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We have shown previously that particpants “at risk” of depression have decreased neural processing of reward suggesting this might be a neural biomarker for depression. However, how the neural signal related to subjective experiences of reward (wanting, liking, intensity) might differ as trait markers for depression, is as yet unknown. Using SPM8 parametric modulation analysis the neural signal related to the subjective report of wanting, liking and intensity was compared between 25 young people with a biological parent with depression (FH) and 25 age/gender matched controls. In a second study the neural signal related to the subjective report of wanting, liking and intensity was compared between 13 unmedicated recovered depressed (RD) patients and 14 healthy age/gender matched controls. The analysis revealed differences in the neural signal for wanting, liking and intensity ratings in the ventral striatum, dmPFC and caudate respectively in the RD group compared to controls . Despite no differences in the FH groups neural signal for wanting and liking there was a difference in the neural signal for intensity ratings in the dACC and anterior insula compared to controls. These results suggest that the neural substrates tracking the intensity but not the wanting or liking for rewards and punishers might be a trait marker for depression.
The Eag1 and Eag2, voltage-dependent potassium channels, and the small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (Kcnn3) are highly expressed in limbic regions of the brain, where their function is still unknown. Eag1 co-localizes with tyrosine hydroxilase enzyme in the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. Kcnn3 deficiency leads to enhanced serotonergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission accompanied by distinct alterations in emotional behaviors. As exposure to stress is able to change the expression and function of several ion channels, suggesting that they might be involved in the consequences of stress, we aimed at investigating Eag 1, Eag2 and Kcnn3 mRNA expression in the brains of rats submitted to isolation rearing. As the long-lasting alterations in emotional and behavioral regulation after stress have been related to changes in serotonergic neurotransmission, expressions of serotonin Htr1a and Htr2a receptors in male Wistar rats` brain were also investigated. Rats were reared in isolation or in groups of five for nine weeks after weaning. Isolated and socially reared rats were tested for exploratory activity in the open field test for 5 min and brains were processed for reverse-transcription coupled to quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Isolated reared rats showed decreased exploratory activity in the open field. Compared to socially reared rats, isolated rats showed reduced Htr2a mRNA expression in the striatum and brainstem and reduced Eag2 mRNA expression in all examined regions except cerebellum. To our knowledge, this is the first work to show that isolation rearing can change Eag2 gene expression in the brain. The involvement of this channel in stress-related behaviors is discussed.
Influenced by taxonomic position. For example, bufonids are regarded as exhibiting a permeable skin that seems typical for terrestrial anurans. However, this assumption is supported by information on only four bufonid species; therefore, the enormous ecological diversity of the family remains poorly Investigated. To assess whether variation in R(s) within related bufonids correlates with environmental aridity, we measured area-specific rates of EWL of two Brazilian populations of Rhinella granulosa (previously Bufo granulosus), one from the Atlantic Forest and other from the semi-arid Caatinga, and compared both with the forest species R. ornato. Rhinella granulosa from the Atlantic Forest had higher cutaneous resistance than conspecifics from Caatinga and R. ornata. Rhinella ornato presented the lowest cutaneous resistance values. However, Rs were very close to zero In all three populations. We conclude that enhanced Rs is not part of the suite of traits allowing R. granulosa to exploit the Caatinga, and that variation in R(s) within bufonids may relate to traits other than water conservation. Some Information on microhabitat occupation and ventral skin morphology supports the idea that exceptional abilities for detecting and taking up water may be the key factors enhancing the survival of R. granulosa, and possibly other bufonids, in xeric environments.
Two new species of Cnemidophorus are described from the right bank of the Sao Francisco river, in the northwestern part of state of Bahia, Brazil. Both species are assigned to the Cnemidophorus ocellifer group and are distinguished from all other congeners on the basis of lepidosis and color pattern. One of them, Cnemidophorus cyanurus, shares with the species of the subgroup of C. littoralis (C. abaetensis, C. littoralis and C. venetacaudus), a bluish green tail, spurs on the heels of males, 6-7 supraciliaries, a high number of femoral pores (27-45), a row of enlarged scales in the dorsal part of the humerus, and 8 to 10 rows of ventral scales. The second species, Cnemidophorus nigrigula, shares with the C. ocellifer subgroup (composed of C. ocellifer, C. mumbuca, C. jalapensis and C. confusionibus) a low number of femoral pores (1421), enlarged scales in the temporal region posterior to the third subocular, 5 supraciliaries, 6 to 8 rows of ventral scales, and a brown tail color. It is also characterized by males being conspicuously larger than females and by females retaining the juvenile color pattern, which is lost in adult males. The latter characteristic has not been reported in any species of the C. ocellifer group before now. The two new species occur sympatrically at Santo Inacio.
