949 resultados para Edwards, George, 1850-


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The investigation was aimed at establishing the effect of salinity on the culture performance of Peneus Indicus in pokkali fields and also to find out the growth performance of the shrimp at varying salinities. The experiments were laid out at Rice Research Station, Vyttila of Kerala Agriculture University in three fields of area 1000 m2 each. The results of the experiment clearly establish that shrimps when stocked at higher salinity (20-25 ppt) for 45 days has given higher growth, survival and production than those stocked at lower salinity (10-15 ppt) in all the above parameters even when the culture experiment was maintained for longer periods in lower salinity. In the prolonged culture experiments conducted for 120 days in 10-25 ppt salinity, the results were poorer than the short period culture in higher salinity and the production values similar to lower saline culture. This clearly establishes the importance of salinity as an ecological factor which will have profound influence in shrimp farming operations.


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The present study is an attempt to find out the ralation between RNA/DNA ratio, protein,percentage growth rate and specific growth rate of prawn,Penaeus indicus with respect to Nervous system, Eyestalk and Muscle tissues during ontogenesis. We have isolated and purified a natural agglutinin in the hemolymph of P.indicus with antigenecity, agglutinating, hemolytic and antibacterial properties. The influence of growth and environmental parameters on the level of agglutinin in the hemolymph was studied. Agglutinin concentration during normal growth process was compared. The agglutinin concentration in the hemolymph was quantified through developing ELISA, which is useful in health monitoring studies of individual species. Complete amino acid composition of both the subunits of P.indicus agglutinin were analysed. P.indicus agglutinin showed similarity to those proteins having antigenecity,hemolytic and agglutinating properties.Hence, agglutinin was considered as a natural defence protein in the hemolymph of P.indicus responsible for immune surveillance. The humoral defence mechanism of agglutinin was a co-operative effort with hemocytes and complement system. The composition of isolated agglutinin of P.indicus amino acids will be helpful in the synthesis of new antibacterial analogues which can be used against disease causing organisms.


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The objective of the study isto determine the average quantity of certain biochemical constituents of the haemolymph of Penaeus indicus and to verify the importanceof the simple correlation between the quantity or content of the biochemical constituents in the haemolymph and the size of the species, sex, moult and reproductive stages. The biochemical constituents studied are protein, free amino acids, glucose, total lipids, cholesterol, calcium, zinc, iron and manganese. The study Identifies the species specific haemolymph protein pattern by electrophoresis and determines the qualitative variations of haemolymph proteins with respect to sex, size, moult and reproductive stages. Major protein components such as hemocyanin and female specific protein are determined with a view to understand their function. The thesis also identifies the circulating haemocytes with a view to understand their specific role in the various physiological functions of the species. The thesis is presented in three chapters. Each chapter has an introduction to the particular aspect of study which includes a review of literature, methodology adopted for the study, the results obtained and discussion on the subject. The first Chapter deals with the biochemical constituents of the haemolymph, the second includes electrophoretic characterization of proteins in the haemolymph and the third Chapter deals with haemocyte identification and classification. A summary of the thesis and literature cited in the text are listed at the end.


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In the present study, the main emphasis was to find out it seasonal and ecosystem specific variations of calcium magnesium, phosphorus, copper and zinc in the water and the sediment has any role to play in altering the concentration of these elements in different tissues of intermoult p.indicus as evidenced by the seasonal studies in the grow out and the marine ecosystems


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Recent studies with prawns indicate that their growth, metamorphosis, maturation and moulting are affected by the typo and level of lipids supplied in the diets. Despite the recognition of the importance of lipids in the diets of prawns there is no information on the essentiality and quantitative lipid requirements of Indian penaeid prawns. Therefore during the present study about 24 laboratory experiments were conducted to determine the essentiality and dietary requirements of total lipids, phoapholipida, fatty acids cholestrol, and to ascertain the nutritional value of natural lipid sources for the larvae, post-larvae tad juveniles of one of the most suitable cultivable species of panaeid prans. All the experiments were conducted in the laboratory following standard procedures, using isonitrogen and approaximately isocaloric purified diets. Changes were made in tha ingridients as required for specific requirements. For the larvae diets of particle size < 37) were fed, For the postlarvae and juveniles pellet feed was given. while data on survival and growth of larvae and pout-larvae 1-10 were recorded, data were collected on the survival, growth, food conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio and biochemical composition at the body for post-larva 11-25 and juveniles. The influence ot fatty acid pattern of dietary lipid sources on the fatty acids profile of prawns were also studied in the case of juvenile prawns. Analysis of variance andleast significant differences test were employed to determine the significant differences between treatments in the observed parameters with the help of a newlett Packard master computer.


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Penaeid prawns form the most economically significant group in the marine and brackishwater fishery resources of India. This particular group contributes about 62% of the total prawn landings of the country. At present prawns have assumed an important place especially as a commodity supporting an export trade of sizable magnitude. Considerable interest has been shown in the last decade to increase prawn production through various culture practices, mainly due to the high demand for good quality prawns for export coupled with the stagnant and even depleting nature of marine catches. Available informations suggest that among the 15 species of shrimps and prawns occurring in Indian waters, which are deemed suitable for aquaculture, the Indian white prawn §.indicus is identified as one of the most important commercial species. Considering the increasing importance as an accepted species for prawn culture, £.indicus was selected for the present study. In the life history of prawns, moulting is an important event, which enables the animal to achieve growth. This dynamic physiological event continues through out the life span ofthe prawn, linking almost all biological activities with this process. Hence, a good knowledge pertaining to the physiology of moulting is imperative to understand the growth process. This knowledge will be of great use in the scientific prawn farming, so as to achieve high prawn production.


