955 resultados para Dog breeds
A proposta desta tese é problematizar, isto é, produzir questões, sobre a noção de alteridade, esta tomada em seu sentido amplo do outro que não eu que nos dicionários tem como sinônimos: diferente, diverso, distinto e estranho. Mais especificamente, essa problematização se dará articulada com as transformações, também históricas, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, escolhida por sua importância, em função de ter abrigado, desde o final do século XVIII até 1960, a sede do governo do Brasil, configurando-se como irradiadora das políticas governamentais para os outros estados e capitais. Trata-se, então, de uma pesquisa histórica que não privilegia a linearidade de acontecimentos, o que poderia nos levar a pensar que o passado nos determina de forma inexorável. Em nossa perspectiva, a história das estratégias que produziram as rotulações sobre a alteridade os outros, índios, negros escravos e mestiços postas em ação nos períodos colonial, imperial e republicano e, na contemporaneiade, pode nos levar a questionar nossa atualidade e as formas pelas quais lidamos com a alteridade, os outros, os estranhos e também com a cidade. A história que queremos contar, enfim, utiliza a própria história como modo de questionarmos nossa própria identidade e nossa contemporaneidade, de modo que nos provoque a pensar e a inventar formas singulares de lidar com os espaços urbanos e com os outros/estranhos.
The warm season is the abundance period of the planktonic larval stages of Decapod Crustacea and of Lucifer faxonii in Ivoirian waters. Two or three maxima occur each year during the enrichments interrupting the warm and oligotropic season: February (small upwellings), June - some years - (first rains) and September - November (flood of rivers, end of cold season). Vertical distribution follows seasonal variations and varies little among the taxons. In a general way, Decapod larvae and Lucifer inhabit superficial layers in cold season and sink down during the warm season. It allows them to follow the maximum of primary production. Lucifer faxonii is breeding almost the year long. Breeds succede at rate of 3,7 weeks approximately.
Nas Américas, a leishmaniose visceral (LV) experimenta um processo de urbanização e o cão doméstico é considerado o principal reservatório da doença neste cenário, embora seu papel no ciclo de transmissão não esteja totalmente explicado. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar, por meio da análise de dados espaciais e imagens de sensoriamento remoto, a relação de fatores ambientais com a ocorrência de infecção canina por Leishmania chagasi e sua correlação espacial com a doença humana na cidade de Teresina (Piauí - Brasil), onde foi relatada a primeira epidemia urbana de LV no Brasil. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de dois manuscritos, nos quais são utilizados dados georreferenciados obtidos por meio de um inquérito sorológico canino realizado durante o ano de 2011, em diferentes bairros com transmissão moderada ou intensa. No primeiro, a regressão logística multinível foi utilizada para correlacionar a prevalência da infecção canina com variáveis ambientais de quadrículas de 900m2 (30mx30m) onde os domicílios estavam localizados, ajustando para as características individuais dos cães (sexo, idade e raça) e da residência. Participaram desta análise 717 cães distribuídos em 494 domicílios e 396 quadrículas. Um percentual >16,5% da área da quadrícula coberta por pavimentação clara (ruas de terra ou asfalto antigo) foi a única variável ambiental associada com a infecção canina por L. chagasi (Odds ratio [OR] = 2,00, intervalo de 95% de confiança [IC95%]: 1,22 - 3,26). Estas áreas provavelmente correspondem àquelas mais pobres e com pior infraestrutura urbana, sugerindo a ocorrência de um padrão de transmissão intra-urbano similar aos padrões rurais e peri-urbanos da LV. No segundo manuscrito, a partir da análise hierárquica do vizinho mais próximo foi verificada a presença de sete clusters de maior concentração de cães soropositivos em relação aos soro negativos em áreas menos urbanizadas e com vegetação pouco densa. Participaram desta análise 322 cães distribuídos em cinco bairros. A relação espacial entre os caninos soropositivos e os casos humanos foi investigada através do método da distância média entre os pontos e analisada por meio do teste t. Foi encontrada uma maior proximidade de casos humanos em relação a cães soropositivos quando comparada à distância em relação aos soro negativos, sugerindo a existência de uma relação espacial entre a LV humana e a soropositividade canina. Os resultados contribuem para uma maior compreensão sobre a dinâmica da doença em meio urbano além de fornecer informações úteis para a prevenção e controle da LV em seres humanos.
