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Treatment of major depression, posttraumatic stress disorder and other psychopathologies with antidepressants can be associated with improvement of the cognitive deficits related to these disorders. Although the mechanisms of these effects are not completely elucidated, alterations in extinction of aversive memories are believed to be present in these psychopathologies. Moreover, researches with laboratory animals usually focus on male subjects, and we have recently verified that extinction of an aversive task is reduced in female rats when compared to males. In the present study, female rats were long-term treated with clinically used antidepressants (fluoxetine, nortriptyline or mirtazapine) and tested in the plus-maze discriminative avoidance and forced swimming tests in order to evaluate learning, memory, extinction, anxiety and depression-related behaviors. All groups learned the task, but learning was somewhat faster in nortriptyline and mirtazapine-treated animals . Task retrieval was also showed by all experimental groups. Chronic treatment with fluoxetine, but not with the other antidepressants, increased extinction of the discriminative task. In the forced swimming test, animals treated with fluoxetine and mirtazapine showed decreased immobility duration. In conclusion, antidepressants interfere with learning and female rats treated with fluoxetine presented increased extinction of the aversive memory task. On the other hand, both fluoxetine and mirtazapine were effective in the forced swimming test, suggesting dissociation between the antidepressant effects and the extinction of aversive memories


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In order to characterize the seasonal and daily rhythm of Dinoponera quadriceps foraging activity in natural environment, four colonies of D. quadriceps were observed in an area of secondary Atlantic forest in northeastern Brazil. Data collection was performed during 72 hours every three months during an annual cycle. Colonies of D. quadriceps exhibited seasonal variation in foraging activity, peaking in the early dry season, followed by a sudden decline at the end of this season and increasing again at the late rainy season. The seasonal rhythm of foraging was positively related to the duration of the daylight and luminosity, and negatively to the time of sunrise and rainfall. Regarding the daily rhythm, foraging activity was predominantly diurnal independent of season. At the early dry season, the colonies had two activity peaks, one in the morning and another in the afternoon, with a decrease in foraging at midday, while in the rest of the year foraging activity was distributed more evenly throughout the daylight. The daily rhythm of foraging activity had a stronger and positive relation with light intensity. The second most important factor determining the daily rhythm of foraging was temperature that was also positively related for most of the year. Relative humidity showed a weak and negative relation with the daily rhythm of foraging in just one month of observation


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Neuroscience is on a rise of discoveries. Its wide interdisciplinary approach facilitates a more complex understanding of the brain, covering various areas in depth. However, many phenomena that fascinate human kind are far from being fully elucidated, such as the formation of memories and sleep. In this study we investigated the role of the dopaminergic system in the process of memory consolidation and modulation of the phases of sleep-wake cycle. We used two groups of animals: wildtype mice and hiperdopaminergic mice, heterozygous for the gene encoding the dopamine transporter protein. We observed in wild-type mice that the partial blockade of the D2 dopamine receptor by the drug haloperidol caused deficits in memory consolidation for object recognition, as well as a significant reduction in the duration of rapid eye movement sleep (REM). We also found a mnemonic deficit without pharmacological intervention in hiperdopaminergic animals; this deficit was reversed with haloperidol. The results suggest that dopamine plays a key role in memory consolidation for object recognition. The data also support a functional relationship between the dopaminergic system and the modulation of REM sleep


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The group Callithrichidae is characterized by the flexibility in its mating system. This fact generates questions about the mechanisms that Callithrix jacchus males reach the breeding position in a group and how they prevent the subordinates reproduction, since the competition apparently happens with less intensity when compared to the females. Studies have shown the importance of social interactions and kinship among individuals in the distribution of mating opportunities in a group. This work aimed to evaluate if dyads of Callithrix jacchus males acted socially different due to kinship. We observed the agonistic and affiliative behaviours made by the males when associated in dyads (Phase 1) and when these dyads received a female (Phase 2), which was introduced in the pair`s cage for 45 minutes. In the phase 2, we also accounted for the sexual interactions between males and female in each trio. We used 16 males, 8 related (brothers-R) and 8 nonrelated (NR), as well as 8 females. Each phase lasted 4 weeks, with 3 observations/week, during 15 min/male in phase 1 and 2. In the first phase, two pairs of R males had a contested dominance and the other two, just like in the NR males, had an uncontested dominance. The NR dominant males were more aggressive than the subordinates. With the female`s entrance in the cage, all male pairs began to have an uncontested dominance. The NR males aggression frequency rose along with the subordinates` submission. In the R males, the frequency of grooming and physical contact was higher than in the NR males. So, we conclude that the low levels of agonism presented by the R males, along with the higher tolerance shown amongst them, lead us to believe that kinship attenuate the competition among these males


