948 resultados para Embolism, Paradoxical
Es paradójico hablar del carácter político de la vida contemplativa. Sin embargo, esta incongruencia es constitutiva de la manera en que Aristóteles concibe la elección entre las formas de vidas. En el prolongado debate que se inicia en el período arcaico en torno a esta cuestión, su posición es ?incómoda?, porque defiende el ideal contemplativo sin poner en tela de juicio los supuestos implícitos de la ideología dominante (Brown: 2009, 2011). Las consideraciones del final de la EN y, en especial, las que constituyen la descripción del Estado ideal en la Pol. revelan que concibe esta forma de vida como activa y continua con el ejercicio de las funciones cívicas. En efecto, en Pol. VII 3 (1325a 23-34) reconoce que los defensores de la vida política y los de la vida contemplativa tienen en parte razón y en parte, no. De las razones que esgrime en cada caso, se desprende que Aristóteles defiende un ideal de vida virtuosa que conjuga el carácter activo de la contemplación y la legitimidad de la dominación política. Siguiendo su prescripción de completar el estudio de las cosas humanas mediante la política, nuestro propósito es explorar este ideal de vida a la luz de sus principios
How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists
Las condiciones y la naturaleza del discurso crítico : El debate entre hermenéutica y teoría crítica
El trabajo analiza el problema del alcance, la posibilidad y la legitimación del discurso crítico. Por discurso crítico entendemos aquel en el que un individuo o un grupo minoritario levantan pretensiones de validez que contradicen lo que mayoritariamente es considerado correcto. Este asunto recibe una atención focal en el debate entre Habermas y Gadamer. El problema aparece allí vinculado a su estatuto paradójico. Se cuestiona si las condiciones de la elucidación del sentido propias de la hermenéutica no estrechan el margen de la posibilidad del discurso crítico hasta tornarlo imposible. La hermenéutica cuestiona si los alcances del discurso crítico propugnado por la teoría crítica no efectúan un salto más allá de las condiciones que hacen posible cualquier discurso. Nuestro análisis de la disputa nos condujo a reconocer un presupuesto común, ligado al rol semejante que ambas perspectivas otorgan a la noción de reconocimiento implícito -aunque entendido de manera materialmente muy diferente- en la constitución del dominio de lo simbólico. Aprovecharemos la inscripción del pensamiento de Wittgenstein en el debate, para hacer una evaluación crítica de la disputa a través del examen de esta presuposición.
La novela Tranvía a la Malvarrosa (1994), de Manuel Vicent, evoca una imagen nostálgica del pasado. Los olores, colores y sonidos de la Valencia de los años 50 hacen que el aprendizaje sentimental, profesional y moral del protagonista quede retratado de una manera profundamente atractiva. Sin embargo, el narrador de la novela critica el régimen franquista de aquellos días al mismo tiempo que los recuerda nostálgicamente. La combinación de un sentimiento crítico con uno nostálgico parece algo paradójica, pero se podría deducir que la crítica del pasado deja que la fuerza emocional de la nostalgia quede contenida y controlada. No obstante, en este caso sucede que la nostalgia termina por desestabilizar el tono crítico. Es más, la insistencia del narrador en los lados oscuros del pasado realzan su nostalgia, ya que sugiere una decadencia atractiva e intrigante
Cada época histórica construye, a través de discursos y prácticas específicas, sus formas legitimadas de subjetividad. Sin embargo, por debajo de estas identidades institucionalizadas, se ha ido gestando a lo largo de la historia una forma paradójica de subjetividad cuyo nombre, desde Homero en adelante, es Nadie. Esta figura excéntrica hace posible, cada vez que reaparece en la trama de los discursos y las prácticas, la subversión de las categorías fundamentales de la ontología y la política que han definido al hombre históricamente. Este trabajo pretende reconstruir la genealogía de esta particular figura con el fin de mostrar la posibilidad de una lectura diferente (y paradójica) de algunos de los conceptos centrales de la metafísica de Occidente
