906 resultados para Electrical bias
We report the preparation and characterization of yttria-stabilized zirconia/nickel oxide composites (YSZ/NiO). This composite is the precursor material of the cermet YSZ/Ni, which is used as solid oxide fuel cell anode material. The performance of the anode is strongly dependent on the microstructural properties of the cermet. Therefore, the control of the microstructure of the YSZ/NiO composite is a key step for the fabrication of high-performance anodes. In this study, the composites were prepared by a modified liquid mixture technique. Scanning electron microscopy analysis evidenced the good dispersion of the phases and that NiO nanoparticles are spread over the YSZ surface. Sintered pellets were studied by X-ray diffraction and impedance spectroscopy. The main results show that the composite is comprised of a well-dispersed mixture of the two phases. The electrical conductivity data show that there is a strong dependence of the transport mechanism on the relative composition of phases. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Electrical properties of Er-doped SnO2 thin films obtained by sol-gel-dip-coating technique were measured. When compared to undoped tin dioxide, rare-earth doped films present much higher resistivity, indicating that Er3+ presents an acceptor-like character into the matrix, which leads to a high degree of electric charge compensation. Current-voltage characteristics, measured above room temperature for Er-doped films, lead to non-linear behavior and two conduction regimes. In the lower electric field range the conduction is dominated by Schottky emission over the grain boundary potential barrier, which presents an average value of 0.85 eV. Increasing the applied bias, a second regime of conduction is observed, since the Poole-Frenkel coulombic barrier lowering becomes a significant effect. The obtained activation energy for ionization is 0.67 eV. (C) 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Reactive pure and manganese-doped (5% and 10 at.%) ceria nanosized powders were prepared by the polymeric precursor technique. Physical properties of powder materials were studied by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption, and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy. Characterization of powder compacts after fast firing at 1200 degrees C for 5 min was carried out by scanning electron microscopy and impedance spectroscopy measurements. The bulk apparent density of sintered pellets was determined for pellets of different compositions sintered at 1200 degrees C. A gradual decrease of the particle size occurs with increasing doping content. Relatively high values of apparent density were obtained after fast firing doped specimens at 1200 degrees C. DRIFT spectra evidence that a fraction of Mn ions was segregated onto particles surface. The electrical resistivity of sintered pellets reveals different mechanisms of conduction depending on the Mn content. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power measurements carried out in a heamatite ceramic showed a strong anisotropy in directions normal and parallel to the uniaxial pressing direction. This behaviour is similar to that verified in alpha-Fe2O3 single crystal. The results suggest that the extended structural defects, generated during sintering, disturb the magnetic order on the (001) planes of alpha-Fe2O3 and limit the mobility of n type carriers.
The alternating conductivity, sigma*(f) = sigma'(f) + i sigma ''(f), of in situ polymerized polyaniline thin films doped with hydrochloric acid, deposited on top of an interdigitated gold line array previously deposited on glass substrates, were measured in the frequency (f) range between 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz and in the temperature range from 100 to 430 K. The results for sigma'(f) are typical of a disordered solid material: for frequencies lower than a certain hopping frequency gamma(hop), log[sigma'(f)] is frequency-independent rising almost linearly for in logf > gamma(hop). A master curve was thus obtained by plotting the real component of the conductivity using normalized scales sigma'(f)/sigma(dc) and f/gamma(hop) which is indicative of a single process operating in the whole frequency range. An expression encompassing the conduction through a disordered structure taken from previous random free energy barrier model for hopping carriers, as well a dielectric function to represent the capacitive behavior of the PAni was employed to fit the experimental results. The dielectric constant and activation energy for hopping carriers were obtained as function of the polymer doping level. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of LiNbO3 and KNbO3 seeds on the microstructure and dielectric characteristics of PMN ceramic prepared by columbite route have been investigated with the addition of 0, 1, and 2-wt% of seeds. X-ray diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy and an impedance analyzer were used to characterize the influence of seeds on physical characteristics and dielectric properties of PMN. LiNbO3 -seeded PMN samples present a significant increase in the amount of perovskite phase. The addition of LiNbO3 seeds in sintered PMN ceramics at 1100degreesC during 4 h causes a decrease in the porosity and the amount of pyrochlore phase. Weight losses during sintering of PMN ceramics are suppressed more significantly for LiNbO3 -seeded PMN. T-m of PMN ceramics changes with seeds concentration. KNbO3 seeds displace T-m to lower temperature whereas LiNbO3 causes its elevation. Dielectric constants of approximately 13,000 at 1 kHz was measured at -5degreesC in PMN ceramics with 1-wt% of LiNbO3 seeds.