There is a pressing need to enhance fish production in Africa through improved farm management and the use of improved fish breeds and/or alien species in aquaculture while at the same time conserve the aquatic genetic diversity. This paper presents the outcome of the Expert Consultation on Biosafety and Environmental Impact of Genetic Enhancement and Introduction of Improved Tilapia Strains/Alien Species in Africa held in Nairobi, Kenya on 20-23 February 2002. The main topics discussed were status of aquaculture in Africa and the role of genetic enhancement; potential benefits and risks involved in introduction of genetically improved strains and/or alien species with specific reference to tilapias; existing policies and legislation for the conservation of biodiversity, their strengths and weaknesses; capacity for undertaking genetic enhancement research and implementation of policies for the conservation of aquatic biodiversity.
The information presented here is extracted from the presentations and discussions at the Sixth Steering Committee Meeting of the International Network on Genetics in Aquaculture (INGA) held in Hanoi, Vietnam on 8-10 May 2001. The main topics discussed were: review of genetics research progress and planned activities in member countries and Associate Member institutions; genetics improvement technologies; strategies and action plans for distribution of improved fish breeds to small-scale farmers; ecological risk assessment for genetically improved fish breeds; methods for monitoring the uptake of improved strains and impact assessment; and network activities and collaborations.
As compared to crops and livestock, the genetic enhancement of fish is in its infancy. While significant progress has been achieved in the genetic improvement of temperate fish such as salmonids, no efforts were made until the late 1980s for the genetic improvement of tropical finfish, which account for about 90 percent of global aquaculture production. This paper traces the history of the Genetic Improvement of Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) project initiated in 1988 by the WorldFish Center and its partners for the development of methods for genetic enhancement of tropical finfish using Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as a test species. It also describes the impacts of the project on the adoption of these methods for other species and the dissemination of improved breeds in several countries in Asia and the Pacific.
When different strains or breeds of a particular species are available, the best choice is seldom immediately obvious for producers. Scientists are also interested in the relative performance of different strains because it provides a basis for recommendations to producers and it often stimulates the conduct of work aimed at unraveling the underlying biological mechanisms involved in the expression of such differences. Hence, strain or breed comparisons of some sort are frequently conducted. This manual is designed to provide general guidelines for the design of strain comparison trials in aquaculture species. Example analyzes are provided using SAS and SPSS. The manual is intended to serve a wide range of readers from developing countries with limited access to information. The users, however, are expected to have a basic knowledge of quantitative genetics and experience in statistical methods and data analysis as well as familiarity with computer software. The manual mainly focuses on the practical aspects of design and data analysis, and interpretation of results.
NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS)-Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment’s (CCMA) Biogeography Branch, National Park Service (NPS), US Geological Survey, and the University of Hawaii used acoustic telemetry to quantify spatial patterns and habitat affinities of reef fishes around the island of St. John, US Virgin Islands. The objective of the study was to define the movements of reef fishes among habitats within and between the Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument (VICRNM), the Virgin Islands National Park (VIIS), and Territorial waters surrounding St. John. In order to better understand species’ habitat utilization patterns among management regimes, we deployed an array of hydroacoustic receivers and acoustically tagged reef fishes. Thirty six receivers were deployed in shallow near-shore bays and across the shelf to depths of approximately 30 m. One hundred eighty four individual fishes were tagged representing 19 species from 10 different families with VEMCO V9-2L-R64K transmitters. The array provides fish movement information at fine (e.g., day-night and 100s meters within a bay) to broad spatial and temporal scales (multiple years and 1000s meters across the shelf). The long term multi-year tracking project provides direct evidence of connectivity across habitat types in the seascape and among management units. An important finding for management was that a number of individuals moved among management units (VICRNM, VINP, Territorial waters) and several snapper moved from near-shore protected areas to offshore shelf-edge spawning aggregations. However, most individuals spent the majority of their time with VIIS and VICRNM, with only a few wide-ranging species moving outside the management units. Five species of snappers (Lutjanidae) accounted for 31% of all individuals tagged, followed by three species of grunts (Haemulidae) accounting for an additional 23% of the total. No other family had more than a single species represented in the study. Bluestripe grunt (Haemulon sciurus) comprised 22% of all individuals tagged, followed by lane snappers (Lutjanus synagris) at 21%, bar jack (Carangoides ruber) at 11%, and saucereye porgy (Calamus calamus) at 10%. The largest individual tagged was a 70 cm TL nurse shark (Ginglymostoma cirratum), followed by a 65 cm mutton snapper (Lutjanus analis), a 47 cm bar jack, and a 41 cm dog snapper (Lutjanus jocu). The smallest individuals tagged were a 19 cm blue tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) and a 19.2 cm doctorfish (Acanthurus chirurgus). Of the 40 bluestriped grunt acoustically tagged, 73% were detected on the receiver array. The average days at large (DAL) was 249 (just over 8 months), with one individual detected for 930 days (over two and a half years). Lane snapper were the next most abundant species tagged (N = 38) with 89% detected on the array. The average days at large (DAL) was 221 with one individual detected for 351 days. Seventy-one percent of the bar jacks (N = 21) were detected on the array with the average DALs at 47 days. All of the mutton snapper (N = 12) were detected on the array with an average DAL of 273 and the longest at 784. The average maximum distance travelled (MDT) was ca. 2 km with large variations among species. Grunts, snappers, jacks, and porgies showed the greatest movements. Among all individuals across species, there was a positive and significant correlation between size of individuals and MDT and between DAL and MDT.
From 1978 to 1988, approximately 71,000 spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) were tagged off the west coast of Canada. This program is the most extensive tagging study conducted for a shark species. Twelve years after the last year of tagging, recaptured tagged spiny dogfish are still being reported. As of December 2000, 2940 tagged fish (4.1%) have been recaptured. Spiny dogfish were tagged in three major areas: Strait of Georgia, west coast Vancouver Island, and northern British Columbia waters. Generally, spiny dogfish were recaptured close to their release site; however, extensive migrations (up to 7000 km) did occur. Migration rates varied across release areas. Spiny dogfish tagged in the Strait of Georgia underwent the least extensive movement; only 10–14% of the recaptures occurred outside the strait. Spiny dogfish tagged off the west coast of Vancouver Island or in northern British Columbia waters underwent more extensive movement; approximately 49–80% of the tagged spiny dogfish recaptured outside of the release areas. Spiny dogfish from all three release areas were recaptured off the west coast of United States and Alaska. Most impressive are the recaptures of tagged spiny dogfish off the coast of Japan. Over 30 spiny dog-fish were recaptured near Japan, most of which originated off the west coast of Vancouver Island or from northern British Columbia waters.
Samples of the commercially and recreationally important West Australian dhufish (Glaucosoma hebraicum) were obtained from the lower west coast of Australia by a variety of methods. Fish <300 mm TL were caught over flat, hard substrata and low-lying limestone reefs, whereas larger fish were caught over larger limestone and coral reef formations. Maximum total lengths, weights, and ages were 981 mm, 15.3 kg, and 39 years, respectively, for females and 1120 mm, 23.2 kg, and 41 years, respectively, for males. The von Bertalanffy growth curves for females and males were significantly different. The values for L∞, k, and t0 in the von Bertalanffy growth equations were 929 mm, 0.111/year, and –0.141 years, respectively, for females, and 1025 mm, 0.111/year, and –0.052 years, respectively, for males. Preliminary estimates of total mortality indicated that G. hebraicum is now subjected to a level of fishing pressure that must be of concern to fishery managers. Glaucosoma hebraicum, which spawns between November and April and predominantly between December and March, breeds at a wide range of depths and is a multiple spawner. The L50’s for females and males at first maturity, i.e. 301 and 320 mm, respectively, were attained by about the end of the third year of life and are well below the minimum legal length (MLL) of 500 mm. Because females and males did not reach the MLL until the end of their seventh and sixth years of life, respectively, they would have had, on average, the opportunity of spawning during four and three spawning seasons, respectively, before they reached the MLL. However, because G. hebraicum caught in water depths >40 m typically die upon release, a MLL is of limited use for conserving this species. Alternative approaches, such as restricting fishing activity in highly fished areas, reducing daily bag limits for recreational fishermen, introducing quotas or revising specific details of certain commercial hand-line licences (or doing both) are more likely to provide effective conservation measures.
