929 resultados para Dodecil Sulfato de Sódio
Two methodologies were proposed to obtain micro and macroporous chitosan membranes, using two different porogenic agents. The methodologies proved to be effective in control the porosity as well as the pore size. Thus, microporous membranes were obtained through the physical blend of chitosan and polyethylene oxide (PEO) on an 80:20 (m/m) ratio, respectively, followed by the partial PEO solubilization in water at 80 ◦C. Macroporous chitosan membranes with asymmetric morphology were obtained using SiO2 as the porogenic agent. In this case, chiotsan-silica ratios used were 1:1, 1:3 and 1:5 (m/m). Membranes characterization were carried out by SEM (scanning electronic microscopy), X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermal analysis (TG, DTG , DSC and DMTA). Permeability studies were performed using two model drugs: sodium sulfamerazine and sulfametoxipyridazine. By transmission FTIR it was possible to confirm the complete removal of SiO2. The SEM images confirmed the porous formation for both micro and macroporous membranes and also determined their respective sizes. By thermal analysis it was possible to show differences related with water sorption capacity as well as thermal stability for both membranes. DTG and DSC allowed evidencing the PEO presence on microporous membranes. The absorbance x time curves obtained on permeability tests for micro and macroporous membranes showed a linear behavior for both drugs in all range of concentration used. It was also observed, through P versus C curves, an increase in permeability of macroporous membranes according to the increase in porosity and also a decrease on P with increase in drug concentration. The influences of the drug molecular structure, as well as test temperatures were also evaluated
Among the polymers that stand out most in recent decades, chitosan, a biopolymer with physico-chemical and biological promising properties has been the subject of a broad field of research. Chitosan comes as a great choice in the field of adsorption, due to their adsorbents properties, low cost and abundance. The presence of amino groups in its chain govern the majority of their properties and define which application a sample of chitosan may be used, so it is essential to determine their average degree of deacetylation. In this work we developed kinetic and equilibrium studies to monitor and characterize the adsorption process of two drugs, tetracycline hydrochloride and sodium cromoglycate, in chitosan particles. Kinetic models and the adsorption isotherms were applied to the experimental data. For both studies, the zeta potential analyzes were also performed. The adsorption of each drug showed distinct aspects. Through the studies developed in this work was possible to describe a kinetic model for the adsorption of tetracycline on chitosan particles, thus demonstrating that it can be described by two kinetics of adsorption, one for protonated tetracycline and another one for unprotonated tetracycline. In the adsorption of sodium cromoglycate on chitosan particles, equilibrium studies were developed at different temperatures, allowing the determination of thermodynamic parameters
The underground natural gas found associated or not with oil is characterized by a mixture of hydrocarbons and residual components such as carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen gas (N2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S), called contaminants. The H2S especially promotes itself as a contaminant of natural gas to be associated with corrosion of pipelines, to human toxicity and final applications of Natural Gas (NG). The sulfur present in the GN must be fully or partially removed in order to meet the market specifications, security, transport or further processing. There are distinct and varied methods of desulfurization of natural gas processing units used in Natural Gas (UPGN). In order to solve these problems have for example the caustic washing, absorption, the use of membranes and adsorption processes is costly and great expenditure of energy. Arises on such findings, the need for research to active processes of economic feasibility and efficiency. This work promoted the study of the adsorption of sulfide gas in polymer matrices hydrogen pure and modified. The substrates of Poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and sodium alginate (NaALG) were coated with vanadyl phosphate compounds (VOPO4.2H2O), vanadium pentoxide (V2O5), rhodamine B (C28H31N2O3Cl) and ions Co2+ and Cu2+, aiming to the adsorption of hydrogen sulfide gas (H2S). The adsorption tests were through a continuous flow of H2S in a column system (fixed bed reactor) adsorption on a laboratory scale. The techniques used to characterize the adsorbents were Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), thermogravimetry analysis (TGA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), the X-ray diffraction (XRD) electron microscopy (SEM). Such work indicates, the results obtained, the adsorbents modified PMMA, PVC and NaALG have a significant adsorptive capacity. The matrix that stood out and had the best adsorption capacity, was to ALG modified Co2+ with a score of 12.79 mg H2S / g matrix