The morphology and phylogenetic relationships of a new genus and two new species of Neotropical freshwater stingrays, family Potamotrygonidae, are investigated and described in detail. The new genus, Heliotrygon, n. gen., and its two new species, Heliotrygon gomesi, n. sp. (type-species) and Heliotrygon rosai, n. sp., are compared to all genera and species of potamotrygonids, based on revisions in progress. Some of the derived features of Heliotrygon include its unique disc proportions (disc highly circular, convex anteriorly at snout region, its width and length very similar), extreme subdivision of suborbital canal (forming a complex honeycomb-like pattern anterolaterally on disc), stout and triangular pelvic girdle, extremely reduced caudal sting, basibranchial copula with very slender and acute anterior extension, and precerebral and frontoparietal fontanellae of about equal width, tapering very little posteriorly. Both new species can be distinguished by their unique color patterns: Heliotrygon gomesi is uniform gray to light tan or brownish dorsally, without distinct patterns, whereas Heliotrygon rosai is characterized by numerous white to creamy-white vermiculate markings over a light brown, tan or gray background color. Additional proportional characters that may further distinguish both species are also discussed. Morphological descriptions are provided for dermal denticles, ventral lateral-line canals, skeleton, and cranial, hyoid and mandibular muscles of Heliotrygon, which clearly corroborate it as the sister group of Paratrygon. Both genera share numerous derived features of the ventral lateral-line canals, neurocranium, scapulocoracoid, pectoral basals, clasper morphology, and specific patterns of the adductor mandibulae and spiracularis medialis muscles. Potamotrygon and Plesiotrygon are demonstrated to share derived characters of their ventral lateral-line canals, in addition to the presence of angular cartilages. Our morphological phylogeny is further corroborated by a molecular phylogenetic analysis of cytochrome b based on four sequences (637 base pairs in length), representing two distinct haplotypes for Heliotrygon gomesi. Parsimony analysis produced a single most parsimonious tree revealing Heliotrygon and Paratrygon as sister taxa (boot-strap proportion of 70%), which together are the sister group to a clade including Plesiotrygon and species of Potamotrygon. These unusual stingrays highlight that potamotrygonid diversity, both in terms of species composition and undetected morphological and molecular patterns, is still poorly known.
The genus Copidognathus includes one-third of the species of Halacaridae described to date. This article describes spermiogenesis, sperm cell morphology and accompanying secretions from three species of Copidognathus. Initial spermatids have electron-dense cytoplasm with scattered mitochondria, a well-developed Golgi body, and nuclei with patches of heterochromatin. The cytoplasm and nuclei of these cells undergo intense swelling. The second spermatids are large electron-translucent cells, with small mitochondria in row along the remains of the endoplasmatic reticulum. In the succeeding stage, most of the cytoplasmatic structures and mitochondria have disappeared or have undergone profound transformations. Nuclei and cells elongate and chromatin begins to condense near the nuclear envelope. An acrosomal complex appears at the tip of the nucleus. The acrosomal filament is thick and runs the entire length of the nucleus. Plasmalemmal invaginations at the cell surface give rise to tubules filled with an electron-dense material. Sperm cell maturation is completed in the ventral portion of the germinal part, near the testicular lumen. As a final step in spermiogenesis, cytoplasm of the last spermatid undergoes a moderate condensation and the cariotheca disappears. Mature sperm cells were found in a matrix of ""simple"" and ""complex"" corpuscles, the latter consisting of flattened, spindle-shaped secreted bodies. Rather than in individual sperm aggregates, spermatozoa were contained in a single droplet inside the vas deferens, on a large secretion mass, structured as rows of platelets sunk in a fine grained matrix. Each mature sperm cell is covered by a thick secreted coat. In contrast to the genera Rhombognathus and other Actinotrichida, Copidognathus displays a set of features that must be regarded as apomorphic. The absence of usual mitochondria, the presence of electro-dense tubules and secretions similar to those present in Thalassarachna and Halacarellus, and