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One of the main environmental cues for the adjustment of temporal organization of the animals is the light-dark cycle (LD), which undergoes changes in phase duration throughout the seasons. Photoperiod signaling by melatonin in mammals allows behavioral changes along the year, as in the activity-rest cycle, in mood states and in cognitive performance. The aim of this study was to investigate if common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) exhibits behavioral changes under short and long photoperiods in a 24h cycle, assessing their individual behaviors, vocal repertoire, exploratory activity (EA), recognition memory (RM) and the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity (CRA). Eight adult marmosets were exposed to a light-dark cycle of 12:12; LD 08:16; LD 12:12 and LD 16:08, sequentially, for four weeks in each condition. Locomotor activity was recorded 24h/day by passive infrared motion detectors above the individual cages. A video camera system was programmed to record each animal, twice a week, on the first two light hours. From the videos, frequency of behaviors was registered as anxiety-like, grooming, alert, hanging position, staying in nest box and feeding using continuous focal animal sampling method. Simultaneously, the calls emitted in the experimental room were recorded by a single microphone centrally located and categorized as affiliative (whirr, chirp), contact (phee), long distance (loud shrill), agonistic (twitter) and alarm (tsik, seep, see). EA was assessed on the third hour after lights onset on the last week of each condition. In a first session, marmosets were exposed to one unfamiliar object during 15 min and 24h later, on the second session, a novel object was added to evaluate RM. Results showed that long days caused a decreased of amplitude and period variance of the CRA, but not short days. Short days decreased the total daily activity and active phase duration. On long days, active phase duration increased due to an advance of activity onset in relation to symmetric days. However, not all subjects started the activity earlier on long days. The activity offset was similar to symmetric days for the majority of marmosets. Results of EA showed that RM was not affected by short or long days, and that the marmosets exhibited a decreased in duration of EA on long days. Frequency and type of calls and frequency of anxiety-like behaviors, staying in nest box and grooming were lower on the first two light hours on long days. Considering the whole active phase of marmosets as we elucidate the results of vocalizations and behaviors, it is possible that these changes in the first two light hours are due to the shifting of temporal distribution of marmoset activities, since some animals did not advance the activity onset on long days. Consequently, the marmosets mean decreased because the sampling was not possible. In conclusion, marmosets synchronized the CRA to the tested photoperiods and as the phase angle varied a lot among marmosets it is suggested that they can use different strategies. Also, long days had an effect on activity-rest cycle and exploratory behaviors


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The exposure to stressors produces physiological changes of the organism in order to adapt the individual to the environment. Depending on the type, intensity and duration, stress can affect some cognitive functions, particularly processes of learning and memory. Several studies have also proposed that some level of anxiety would be necessary for memory formation. In this context, memories of previously aversive experiences may determine the manner and intensity with which are expressed fear responses, which explains the great interest in analyzing both anxiety and memory in animals. In addition, males and females demonstrate different reactions in relation to stressful stimuli, showing different levels of anxiety and differences in processing of the acquisition, retention and recall of information. Based on this information, the present study aimed to verify the effect of stress on learning, memory and anxiety behavioral parameters in rats exposed at different types of stressors of long duration (seven consecutive days): restraint (4h/day), overcrowding (18h/day) and social isolation (18h/day) in the different phases of the estrous cycle. Our results showed that the stress induced by restraint and social isolation did not cause changes in the acquisition process, but impaired the recall of memory in rats. Furthermore, it is suggested a protective effect of sex hormones on retrieval of aversive memory, since female rats in proestrus or estrus phase, characterized by high estrogen concentrations, showed no aversive memory deficits. Furthermore, despite the increased plasma levels of corticosterone observed in female rats subjected to restraint stress and social isolation, anxiety levels were unaltered, compared to those various stress conditions. Animal models based on psychological and social stress have been extensively discussed in the literature. Correlate behavioral responses, physiological and psychological have contributed in increasing the understanding of stress-induced psychophysiological disorders