Among the new drugs launched into the market since 1980, up to 30% of them belong to the class of natural products or they have semisynthetic origin. Between 40-70% of the new chemical entities (or lead compounds) possess poor water solubility, which may impair their commercial use. An alternative for administration of poorly water-soluble drugs is their vehiculation into drug delivery systems like micelles, microemulsions, nanoparticles, liposomes, and cyclodextrin systems. In this work, microemulsion-based drug delivery systems were obtained using pharmaceutically acceptable components: a mixture Tween 80 and Span 20 in ratio 3:1 as surfactant, isopropyl mirystate or oleic acid as oil, bidistilled water, and ethanol, in some formulations, as cosurfactants. Self-Microemulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SMEDDS) were also obtained using propylene glycol or sorbitol as cosurfactant. All formulations were characterized for rheological behavior, droplet size and electrical conductivity. The bioactive natural product trans-dehydrocrotonin, as well some extracts and fractions from Croton cajucara Benth (Euphorbiaceae), Anacardium occidentale L. (Anacardiaceae) e Phyllanthus amarus Schum. & Thonn. (Euphorbiaceae) specimens, were satisfactorily solubilized into microemulsions formulations. Meanwhile, two other natural products from Croton cajucara, trans-crotonin and acetyl aleuritolic acid, showed poor solubility in these formulations. The evaluation of the antioxidant capacity, by DPPH method, of plant extracts loaded into microemulsions evidenced the antioxidant activity of Phyllanthus amarus and Anacardium occidentale extracts. For Phyllanthus amarus extract, the use of microemulsions duplicated its antioxidant efficiency. A hydroalcoholic extract from Croton cajucara incorporated into a SMEDDS formulation showed bacteriostatic activity against colonies of Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli bacteria. Additionally, Molecular Dynamics simulations were performed using micellar systems, for drug delivery systems, containing sugar-based surfactants, N-dodecylamino-1-deoxylactitol and N-dodecyl-D-lactosylamine. The computational simulations indicated that micellization process for N-dodecylamino-1- deoxylactitol is more favorable than N-dodecyl-D-lactosylamine system.
Corrosion usually occurs in pipelines, so that it is necessary to develop new surface treatments to control it. Surfactants have played an outstanding role in this field due to its capacity of adsorbing on metal surfaces, resulting in interfaces with structures that protect the metal at low surfactant concentrations. The appearance of new surfactants is a contribution to the area, as they increase the possibility of corrosion control at specific conditions that a particular oil field presents. The aim of this work is to synthesize the surfactants sodium 12 hydroxyocadecenoate (SAR), sodium 9,10-epoxy-12 hydroxyocadecanoate (SEAR), and sodium 9,10:12,13-diepoxy-octadecanoate (SEAL) and apply them as corrosion inhibitors, studying their action in environments with different salinities and at different temperatures. The conditions used in this work were chosen in order to reproduce oil field reality. The study of the micellization of these surfactants in the liquid-gas interface was carried out using surface tensiometry. It was observed that cmc increased as salt concentration was increased, and temperature and pH were decreased, while cmc decreased with the addition of two epoxy groups in the molecule. Using the values of cmc and the Gibbs equation, the values of Gibbs free energy of adsorption, area per adsorbed molecule, and surface excess were calculated. The surface excess increases as salt concentration and temperature decreases, increasing as pH is increased. The area per adsorbed molecule and the free energy of adsorption decrease with salt concentration, temperature, and pH increase. SAXS results showed that the addition of epoxy group in surfactant structure results in a decrease in the repulsion between the micelles, favoring the formation of more oblong micellar structures, ensuring a better efficiency of metal coverage. The increase in salt and surfactant concentrations provides an increase in micellar diameter. It was shown that the increase in temperature does not influence micellar structure, indicating thermal