843 resultados para Eastern Christianity
by Herbert Danby
by Harris Franklin Rall and Samuel S. Cohon
from the journals of the late J. Frederick Elton, F.R.G.S., H.B.M. Consul at Mozambique ; edited and compiled by H.B. Cotterill
"German Refugees from the Eastern Zone" 1952; 1. "Outline of a Pilot Study of German Refugees from the Eastern Zone Who are presently in Berlin" a) Typoskript, 4 Blatt; b) Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 2. "Budget for a Pilot Study of German Refugees from the Eastern Zone in Berlin" a) 2 Blatt; b) 1 Blatt; c) 1 Blatt; d) 1 Blatt; "Universität und Gesellschaft" 1952-1956; 1. "Universität und Gesellschaft" Teil III: Expertenbefragung. Forschungsbericht, 1953; als Typoskript vervielfältigt und gebunden, 77 Blatt; 2.-7. Allgemeine Darstellung der Untersuchungen; 2. "Einige wichtige Ergebnisse der Universitätsstudie", 1956. Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 5 Blatt; 3. "Vorläufige Gliederung für den Bericht der Hochschul-Untersuchung" 2 Blatt; 4. "The German University of Today. Progress Report on a Research Project" 02.11.1955 a) Typoskirpt, 12 Blatt; b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 12 Blatt; 5. "The German University of Today. A Progress Report on a Research Project" a) Typoskript, 7 Blatt; b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 8 Blatt; c) Typoskirpt mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 12 Blatt; 6. "Funktion und Wirklichkeit der Universität heute. Zwischenbericht über drei Studien des Instituts für Sozialforschung an der Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität". Typoskript, 25 Blatt; 7. "Pläne einer Untersuchung über die Vorstellung von der Finktion der heutigen deutschen Universität bei bestimmten Personenkreisen" a) Typoskirpt, 11 Blatt; b) Typoskript, 11 Blatt; 8.-10. Studentenbefragung; 8. Fagebogen zur Umfrage "Warum studieren Studenten?", als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 19 Blatt; 9. "The Economic Situation of Students at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe- University in Frankfurt am Main" Resultate der Umfrage vom Winter 1952/43; Januar 1956; a) Typoskript, 43 Blatt; b) 43 Blatt; 10. "Students and Parentl Influence. Results of a Survey" a) Typoskript, 25 Blatt; b) Typoskript mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen von Frederick Pollock, 25 Blatt; 11.-14. Aktennotizen; 11. "Bericht über die Verhandlungen zwischen Herrn Professor Baumgarten, Tenbruck und Habermas am 12.12.1956 im Institut für vergleichende Sozialwissenschaften in Stuttgart. Betreff: Professorenstudie" 13.13.1956 vermutlich 13.03.1956. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 12. Gembardt, Ulrich: Aktennotiz zur Hochschuluntersuchung. 23.05.1955, Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 13. Gembardt, Ulrich: Bemerkungen zur Aktennotiz vom 23.05.1955, Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 14. "Aktennotiz über die Hochschul-Forschungsprojekte des Göttinger Soziologischen Seminars und des Frankfurter Institut für Sozialforschung, die deim Hauptausschuß der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft am 1. August 1953 zur Finanzierung vorgelegt werden" 20.07.1953. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 15.-18. Briefe; 15. Löwenthal, Leo: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift an MAx Horkheimer, New York, 20.01.1955, 3 Blatt; 16. Horkheimer, Max [?]: 1 Brief an Chauncy D. Harris, ohne Ort, Januar 1955; a) Typoskirpt, 1 Blatt; b) Typoskirpt mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; c) Typoskirpt mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt; d) Typoskirpt, 1 Blatt; 17. Horkheimer, Max: Drei gleichlautende Briefe an die Rektoren der Universität Bonn, Heidelberg und Koel, ohne Ort, 15.11.1953; a) Typoskript, 6 Blatt; b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen KOrrekturen, 3 Blatt; 18. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief mit Unterschrift mit Beilage an Max Horkheimer, Göttingen 02.07.1953, 4 Blatt;
by R. Travers Herford
Principal components analysis of nannofossil assemblages in five ODP sites in the Caribbean and the eastern equatorial Pacific was used to monitor Neogene surface water circulation changes. In 15.83-10.71 Ma, floral distributions clearly show the existence of the Circum-tropical Current between the Caribbean and the eastern equatorial Pacific and no surface water communication between the northern and southern Caribbean. In 10.71-9.36 Ma, the Circum-tropical Current weakened and the northward intra-Caribbean current had been initiated. Northern and southern Caribbean surface waters again became separated in 8.35-3.65 Ma and the Circum-tropical Current was regenerated. After 2.76 Ma, the northward intra-Caribbean current has completely been established and the Circum-tropical Current disappeared. This suggests that a barrier to the Circum-tropical Current had formed, indicating the final closure of the Isthmus of Panama.