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OBJETIVO: investigar as diferenças entre os achados eletromiográficos dos músculos supra-hióideos direito e esquerdo durante a deglutição de um líquido e um pastoso fino, em sujeitos idosos com doença de Parkinson e idosos sem doença neurológica. MÉTODOS: 30 sujeitos de ambos os sexos participaram deste estudo, 15 idosos sem doença neurológica e os demais com doença de Parkinson. Todos foram submetidos a um protocolo de avaliação clínica e avaliação eletromiográfica de superfície. RESULTADOS: foram constatadas diferenças significantes nos valores entre os sujeitos (f=14.4 e p= 0.000) e entre os lados (f=4.4 e p=0.0037). em relação ao tempo de duração da contração muscular durante a deglutição as diferenças foram significantes apenas entre as consistências (f=8.2 e p=0.005). CONCLUSÃO: a amplitude eletromiográfica foi menor nos sujeitos com doença de Parkinson e maior nos músculos supra-hiódeos do lado direito em ambos os grupos. A duração da contração muscular não diferiu significativamente entre os sujeitos com doença de Parkinson e idosos sem doença neurológica e foi menor para a consistência líquida.


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Marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, are strictly diurnal animals. The motor activity rhythmicity is generated by the circadian timing system and is modulated by environmental factors, mainly by photic stimuli that compose the light-dark cycle. Photic stimuli can reset the biological oscilators changing activity motor pattern, by a mechanism called entrainment. Otherwise, light can act directly on expressed rhythm, without act on the biological oscillators, promoting the masking. Thus, photic stimuli can synchronize the circadian activity rhythm (CAR) by two distinct mechanisms, acting isolated or at a combined way. Among the elements that can influence photic synchronization, the duration and time of photic exposure is pointed out. If in the natural environment the marmoset can choose places of different intensity illumination and is synchronized to light-dark cycle (LD), how the photic synchronization mechanism can be evaluated in laboratory by light self-selection? With objective to response this question, four adult male marmosets were studied at two conditions: with and without sleeping box. The animals were submitted to a LD cycle (12:12/ 350:2 lx) and constant light (LL: 350 lx) conditions in individual cages with an opaque sleeping box, that permitted the light self-selection. At the room, the temperature was 25.6 ºC (± 0.3 ºC) and humidity was 78.7 (± 5%). The motor activity was recorded at 5 min bins by infrared movement sensors installed at the top of the cages. The motor activity profile was distinct at the two conditions: without the sleeping box protection against light, the activity frequency was higher at CT 11-12 (ANOVA; F(3.23) = 62.27; p < 0.01). Also, the duration of the active phase (α) was prolonged of about 1 h (t test, p < 0.05) and the animals showed a significant delay on the activity onset and offset (t test, p < 0.05) and at the acrophase (confidence intervals of 5%) of CAR. In LL, the light continuous exposure prolonged the active phase and influenced the endogenous expression of the circadian activity rhythm period. From the result analysis, it is concluded that the light self-selection can modify several parameters of CAR in marmosets, allowing the study of the synchronization mechanism using the burrow model. Thus, without sleeping box there was a phase delay between the CAR and LD (entrainment) and an increase of activity near lights off (positive masking). Furthermore, in LL, the light continuous exposure modifies α and the endogenous expression of CAR. It is suggested that the light self-selection might be take into account at investigations that evaluate the biological rhythmicity in marmosets


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While providing physical and psychological benefits, excessive exercise could be or cause a compulsive behavior, making the individual dependent on it. In a parallel discussion, computerized psychological instruments, for a hand, reflects the development of information technology and your applicability to other areas, but also shows little advance for Psychological Assessment. In this perspective, this study aims to adapt the Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS-R) in two formats (paper-and-pencil and computerized) and evaluate evidence of factorial and convergent validity, and reliability of each version and compare them with each other. It is also proposed to observe the relationship of some bio-demographic (Sex, age, frequency, duration and intensity of practice exercise) and the exercise dependence (DEF). For this purpose, 709 regular physical activity practitioners, selected by procedures non-probabilistic sampling, responded a adapted version of EDS-R, Muscle Appearance Satisfaction Scale (MASS), Body Modification Scale (BMS) and a demographic questionnaire, analyzed through Exploratory Factor Analysis, Cronbach's Alpha and not parametric tests. Both the traditional version and the computer showed a seven factors structure, explaining 57 and 62% of the variance, respectively, and Cronbach's alphas of 0.83 and 0.89. Factors were: (1) intentionality, (2) continuity, (3) tolerance, (4) reduction of other activities, (5) lack of control, (6) abstinence and (7) time spent on exercise. Relationships were observed between the Exercise Dependence and the variables: age, diets, consumption of food supplements and medicines for weight change, desire to do plastic surgery and body satisfaction. We observed also a positive correlation between the DEF and the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise, and the factor "Dependence on exercising" from MASS, indicating convergent validity of the EDS-R. Finally, comparisons between the two formats were equivalent, with few changes: computerized version achieved higher DEF scores. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the EDS-R has factorial and convergent validity, reliability, to measure exerceise dependence on traditional e computerized formats. DEF is related to actions used to body modification and behaviors toward exercise. Finally, it was found equivalence between the formats, especially in psychometric parameters, thus suggesting feasibility of a computerized assessment. However, it was observed that the computerized data has sample recruiting strategies more limited


