988 resultados para Digital forensic


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Testing of a complex software is time consuming. Automated tools are available quite a lot for desktop applications, but for embedded systems a custom-made tool is required Building a complete test framework is a complicated task. Therefore, the test platform was built on top of an already existing tool, CANoe. CANoe is a tool for CAN bus analysis and node simulation. The functionality of CANoe was extended with LabVIEW DLL. The LabVIEW software was used for simulating hardware components of the embedded device As a result of the study, a platform was created where tests could be automated. Of the current test plan, 10 percent were automated and up to 60 percent could be automated with the current functionality.


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A growing body of scientific literature recurrently indicates that crime and forensic intelligence influence how crime scene investigators make decisions in their practices. This study scrutinises further this intelligence-led crime scene examination view. It analyses results obtained from two questionnaires. Data have been collected from nine chiefs of Intelligence Units (IUs) and 73 Crime Scene Examiners (CSEs) working in forensic science units (FSUs) in the French speaking part of Switzerland (six cantonal police agencies). Four salient elements emerged: (1) the actual existence of communication channels between IUs and FSUs across the police agencies under consideration; (2) most CSEs take into account crime intelligence disseminated; (3) a differentiated, but significant use by CSEs in their daily practice of this kind of intelligence; (4) a probable deep influence of this kind of intelligence on the most concerned CSEs, specially in the selection of the type of material/trace to detect, collect, analyse and exploit. These results contribute to decipher the subtle dialectic articulating crime intelligence and crime scene investigation, and to express further the polymorph role of CSEs, beyond their most recognised input to the justice system. Indeed, they appear to be central, but implicit, stakeholders in intelligence-led style of policing.


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Na mamografia digital, os processos de aquisição da imagem, demonstração e armazenamento são separados, o que leva à otimização de cada uma dessas etapas. A radiação transmitida através da mama é absorvida por um detector eletrônico, em resposta fiel a uma ampla variedade de intensidades. Uma vez que esta informação é armazenada, ela pode ser demonstrada usando técnicas computadorizadas de imagem, permitindo variações de brilho e contraste e ampliação, sem a necessidade de exposições radiológicas adicionais para a paciente. Neste artigo, o estado atual da tecnologia em mamografia digital e dados sobre testes clínicos que dão suporte ao uso dessa tecnologia são revistos. Além disso, algumas aplicações potencialmente utilizáveis que estão sendo desenvolvidas com a mamografia digital são descritas.


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Here we present results of studies conducted by the Research Unit of Legal Psychiatry and Psychology of Lausanne about risk assessment and protective factors in the evaluation of violence recidivism. It aims to help experts in considering the relevance and use of tools at their disposal. Particular attention is given to the significance of protective factors and impulsive dimensions, as to the inter-raters process that leads to the final deliberations.


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Esta investigación se centra en comparar las diferencias existentes entre el periodismo tradicional y el periodismo ciudadano, tanto desde un punto de vista teórico como desde un punto de vista práctico, analizando la situación actual en la que el periodismo tradicional se está transformando a consecuencia del nuevo entorno digital. Proponemos descubrir el cambio provocado por Internet y las nuevas tecnologías en las formas y estructuras de la comunicación, reflexionar sobre la situación actual del periodismo tradicional y conocer las nueves posibilidades del periodismo ciudadano. La investigación consiste en un estudio de caso explorativo donde se hace una comparación entre The New York Times y The Huffington Post, que respectivamente representan las características del periodismo tradicional y ciudadano. Los resultados muestran que el periodismo tradicional se ha quedado atrás de sus rivales por sus ideas estereotipadas, falta de innovación e insuficiente oferta de interacción para sus lectores. De este modo, consideramos que el periodismo tradicional debe replantearse seriamente una transformación profunda para adaptarse a esta nueva situación.


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La investigación de este trabajo va encaminada a describir el proceso de alfabetización digital y mediática e identificar los cambios generados en la comunidad La Hedionda Grande (México). El trabajo describe el proceso de alfabetización digital mediática de los habitantes de una comunidad rural. Se relatan actividades de formación y capacitación y la aplicación de sus conocimientos en el desarrollo comunitario. Encontramos en los resultados de la investigación cualitativa cuáles fueron los beneficios y debilidades que los habitantes identificaron, las propuestas que plantean para mejorar y los anhelos para continuar en un proceso de superación a través de las TIC.


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El objeto de estudio de esta investigación es la privacidad digital, centrada en el marco legislativo del derecho de la protección de datos, que representa una de las consecuencias derivadas de la cultura emergente de la nueva esfera pública digital. Se estudia cómo este contexto tecnológico y digital, que caracteriza la Sociedad de la Información, ha provocado una serie de cambios de comportamiento y de los valores de la ciudadanía. Entre ellos la facilidad de recoger datos, ya sea por las metodologías de extracción de datos o por la publicación en abierto de contenido, es importante saber cuáles son los límites de la legalidad y los fines para los que son recogidos. Ya no se trata sólo de qué datos hay de una persona en el plano virtual, sino de qué tipo de privacidad existe y qué medidas se pueden adoptar tanto para preservarla como para reivindicarla. El estudio se enmarca el derecho de la protección de datos dentro de la política de la Unión Europea, examinando la regulación establecida vigente y los cambios que se pretenden realizar en un futuro próximo.


