863 resultados para Day-clinic
me- ... Yehudah Aryeh mi-Modena ...
15 Brief zwischen Heinrich Meng und Max Horkheimer sowie Briefwechsel mit The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore Maryland, 1935-1940; 4 Briefe zwischen dem The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland und Max Horkheimer, 1940; 1 Brief von Werner Münsterberger an Max Horkheimer, 13.03.1940; 44 Briefe zwischen Karl Menninger vom The Menninger Clinic, The Menninger Sanatorium, Topeka, Kansas und Max Horkheimer, 1938-1941;
durkhoys alles feränderṭ, ferbesserṭ und zehr fermehrṭ ʿal yede Shelomoh ben Efrayim Blokh ...
Signatur des Originals: S 36/F08572
This dissertation investigated perspectives on cultural competence among African-American women patients, staff, and the administrator of a dental clinic serving people living with HIV/AIDS; and evaluated the role of the National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health Care (CLAS) in advancing the provision of culturally competent care in the clinic. ^ The study was qualitative with data collection via focus groups and individual interviews with a sample of African-American women patients, and individual interviews with a sample of staff and the clinic administrator. Transcripts were coded and themes identified using the software program ATLAS.ti. A cultural audit template was developed and applied to evaluate cultural competency. ^ Among attitudes and behaviors that contributed to the provision of culturally competent care at the clinic were respect and empathic communication. Formal cultural competency was not featured strongly in the methods by which the staff learned to work with diverse populations. Instead cultural competence among the staff was based on thoughtful hiring practices, natural aptitude and a climate that encouraged learning through informal sharing of experiences. The staff and administrator felt that an African-American dentist would be an asset in improving culturally competent care at the clinic. Previous research and national policy also promote the provider-patient racial/ethnic concordance to improve care. In this study, however, the patients were happy with the care provided regardless of the race/ethnicity of the staff, probably reflecting the well developed cultural competence skills of clinic staff overall. ^ The clinic administrator was unaware of the CLAS standards although the clinic was implicitly operated under their mandates. This occurred because the clinic is supported by federal funding and the CLAS standards were incorporated into the requirements. Incorporation into and monitoring of the CLAS standards in federally funded programs therefore appears to be an effective means for ensuring that they are implemented. ^ This study illustrates that cultural competence, though not universally understood, can be systematically investigated to identify what constitutes appropriate care and the factors that support or inhibit it. Among important elements of culturally competent care are respect and empathic communication. ^
Background. Estimates of perinatal depression have ranged from 5% to more than 25% of women (Gavin et al. 2005). Although Hispanics have one of the highest birthrates, few studies have looked at the prevalence of depression among this population. This study aims to describe the prevalence of depressive symptoms among a sample of Hispanic women. Methods. A convenience sample of 439 Hispanic women were screened for depression using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Sociodemographic data relating to pregnancy were also collected. Results. Although bivariate analysis found several variables to be significant, multivariate analysis found only marital and pregnancy status to be significant in predicting depression. Conclusions. While marital and pregnancy status proved to the strongest predictors for depression, future research would benefit from collecting information on timing of pregnancy and postpartum to further explore the role of pregnancy status and depressive symptoms. ^
Objective. To explore (1) the association between "club drug" use and unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) and (2) the association between binge drug use and UAI among HIV seronegative men who have sex with men (MSM) seeking HIV/STD testing at a local clinic in Houston. ^ Study design. A sub-sample of 297 HIV seronegative MSM from a cross-sectional study of drug and sexual behavior in Houston was conducted in 2006. Patients who were seeking HIV/STD testing at a local MSM-identified STD clinic were recruited for an anonymous computer-assisted interview. Analysis of identified secondary data consisted of self-reported information about demographic characteristics, use of drugs, and sexual behaviors. ^ Results. With new and casual sex partners, there was a strong and statistically significant association between use of "club drugs" and UAI. No association between binge drug use and UAI was evident. Men aware of HIV seropositivity or unaware of the HIV serostatus of their primary partner were less likely to report UAI. ^ Conclusion. These data suggest that in the Houston area, HIV-negative MSM club drug users, particularly multiple drug users, are at higher risk of UAI than comparable MSMs who do not use club drugs. Episode-level data regarding binge use of these and other drugs, and UAI should be collected in future studies to explore their relationship. The 'new partner' category should be added to sex partner types to measure sex and drug use behaviors in future studies.^ Keywords. HIV-negative MSM; club drugs; unprotected anal intercourse; binge drug use. ^