Controversy exists regarding the incidence and reproductive habits of Parapenaeopsis stylifera along the coast of Kerala, India. Results are reported of a detailed study on the different aspects of the reproductive biology based on the trawl catches landed at Neendakara Coast for a period of one year. This species breeds throughout the year with peak breeding activity in May and November. The monsoon catches consist of juveniles. Life span of the species is 2.5 years and total length at first maturity is 75 mm. Measures for the effective management of the species in the area are discussed.
The present study deals with the histological analysis of testicular development in Ompok pabda. For the study, male gonads were collected month wise from January to September at Freshwater Station, BFRI, Mymensingh. From the analysis, 4 stages of sperm formation, namely, spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa, were distinguished. The percent distribution of spermatozoa was highest in July (about 92%). Maximum GSI value was 1.129±0.271 found in July. By analyzing the histology of spermatogenesis it was established that this species breeds once in a year.
The freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii breeds in estuaries and the juveniles after completion of their larval stage start their upward migration towards rivers. It is at this stage fishing of juveniles takes place in river mouths. Kalu River near Titwala, in Maharashtra is estimated based on data presented by Indulkar and Shirgur (1995) for 1991 and 1992 fishing seasons. The fishing mortality was estimated to be 1.50 and 1.28 for a fishing season of 3 months in 1991 and 1992 respectively, while the migration coefficient was computed to be 3.53 during the fishing season. As the average exploitation rate during the study period was only 0.24, the juveniles are not heavily fished and there is a scope for almost doubling the present catch to about 4 million seeds per fishing season.
Chromosome homologies between the Japanese raccoon dog (Nectereutes procyonoides viverrinus, 2n = 39 + 2-4 B chromosomes) and domestic dog (Canis familiaris, 2n = 78) have been established by hybridizing a complete set of canine paint probes onto high-res
We have made a set of chromosome-specific painting probes for the American mink by degenerate oligonucleotide primed-PCR (DOP-PCR) amplification of flow-sorted chromosomes. The painting probes were used to delimit homologous chromosomal segments among human, red fox, dog, cat and eight species of the family Mustelidae, including the European mink, steppe and forest polecats, least weasel, mountain weasel, Japanese sable, striped polecat, and badger. Based on the results of chromosome painting and G-banding, comparative maps between these species have been established. The integrated map demonstrates a high level of karyotype conservation among mustelid species. Comparative analysis of the conserved chromosomal segments among mustelids and outgroup species revealed 18 putative ancestral autosomal segments that probably represent the ancestral chromosomes, or chromosome arms, in the karyotype of the most recent ancestor of the family Mustelidae. The proposed 2n = 38 ancestral Mustelidae karyotype appears to have been retained in some modern mustelids, e.g., Martes, Lutra, ktonyx, and Vormela. The derivation of the mustelid karyotypes from the putative ancestral state resulted from centric fusions, fissions, the addition of heterochromatic arms, and occasional pericentric inversions. Our results confirm many of the evolutionary conclusions suggested by other data and strengthen the topology of the carnivore phylogenetic tree through the inclusion of genome-wide chromosome rearrangements. Copyright (C) 2002 S. KargerAG, Basel.