1000 resultados para ECONOMÍA - AUSTRALIA
National Strategies to Address Dementia This 12-page Australian paper provides an overview of a range of approaches that a selection of countries have taken to address dementia
The aim of this study was to search for plasmid-encoded quinolone resistance determinants QnrA and QnrS in fluoroquinolone-resistant and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing enterobacterial isolates recovered in Sydney, Australia, in 2002. Twenty-three fluoroquinolone-resistant, of which 16 were also ESBL-positive, enterobacterial and nonrelated isolates were studied. PCR with primers specific for qnrA and qnrS genes and primers specific for a series of ESBL genes were used. A qnrA gene was identified in two ESBL-positive isolates, whereas no qnrS-positive strain was found. The QnrA1 determinant was identified in an Enterobacter cloacae isolate and in a carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate, both of which expressed the same ESBL SHV- 12. Whereas no plasmid was identified in the E. cloacae isolate, K. pneumoniae K149 possessed two conjugative plasmids, one that harbored the qnrA and bla (SHV)-12 genes whereas the other expressed the carbapenemase gene bla (IMP-4). The qnrA gene, was located in both cases downstream of the orf513 recombinase gene and upstream of the qnrA1 gene, a structure identical to that found in sul1-type integron In36 and qnrA-positive strains from Shanghai, China. However, the gene cassettes of the sul1-type integrons were different. This study identified the first plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance determinant in Enterobacteriaceae in Australia.
The Hamersley province of northwest Australia is one of the world's premier iron ore regions with high-grade martite-microplaty hematite iron ore deposits mostly hosted within banded iron formation (BIF) sequences of the Brockman Iron Formations of the Hamersley Group. These high-grade iron ores contain between 60 and 68 wt percent Fe, and formed by the multistage interaction of hydrothermal fluids with the host BIF formation. The oxygen isotope compositions of magnetite and hematite from BIF, hydrothermal alteration assemblages, and high-grade iron Ore were analyzed from the Mount Tom Price, Paraburdoo, and Charmar iron ore deposits. The delta(18)O values of magnetite and hematite from hydrothermal alteration assemblages and high-grade iron ore range from -9.0 to -2.9 per mil, a depletion of 5 to 15 per mil relative to the host BIF. The delta(18)O values are spatially controlled by faults within the deposits, a response to higher fluid flux and larger influence the isotopic compositions by the hydrothermal fluids. The oxygen isotope composition of hydrothermal fluids (delta(18)O(fluid)) indicates that the decrease in the (18)O content of iron oxides was due to the interaction of both basinal brines and meteoric fluids with the original BIF. Late-stage talc-bearing ore at the Mount Tom Price deposit formed in the presence of a pulse of delta(18)O-enriched basinal brine, indicating that hydrothermal fluids may have repeatedly interacted with the BIFs during the Paleoproterozoic.
Estudio de minería de datos sobre las causas del abandono de los estudiantes de una carrera de la UOC
El presente trabajo se centra en la ampliación de un vocabulario de economía facilitado por la base de datos terminológicos del Gobierno del Canadá (Termium). Tuvo como objetivo principal completar 30 de las 300 fichas que nos facilitaron con equivalentes en inglés y en francés para los que se debía proporcionar su respectivo(s) equivalente(s) en español.
BACKGROUND: There is a lack of evidence to direct and support nursing practice in the specialty of paediatric intensive care (PIC). The development of national PIC nursing research priorities may facilitate the process of undertaking clinical research and translating evidence into practice. PURPOSE: To (a) identify research priorities for the care of patients and their family as well as for the professional needs of PIC nurses, (b) foster nursing research collaboration, (c) develop a research agenda for PIC nurses. METHODS: Over 13 months in 2007-2008, a three-round questionnaire, using the Delphi technique, was sent to all specialist level registered nurses working in Australian and New Zealand PICUs. This method was used to identify and prioritise nursing research topics. Content analysis was used to analyse Round I data and descriptive statistics for Round II and III data. RESULTS: In Round I, 132 research topics were identified, with 77 research priorities (mdn>6, mean MAD(median) 0.68±0.01) identified in subsequent rounds. The top nine priorities (mean>6 and median>6) included patient issues related to neurological care (n=2), pain/sedation/comfort (n=3), best practice at the end of life (n=1), and ventilation strategies (n=1), as well as two priorities related to professional issues about nurses' stress/burnout and professional development needs. CONCLUSION: The research priorities identified reflect important issues related to critically ill patients and their family as well as to the nurses caring for them. These priorities can be used for the development of a research agenda for PIC nursing in Australia and New Zealand.