Es paradójico hablar del carácter político de la vida contemplativa. Sin embargo, esta incongruencia es constitutiva de la manera en que Aristóteles concibe la elección entre las formas de vidas. En el prolongado debate que se inicia en el período arcaico en torno a esta cuestión, su posición es ?incómoda?, porque defiende el ideal contemplativo sin poner en tela de juicio los supuestos implícitos de la ideología dominante (Brown: 2009, 2011). Las consideraciones del final de la EN y, en especial, las que constituyen la descripción del Estado ideal en la Pol. revelan que concibe esta forma de vida como activa y continua con el ejercicio de las funciones cívicas. En efecto, en Pol. VII 3 (1325a 23-34) reconoce que los defensores de la vida política y los de la vida contemplativa tienen en parte razón y en parte, no. De las razones que esgrime en cada caso, se desprende que Aristóteles defiende un ideal de vida virtuosa que conjuga el carácter activo de la contemplación y la legitimidad de la dominación política. Siguiendo su prescripción de completar el estudio de las cosas humanas mediante la política, nuestro propósito es explorar este ideal de vida a la luz de sus principios
How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists
El artículo explora las formas de representación y a la dimensión epistemológica de la máquina en el campo discursivo de los siglos XVI y XVII, cuando todavía no existe una diferencia fundamental entre los discursos científicos, paracientíficos, filosóficos y estéticos. A partir de las investigaciones de Jan Lazardzig, analiza el carácter paradójico de la ingeniería mecánica entre la funcionalidad y la admiración, la racionalidad y lo maravilloso dentro del contexto español en el Siglo de Oro. En este sentido, el artículo examina las formas de performance teatral de la máquina como objeto admirable y maravilloso: por un lado en el teatro de máquinas cortesano y por el otro en los libros de máquinas en la tradición del Theatrum machinarum. Analizamos así los paralelismos y las diferencias respecto a sus estructuras, sus modos de representación y sus dimensiones pragmáticas.
Oxygen isotope data for upper Turonian planktonic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 511 (Falkland Plateau, 60°S paleolatitude) exhibit an ~2 per mil excursion to values as low as -4.66 per mil (Vienna Peedee belemnite standard; PDB) coincident with the warmest tropical temperature estimates yet obtained for the open ocean. The lowest planktonic foraminifer d18O values suggest that the upper ocean was as warm as 30-32°C. This is an extraordinary temperature for 60°S latitude but is consistent with temperatures estimated from apparently coeval mollusc d18O from nearby James Ross Island (65°S paleolatitude). Glassy textural preservation, a well-defined depth distribution in Site 511 planktonics, low sediment burial temperature (~32°C), and lack of evidence of highly depleted pore waters argue against diagenesis (even solid state diffusion) as the cause of the very depleted planktonic values. The lack of change in benthic foraminifer d18O suggests brackish water capping as the mechanism for the low planktonic d18O values. However, mixing ratio calculations show that the amount of freshwater required to produce a 2 per mil shift in ambient water would drive a 7 psu decrease in salinity. The abundance and diversity of planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils, high planktonic:benthic ratios, and the appearance of keeled foraminifera argue against lower-than-normal marine salinities. Isotope calculations and climate models indicate that we cannot call upon more depleted freshwater d18O to explain this record. Without more late Turonian data, especially from outside the South Atlantic basin, we can currently only speculate on possible causes of this paradoxical record from the core of the Cretaceous greenhouse.