We have studied the phase transition behavior of Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin films using Raman scattering and dielectric measurement techniques. We also have studied the leakage current conduction mechanism as a function of temperature for these thin films on platinized silicon substrates. A Pb0.76Ca0.24TiO3 thin film was prepared using a soft chemical process, called the polymeric precursor method. The results showed that the dependence of the dielectric constant upon the frequency does not reveal any relaxor behavior. However, a diffuse character-type phase transition was observed upon transformation from a cubic paraelectric phase to a tetragonal ferroelectric phase. The temperature dependency of Raman scattering spectra was investigated through the ferroelectric phase transition. The soft mode showed a marked dependence on temperature and its disappearance at about 598 K. on the other hand, Raman modes persist above the tetragonal to cubic phase transition temperature, although all optical modes should be Raman inactive above the phase transition temperature. The origin of these modes must be interpreted in terms of a local breakdown of cubic symmetry by some kind of disorder. The lack of a well-defined transition temperature suggested a diffuse-type phase transition. This result corroborate the dielectric constant versus temperature data, which showed a broad ferroelectric phase transition in the thin film. The leakage current density of the PCT24 thin film was studied at elevated temperatures, and the data were well fitted by the Schottky emission model. The Schottky barrier height of the PCT24 thin film was estimated to be 1.49 eV. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
The present paper quantifies and develops the kinetic aspects involved in the mechanism of interplay between electron and ions presented elsewhere(1) for KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O (Prussian Blue) host materials. Accordingly, there are three different electrochemical processes involved in the PB host materials: H3O+, K+, and H+ insertion/extraction mechanisms which here were fully kinetically studied by means of the use of combined electronic and mass transfer functions as a tool to separate all the processes. The use of combined electronic and mass transfer functions was very important to validate and confirm the proposed mechanism. This mechanism allows the electrochemical and chemical processes involved in the KhFek[Fe(CN)(6)](l)center dot mH(2)O host and Prussian Blue derivatives to be understood. In addition, a formalism was also developed to consider superficial oxygen reduction. From the analysis of the kinetic processes involved in the model, it was possible to demonstrate that the processes associated with K+ and H+ exchanges are reversible whereas the H3O+ insertion process was shown not to present a reversible pattern. This irreversible pattern is very peculiar and was shown to be related to the catalytic proton reduction reaction. Furthermore, from the model, it was possible to calculate the number density of available sites for each intercalation/deintercalation processes and infer that they are very similar for K+ and H+. Hence, the high prominence of the K+ exchange observed in the voltammetric responses has a kinetic origin and is not related to the amount of sites available for intercalation/deintercalation of the ions.
The effect of Sb doping in SnO2 thin films prepared by the sol-gel dip-coating (SGDC) process is investigated. Electronic and structural properties are evaluated through synchrotron radiation measurements by EXAFS and XANES. These data indicate that antimony is in the oxidation state W, and replaces tin atoms (Sn4+), at a grain surface site. Although the substitution yields net free carrier concentration, the electrical conductivity is increased only slightly, because it is reduced by the high grain boundary scattering. The overall picture leads to a shortening of the grain boundary potential, where oxygen vacancies compensate for oxygen adsorbed species, decreasing the trapped charge at grain boundary. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The paper describes a novel neural model to estimate electrical losses in transformer during the manufacturing phase. The network acts as an identifier of structural features on electrical loss process, so that output parameters can be estimated and generalized from an input parameter set. The model was trained and assessed through experimental data taking into account core losses, copper losses, resistance, current and temperature. The results obtained in the simulations have shown that the developed technique can be used as an alternative tool to make the analysis of electrical losses on distribution transformer more appropriate regarding to manufacturing process. Thus, this research has led to an improvement on the rational use of energy.