Early prenatal care has been found to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes by reducing the risk of low birth weight and preterm births. Statistics point to lower utilization rates of prenatal care in El Paso, Texas and increasing rates of low birth weight. This study was a secondary data analysis, which explored the perceived benefits and barriers known to influence the utilization of prenatal care, and the birth outcomes among participating subjects attending three different prenatal care programs offered at the Centro San Vincent Clinic during the period of December 2006 to February 2008. A survey was used to collect data on demographics and assess perceived benefits and barriers regarding early prenatal care and self-efficacy of the participants. Post-partum birth records were used to gather data about the participant's newborns to include birth weight, gestational age, and the type of delivery (i.e. vaginal versus Cesarean birth). Chi square analysis was conducted to test for significant differences and associations. The sample of women in the study had high risk factors for inadequate utilization of prenatal care. In spite of high demographic risk factors, these women had higher perceived benefits, lower perceived barriers and high self-efficacy associated with prenatal care utilization. The perceived benefits and barriers to prenatal care were associated with place of birth and language preferred, with women from Mexico and who preferred Spanish having higher perceived benefits and lower barriers. There was no significant difference in birth outcomes among the women in different prenatal care programs. The findings of this study suggest that of all participants in the study, those born in Mexico demonstrated higher rates of perceived benefits of early prenatal care. The analysis also suggested that healthy birth outcomes were evenly distributed among women participating in one of the three prenatal care programs. ^
Reimbursement for dental services performed for children receiving Medicaid is reimbursed per service while dental treatment for military dependents provided at a military installation is neither directly reimbursable to those providing the care nor billed to those receiving the care. The purpose of this study was to compare pediatric dental services provided for a Medicaid population to a federally subsidized military facility to compare treatment choices and subsequent costs of care. It was hypothesized that differences in dental procedures for Medicaid and military dependent children would exist based upon treatment philosophy and payment method. A total of 240 records were reviewed for this study, consisting of 120 Medicaid patients at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA) and 120 military dependents at Wilford Hall Medical Center (WHMC), Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio. Demographic data and treatment information were abstracted for children receiving dental treatment under general anesthesia between 2002 and 2006. Data was analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank sum test, Kruskal-Wallis test, and Fisher's exact test. The Medicaid recipients treated at UTHSCSA were younger than patients at WHMC (40.2 vs. 49.8 months, p<.001). The university also treated significantly more Hispanic children than WHMC (78.3% vs. 30.0%, p<.001). Children at UTHSCSA had a mean of 9.5 decayed teeth and were treated with 2.3 composite fillings, 0 amalgam fillings, 5.6 stainless steel crowns, 1.1 pulp therapies, 1.6 extractions, and 1.0 sealant. Children at WHMC had a mean of 8.7 decayed teeth and were treated with 1.4 composite fillings, 0.9 amalgam fillings, 5.6 stainless steel crowns, 1.7 pulp therapies, 0.9 extractions, and 2.1 sealants. The means of decayed teeth, total fillings, and stainless steel crowns were not statistically different. UTHSCSA provided more composite fillings (p<.001), fewer amalgam fillings (p<.001), fewer pulp therapies (p <.001), more extractions (p=.01), and fewer sealants (p<.001) when compared to WHMC. Age and gender did not effect decay rates, but those of Hispanic ethnicity did experience more decay than non-Hispanics (9.5 vs. 8.6, p=.02). Based upon Texas Medicaid reimbursement rates from 2006, the cost for dental treatment at both sites was approximately $650 per child. The results of this study do not support the hypothesis that Medicaid providers provide less conservative therapies, which would be more costly, care when compared to a military treatment center. ^
