989 resultados para Emilio Casas Arriola
Mi proyecto de tesis se basaba en el estudio del papel de profilina 1 en la formación de lamelas, para ello generamos una proteína recombinante y transducible, con el objetivo de poder modificar los niveles endógenos de profilina. Objetivos: i-caracterización bioquímica los tres sitios de union conocidos de la proteína de transducción, el sitio de unión a fosfo-inocitoles (PIP), el de unión a actina (Ac) y el de unión a poli-prolinas (PLP). ii-estudio de la polimerización in-vitro de actina - PTD4-Profilina1 iii-estudio de las proteínas componentes de lamelas inducidas por PTD4-Profilina1. Plan de trabajo: i-Para comprobar la funcionalidad los 3 sitios de unión fueron necesarias las primeras 6 semanas, ya que en primer lugar había que expresar y purificar el peptido Srv2, necesario para el ensayo de PLP. En segundo lugar, se obtuvieron los datos de las concentraciones adecuadas de lípidos para el ensayo de fosfo-inocitoles y por ultimo, se purifico la actina necesaria para el ensayo de unión a actina. Una vez establecida la funcionalidad de la proteína, se procedió a: ii-el estudio de polimerización in-vitro, que llevo 2 semanas. Demostrando que in-vitro era capaz de inhibir la polimerización de una manera similar a la endógena. Una vez terminados estos ensayos, se procedio a: iii-la caracterización inmunohistoquímica de las proteínas componentes de la lamela que fue llevado a cabo en 4 semanas. Para ello se usaron anticuerpos contra: alfa-actinina, talina, vinculina, ENA/Vasp y paxillina. Conclusiones: i-las propiedades bioquímicas de la PTD4-Profilina1 son similares a las de la profilina endógena. ii-los estudios de polimerización indican que la polimerización se produce de manera similar a la endogena. iii-los ensayos de inmunohistoquímica sugieren que, talina esta ausente y que las demás están presentes aunque en menor concentración y con otra distribución comparadas con los controles.
Este trabajo pretende realizar un acto de lectura e interpretación del texto de Enrique Vila-Matas París no se acaba nunca (2003). La lectura se sitúa desde la perspectiva concreta y delimitada de la red literaria que se teje en el novela. La metáfora de la red, atendiendo a sus tres acepciones: red como tejido, red como ardid y red como conexión, da las directrices del trabajo que intenta responder a estas cuestiones: a) qué hilos forman su tejido narrativo, b) cómo se configura la red, c) qué posibles mecanismos establecen la red como conexión. La lectura se inscribe en el doble marco de la intertextualidad y de la ironía. A través de las citas, alusiones y referencias literarias se destacan algunos procedimientos e intencionalidades en la configuración de la novelística de Enrique Vila-Matas, en su Manifiesto estético
El análisis de criterios clásicos de rentabilidad, como la Tasa Interna de Rendimiento o el Cociente Beneficio/Coste, revela que, contra lo que se suponía, concuerdan con el criterio Valor Actual Neto si se aplican correctamente. Lo mismo ocurre con los viejos criterios Valor Final Neto y Anualidad Equivalente y los nuevos Demora Máxima de Beneficios y Plazo de Recuperación de Costes. Se demuestra, además, que para elegir entre dos proyectos mutuamente excluyentes, la aplicación de los criterios citados al proyecto diferencia o incremental es una condición suficiente para que exista concordancia con el criterio Valor Actual Neto.
La finalitat del projecte ha estat desenvolupar un espai virtual teòric-pràctic per a l’aprenentatge de la Microbiologia. Aquest espai virtual, basat en l'aprenentatge a través de problemes, s’ha anomenat “Microbiologia Interactiva” i proposa a l’alumne les següents àrees temàtiques: Introducció a les tècniques de la Microbiologia; Estructura i funció de la cèl.lula microbiana; Creixement i control microbià; Microbiologia molecular; Fisiologia i metabolisme microbians; Virologia; Ecologia Microbiana; Diversitat microbiana. Per a cada temàtica s’han definit unes competències a assolir a través de la resolució de problemes teòrics o pràctics. En aquest darrer cas, se li proposa a l’alumne que entri en el laboratori virtual per a la resolució dels casos pràctics plantejats. A més, per a la resolució dels problemes, l’alumne disposa d’un seguit de recursos per a cada temàtica. Finalment, també s’inclouen activitats de relació i d’ampliació per tal d’estimular la discussió, l’esperit crìtic, el treball en grup i la recerca bibliogràfica. A més, per tal de facilitar el seu ús, el web disposa també d'un tutorial. El web “Microbiologia Interactiva” es va introduir de forma pilat en l’ensenyament de l'assignatura de Microbiologia de la Llicenciatura de Biologia i de la de Microbiologia I de la llicenciatura de Biotecnologia de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) durant el curs 2007-08. Al llarg d'aquest curs es va valorar la seva utilitat i acceptació per part dels alumnes mitjançant enquestes. Els bons resultats obtinguts van aconsellar que aquesta eina fora ja utilitzada en totes les assignatures generals de Microbiologia de les llicenciatures de Biologia, Biotecnologia, Bioquímica, Química, Enginyeria Química, Ciències Ambientals i Ciència i Tecnologia dels Aliments de la UAB. Actualment el web s’està també utilitzant amb molt bons resultats a les assignatures de Microbiologia dels nous graus que ofereix la Facultat de Biociències de la UAB. Així doncs, en aquest projecte s’han assolit amb escreix els objectius previstos. Es pot consultar el web desenvolupat a l’adreça http://microbiologia.uab.cat//Microbiologia_Interactiva_Web/.