The BBT films were prepared by a spin-coating process from the polymeric precursor method (Pechini process). In order to study the influence of the temperature on the BBT microstructure and electrical properties, the films were deposited on platinum coated silicon substrates and annealed from 700degreesC to 800degreesC for 2 hours in oxygen atmosphere. The crystallinity of the films was examined by X-ray diffraction while the surface morphology was analysed by atomic force microscope. The dielectric properties and dissipation factor of BaBi2Ta2O9 films at 1 MHz were observed. The polarization-electric field hysteresis loops revealed the ferroelectric characteristics of BaBi2Ta2O9 thin films.
We report the successful deposition of CaBi2Nb2O9 (CBN) thin films on platinum coated silicon substrates by polymeric precursor method. The CBN thin films exhibited good structural, dielectric and CBN/Pt interface characteristics. The leakage current of the capacitor structure was around 0.15 A cm(-2) at an applied electric field of 30 kV cm(-1). The capacitance-voltage measurements indicated good ferroelectric polarization switching characteristics. The typical measured small signal dielectric constant and the dissipation factor at a frequency of 100 kHz were 90 and 0.053, respectively. The remanent polarization and the drive voltage values were 4.2 C cm(-2) and 1.7 V at an applied voltage of 10 V. No significant fatigue was observed at least up to 10(8) switching cycles. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ferroelectric PbTiO3 thin films were successfully prepared on a Pt(111)Ti/SiO2/Si(100) substrate for the first time by spin coating, using the polymeric precursor method. X-ray diffraction patterns of the films indicate that they are polycrystalline in nature. This method allows low temperature (500 degrees C) synthesis and high electrical properties. The multilayer PbTiO3 thin films were granular in structure with a grain size of approximately 110-120 nm. A 380-nm-thick film was obtained by carrying out four cycles of the spin-coating/heating process. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) analyses showed the surface of these thin films to be smooth, dense and crack-free with low surface roughness (=3.4 nm). At room temperature and at a frequency of 100 kHz, the dielectric constant and the dissipation factor were, respectively, 570 and 0.016. The C-V characteristics of perovskite thin film prepared at low temperature show normal ferrolectric behavior. The remanent polarization and coercive field for the films deposited were 13.62 mu C/cm(2) and 121.43 kV/cm, respectively. The high electrical property values are attributed to the excellent microstrutural quality and chemical homogeneity of thin films obtained by the polymeric precursor method. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. S.A. All rights reserved.
Polycrystalline SrTiO3 thin films having a cubic perovskite structure were prepared at different temperatures by the polymeric precursor method on platinum-coated silicon substrate. Crystalline films with uniform composition and thickness were prepared by spin-coating and the post-deposition heat treatment was carried out at different temperatures. The film showed good structural, dielectric, and insulating properties, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs showed no occurrence of interdiffusion between the bottom electrode (platinum) and the film during post-annealing, indicating a stable interface between the SrTiO3 and the bottom electrode. The dielectric constant and dissipation factor at a frequency of 100 kHz were 250 and 0.01, respectively, for a 360 nm thick film annealed at 600 degreesC. The capacitance versus applied voltage characteristics showed that the capacitance was almost independent of the applied voltage. The I-V characteristics were ohmic in low fields and a Schottky emission and/or Poole-Frenkel emission were postulated in high fields. Room temperature leakage current density was found to be in the order of 10(-7) A/cm(2) for a 360 nm thick film in an applied electric field of about 100 kV/cm. The charge storage density of 36 fC/mum(2) was obtained in an applied electric field of about 100 kV/cm. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.