998 resultados para Elisabeth, Countess Palatine, 1618-1680
São apresentados dados etnobotânicos sobre a flora medicinal do Território Federal de Roraima, identificando-se cientificamente as espécies encontradas em levantamentos efetuados nos municípios de Boa Vista e Caracaraí.
Analisaram-se aspectos da biologia reprodutiva do tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) na região do Baixo Amazonas. Foram coletados 1232 exemplares entre outubro de 1994 e fevereiro de 1996, nos mercados e frigoríficos de Santarém no Estado do Pará. Indivíduos entre 20 e 120 cm foram pesados, medidos e observados o sexo e o estágio de maturidade. O tipo de desova e a fecundidade foram determinados através da análise dos ovócitos intraovarianos de 10 fêmeas maduras. Colossoma macropomum possui desova total. Existem variações macro e microscópicas cíclicas dos ovários associadas ao período hidrológico. A desova coincidiu com o início do período das chuvas. A proporção sexual varia com o tamanho dos peixes. A relação comprimento/peso indica diferenças nas estratégias de crescimento para ambos os sexos. O menor macho sexualmente maduro mediu 62 cm e o maior 95 cm, no caso das fêmeas, 70 cm e 112 cm respectivamente. A fecundidade média absoluta calculada para o tambaqui foi de 1.007.349 ovócitos (s = 67.279). Existe uma relação linear entre a fecundidade (F) e o peso total (W1) sendo a equação F = 885347 + 9,16 W1.
Accessibility is nowadays an important issue for the development of cities. It is seen as a priority in order toguarantee equal access to fundamental rights, to improve the quality of life of citizens and to ensure that everyone, regardless of age, mobility or ability, have equal access to all the resources and benefits cities have to offer. Consequently, factors closely related to the accessibility have gained a higher relevance for identifying and assessing the location of urban facilities. The main goal of the paper is to present an accessibility evaluation model applied in Santarém, in Brazil, a city located midway between the larger cities of Belem and Manaus. The research instruments, sampling method and data analysis proposed for mapping urban accessibility are described. Daily activities were used to identify and group key destinations. The model was implemented within a geographic information system and integrates the individualâ s perspective through the definition of each key destination weight, reflecting their significance for daily activities in the urban area. Accessibility to key destinations was mapped over 24 districts of the city of Santarém. The results of this model application can support city administration decision-making for new investments in order to improve urban quality of life.
Os lipídeos exercem diversas funções biológicas, como constituintes de membranas, precursores de hormônios, e por seu alto conteúdo calórico, um eficiente composto para estoque de energia. Nos peixes, ao contrário dos mamíferos, os modelos de deposição lipídica são mais diversos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de lipídeo total no plasma e nos tecidos somático e reprodutivo do matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, macho e fêmea, destacando alguns índices somáticos relacionados à dinâmica desse substrato. De outubro/97 a janeiro/99, foram amostrados, mensalmente, 8 a 12 peixes, totalizando 174 animais. Após anestesia, retirou-se sangue heparinizado para dosagem do triacilglicerol plasmático. Cada peixe foi mensurado e fígado, gônadas e gordura visceral retirados e pesados para cálculo do IHS (índice hepatossomático) IGS (índice gonadossomático) e IGVS (índice gorduro-viscerossomático). Os maiores teores do lipídeo total ocorreram no músculo vermelho, com aproximadamente 18%, seguido pelo fígado e gônadas com valores médios de 16,5%. O músculo branco apresentou o menor teor com 2,3%. A análise de variância dos IHS e IGVS mostrou que ambos apresentaram efeito significativo para bimestre, com índices mais baixos em períodos de temperaturas mais altas, e não significativo para sexo e a interação sexo e bimestre. O matrinxã estoca lipídeos em vários tecidos corpóreos incluindo gordura mesentérica, fígado, músculos e gônadas.
This paper reports on a structural safety assessment and performance evaluation of the upper choir of the Santa Maria de Belém Church in the Jerónimos monastery, Lisbon, one of the most important cultural heritage buildings in Portugal. The possibility of adding a new 20 t organ to the upper choir and its effects on the church structure's response are presented. A refined and a simplified finite-element model is developed to investigate the structure's performance under self-weight and seismic actions. A sensitivity analysis is performed to investigate the effect of masonry mechanical properties and rib cross-sections on the structural response, given the difficulty in accurately obtaining this information. The results show that the safety level of the structure is acceptable, even in the case of adding a heavy new organ.