stability that is advantageous for use as corrosion inhibitor. The results of inhibition efficiency for the surfactants SEAR and SEAL were considered the best ones. Above cmc, adsorption occurred by the migration of micelles from the bulk of the solution to the metal surface, while at concentrations below cmc film formation must be due to the adsorption of semi-micellar and monomeric structures, certainly due to the presence of the epoxy group, which allows side interactions of the molecule with the metal surface. The metal resistance to corrosion presented values of 90% of efficiency. The application of Langmuir and Frumkin isotherms showed that the later gives a better description of adsorption because the model takes into account side interactions from the adsorbing molecules. Wettability results showed that micelle formation on the solid surface occurs at concentrations in the magnitude of 10-3 M, which isthe value found in the cmc study. This value also justifies the maximum efficiencies obtained for the measurements of corrosion resistance at this concentration. The values of contact angle as a function of time suggest that adsorption increases with time, due to the formation of micellar structures on metal surface
De acordo com o Agrianual (2005), a produção citrícola brasileira é de 17,7 milhões de toneladas ano-1,ocupando aproximadamente 1 milhão de hectares no território brasileiro e, deste total, 810 mil hectares localizam-se no Estado de São Paulo. A maioria dos solos brasileiros, inclusive aqueles onde foram instalados os pomares cítricos, apresenta reação ácida. Esta é, sem dúvida, a principal condição desfavorável dos solos e um dos fatores limitantes da produção em solos tropicais. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o efeito de diferentes modos de aplicação de calcário e de micronutrientes e analisar, de forma comparativa, os custos destes tratamentos em um pomar de laranjeira. O experimento foi desenvolvido na Fazenda Morumbi, município de Estrela D'Oeste-SP, num Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo. A variedade de laranjeira utilizada foi a 'Natal', enxertada em limão Cravo, com 6 anos de idade e espaçamento 5 x 8 m. O delineamento experimental foi em parcelas subdivididas, com 3 repetições, com 5 tratamentos principais (sem calcário; a necessidade total de calcário (NC) incorporado; NC sem incorporação; ¹/2 NC no primeiro ano + ¹/2 NC no segundo ano e ¹/3 NC no primeiro ano, + ¹/3 NC no segundo ano, + ¹/3 NC no terceiro ano) e dois tratamentos secundários [micronutrientes via solo (FTE-BR 12: 11,5 % de ZnO e B2O3; 1% CuO; 5,4% de Fe2O3; 5,5% de MnO2; 0,2% de MoO3) e micronutrientes via foliar (sulfato de zinco a 0,5% e ácido bórico a 0,08%)], distribuídos em blocos casualizados. Não houve efeito significativo dos modos de aplicação da calagem e de micronutrientes sobre as variáveis avaliadas (produção, sólidos solúveis totais, acidez total titulável). Para massa média do fruto, o efeito significativo aconteceu apenas no primeiro ano, com a calagem em dose única e sem incorporação, e micronutrientes via solo. Concluiu-se que não houve efeito significativo dos modos de aplicação do calcário e dos micronutrientes para produção e massa média dos frutos da laranjeira 'Natal', e a receita líquida foi positiva em todos os tratamentos, sendo que o tratamento 5 [¹/3 da necessidade total de calcário (NC) no 1º ano + ¹/3 da NC no 2º ano, + ¹/3 da NC no 3º ano] apresentou o melhor valor acumulado (U$ 3.721,85 ha-1).
O aproveitamento do nitrogênio pelo feijoeiro é dependende da fonte, dose e época de aplicação. Com o objetivo de se avaliar o efeito de fontes e épocas de aplicação de N sobre feijoeiro cultivado em sistema plantio direto, desenvolveu-se o presente trabalho, no município de Selvíria (MS), em 2006 e 2007, com os tratamentos dispostos em delineamento de blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 3x6, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliadas fontes de N (ureia, entec e sulfato de amônio) e épocas de aplicação (testemunha - sem N, semeadura, estádio de desenvolvimento V3, estádio de desenvolvimento V4-5, 1/3 semeadura + 2/3 estádio V3 e 1/3 semeadura + 2/3 estádio V4-5). As fontes de N tiveram influência semelhante sobre a produtividade do feijoeiro, afetando apenas o teor de N foliar, em 2006, sendo que a utilização de entec proporcionou concentrações do nutriente, nas folhas, equivalentes às da ureia. A aplicação de todo o N na semeadura afetou a população inicial e final de plantas, em 2006, sendo que o mesmo não foi observado em 2007. As épocas de aplicação não influenciaram na produtividade de grãos da cultura, em ambos os anos de cultivo, porém, em 2006, a adubação nitrogenada incrementou a produtividade em mais de 100%, em média, independentemente da época de aplicação.
