulutusvoima ja morfologian muutokset laskettiin alueellisesti tiheistä mittausaineistoista. Pohjanläheistä ja syvyyskeskiarvotettua virtausnopeutta ja ‐suuntaa sekä kulutusvoimaa ja morfologian muutosta vertailtiin. Näiden muuttujien lisäksi tarkasteltiin myös pohjan aineskuljetuksen määrän muutosta. Virtausnopeudet muuttuivat ajallisesti seuraten virtaaman vaihteluita. Vedenpinnan noustessa nopean virtauksen ytimen kulkureitti suoristui ja se siirtyi kulkemaan jokikaarteen sisäreunan särkän reunan päälle. Pohjanläheisen ja syvyyskeskiarvotetun virtauksen nopeudet muuttuivat päivittäin samanlaisesti, mutta ne erosivat toisistaan alueellisesti. Pohjanläheinen virtausnopeus oli pienempi kuin syvyyskeskiarvotettu virtausnopeus tutkitun jokikaarteen ylävirran puolella ja suurempi alavirran puolella. Uoman morfologian suurimmat muutokset tapahtuivat virtaaman kasvavassa vaiheessa, jolloin myös pohjanläheiset kulutusvoimat olivat suurimmillaan.
The mechanical and hygroscopic properties of paper and board are factors affecting the whole lifecycle of a product, including paper/board quality, production, converting, and material and energy savings. The progress of shrinkage profiles, loose edges of web, baggy web causing wrinkling and misregistration in printing are examples of factors affecting runnability and end product quality in the drying section and converting processes, where paper or board is treated as a moving web. The structural properties and internal stresses or plastic strain differences built up during production also cause the end-product defects related to distortion of the shape of the product such as sheet or box. The objective of this work was to construct a model capable of capturing the characteristic behavior of hygroscopic orthotropic material under moisture change, during different external in-plane stretch or stress conditions. Two independent experimental models were constructed: the elasto-plastic material model and the hygroexpansivity-shrinkage model. Both describe the structural properties of the sheet with a fiber orientation probability distribution, and both are functions of the dry solids content and fiber orientation anisotropy index. The anisotropy index, introduced in this work, simplifies the procedure of determining the constitutive parameters of the material model and the hygroexpansion coefficients in different in-plane directions of the orthotropic sheet. The mathematically consistent elasto-plastic material model and the dry solids content dependent hygroexpansivity have been constructed over the entire range from wet to dry. The presented elastoplastic and hygroexpansivity-shrinkage models can be used in an analytical approach to estimate the plastic strain and shrinkage in simple one-dimensional cases. For studies of the combined and more complicated effects of hygro-elasto-plastic behavior, both models were implemented in a finite element program for a numerical solution. The finite element approach also offered possibilities for studying different structural variations of orthotropic planar material, as well as local buckling behavior and internal stress situations of the sheet or web generated by local strain differences. A comparison of the simulation examples presented in this work to results published earlier confirms that the hygro-elasto-plastic model provides at least qualitatively reasonable estimates. The application potential of the hygro-elasto-plastic model is versatile, including several phenomena and defects appearing in the drying, converting and end-use conditions of the paper or board webs and products, or in other corresponding complex planar materials.
Veterinary Health Services are following in many areas the practices and medical direction of human medicine and health services. They are reaching for improved efficiency, quality and precision. Competitive position may be improved and productivity increased by specializing and focusing efforts at the practice. This thesis focuses in small animal practices and their needs for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems in Germany. As a result requirements for ERP solution supporting knowledge management in the small animal practice is presented. Veterinary Health Services is knowledge-intensive business, where written information and tacit knowledge is increasingly bound together with deepening expertise and specialization. Veterinarian is even legally obliged to develop and maintain her professional skills. The current ERP solutions concentrate in the treatment process of veterinary practice. Customer relationship management is left aside. As the competitive situation is getting tighter in veterinary services also the customer relationship management needs to get into the focus and interest to the wider network support in knowledge sharing should take steps forward. Taking into account the requirement of continuous development of professional skills ERP system at the veterinary practice should also be seen as knowledge management tool. It should provide the possibility to create, store, share and use knowledge. The study is conducted first by studying the AS-IS situation of ERP use and market in veterinary health services and then drawing the requirements of TO-BE situation by studying literature and the results of semi qualitative study conducted for German veterinary practices. A group of veterinarians were interviewed, market and network analysis was done and the understanding of market was deepened in two veterinary conferences in Germany. This theses work is requested by Finnish software company Finnish Net Solutions, which is the leading supplier of Veterinary Practice Management software in Finland. The company plans to expand to European market with Cloud based service. Target of the theses is to create understanding of the requirements of German veterinary market to develop ERP solution supporting Knowledge Management in Veterinary Practice.