L’objectiu general de l’estudi és tenir un coneixement de les espècies de flora i fauna presents en una àrea agroforestal situada al sud de la comarca d’Osona. A nivell específic, s’ha laborat un llistat de les espècies de flora i fauna presents tan exhaustiu com ha estat possible, s’han caracteritzat les comunitats vegetals presents, s’ha avaluat la població d’algunes espècies de vertebrats presents, s’han identificat els punts d’interès per a la conservació de certes espècies i, finalment, s’han establert prioritats de conservació dins l’àrea d’estudi.
This paper analyzes the role of the energy transformation index and of final energy consumption per GDP unit in the disparities in energy intensity across countries. In that vein, we use a Theil decomposition approach to analyze global primary energy intensity inequality as well as inequality across different regions of the world and inequality within these regions. The paper first demonstrates the pre-eminence of divergence in final energy consumption per GDP unit in explaining global primary energy intensity inequality and its evolution during the 1971-2006 period. Secondly, it shows the lower (albeit non negligible) impact of the transformation index in global primary energy inequality. Thirdly, the relevance of regions as unit of analysis in studying crosscountry energy intensity inequality and their explanatory factors is highlighted. And finally, how regions around the world differ as to the relevance of the energy transformation index in explaining primary energy intensity inequality.
This paper explores the homogeneity of the functional form, the parameters, and the turning point, when appropriate, of the relationship between CO2 emissions and economic activity for 31 countries (28 OECD, Brazil, China, and India) during the period 1950 to 2006 using cointegration analysis. With a sample highly overlapped over time between countries, the result reveals that the homogeneity across countries is rejected, both in functional form and in the parameters of long term relationship. This confirms the relevance of considering the heterogeneity in exploring the relationship between air pollution and economic activity to avoid spurious parameter estimates and infer a wrong behavior of the functional form, which could lead to induce that the relationship is reversed when in fact it is direct.
In this study, we analyse the degree of polarisation-a concept fundamentally different from that of inequality-in the international distribution of CO2 emissions per capita in the European Union. It is analytically relevant to examine the degree of instability inherent to a distribution and, in the analysed case, the likelihood that the distribution and its evolution will increase or decrease the chances of reaching an agreement. Two approaches were used to measure polarisation: the endogenous approach, in which countries are grouped according to their similarity in terms of emissions, and the exogenous approach, in which countries are grouped geographically. Our findings indicate a clear decrease in polarisation since the mid-1990s, which can essentially be explained by the fact that the different groups of countries have converged (i.e. antagonism among the CO2 emitters has decreased) as the contribution of energy intensity to between-group differences has decreased. This lower degree of polarisation in CO2 distribution suggests a situation more conducive to the possibility of reaching EU-wide agreements on the mitigation of CO2 emissions.
The design of European mitigation policies requires a detailed examination of the factors explaining the unequal emissions in the different countries. This research analyzes the evolution of inequality in CO2 per capita emissions in the European Union (EU-27) in the 1990-2006 period and its explanatory factors. For this purpose, we decompose the Theil index of inequality into the contributions of the different Kaya factors. The decomposition is also applied to the inequality between and within groups of countries (North Europe, South Europe, and East Europe). The analysis shows an important reduction in inequality, to a large extent due to the smaller differences between groups and because of the lower contribution of the energy intensity factor. The importance of the GDP per capita factor increases and becomes the main explanatory factor. However, within the different groups of countries the carbonization index appears to be the most relevant factor in explaining inequalities.
