816 resultados para Enlargement
Resumen La crisis mundial de alimentos puso en evidencia la vulnerabilidad de los sistemas alimenticios, demostrando que el impacto más profundo se produce en los países con una mayor dependencia en la importación de alimentos y acompañados de mayores niveles de pobreza. En la región centroamericana, la crisis podría provocar un incremento del costo de la canasta básica alimentaria, un menor acceso a los alimentos, un aumento en la pobreza y en la inseguridad alimentaria y nutricional de la población más vulnerable. Abstract The international food crisis showed the vulnerability of the food supply system. The crisis exposed that the deepest shocks were produced in the countries with the major dependency in imports and highest levels of poverty. In the upcoming moths, the crisis could provoke an increase in the cost of the alimentary basic basket, a decrease in food access and an enlargement of poverty levels for the countries in Central America. In addition, the weakness on the sovereignty in the alimentary and nutritional security will provoke a major vulnerability in the population with the lowest income.
En el interés de alcanzar la estabilidad y promover el mantenimiento de la paz internacional, la diplomacia preventiva nace como un concepto generador de estrategias encaminadas a actuar antes, durante y después del conflicto. El siguiente documento busca analizar el funcionamiento de los instrumentos de diplomacia preventiva empleados por las Naciones Unidas en la crisis de Kosovo de 1998 y 1999. Esta crisis surgida a raíz del conflicto entre el gobierno serbio y un movimiento disidente, conocido como el Ejército de Liberación Albano-Kosovar, que pretendía darle un perfil más autónomo al territorio y a la población albano-kosovar, reveló una serie de debilidades estructurales que sigue enfrentando este mecanismo en la resolución de conflictos étnicos al interior de los Estados.
El interés del presente Estudio de Caso es analizar la Cooperación Internacional Turca en un marco de Cooperación Sur – Sur con la Región de los Balcanes, específicamente con: Albania y Bosnia y Herzegovina. Entendiendo las dinámicas históricas que tiene la región con el Imperio Turco Otomano; las reformas internas realizadas por el partido AKP de Turquía y la fortaleza en política Exterior de éste evidenciada a través del Poder Blando de los Proyectos de Cooperación Internacional, se busca entender si la Cooperación sirvió como un mecanismo de posicionamiento como líder de Turquía en la región, ayudándole a autoproclamarse como tal utilizando mecanismos de exposición de habilidades, capacidades y recursos entre los años 2003 y 2014.
O mecanismo da condicionalidade pode ser considerado como um dos sucessos da UE na avaliação da forma como este afectou os processos de transição nos países pós-comunistas, em particular no caso dos países envolvidos no Quinto Alargamento. Este trabalho avalia a importância do mecanismo da condicionalidade na região da Europa de Leste, buscando analisar as políticas da UE em relação à Bulgária no período de 20 anos de difícil transição de um sistema comunista planificado para uma economia de mercado. Avaliamos também as políticas europeias de pré-adesão e as condições de adesão. Além disso, prestamos ainda atenção ao fenómeno do mecanismo da condicionalidade específico da UE, como tal, comparamos o seu impacto com os mecanismos do FMI e do Banco Mundial. Concluímos com a tentativa de fornecer alguns elementos sobre a utilidade prática do mecanismo de condicionalidade no Sudeste da Europa, definindo as suas principais realizações, bem como os problemas enfrentados. Através de uma revisão da literatura disponível, e adoptando uma perspectiva histórica, procuramos avaliar também as novas responsabilidades que a Bulgária assumiu ao alargar a fronteira exterior da UE e as consequências que daí decorreram para as relações políticas e económicas com os países vizinhos. /ABSTRACT: The conditionality mechanism can be considered one of the successes of the EU when estimated its influence over the transition process in the post-communist countries, especially for the countries involved in the Fifth Enlargement. This study evaluates the significance of the mechanism of conditionality in the region of Eastern Europe, analyzing the policies of the EU for Bulgaria during the 20 years of difficult transition from a planned communist system to a market economy. The European policies of pre-accession and the accession conditions are evaluated. Also, it pays attention to the phenomenon of the conditionality mechanism specific for EU, comparing its impact with the mechanisms of the IMF and World Bank. And concludes with an attempt to provide some elements about how useful has been the conditionality mechanism in South East Europe, defining the main achievements and difficulties that it faces. Having a look at the available literature and also reviewing it from historical point of view, it's evaluated the new responsibilities that Bulgaria assumed after extending the external frontiers of EU and the consequences for the political and economic relations with neighbor countries.
Summary The objective of this study was to develop a methodology capable of modeling the effect of viticultural climate on wine sensory characteristics. The climate was defined by the Géoviticulture Multicriteria Climatic Classification System (Tonietto and Carbonneau, 2004), based on the Heliothermal index (HI), Cool Night index (CI) and Dryness index (DI). The sensory wine description was made according with the methodology established by Zanus and Tonietto (2007). In this study we focused on the 5 principal wine producing regions of Brazil: Serra Gaúcha, Serra do Sudeste, Campanha (Meridional and Central), Planalto Catarinense and Vale do Submédio São Francisco. The results from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) show the HI and CI opposed to the DI. High HI values were associated to a lower perception of acidity, as well as to a lower perception of concentration (palate) and persistence by mouth. For the red wines, high HI values were positively associated with alcohol (palate), conversely to the DI index, which showed high values related to the perception of tanins and acidity. The higher the CI, the lower were the color intensity, tanins, concentration and persistence by mouth. It may be concluded that viticultural climate - expressed by the HI, CI and DI indexes ? adequately explained much of the sensory differences of the wines made in different regions. The methodology proposed and the enlargement of the database it will maybe open the possibility of modeling the part of wine sensory characteristics as dependent variables of the viticultural climate, as defined by the Géoviticulture MCC System. Keywords: viticultural climate, modeling, wine, tipicity.
This study presents the results of an action research whose focus was to identify what significations youths and adults undergoing a schooling process assign to the act of writing – those significations considered under the light of studies on literacy –, in order to co-construct ways for the enlargement of those significations. The discussions on this theme are based on Street (1984, 2003), Barton (1994), Barton and Hamilton (2000), Heath (1982), among others. Understanding how different cultural realities deal with everyday writing seems determinant for the comprehension of how literacy practices occur in different ways in the various social spheres, which reverberate in school. This way, it is expected that the school develops a sensitive look to the different realities which constitute the school itself, in order to meet the needs of each social environment. It should be highlighted that the meaning constructions that the subject assigns to texts which circulate in her/his everyday life pass through the interactive contact s/he establishes with the different microspaces constituted by/in culture. Thus, we restate the importance of the teacher’s role in knowing the reality of his/her students before initiating the teaching-learning process of writing and reading. The greater the proximity between the texts and the reality of students, the greater the possibilities for a dialog between the previous knowledge of each subject and the meanings s/he assigns to the writing of texts. This study is based on those conceptions and, in a dialogical fashion, aims to allow for those subjects to have possibilities of participating in new literacy events. Texts which particularize those entities guide the interaction between teachers and students, and of students among themselves, which has been carried out in this action research, whose results point out to some interesting possibilities for the co‑construction of ways to re-signify social uses of writing.