967 resultados para Distancia


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Social tariffs are, along with transfer payments and energy efficiency measures, an instrument to alleviate energy poverty. The name of the Spanish social tariff is “bono social”, and it was established in 2009. To qualify for bono social, the electricity consumer should meet any of the socioeconomic requirements stipulated by law and contract the electricity supply with a “comercializadora de referencia”, companies that are required to offer the bono social by law.Renewable energy cooperatives, a recent phenomenon in Spain, are not comercializadoras de referencia, so they are not obliged to offer the bono social. This does not mean there are no cooperative members at risk of energy poverty or vulnerable consumers.This study has two objectives. The first is to sketch the socioeconomic profile of members of the renewable energy cooperatives. The second is to analyze if these members are entitled to the bono social, or would be to other subsidized prices with different requirements to those of the bono social.For this purpose, we conducted a survey to members of the largest renewable energy cooperative in Spain, Som Energia. The results show that the members of renewable energy cooperatives are exposed to energy poverty risk, although its reach depends on the definition of vulnerable consumer.


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The introduction of new degrees in the Faculty of Education and the relevance of educational guidance comes to them, as a compulsory subject in all four grades started from 2009-2010, gives the opportunity to return and boost the University Guidance Service (UGS) as a means of consistency with the profile of their education and professional development of its students. The aim of the paper focuses on the evaluation of the results after the first year of implementing a peer mentoring project, SOU-estuTUtor Project, developed from UGS with all degree students of the Faculty of Education for Students new entrants. Program has been evaluated through the perception and satisfaction of the mentors on the organization, training, skills developed and adapted to the needs of students. After one academic year of implementation, the results show, on the one hand, the satisfaction and commitment of those involved and the partial response to the needs of the students served, as well as the optimization of the personal resources of the university but also some limitations that make it necessary to review the mentoring program in terms of control and duration of the process.


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The study addresses the essential features of University Programmes for senior citizens (PUM). It committed to the lifelong education through the integration of the elderly in the University. Part of the base that is learned during the entire life cycle, there is no age, no specific space for education. Learning is constructed from knowledge, abilities, skills and aptitudes that are enriched continuously. It is necessary to ensure the elderly to age in a healthy way. It calls for active ageing, effective tool against isolation and social exclusion. The aim is to discover aspects of the UNED Senior training programme that contribute to lifelong learning and satisfaction produced. The PUM are ways for the promotion of aging along with other activities aimed to enhance a creative leisure, access to culture, facilitate training on topics of interest and create a means of participation in all spheres of society. In this research has resorted to a mixed methodology. Their wealth combines the methods of quantitative and qualitative allowing us to obtain information and contrast from different perspectives. The purpose is to verify the results of the investigation. The sample consists of 639 students, 57 teachers and 15 coordinators. The results indicate that the PUM of the UNED Senior is highly satisfactory for those involved, by the adequacy between interests and expectations. Fruit of this research are the conclusions and suggestions for improvement.


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Nadie cuestiona que una fuente de aprendizaje es el propio ámbito de trabajo, en el que todo profesional resuelve las funciones y tareas a las que se enfrenta diariamente a partir de su formación y de su experiencia. Reconocer esta experiencia en las titulaciones de Grado es un tema aún no resuelto. Pero este reconocimiento exige un proceso de evaluación, apoyado en metodologías y herramientas fiables y válidas, a partir del cual se valide que una persona ha adquirido un determinado nivel de logro en unas competencias en el marco de una cualificación profesional determinada. A raíz de los resultados obtenidos en 2 convocatorias dirigidas al reconocimiento de la experiencia profesional en el Grado en Educación Social impartido por la UNED, este articulo lleva a cabo un análisis de carácter descriptivo y en perspectiva comparada, entre ambas ediciones (2011-12 y 2012-13), con el fin de valorar la pertinencia de este proceso y la calidad de los resultados obtenidos. Con una muestra de 421 estudiantes hemos inferido la validez del procedimiento propuesto. Además, esta realidad nos muestra cuáles son las áreas de intervención más demandadas, los puntos fuertes y débiles de estos profesionales, las competencias más y menos consolidadas de acuerdo a la titulación que se imparte, etc. Disponer de estos datos, además de favorecer el desarrollo profesional de nuestros estudiantes, aporta una información clave para perfilar mejor las competencias específicas del título, trabajar de forma coordinada y colaborativa entre el mundo académico y el profesional, a la vez que responder a un derecho de nuestros estudiantes. 