The modern Eastern Equatorial Pacific (EEP) Ocean is a large oceanic source of carbon to the atmosphere1. Primary productivity over large areas of the EEP is limited by silicic acid and iron availability, and because of this constraint the organic carbon export to the deep ocean is unable to compensate for the outgassing of carbon dioxide that occurs through upwelling of deep waters. It has been suggested that the delivery of dust-borne iron to the glacial ocean could have increased primary productivity and enhanced deep-sea carbon export in this region, lowering atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations during glacial periods. Such a role for the EEP is supported by higher organic carbon burial rates documented in underlying glacial sediments but lower opal accumulation rates cast doubts on the importance of the EEP as an oceanic region for significant glacial carbon dioxide drawdown. Here we present a new silicon isotope record that suggests the paradoxical decline in opal accumulation rate in the glacial EEP results from a decrease in the silicon to carbon uptake ratio of diatoms under conditions of increased iron availability from enhanced dust input. Consequently, our study supports the idea of an invigorated biological pump in this region during the last glacial period that could have contributed to glacial carbon dioxide drawdown. Additionally, using evidence from silicon and nitrogen isotope changes, we infer that, in contrast to the modern situation, the biological productivity in this region is not constrained by the availability of iron, silicon and nitrogen during the glacial period. We hypothesize that an invigorated biological carbon dioxide pump constrained perhaps only by phosphorus limitation was a more common occurrence in low-latitude areas of the glacial ocean.
Effects of ocean acidification on Emiliania huxleyi strain RCC 1216 (calcifying, diploid life-cycle stage) and RCC 1217 (non-calcifying, haploid life-cycle stage) were investigated by measuring growth, elemental composition, and production rates under different pCO2 levels (380 and 950 µatm). In these differently acclimated cells, the photosynthetic carbon source was assessed by a (14)C disequilibrium assay, conducted over a range of ecologically relevant pH values (7.9-8.7). In agreement with previous studies, we observed decreased calcification and stimulated biomass production in diploid cells under high pCO2, but no CO2-dependent changes in biomass production for haploid cells. In both life-cycle stages, the relative contributions of CO2 and HCO3 (-) uptake depended strongly on the assay pH. At pH values =< 8.1, cells preferentially used CO2 (>= 90 % CO2), whereas at pH values >= 8.3, cells progressively increased the fraction of HCO3 (-) uptake (~45 % CO2 at pH 8.7 in diploid cells; ~55 % CO2 at pH 8.5 in haploid cells). In contrast to the short-term effect of the assay pH, the pCO2 acclimation history had no significant effect on the carbon uptake behavior. A numerical sensitivity study confirmed that the pH-modification in the (14)C disequilibrium method yields reliable results, provided that model parameters (e.g., pH, temperature) are kept within typical measurement uncertainties. Our results demonstrate a high plasticity of E. huxleyi to rapidly adjust carbon acquisition to the external carbon supply and/or pH, and provide an explanation for the paradoxical observation of high CO2 sensitivity despite the apparently high HCO3 (-) usage seen in previous studies.
In the recent decade China witnessed an upsurge of privatization of small and medium state-owned enterprises (SOEs). In contrast to the consequent sharp reduction in the number of firms, however, the estimated share of broadly-defined SOEs that includes limited liabilities companies controlled by the State has shown virtually no sign of decline. We explain the backgrounds of this seemingly paradoxical persistence of state-ownership by looking into two distinctive types of large SOEs: traditional SOEs that remain dominant in oligopolistic industries and manager-controlled SOEs surviving in competitive industries. The two types exemplify several factors constraining further progress of SOE reform such as, financing the costs of restructuring, redefining the role of the State as the single dominant shareholder, and balancing the interests of the State and managers as entrepreneurs. Sorting these issues out will take time, which means that instabilities associated with state corporate ownership will remain in place in the foreseeable future in China.
China’s huge domestic market is constantly expanding, and is low-end demand oriented and highly dispersed. The domestic market-based development of China’s industrial cluster, however, is not only a quantitative expansion, but has also been accompanied with remarkable qualitative upgrading. Specialized markets are a microcosm that clearly indicate this paradoxical phenomenon. By analyzing three typical cases of industrial clusters that have specialized markets, this paper will make the case that under modern China’s market conditions, the local public sector is the crucial driving force for upgrading industrial clusters, which organize complicated transactions, promote quality control, and stimulate the division of labor.
A series of examples rarely presented to students is discussed to illustrate a property of thermodynamic equilibrium: small parts of a fully isolated system move as if points of a rigid body, so as to minimize the macroscopic (kinetic) energy EM. Most examples lie in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics, EM then including the gravitational energy. The paradoxical behaviour of gravitation, in particular in the extreme case of black holes,is discussed.