Amounts of aerosols transported to the shelf surface were calculated on the basis of in situ measurements of concentrations of eolian matter (insoluble aerosol fraction) and vertical fluxes of settling dust in five areas of the Black Sea shelf from the Danube delta to the Inguri River mouth. More than 8.3 mln t of eolian matter are annually transported from the land over the shelf of the former USSR. At the same time more than 5.4 mln t are supplied to the northwestern shelf area, 1.7 mln t are supplied to the Crimean area, about 0.8 mln t are supplied to the Kerch-Taman' area, and about 0.45 mln t are supplied to the Caucasian area.
Research on sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Leg 160 has concentrated on two issues: the first concerned the stratigraphy of sapropel formation, the second was oriented to clarify specific processes that explain sapropel origin. Progress has been made in the construction of stratigraphic composites out of sedimentary sequences from individual holes at each of the palaeoceanographic sites. On the composites, initial work has resulted in the establishment of high-resolution and intermediate-resolution stratigraphies for three sites (963, 964, 967); correlation of sedimentary cycles to astronomical (insolation) cycles extends the stratigraphies to Sites 969 and 966. The sapropel occurrences in the marine and land sequences over the entire Eastern Mediterranean are correlated; with the resolution that can be obtained from isotope studies, groups of sapropels occurred simultaneously over the entire basin. In detail, however, the temporal and facies patterns of sapropel sequences differ between individual sites and depositional basins. The differences may be related to effects of water depth, diagenesis, and post-depositional tectonic attenuation of sequences. Studies on the geochemistry and facies of sapropels agree that anoxic conditions favoured preservation of organic matter in sapropels, caused the enrichment of trace metals associated with sapropels, and helped to preserve primary sedimentary structures. Besides, all evidence is consistent with elevated fluxes of organic matter and associated elements during sapropel events.
Understanding how the environment influences patterns of diversity is vital for effective conservation management, especially in a changing global climate. While assemblage structure and species richness patterns are often correlated with current environmental factors, historical influences may also be considerable, especially for taxa with poor dispersal abilities. Mountain-top regions throughout tropical rainforests can act as important refugia for taxa characterised by low dispersal capacities such as flightless ground beetles (Carabidae), an ecologically significant predatory group. We surveyed flightless ground beetles along elevational gradients in five different subregions within the Australian Wet Tropics World Heritage Area to investigate (1) whether the diversity and composition of flightless ground beetles are elevationally stratified, and, if so, (2) what environmental factors (other than elevation per se) are associated with these patterns. Generalised linear models and model averaging techniques were used to relate patterns of diversity to environmental factors. Unlike most taxonomic groups, flightless ground beetles increased in species richness and abundance with elevation. Additionally, each subregion consisted of distinct assemblages containing a high level of regional endemic species. Species richness was most strongly positively associated with the historical climatic conditions and negatively associated with severity of recent disturbance (treefalls) and current climatic conditions. Assemblage composition was associated with latitude and current and historical climatic conditions. Our results suggest that distributional patterns of flightless ground beetles are not only likely to be associated with factors that change with elevation (current climatic conditions), but also factors that are independent of elevation (recent disturbance and historical climatic conditions). Variation in historical vegetation stability explained both species richness and assemblage composition patterns, probably reflecting the significance of upland refugia at a geographic time scale. These findings are important for conservation management as upland habitats are under threat from climate change.