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The development of the Internet and in particular of social networks has supposedly given a new view to the different aspects that surround human behavior. It includes those associated with addictions, but specifically the ones that have to do with technologies. Following a correlational descriptive design we present the results of a study, which involved university students from Social and Legal Sciences as participants, about their addiction to the Internet and in particular to social networks. The sample was conformed of 373 participants from the cities of Granada, Sevilla, Málaga, and Córdoba. To gather the data a questionnaire that was design by Young was translated to Spanish. The main research objective was to determine if university students could be considered social network addicts. The most prominent result was that the participants don’t consider themselves to be addicted to the Internet or to social networks; in particular women reflected a major distance from the social networks. It’s important to know that the results differ from those found in the literature review, which opens the question, are the participants in a phase of denial towards the addiction?


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The aim of this study was to analyze if the perceptions of students before and after carrying out the work, that is, their perception of different aspects of the functioning of the group, the working skills acquired as well as those they think that need to be improved, varied depending on whether the contribution of the different members of the group was being co-evaluated or not. 144 students of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences participated in this study. In order to analyze the students' perception of group work the adapted questionnaire by Bourne et al. (2001) was used. Results showed that groups which implemented co-evaluation assessed more negatively the experience in general than those which did not. However, co-evaluation groups perceived their competence to work as a team had improved to a greater extent than the groups without co-evaluation, evaluating more positively both the performance and the result of work and increasing their knowledge of the other team members. Using a co-evaluation system seems to generate both a better assessment of the running of the team and the result of its work.


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Este artículo resulta de investigaciones en torno al “enverdecimiento” de las ciudades y las oportunidades de la agricultura urbana para la alimentación de una población en constante aumento que no trabaja la tierra. También es fruto de actividades de mejora de ambientes urbanos realizadas con la Escuela de Ingenieros Agrónomos de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. A través de casos de agricultura urbana, entendiendo por ella el conjunto de prácticas para la producción de alimentos y plantas ornamentales dentro de las ciudades y en sus entornos, se analizan alternativas para la recuperación de espacios construidos e incremento de la calidad de vida de la población. Todo ello se traduce, además, en creación de riqueza y mejora del paisaje urbano, siempre desde criterios de sostenibilidad que favorecen el desarrollo local desde la Cumbre de la Tierra de Río de 1992 y la Conferencia sobre Desarrollo Sostenible Río+20 de 2013.


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Gaze hierarchizes, manages and labels reality. Then, according to Foucault, gaze can be understood as a practice of power. This paper is inspired by his theories, and it applies them to one of the most powerful symbolic spheres of Western culture: Greek Myths. Notions such as visibility, invisibility and panopticism bring new light into the story of Perseus and Medusa, and they enable a re-reading of this Myth focused on the different ways of power that emerge from the gaze.


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This Artistic research project was created in order to test how to put into practice approaches between Contemporary Art and University daily life. In this particular case, between Action Art and the students at the Early Childhood Education University in Alicante. The generalized lack of awareness about changes which took place in Art in the XX century, demonstrates the lack of interest on the part of students about Contemporary Art, and therefore, it is still remarkable, the distance between Art and life. Thus, as artists and teachers, the chance to carry out specific experiments is open within everyday educational life. Therefore, through Action Art a communicative interaction is possible to be achieved as an active learning process and, in such way, change the usual existing relationships in a predetermine context, creating this way, future Contemporary Art consumers and transmitters.