Geographical Distribution and Alti-latitudinal Dispersion of Some Genera and Species of the Tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919 (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) - With the currently known distribution of genera and species of the tribe Triatomini Jeannel, 1919, maps and diagrams were prepared, showing the geographical area occupied by the species and their respective dispersion in grades of latitude and altitude. Two genera are not treated: Panstrongylus Berg, 1879, already published and Triatoma Laporte, 1832, that is being published partially in several articles. Genus Eratyrus Stal, 1859, has two species, while Dipetalogaster Usinger, 1939, Mepraia Mazza, Gajardo & Joerg, 1940, Paratriatoma Barber, 1938 and recently created genus Hermanlentia Jurberg & Galvão, 1997, have only one each. The study of these maps and diagrams permits a better knowledge about some ecological requirements of Chagas' disease vectors and detects gaps in the geographical distribution, where the species were not found but probably they could be prevalent
A retrospective serologic study was carried out in Fortaleza, State of Ceará, Brazil, in order to detect the dengue virus activity before recognizing the epidemic of 1994. Mac-Elisa was performed by using a mixture of specific DEN-1 and DEN-2 antigens on serum samples from the Emilio Ribas Laboratory collection. Samples were obtained from 1,224 patients with exanthematic febrile disease and negative serological results for rubella. All specimens were taken during November 1993 to May 1994. The results confirmed dengue infections in Fortaleza by November 1993, approximately six months before the beginning of the epidemic, proving how misleading diagnosis of dengue infection are still troublesome, in spite of the strong dengue activity in Ceará. The authors stress the urgent necessity to implement the active surveillance system in order to prevent another extensive dengue fever epidemics in the state. Epidemiological background of the dengue activity in the State of Ceará is also described.
Blood pressure is a heritable trait influenced by several biological pathways and responsive to environmental stimuli. Over one billion people worldwide have hypertension (≥140 mm Hg systolic blood pressure or ≥90 mm Hg diastolic blood pressure). Even small increments in blood pressure are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This genome-wide association study of systolic and diastolic blood pressure, which used a multi-stage design in 200,000 individuals of European descent, identified sixteen novel loci: six of these loci contain genes previously known or suspected to regulate blood pressure (GUCY1A3-GUCY1B3, NPR3-C5orf23, ADM, FURIN-FES, GOSR2, GNAS-EDN3); the other ten provide new clues to blood pressure physiology. A genetic risk score based on 29 genome-wide significant variants was associated with hypertension, left ventricular wall thickness, stroke and coronary artery disease, but not kidney disease or kidney function. We also observed associations with blood pressure in East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry individuals. Our findings provide new insights into the genetics and biology of blood pressure, and suggest potential novel therapeutic pathways for cardiovascular disease prevention.
Creación de un gestor de incidencias donde el área técnica pueda gestionar los posibles problemas que los productos / servicios hardware o software implantados en el cliente pudieran ocasionar, así como un gestor de oportunidades y ofertas donde la parte comercial pueda ofrecer los productos / servicios hardware o software mencionados a los clientes que lo necesiten. De esta forma se ha conseguido unificar en una sola herramienta el trabajo que desarrolla el área técnica con el área comercial, así como ofrecer al cliente un papel muy importante dentro de la aplicación, donde poder consultar y opinar sobre sus casos, tanto de incidencias que sus productos/servicios puedan ocasionar como de las posibles oportunidades de negocio o contratos que éstos puedan tener.
Ontogenetic changes in digestive capabilities were analyzed in larvae and first juveniles of the spider crab Maja brachydactyla. Activities of five proteinases (total proteases, trypsin, chymotrypsin, pepsin-like and aminopeptidase), three carbohydrases (amylase, maltase and chitinase), an esterase and an alkaline phosphatase were studied to evaluate digestive enzyme profiles of the species. Both quantitative (spectrophotometry and fluorometry) and qualitative (SDS-PAGE) approaches were used. All assayed enzymes were active from hatching (zoea I-ZI) throughout larval development and in first juveniles. Significant variations during ontogeny were found only in total activities likely as a consequence of digestive system development. Specific activity varied little over ontogeny, being significant only for chitinase. Total proteases, trypsin and pepsin-like activities showed a similar pattern of increase as larval ontogeny advanced, decreasing significantly in juveniles. Chymotrypsin continued to increase, showing maximum activity after metamorphosis. Proteinase zymograms confirmed strong proteolytic activity in first zoeas, with increasing bands over the course of ontogeny, decreasing after metamorphosis. A group of bands with high molecular mass was specific to larval stages. Amylase and maltase showed a parallel pattern of continuous increase of total activity as development advanced. Gel-SDS-PAGE showed unchanged patterns of amylase activity in first zoeas of different ages and the most complex set of bands during larval ontogeny in second zoea. Esterase total activity increased significantly as ZI's aged likely reflecting introduction of a lipid-enriched diet. The importance of lipid accumulation at the beginning of ontogeny was also confirmed by the protease/esterase and amylase/esterase activity ratios, which decreased from hatch to late ZI and might be explained as an adaptation, ensuring the next molt. The results suggest that larvae of M. brachydactyla are capable of digesting a variety of dietary substrates as soon as they hatch.