This paper presents the findings of an experimental campaign that was conducted to investigate the seismic behaviour of log houses. A two-storey log house designed by the Portuguese company Rusticasa® was subjected to a series of shaking table tests at LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal. The paper contains the description of the geometry and construction of the house and all the aspects related to the testing procedure, namely the pre-design, the setup, instrumentation and the testing process itself. The shaking table tests were carried out with a scaled spectrum of the Montenegro (1979) earthquake, at increasing levels of PGA, starting from 0.07g, moving on to 0.28g and finally 0.5g. The log house did not suffer any major damage and remained in working condition throughout the entire process. The preliminary analysis of the overall behaviour of the log house is also discussed.
The dearth of knowledge on the load resistance mechanisms of log houses and the need for developing numerical models that are capable of simulating the actual behaviour of these structures has pushed efforts to research the relatively unexplored aspects of log house construction. The aim of the research that is presented in this paper is to build a working model of a log house that will contribute toward understanding the behaviour of these structures under seismic loading. The paper presents the results of a series of shaking table tests conducted on a log house and goes on to develop a numerical model of the tested house. The finite element model has been created in SAP2000 and validated against the experimental results. The modelling assumptions and the difficulties involved in the process have been described and, finally, a discussion on the effects of the variation of different physical and material parameters on the results yielded by the model has been drawn up.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Tecnologia Educativa)
This study examined the stress response of pirarucu juveniles in a closed system transport. Pirarucu (Arapaima gigas) is a native Amazonian fish species from the Osteoglossidae family and an obligated air breather. A short duration transport trial (6h) was undertaken comparing closed polyethylene bags filled with atmospheric air (Air group) and bags filled with pure oxygen (Oxi group). Dissolved oxygen was the only water parameter that presented a difference between fish groups, and was saturated in the oxi group as expected. There was no mortality in either group after transport. Fish feeding was observed 36 h after transport for all fish, and normal feeding consumption was observed at 72 h. In both groups physiological responses were similar. Cortisol did not show any significant alteration during the sampled period. Unlike most fish species, cortisol values were unaltered in both groups during sampling, while glucose presented a significant change up to 12 h after transport. The results showed that pirarucu transport in plastic bags could be made with either atmospheric air or pure oxygen, since physiological response to stress, water quality and feeding behavior after 36 h were similar in both groups.
A avaliação dos teores de mercúrio em sistemas aquáticos sem influência direta de fontes antropogênicas conhecidas não tem sido conduzida com freqüência na região Amazônica. Visando contribuir para esclarecer a ocorrência de valores elevados de Hg em peixes consumidos pela população de Rio Branco - AC, o Instituto Evandro Chagas - IEC, realizou um estudo para quantificar os teores de Hg em sedimentos de fundo e material particulado no rio Acre e alguns afluentes, além da caracterização físico-química das águas entre as cidades de Brasiléia e Assis Brasil. As amostras de sedimentos foram peneiradas na fração < 250 mesh e o material particulado obtido por floculação com Al2SO4 . Uma massa de 250 mg dos materiais foram submetidos a digestão ácida e as determinações de Hg realizadas por Espectrofotometria de Absorção Atômica, com geração de vapor frio. Os parâmetros físico-químicos pH, condutividade elétrica, temperatura e sólidos totais dissolvidos, foram feitos no campo, por métodos potenciométricos. Os teores de Hg nos sedimentos de fundo variaram entre 0,018 e 0,184 mig g-1, com média de 0,054 ± 0,034 mig g-1, enquanto que no material particulado a variação foi de 0,067 a 0,220 mig g-1e média de 0,098 ± 0,037 mig g-1. As águas possuem características levemente ácidas indicadas pelos valores de pH que variaram entre 5,80 - 6,95. A condutividade elétrica variou de 151,60 - 1.151,00 miS cm-1. Os teores de Hg nos materiais analisados encontram-se dentro da faixa dos valores observados para os rios amazônicos "não poluídos". Entretanto, estudos complementares deverão ser implementados para elucidar a origem e os processos de biodisponibilidade do mercúrio.
In this work, an empirical system was developed to obtain a quality index for rock slopes in road infrastructures, named Slope Quality Index (SQI), and it was applied to a set of real slopes. The SQI is supported in nine factors affecting slope stability that contemplate the evaluation of different parameters. Consequently, each factor is classified by degree of importance and influence by assigned weights. These weights were established through a statistical analysis of replies to a survey that was distributed to several experienced professionals in the field. The proposed SQI varies between 1 and 5, corresponding to slopes in very good and very bad condition state, respectively. Besides the advantage linked to a quantitative and qualitative evaluation of slopes, the SQI also allows identifying the most critical factors on the slope stability, which is a fundamental issue for an efficient management of the slope network in the road infrastructure, namely in the planning of conservation and maintenance operations.