A new self-sustainable film was prepared through the sol-gel modified method, previously employed in our research group; sodium alginate was used as the polymer matrix, along with plasticizer glycerol, doped with titanium dioxide (TiO2) and tungsten trioxide (WO3). By varying WO3 concentration (0,8, 1,6, 2,4 and 3,2 μmol) and keeping TiO2 concentration constant (059 mmol), it was possible to study the contribution of these oxides on the obtained films morphological and electrical properties. Self-sustainable films have analyzed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XDR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). By the IR specters, it was possible identify the TiO2, and posteriorly WO3, addition has provided dislocation of alginate characteristics bands to smaller vibrations frequencies indicating an electrostatic interaction between the oxides and the polymer matrix. Diffractograms show predominance of the amorphous phase in the films. SEM, along with EDX, analysis revealed self-sustainable films showed surface with no cracks and relative dispersion of the oxides throughout the polymer matrix. From Impedance analysis, it was observe increasing WO3 concentration to 2,4 μmol provided a reduction of films resistive properties and consequent improvement of conductive properties
A adubação nitrogenada é de suma importância para a cultura do trigo, já que o nitrogênio constitui um dos nutrientes mais exigidos por essa cultura e o rendimento desta é função direta da quantidade de nutrientes acumulados pela planta. Foram testados os adubos nitrogenados: sulfonitrato de amônio com inibidor de nitrificação, sulfato de amônio e uréia, na dose de 70 kg de N ha-1; em duas épocas de aplicação, na linha de semeadura ou em cobertura, além da testemunha que não recebeu nitrogênio como tratamento, em quatro cultivares de trigo irrigado: Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 21, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 22, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) 42 e IAC 370. O experimento foi conduzido sob irrigação por aspersão em dois anos (2005 e 2006) em área experimental pertencente à Faculdade de Engenharia de Ilha Solteira UNESP/São Paulo - Brasil. As fontes de nitrogênio sulfonitrato de amônio com inibidor de nitrificação, sulfato de amônio e uréia não diferiram entre si, porém foram superiores à testemunha, em relação à produtividade de grãos. A aplicação do N todo em cobertura proporcionou aumento na produtividade de grãos. O comportamento das cultivares quanto aos componentes de produção e produtividade foram dependentes do ano em estudo.
The knowledge of the rheological behavior of microemulsionated systems (SME) is of fundamental importance due to the diversity of industrial applications of these systems. This dissertation presents the rheological behavior of the microemulsionated system formed by RNX 95/alcohol isopropyl/p-toulen sodium sulfonate/kerosene/distilled water with the addition of polyacrylamide polymer. It was chosen three polymers of the polyacrylamide type, which differ in molar weight and charge density. It was studied the addition of these polymers in relatively small concentration 0,1% in mass and maximum concentration of 2,0%. It was made analysis of flow to determine the appearing viscosities of the SME and rheological parameters applying Bingham, Ostwald de Waale and Herschell-Buckley models. The behavior into saline environment of this system was studied for a solution of KCl 2,0%, replacing the distilled water. It was determined the behavior of microemulsions in relation with the temperature through curves of flow in temperatures of 25 to 60ºC in variations of 5ºC. After the analysis of the results the microemulsion without the addition of polymer presented a slight increase in its viscosity, but it does not mischaracterize it as a Newtonian fluid. However the additive systems when analyzed with low concentration of polymer adjusted well to the applied models, with a very close behavior of microemulsion. The higher concentration of the polymer gave the systems a behavior of plastic fluid. The results of the temperature variation point to an increase of viscosity in the systems that can be related to structural changes in the micelles formed in the own microemulsion without the addition of polymer