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The sleep is an active brain process that allows the efficient realization of daily tasks. The changes on sleep patterns may influence the different cognitive processes performance. Many recent studies show the possibility of cognitive performance improvement, through the cognitive training with the use of computer games. The question is if these interventions may be influenced by the sleep quality. Thus, we evaluated the sleep quality effect about the efficacy of an intervention with computers games based on the working memory and attention for a cognitive performance training of elementary school students. The sample was constituted by 42 students with average age of 10,43 years old (SD=1,23), with 22 male participants and 20 female participants. We used to evaluate the sleep with the parents a sleep questionnaire, a sleep diary and the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire. In regard to intervention, the subjectives were distributed in an experimental and in a control group, both with 21 participants. In the first group occurred the intervention that consisted in the working memory and attention training with two cognitive tasks (Safari e Brain Workshop) during 30 daily minutes, for a 6 weeks period. In an equal period, the students from the control group should reproduce an artwork using drawing software. To evaluate the cognitive performance we applied before and after the intervention period the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-III). The results showed that in both the groups the performance of the intelligence, working memory, attention and visuospatial skills was below of the mean. The cognitive processes evaluated after of intervention in the experimental group had a performance significantly higher in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -6,24; p < 0,01) and in the Full Scale IQ (t = -5,09; p < 0,01) and Performance IQ (t = -6,52; p < 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills, attention, working memory and processing speed. On the control group, the performance was significantly higher in the Coding subtest (t = -5,38; p< 0,01) and in the Perceptual Reasoning Index (t = -3,66; p = 0,01), suggesting a improvement on the visuospatial skills and attention. The mean obtained with the Sleep Behavior Questionnaire was 53,76 (SD=14,96) for an experimental group and 61,19 (SD=12,82) for a control group, indicating tendency for a bad sleep quality in that last one. Not only during the first days, but also in the last fifteen days of the intervention we verified in the two groups an adequate time to sleep, duration and regularity, in the weekdays and on the weekends. We didn t find significant differences between the two groups in none of the sleep variables. We verified statistically meaningful improvement on the performance of the experimental group with the intervention in the two games. We didn t verify significant correlations between the games performance index and in the sleep variables of the experimental group individuals. We verified significant correlations among the performance on the Brain Workshop and the Cubes subtest, the Perceptual Reasoning Index and the Scale Performance IQ, suggesting that the significant improvement of the visuospatial skills and of the attention was correlated with the performance in the Brain Workshop. Although the absence of correlations with the performance in the Safari, possibly it also has relieved in the improvement of the cognitive performance. The findings support the hypothesis that the computer games might be a satisfactory tool for the improvement of the performance in visuospatial skills and attention. This can be resulted of the insertion of visuospatial stimulations in the task, for example, graphical elements with thematic for children that increase the interest. The IQ below mean the individuals might have influenced the improvement absence on the cognitive processes like the working memory with games. Moreover, it wasn t verified a relation between the sleep quality and the intervention efficacy. It might have been influenced by the n of the sample. Future studies must focalize in the improvement of the effect of the interventions with games