La política monetaria llevada a cabo por parte de la Reserva Federaly el Bundesbank durante los últimos años puede caracterizarse con bastante precisión mediante una regla de tipo de interés como la propuesta por Taylor (1994). La forma que toma la regla de Taylor es similar a la de la regla óptima de política monetaria que se obtiene como solución del problema de un banco central preocupado por estabilizar la inflación y el producto, en el contexto de un modelo keynesiano convencional. Esta propiedad, junto con el éxito notable de las autoridades monetarias alemanas y norteamericanas en el mantenimiento sostenido de un nivel de inflación bajo y estable, justifican el uso de la regla de Taylor como una primera aproximación al comportamiento esperado y deseable por parte del banco central de un país industrializado y, por lo tanto, a la futura política monetaria del BCE.Teniendo tal consideración como punto de partida, se ha llevado a cabo una evaluación de las posibles repercusiones de la integración en la UME sobre la economía española. Dicha evaluación se ha basado en tres ejercicios complementarios: (a) el análisis de la experiencia española a partir de la entrada en el SME, (b) el comportamiento de un índicede tensión monetaria que refleja las discrepancias entre el tipo de interés generado por la regla de Taylor para la Unión Europea y para España, y (c) la simulación de un modelo estructural.Por lo general, los resultados de dichos ejercicios sugieren que los costes para la economía española de renunciar a una política monetaria propia deberían ser muy limitados, por lo menos en la medida en que (a) el BCE siga una política monetaria consistente con la regla de Taylor, y (b) el grado de sincronización del ciclo económico y la inflación española con sus homólogos europeos sea parecido al observado en el pasado reciente. Cabe esperar que los costes de la integración monetaria tomen la forma de una mayor volatilidad del producto y de la inflación, resultante de una mayor persistencia en los efectos de los shocks de oferta y demanda domésticos. Estos costes deberían contrastarse con las ventajas de pertenecer a la unión monetaria europea que son independientes del grado de estabilidad macroeconómica (baja inflación, aumento de la competencia, contribución a la integración política, etc....).Dicha conclusión podría modificarse si se produjese en un futuro una disminución significativa en el grado de correlación entre shocks domésticos (a nivel de España) y shocks agregados (a nivel de la UME), aunque no hay motivo para anticipar un cambio en tal sentido. En cualquier caso, el presente trabajo sugiere un simple indicador (el índice de tensión monetaria desarrollado en la Sección 5), que nos permitirá cuantificar la medida en que la política monetaria del BCE se ajusta a las necesidades e intereses de la economía española.
This paper sets up and estimates a structuralmodel of Australia as a small open economyusing Bayesian techniques. Unlike other recentstudies, the paper shows that a small microfoundedmodel can capture the open economydimensions quite well. Specifically, the modelattributes a substantial fraction of the volatilityof domestic output and inflation to foreigndisturbances, close to what is suggested by unrestrictedVAR studies. The paper also investigatesthe effects of various exogenous shockson the Australian economy.
El presente informe indica los objetivos estadísticos que se han de tener en cuenta, para estudiar la dinámica de las poblaciones acuíferas, también precisa la implicancia que tienen los análisis estadísticos en la pesca industrial, los que serán necesarios para hallar información de suma importancia.
We estimate an open economy dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)model of Australia with a number of shocks, frictions and rigidities, matching alarge number of observable time series. We find that both foreign and domesticshocks are important drivers of the Australian business cycle.We also find that theinitial impact on inflation of an increase in demand for Australian commoditiesis negative, due to an improvement in the real exchange rate, though there is apersistent positive effect on inflation that dominates at longer horizons.
La crisi econòmica espanyola és el tema de major preocupació en l’actualitat per als residents del país. Estudiar les causes, conseqüències, mesures establertes pel Govern, anàlisi de les mateixes i una aportació sobre quines propostes serien adequades per a regenerar l’economia, és l’objectiu d’aquest projecte. Amb aquesta finalitat, s’intentarà donar una mica de confiança a la situació tan negativa que s’està vivint.
Reseña el proceso histórico de utilización del guano de islas en el Perú, desde la época de los Incas. Por otro lado, muestra las características del guano como abono en la agricultura dándole un valor productivo y económico a los cultivos del país. Por último, analiza las proporciones adecuadas para utilizarla en las superficies de la tierra de acuerdo del tipo de producto sembrado.
Communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) were surveyed in different South Australian ecosystems. The soil was wet-sieved for spore extraction, followed by the determination of presence and abundance of AMF species as well as the percentage of root colonization. Mycorrhizal associations were common and there was substantial fungal diversity in different ecosystems. Spores were most abundant in the permanent pasture system and less abundant under continuous wheat. The incidence of mycorrhizal associations in different plant species and the occurrence of Arum and Paris type colonization generally conformed with previous information. Spores of seventeen AMF were verified throughout seasonal changes in 1996 and 1997 in the permanent pasture and on four host species (Lolium perenne, Plantago lanceolata, Sorghum sp. and Trifolium subterraneum) , set up with the same soils under greenhouse conditions. Glomus mosseae was the dominant spore type at all sampling times and in all trap cultures. Mycorrhizal diversity was significantly affected by different sampling times in trap cultures but not in field-collected soil. P. lanceolata, Sorghum sp. and T. subterraneum as hosts for trap cultures showed no differences in richness and diversity of AMF spores that developed in association with their roots. Abundance and diversity were lowest, however, in association with L. perenne , particularly in December 1996. Results show that the combination of spore identification from field-collected soil and trap cultures is essential to study population and diversity of AMF. The study provides baseline data for ongoing monitoring of mycorrhizal populations using conventional methods and material for the determination of the symbiotic effectiveness of AMF key members.
ESTUDIO EA2005-0191. Programa de estudios y análisis del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Línea de estudio: 1.8 Publicaciones científicas españolas