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A new kind of photographic representation, called movement-image is proposed and discussed to record the visual experience of the journey through urban highways. It consists of performing long exposure photographic shots while the track is traversed, thus registering a time-panorama which includes landscape signs and inner spaces of the ways involved. This proposal is linked to the limitations of representing these expressways, if they are understood as structures of instrumental origin, where the resulting experience comes from moving at high speed through the territory. In al almost all cases the aesthetic approach or urban integration with the city and landscape are excluded. In this sense, although such structures may be an opportunity to collect, build and colonize the urban landscape, the lack of adequate representation of the phenomenon causes a difficulty in its understanding and transformation. The options for representation using photography is assumed, knowing its own particular tradition in the use of long exposures, for the expression of the mobile, and the multiple visual attention, divided or weakened.


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Este doutoramento em Estudos de Arte centra-se no artista plástico, em Portugal, hoje. De acordo com o seu carácter projectual, estrutura-se em dois vectores distintos, ainda que relacionados entre si e devedores um do outro: -Um corpo prático, assente na prática artística de atelier e dando continuidade ao percurso artístico autoral próprio (conducente à série de imagens fotográficas “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal”); -Um eixo reflexivo, construído a partir da análise qualitativa do conteúdo de um conjunto de entrevistas presenciais realizadas a artistas plásticos portugueses (conducente ao manifesto artístico “O Artista pelo Artista”). Neste sentido, este estudo vai ao encontro de vinte e seis artistas plásticos contemporâneos portugueses reunidos numa amostra seleccionada pelo crítico de arte Miguel von Hafe Pérez. A saber: Alberto Carneiro, André Cepeda, André Gonçalves, Ângela Ferreira, António Olaio, Carla Cruz, Carla Filipe, Cristina Mateus, Daniel Blaufuks, Eduardo Batarda, Fernando José Pereira, Francisco Queirós, Gerardo Burmester, Joana Vasconcelos, João Pedro Vale, João Tabarra, José de Guimarães, Mafalda Santos, Marta de Menezes, Miguel Leal, Miguel Palma, Paulo Mendes, Pedro Calapez, Pedro Proença, Rui Chafes e Zulmiro de Carvalho. O documento que reúne o conjunto das entrevistas realizadas, anexo a esta investigação, distancia-se do discurso utilizado nas retóricas das narrativas históricas, teóricas ou críticas. Aqui, procuram-se as palavras dos criadores, sem mais. Decorrente do percurso metodológico que orientou a análise qualitativa do conteúdo, este estudo propõe o manifesto artístico "O Artista pelo Artista" enquanto resultado do exercício de investigação. Ainda, este trabalho apresenta a série de imagens fotográficas “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal” como projecto-tese centrado no movimento que guiou todo o processo investigativo: da reflexão sobre o outro (e sobre as suas palavras) para a reflexão sobre o próprio (e sobre a sua intimidade). Através das vinte e seis entrevistas, do manifesto “O Artista pelo Artista” e da série de imagens “Prática Artística Enquanto Ferramenta de Higiene Pessoal”, esta investigação devolve a palavra aos próprios artistas, a todos os outros operadores da esfera artística e ao público interessado em conhecer o criador apresentado por si próprio, sem mediadores, num acto sincero, franco e generoso.


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La manía del bibliófilo suele convertirse en un laberinto de ese tipo de encuentros fortuitos que los ingleses del siglo XVIII llamaron “serendipity”. En este ensayo, gracias a mis incursiones bibliofílicas en el ámbito de la literatura aurisecular, salió a flote un precedente muy probable del haikú hispánico (aceptada la relatividad de su parentesco con el haikú japonés) en otras formas casi ideográficas de la poesía que se cultivó siglos muy anteriores al modernismo. En este caso se trata de pequeñas estrofas que acompañaban sendos grabados, cuyos motivos emblemáticos obligaban a una expresión sintética y profundamente visual, casi gestual. En un estudio paralelo, cotejo los Jeroglíficos de Alonso de Ledesma con algunos hai-kai de José Juan Tablada, separados por una distancia de tres siglos, pero identificados en su búsqueda poética.


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Coordina: MTRA. Martha Diana Bosco Hernández


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Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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Cultura Moderna e Contemporânea, n.3