the pattern of nuclear condensation are possibly shared apomorphies with these latter genera. (C) 2010 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A new species of Heterodactylus is described based on two specimens obtained in the highlands of Chapada Diamantina, state of Bahia, Brazil. The new lizard is characterized by very elongate body and tail, absence of external ear opening, presence of moveable eyelids, absence of prefrontals and frontoparietals, a vestigial interparietal, 37-39 dorsal and 27-29 ventral transverse scale rows, 23-25 scales around midbody, six gular scale rows, and 10-11 and 14-15 fourth finger and fourth toe infradigital lamellae, respectively. The new species is most similar to Heterodactylus lundii from which it differs by the absence of contact between frontal and interparietal, by having wider than long parietals, smooth posterior dorsal scales, posterior ventral scales almost twice longer than wide, a lower number of scales around midbody, last supralabial in contact with the granules of the ear depression, and a more elongate body. The new species occurs about 1,100 km north of the northernmost known record of H. lundii. Species of Heterodactylus seem to be restricted to areas of cold climates associated with high latitudes and mountainous areas of eastern Brasil.
The genus Roeweria Mello-Leitao, 1923 is revised and a variation on external morphological characters and male genitalia is presented for Roeweria virescens (Mello-Leitao, 1923). The monotypic genus Harpachylus Roewer, 1943 is a junior synonym of Roeweria Mello-Leitao, 1923 because its type-species, H. tibialis Roewer, 1943 is a junior synonym of the type-species Roeweria bittencourti Mello-Leitao, 1923. Roeweria garrincha sp. n. from Cananeia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, is described and can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the presence of a ventral process on the penis and by very large ventral apophyses on the apex of the male femur and patella IV.
A new species of Stygnidae is described from the state of Bahia, Brazil. Protimesius bahiensis sp. nov. can be distinguished from the remaining species of the genus by the combination of: male femur IV unarmed and cylindrical; male patella IV with a row of large dorsal acute tubercles, increasing in size distally and male tibia IV with one mesodistal tubercle; ventral plate of the penis with three pairs of distal curved setae and one pair of intermediate setae, smaller than the rest. A cladistic analysis of the subfamily is presented. Stygninae is divided in two groups of genera: (Ricstygnus, Stygnus, Sickesia), with a wide distribution and (Pickeliana (Protimesius (Phareus (Stenophareus (Auranus (Verrucastygnus, Stenostygnoides)))))), associated to the Guiana Shield, Amazon basin and Northeastern Brazil. The monophyly of Protimesius is supported by the apex of pedipalpal tibia sockets bifid (homoplastically present in Verrucastygnus and Stenostygnoides) and by the presence of scopulae with non-spatulated hairs.
A new species of Amphisbaena is described from Fazenda Porto Seguro, municipality of Buique, state of Pernambuco, in the Caatingas of northeastern Brazil based on four specimens. The new species is a small and slender amphisbaenian with four precloacal pores, 333-337 body annuli, 22-23 tail annuli with discrete evidence of an autotomic site on the 10-12 tail annuli, and 14 dorsal and 17-18 ventral segments per annuli at midbody. The high number of body annuli, the presence of chevron-shaped anterior body annuli, and the fusion of frontal scales distinguish Amphisbaena supernumeraria sp. nov. from its congeners.
Protimesius osvaldoi sp. nov. is described from the Reserva Biologica de Sooretama, state of Espirito Santo, Southeastern Brazil, being the First record of Stygnidae from this State and the southernmost record of the family in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest (hitherto, the family was recorded down to Bahia only), extending in 210 km south of the previously known distribution. This is a large species, with armature of leg IV very reduced and penial morphology differing from the closest counterparts mainly in the ventral plate, which recedes deeply at the lateral borders and has the distal margin curved ventrally and by the presence of two small intermediate setae. Protimesius Roewer, 1913 consisted hitherto of 17 species, recorded from northern/northeastern Brazil and Amazonia of adjacent Countries. A key is given for the 17 species of Protimesius for which males are known.