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We investigate chaotic, memory, and cooling rate effects in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson model by doing thermoremanent (TRM) and ac susceptibility numerical experiments and making a detailed comparison with laboratory experiments on spin glasses. In contrast to the experiments, the Edwards-Anderson model does not show any trace of reinitialization processes in temperature change experiments (TRM or ac). A detailed comparison with ac relaxation experiments in the presence of dc magnetic field or coupling distribution perturbations reveals that the absence of chaotic effects in the Edwards-Anderson model is a consequence of the presence of strong cooling rate effects. We discuss possible solutions to this discrepancy, in particular the smallness of the time scales reached in numerical experiments, but we also question the validity of the Edwards-Anderson model to reproduce the experimental results.


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The efficiency of a diet not only depends on its nutrient composition and nutrient balance but also on the effective utilization by the animal. In the utilization of dietary nutrients, the digestive enzymes play the crucial role of catalysing the hydrolytic reactions, splitting the macromolecules into simple absorbable molecules. The activity of these biocatalysts is regulated by alterations in pH, temperature, substrate type and concentrations, and also by the presence of activators and inhibitors. Thus any shift from the optimum conditions necessary for these enzymes may affect their activity, thereby correspondingly modify the digestibility of the nutrients supplied to the animals. Thus, investigations on the important digestive enzymes and their preferential conditions of activity are essential, so that the results obtained could be used in rationally adjusting the quality and quantity of feed supplied to the different stages of prawns In India, directed research on nutritional physiology and biochemical approaches to digestion in commercially important prawns is taken up_ only recently, and the field is still in an infant stage. In view of its emerging importance it is identified as an area of priority and the present investigation has been carried out on the Indian white prawn Penaeus indicus


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In India, directed research on penaeid prawn nutrition was taken up only recently when the aquaculture of prawns gained momentum. One of the important penaeid prawns sought for culture and has great potential is Penagus indiggs, H.Milne Edwards. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute working on different aspects of culture of this species over the past one and half decades, has developed a hatchery technology for mass production of its seed and has suggested several improvements on its farming in the grow-out systems. One of the areas of active research in this direction has been on the nutrition of the species with a view to develop suitable feed not only for hatchery production of seed, but also in the field culture. As part of this investigation, the present study, on the evaluation of different protein and carbohydrate sources and mineral requirements for the juvenile E, indicus was taken up and the results obtained are embodied in the thesis


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Cell free extracts of four strains of Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) viz. Lactobacillus. acidophilus, Streptococcus.cremoris, Lactobacillus bulgaricus –56 and Lactobacillus bulgaricus –57 inhibited growth of Vibrio alginolyticus in nutrient broth. The antagonism of LAB to Vibrio alginolyticus was further confirmed by streak plating wherein suppression of growth of Vibrio was obtained. Juveniles of Penaeus indicus (average weight 0.985 ± 0.1 g) on administering orally a moist feed base containing 5 × 106 cells·g of the four LAB probionts for a period of four weeks showed better survival (56 to 72%) when challenged with V. alginolyticus by intra-muscular injection of 0.1 ml containing 3 × 109 cells·ml. Animals maintained on a diet devoid of bacterial biomass exhibited 80% mortality. No external or internal pathological changes were observed in shrimp fed with the LAB incorporated diets. Results showed inhibition of V. alginolyticus by LAB and stimulation of the non-specific immune response resulting in resistance to disease in the shrimp fed on LAB incorporated diets.


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Whitespot virus could be experimentally transmitted from infected Penoeus monodon to P. in.dicus and repeatedly passed on through several batches of apparently healthy J'. in dieas. During these passages, white spots first disappeared before subsequently reappearing, Electron microscopic studies revealed the presence of oblong-shaped, fully-assembled virus towards the periphery and virus in paracrystalline arrnys towards the center of the hypertrophied nuclei. The virus isolated here is referred to as whitespot syndrome baculovirus (WSBV) until more is known of its antigenic .md genomic rclatodnc..s to isolates from other countries


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Heterotrophic bacterial flora of Pmonadon from an apparently healthy hatchery system as well as a pool with heavy mortality were isolated and studied. In the healthy systems comparatively higher generic diversity with Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter, Bacillus, Micrococcus, members of the family Enterobacteriaceae and coryneform group in the diminishing order of dominance was recorded. Meanwhile from the moribund larvae and rearing water Aeromonas and Pseudomonas could be isolated in almost equal proportions. Strikingly, Aeromonas could not be isolated from the apparently healthy larval rearing system and its exclusive occurrence in the sick culture system in comparatively higher percentage suggested its possible role in the mortality. They were found to be highly halophilic exhibiting growth at 10% NaCl. On testing their sensitivity to twenty antibiotics, four of them (Streptomycin, Gentamycin, Methamine mandelate and Cloramphenicol) were found to be effective on all the isolates of Aeromonas and Pseudomonas suggesting their possible application in the hatchery system in times of emergency. While doing so, Streptomycin would do comparatively better than the others as the minimum inhibitory dose required was comparatively lower (200ppm) within a period of 24 hours