O objetivo do trabalho foi comparar os efeitos de fontes nitrogenadas: sulfonitrato de amônio com inibidor de nitrificação, sulfato de amônio e uréia, aplicadas na semeadura e/ou em cobertura, sobre teores de N foliar e clorofila, componentes da produção e produtividade do milho no verão, na região de cerrado sob irrigação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em Latossolo Vermelho Distroférrico, nos anos agrícolas de 2006/2007 e 2007/2008. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 3x5, sendo: três fontes de nitrogênio aplicadas na semeadura e/ou em cobertura, no estádio de 8 folhas completamente desdobradas, em 5 modos de aplicação (0 + 120; 30 + 90; 60 + 60; 90 + 30 e 120 + 0 kg ha-1 de N). O sulfonitrato de amônio + inibidor de nitrificação difere em relação ao sulfato de amônio quantos aos componentes da produção do milho cultivado no verão, independentemente da época de aplicação. A aplicação de 120 kg ha-1 de nitrogênio usando a uréia em aplicação única no estádio de oito folhas na cultura do milho e em períodos com alta precipitação pluvial afeta negativamente os teores foliares de N no milho e resulta em menor produtividade de grãos em relação à aplicação da mesma dose na semeadura.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos de doses e fontes de nitrogênio, sobre os componentes de produção e a produtividade de trigo irrigado (Triticum aestivum), aplicados na semeadura ou em cobertura, sob plantio direto. Foram utilizadas fontes com e sem inibidor de nitrificação (Entec), aplicadas ao sulco de semeadura ou em cobertura. O trigo foi cultivado em Selvíria, MS, em região de cerrado de baixa altitude. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições, em esquema fatorial 5x3x2. Os tratamentos consistiram da combinação de: cinco doses de N, 0, 50, 100, 150 e 200 kg ha-1; três fontes, Entec, sulfato de amônio e ureia; e duas épocas de aplicação, na semeadura, ao lado das linhas, ou em cobertura. As fontes de N tiveram efeito semelhante sobre a altura de plantas e a produtividade de grãos do trigo irrigado. A aplicação total de N na semeadura e a aplicação tradicional, em semeadura e cobertura, são igualmente viáveis. O incremento das doses de N até a dose de 121,5 kg ha-1, em média, aumenta a produtividade de grãos, independentemente da época de aplicação e da fonte de N utilizada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This study used the Thermogravimetry (TG) and molecular absorption spectroscopy in UV-visible region to determine the iron content in herbal medicinal ferrous sulfate used in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. The samples were characterized by IR, UV, TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and XRD. The thermoanalytical techniques evaluated the thermal stability and physicochemical events and showed that the excipients interfere in the decomposition of the active ingredients. The results of thermogravimetry showed that the decomposition temperature of the active principle Fe2(SO4)3 (T = 602 °C) is higher as compared to samples of tablets (566 586 °C). In the DTA and DSC curves were observed exothermic and endo events for samples of medicines and active analysis. The infrared spectra identified key functional groups exist in all samples of active ingredients, excipients and compressed studied, such as symmetric and asymmetric stretching of OH, CH, S=O. The analysis by X-ray diffraction showed that all samples had crystallinity and the final residue showed peaks indicating the presence of silicon dioxide, titanium dioxide and talc that are excipients contained in pharmaceutical formulations in addition to iron oxide. The results obtained by TG to determine the iron content of the studied drugs showed a variance when compared with those obtained by theoretical and UV-visible, probably due to formation of a mixture of Fe2O3 and Fe2(SO4)3. In one tablet was obtained FE content of 15.7 % and 20.6 % for TG by UV-visible, the sample EF 2 was obtained as a percentage of 15.4 % and 21.0 % for TG by UV-visible . In the third SF samples were obtained a content of 16.1 % and 25.5 % in TG by UV-visible, and SF 4 in the percentage of TG was 16.7 % and 14.3 % UV-visible
O nitrogênio é um dos nutrientes de planta mais lixiviados no solo, sendo, também, perdido na forma gasosa, o que pode limitar o rendimento de muitas culturas. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetivou estudar o efeito de combinações de fontes de N (ureia e sulfato de amônio), na dose de 80 kg ha-1, em aplicação isolada ou em mistura, com ou sem incorporação ao solo de água de irrigação, sobre a produção e os componentes de rendimento da cultura do feijoeiro. O trabalho foi realizado no município de Selvíria (MS), em dois anos agrícolas (2003 e 2004), no período de inverno. Adotou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com 12 tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial 6x2, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por seis combinações de fontes de nitrogênio: testemunha - sem N; 80 kg ha-1 de N - sulfato de amônio (SA); 20 kg ha-1 de N - ureia (U) + 60 kg ha-1 de N (SA); 40 kg ha-1 de N (U) + 40 kg ha-1 de N (SA); 60 kg ha-1 de N (U) + 20 kg ha-1 de N (SA); e 80 kg ha-1 de N (U), aplicadas com e sem água de irrigação. Verificou-se que o fornecimento de nitrogênio, independentemente da fonte utilizada, propiciou aumento na produtividade de grãos. Não houve diferença entre a incorporação ou não do fertilizante nitrogenado ao solo com água de irrigação.