A new species of Neotropical freshwater stingray, family Potamotrygonidae, is described from the Rio Nanay in the upper Rio Amazonas basin of Peru. Potamotrygon tigrina, n. sp., is easily distinguished from all congeners by its conspicuous dorsal disc coloration, composed of bright yellow to orange vermiculations strongly interwoven with a dark-brown to deep-black background. Additional features that in combination diagnose P. tigrina, n. sp., include the presence of a single angular cartilage, low and not closely grouped dorsal tail spines, and coloration of tail composed of relatively wide and alternating bands of creamy white and dark brown to black. Potamotrygon tigrina is closely related to Potamotrygon schroederi Fernandez-Yepez, 1958, which occurs in the Rio Negro (Brazil) and Rio Orinoco (Venezuela, Colombia). Both species are very similar in proportions and counts, and share features hypothesized to be derived within Potamotrygonidae, related to their specific angular cartilage morphology, distal tail color, dorsal tail-spine pattern, and ventral lateral-line system. To further substantiate the description of P. tigrina, n. sp., we provide a redescription of P. schroederi based on material from the Rio Negro (Brazil) and Rio Orinoco (Venezuela). Specimens from the two basins differ in number of vertebral centra and slightly in size and frequency of rosettes on dorsal disc, distinctions that presently do not warrant their specific separation. Potamotrygon tigrina is frequently commercialized in the international aquarium trade but virtually nothing is known of its biology or conservation status.
A new species of Amphisbaena is described from Fazenda Caraibas, municipality of Mucuge, state of Bahia, Brazil, in the northern portion of the Serra do Espinhaco. The new species is a small amphisbaenian without precloacal pores, 210-213 body annuli, 12-13 tail annuli without evident autotomic site, and 14 dorsal and 14-15 ventral segments per annuli at midbody. The striking difference of this form is the presence of small tubercles on the dorsal region of its tail. This feature is unique among its congeners, although Rhineura floridana, a North American amphisbaenian, has tubercles on its tail. We suggest that the presence of tubercles on the tail of Amphisbaena sp. nov. and Rhineura floridana has arisen independently.
Two syntopic species of Cnemidophorus are described from the Caatingas of the Parque Nacional da Serra das Confusoes (PNSC), located in the Southwestern region of the state of Piaui in Brazil. Both species are assigned to the ocellifer group, differing from all other members of the group by their distinct color pattern and lepidosis. Besides these differences, both new species share a number of particular features with other members of the group. One of them, C. venetacaudus, shares with C. abaetensis and C. littoralis the presence of spurs in the heels of males, six supraciliar scales, a high number of femoral pores (from 21-45), a row of enlarged scales in the dorsal region of the arm, 8-10 rows of ventral scales, and a bright bluish-green tail, while the other species, C. confusionibus, shares with C. ocellifer, C. mumbuca, and C. jalapensis a low number of femoral pores, enlarged scales in the temporal region (posterior to third subocular), 5 supraciliar scales, and 6-8 rows of ventral scales. Based on these comparisons, we suggest that the ocellifer group is more complex than previously admitted, being composed by at least two morphologically recognizable species subgroups.
Fan worms (Sabellidae) possess paired modified prostomial structures at the base of the radiolar crown, dorso-lateral to the mouth, called dorsal lips. The dorsal lips are involved in the sorting of particles collected by the radiolar crown. The range of variation in the morphology of dorsal lips is extensive, and probably this is not only due to adaptations to different environments and feeding preferences but also due to phylogenetic constraints. In this study, we describe and compare the morphology of dorsal lips in a range of sabellid taxa based on histological cross-sections of these structures, and compare our data and terminology with those of previous studies. Dorsal lips are maintained erect in most taxa by a modified radiole fused to them known as dorsal radiolar appendage. We suggest that dorsal radiolar appendages with an internal supporting axis (cellular or acellular) and probably also the ventral lips are synapomorphies of the family. J. Morphol. 272: 302-319, 2011. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.