The role of vitamin C on physiological responses of matrinxã (Brycon amazonicus) submitted to air exposure was analyzed. Nine hundred fish (70.15 g) were distributed in fifteen 500 l boxes (60 fish.box-1) and fed five rations (treatments): Control (no vitamin C); T100 (100 mg); T200 (200 mg); T400 (400 mg) and T800 (800 mg of vitamin C kg.ration-1). Each ration was offered to fish of three boxes during 60 days before the stress challenge that consisted of exposing fish to air for two minutes. Samplings were carried out for 5, 15, 30 and 60 minutes after the air exposure. Blood was collected for glucose, cortisol, total protein, sodium, chloride, hematocrit, hemoglobin determination, and white and red cell count. Liver was removed for hepatosomatic index (HSI) calculation and glycogen determination. Vitamin C did not affect the levels of cortisol, chloride, total protein, hemoglobin, leukocytes, hepatic glycogen or HSI in air exposed fish. Blood glucose levels elevation observed 60 minutes after the challenge did not depend on the levels of vitamin C, nor did the drop in serum sodium levels verified 60 minutes after stressor. In general, hematocrit did not change by effect of vitamin C but it was lower at 15 and 30 minutes after the challenge. The number of erythrocytes decreased in fish after 5 minute sampling in all treatments, especially at 30 and 60 minutes. The air exposure evoked alterations in stress indicators of matrinxã, and the vitamin C did not alter the responses.
The addition of salt to the water has been used to mitigate stress and improve survival in fishes. This study investigated the effects of sodium chloride (0.0, 1.0, 3.0 and 6.0 g/l) on levels of plasma cortisol, glucose, tryacilglycerol, total protein, hematocrit, hemoglobin, erythrocyte number, liver glycogen and lipid, and muscle lipid in adult matrinxã(Brycon amazonicum) after a 4-h transport and during a 96-h recovery period. Fish were sampled before and after transport, and 24 and 96 h of the recovery period. Plasma cortisol was higher than initial condition immediately after transportation, except in fish transported in 3.0 and 6.0 g/l of salt. A similar pattern was observed for blood glucose but fish transported in water with 0.0, 1.0 and 3.0 g/l of salt needed more than 24 h to return to the initial condition. Liver glycogen was lower after transport in fish not exposed to salt. Hemoglobin, erythrocyte number, total plasma protein and liver lipid did not change during the experiment but hematocrit was lower after transport in all treatments and returned to pre-transport values in 24 h. Reductions of muscle lipid and plasma tryacilglycerol were observed during the recovery period in fish from all treatments. The results show that 6.0 g/l NaCl added to the transport water reduce the stress responses and a 96-h recovery period is needed if no salt is used to mitigate the stress.
Piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) microstructure and poling state in active tissue engineering
Tissue engineering often rely on scaffolds for supporting cell differentiation and growth. Novel paradigms for tissue engineering include the need of active or smart scaffolds in order to properly regenerate specific tissues. In particular, as electrical and electromechanical clues are among the most relevant ones in determining tissue functionality in tissues such as muscle and bone, among others, electroactive materials and, in particular, piezoelectric ones, show strong potential for novel tissue engineering strategies, in particular taking also into account the existence of these phenomena within some specific tissues, indicating their requirement also during tissue regeneration. This referee reports on piezoelectric materials used for tissue engineering applications. The most used materials for tissue engineering strategies are reported together with the main achievements, challenges and future needs for research and actual therapies. This review provides thus a compilation of the most relevant results and strategies and a start point for novel research pathways in the most relevant and challenging open questions.
Para determinar as respostas de estresse do matrinxã após perseguição com puçá, juvenis (26,7±6,7 g) foram aclimatados em caixas plásticas e submetidos aos tratamentos: Controle (sem perseguição), Perseguição por 2 minutos, Perseguição por 5 minutos, Perseguição por 10 minutos (quatro repetições, N=8/tratamento). Amostras de sangue foram coletadas 15, 30 e 60 minutos após a perseguição para determinação do cortisol, glicose, sódio, cloreto, potássio, hematócrito, hemoglobina, número total de eritrócitos e osmolaridade. O perfil das respostas após o exercício físico dos peixes não mostrou as alterações típicas do estresse. Até 60 minutos após o estímulo, não ocorreram alterações nos níveis sanguíneos de cortisol, glicose e potássio nos peixes dos diferentes tratamentos. Os níveis de cloreto foram reduzidos 15 minutos após a natação forçada, enquanto os níveis do sódio mais baixos foram registrados 60 minutos depois. Houve redução da osmolaridade a partir dos 30 minutos após o estímulo, independente do tempo de perseguição. A natação forçada não interferiu nos indicadores hematológicos, corroborando os outros indicadores usados. Dessa forma, o exercício intenso dos peixes por até 10 minutos não foi estímulo suficiente para gerar respostas de estresse, sugerindo que o matrinxã é bastante resistente ao manejo de criação.