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Shift work consists of an array of unusual work hours, such as evenings and weekends, and increasing workload, in order to meet the uninterrupted production, which leads to changes in the quality, duration and regularity of sleep. Research indicates that sleep alteration cause cognitive processes to become slower, unstable and prone to errors, leading to loss of cognitive functions such as visuospatial perception. In this sense, this research aimed to evaluate sleep quality and its relation to visuospatial perception in workers in alternating shifts. Participants were 21 panel operators in a petrochemical company, male, aged 19-53 years. All participants were subjected to schedules of alternating shifts (day and night) of 12 nonstop hours and data were collected from 10 workers who were assigned to the day shift and 11 workers assigned to the night shift. For the sleep evaluation were used the Sleep Diary, the Sleep Habits Questionnaire, the Chronotype Identification Questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The visuospatial skills were assessed using the Rey Complex Figure Test and attention was assessed using a portable version of the Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT). The results showed that the general sample of workers obtained poor sleep quality on working days and good sleep quality during the work break. There was shortened sleep duration in the work week and appropriate duration in the work break. No losses were found in the workers visuospatiality, but the good quality of sleep during the work break was correlated to adequate visuospatial performance, for the day shift workers. The attention performance oscillated throughout the work hours, especially on the night shift. It is concluded that the alternating shifts work scheme can be detrimental to the sleep quality workers and a good sleep quality can contribute to a better visuospatial performance


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The aiming of this work is linked to chemical education, focusing organic chemistry classes of Chemical Engineering, Pharmacy and Zootechny graduate courses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. For that, teaching-learning process related to basic chemical subjects which support the understanding of organic chemistry concepts was evaluated in a research period of two years. The education proposal linked to the theoretical content of the cited classes, pointed out the process of knowledge construction, in which educational commitment as well as dedication in the teaching-learning process was also valued. In that approach several didactic tools were applied, among them scientific articles were used as supplementary studies of the basic organic chemistry concepts and related. The acceptability of students, as well as their motivation, performance and learning process was justified by the data collection of the applied teaching methodology. The acceptability and commitment of the students facing this teaching interactive approach, which transversely contributed to the intellectual maturity growth of the students, as well their professional development, were evidenced by satisfactory obtained results that will be herein discussed


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de 0, 20 e 40 Mg ha-1 de lodo de esgoto, na presença e ausência de fertilizante mineral (NPK) na fertilidade e nos teores de metais pesados de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo distrófico, cultivado com cana-de-açúcar. Amostras de solo foram coletadas aos 146, 272 e 484 dias após o plantio da cultura de cana-de-açúcar e foram submetidas à análise de fertilidade pelo método do Instituto Agronômico de Campinas, incluindo a determinação do S, Cr, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb e Zn. O lodo de esgoto diminuiu a acidez do solo e forneceu Ca, P, S e Zn, principalmente. Seus efeitos foram de curta duração, restringindo-se a um ano agrícola. Os teores dos metais pesados das amostras de solo tratado foram maiores que os da testemunha, mas menores que os valores considerados perigosos ao ambiente.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A fissura de palato, em associação à Sequência de Pierre Robin, pode favorecer o desenvolvimento de produções atípicas (compensatórias), na fala da criança, como é o caso da oclusiva glotal (golpe de glote) comumente observada em substituição aos sons oclusivos (vozeados ou não). No presente estudo, foi realizada a análise dos parâmetros fonético-acústicos da oclusiva glotal produzidas em /k/ e /g/ por uma criança do gênero feminino, com 5 anos, que apresentava fissura de palato reparada, associada à Sequência de Pierre Robin. Para isso, foram selecionadas seis palavras em que a oclusiva velar encontrava-se na posição inicial da palavra e combinada com as vogais /a/, /i/ e /u/ na posição acentuada. Foi ainda realizado julgamento perceptivo-auditivo por três fonoaudiólogos, que apresentou concordância quanto à presença da oclusiva glotal de 100% para ambas as relações (intra e inter-juízes). Na inspeção dos dados via espectrograma foi observada variabilidade dos parâmetros espectrais (burst e transição formântica) e essas variações também puderam ser computadas considerando as vogais separadamente. A análise estatística revelou diferença estatisticamente significante entre as duas consoantes velares (/k/ e /g/) nos parâmetros espectral (burst), temporal (VOT e duração relativa da oclusiva na palavra) e os relativos às características acústicas das vogais adjacentes às oclusivas (período estacionário de F3). Por fim, as características acústicas da oclusiva glotal sugeriram que a criança pode ter utilizado de estratégias para marcar contrastes fônicos na língua, ainda que os mesmos não tenham magnitude suficiente para serem resgatados auditivamente pelo ouvinte.