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1. Digital elevation models (DEMs) are often used in landscape ecology to retrieve elevation or first derivative terrain attributes such as slope or aspect in the context of species distribution modelling. However, DEM-derived variables are scale-dependent and, given the increasing availability of very high-resolution (VHR) DEMs, their ecological relevancemust be assessed for different spatial resolutions. 2. In a study area located in the Swiss Western Alps, we computed VHR DEMs-derived variables related to morphometry, hydrology and solar radiation. Based on an original spatial resolution of 0.5 m, we generated DEM-derived variables at 1, 2 and 4 mspatial resolutions, applying a Gaussian Pyramid. Their associations with local climatic factors, measured by sensors (direct and ambient air temperature, air humidity and soil moisture) as well as ecological indicators derived fromspecies composition, were assessed with multivariate generalized linearmodels (GLM) andmixed models (GLMM). 3. Specific VHR DEM-derived variables showed significant associations with climatic factors. In addition to slope, aspect and curvature, the underused wetness and ruggedness indices modelledmeasured ambient humidity and soilmoisture, respectively. Remarkably, spatial resolution of VHR DEM-derived variables had a significant influence on models' strength, with coefficients of determination decreasing with coarser resolutions or showing a local optimumwith a 2 mresolution, depending on the variable considered. 4. These results support the relevance of using multi-scale DEM variables to provide surrogates for important climatic variables such as humidity, moisture and temperature, offering suitable alternatives to direct measurements for evolutionary ecology studies at a local scale.


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A method for generating beams with arbitrary polarization and shape is proposed. Our design requires the use of a Mach-Zehnder set-up combined with translucent liquid crystal displays in each arm of the interferometer; in this way, independent manipulation of each transverse beam components is possible. The target of this communication is to develop a numerical procedure for calculating the holograms required for dynamically encode any amplitude value and polarization state in each point of the wavefront. Several examples demonstrating the capabilities of the method are provided.


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This paper presents a preliminary study on the degradation of spray paint samples, illustrated by Optical, FTIR and Raman measurements. As opposed to automotive paints which are specifically designed for improved outdoor exposure and protected using hindered amine light absorbers (HALS) and ultra-violet absorbers (UVA), the spray paints on their side are much simpler in composition and very likely to suffer more from joint effects of solar radiation, temperature and humidity. Six different spray paint were exposed to outdoor UV-radiation for a total period of three months and both FTIR and Raman measurements were taken systematically during this time. These results were later compared to an artificial degradation using a climate chamber. For infrared spectroscopy, degradation curves were plotted using the photo-oxidation index (POI), and could be successfully approximated with a logarithmic fitting (R2 > 0.8). The degradation can appear after the first few days of exposure and be important until 2 months, where it stabilizes and follow a more linear trend afterwards. One advantage is that the degradation products appeared almost exclusively at the far end (∼3000 cm−1) of mid-infrared spectra, and that the fingerprint region of the spectra remained stable over the studied period of time. Raman results suggest that the pigments on the other side, are much more stable and have not shown any sign of degradation over the time of this study. Considering the forensic implications of this environmental degradation, care should be taken when comparing samples if weathering is an option (e.g. an exposed graffiti compared to the paint from a fresh spray paint can). Degradation issues should be kept in mind as they may induce significant differences between paint samples of common origin.


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A crescente popularização das atividades de telemedicina em todo o mundo tem exigido de médicos e demais profissionais da saúde novas abordagens em sua prática profissional. No que se refere à telerradiologia, observamos forte tendência à transformação de documentos clínicos - como resultados de exames, que até hoje existiam na forma de filmes impressos e laudos em papel - em documentos eletrônicos, disponibilizados em redes internas de clínicas e hospitais, ou pela internet. Esta tendência torna necessária a divulgação e o esclarecimento de conceitos como a certificação digital, a criptografia de dados na internet, a confiabilidade de sites, o documento eletrônico confiável e a assinatura digital. Os princípios básicos desses conceitos, embora por vezes complexos para os profissionais da saúde, podem ser compreendidos de forma efetiva sem que o leitor tenha de mergulhar de cabeça em labirintos como a matemática da criptografia de chaves assimétricas ou os protocolos de comunicação digital de dados. Neste artigo abordaremos de forma direta e com exemplos práticos os aspectos de segurança e confiabilidade de documentos clínicos eletrônicos baseados na internet, com o objetivo de que os usuários médicos possam interagir de forma informada, segura e bem fundamentada com serviços de telerradiologia.