Research examining programs designed to retain patients in health care focus on repeated interactions between outreach workers and patients (Bradford et al. 2007; Cheever 2007). The purpose of this study was to determine if patients who are peer-mentored at their intake exam remain in care longer and attend more physicians' visits than those who were not mentored. Using patients' medical records and a previously created mentor database, the study determined how many patients attended their intake visit but subsequently failed to establish regular care. The cohort study examined risk factors for establishing care, determined if patients lacking a peer mentor failed to establish care more than peer mentor assisted patients, and subsequently if peer mentored patients had better health outcomes. The sample consists of 1639 patients who were entered into the Thomas Street Patient Mentor Database between May 2005 and June 2007. The assignment to the mentored group was haphazardly conducted based on mentor availability. The data from the Mentor Database was then analyzed using descriptive statistical software (SPSS version 15; SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). Results indicated that patients who had a mentor at intake were more likely to return for primary care HIV visits at 90 and 180 days. Mentored patients also were more likely to be prescribed ART within 180 days from intake. Other risk factors that impacted remaining in care included gender, previous care status, time from diagnosis to intake visit, and intravenous drug use. Clinical health outcomes did not differ significantly between groups. This supports that mentoring did improve outcomes. Continuing to use peer-mentoring programs for HIV care may help in increasing retention of patients in care and improving patients' health in a cost effective manner. Future research on the effects of peer mentoring on mentors, and effects of concordance of mentor and patient demographics may help to further improve peer-mentoring programs. ^
Purpose. The overall purpose of the study was to evaluate the patient experience relevant to the Chronic Care Model as measured by the PACIC. Chronic illness care of patients with diabetes was compared to those with other chronic illnesses. In addition, chronic illness care of Hispanics was compared to those of other race/ethnicity. ^ Methods. The setting of this study was 20 primary care practices located in San Antonio, TX. The subjects in this study were consecutive adult patients age >18 yrs. Data was collected via a survey (PACIC) administered to 40-60 consecutive adult patients in each primary care clinic who presented for a scheduled appointment. ^ Results. Patient experience of the Chronic Care Model is different among those with diabetes than those with other chronic diseases: those with diabetes report a higher PACIC score. (P = 0.012) Although Hispanic patients report a higher PACIC score, patient experience of the Chronic Care Model among Hispanic patients is not significantly different than that of patients of other race/ethnicity regardless of chronic disease. (P = 0.053) After controlling for the patient characteristics of age, education, health status, and race/ethnicity, the diabetes status of the patient remains significantly associated with the outcome, the PACIC score. (P = 0.033) ^ Conclusions. Diabetes is associated with a greater experience of the Chronic Care model. Contributing factors to diabetes patients’ greater experience of the Chronic Care Model include the greater heath care use and higher self-care needs unique to individuals with diabetes. Special consideration must be given to the specific needs diabetic patients to ensure effective interventions, higher patient education, greater patient compliance, and lower health care costs. ^
Introduction: HIV-associated malignancies such as Kaposi’s sarcoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma occur in children and usually lead to significant morbidity and mortality. No studies have been done to establish prevalence and outcome of these malignancies in children in a hospital setting in Uganda. ^ Research question: What proportion of children attending the Baylor-Uganda COE present with HIV-associated malignancies and what are the characteristics and outcome of these malignancies? The objective was to determine the prevalence, associated factors and outcome of HIV-associated malignancies among children attending the Baylor-Uganda Clinic in Kampala, Uganda. Study Design: This was a retrospective case series involving records review of patients who presented to the Baylor-Clinic between January 2004 and December 2008. Study Setting: The Baylor-Uganda Clinic, where I worked as a physician before coming to Houston, is a well funded, well staffed; Pediatric HIV clinic located in Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda and is affiliated to Makerere University Medical School. Study Participants: Medical charts of patients aged 6 weeks to 18 years who enrolled for care at the clinic during the years 2004 to 2008 were retrieved for data abstraction. Selection Criteria: Study participants had to be patients of Baylor-Uganda seen during the study period; they had to be aged 6 weeks to 18 years; and had to be HIV positive. Patients with incomplete data or whose malignancies were not confirmed by histology were excluded. Study Variables: Data on patient’s age, sex, diagnosis, type of malignancy, anatomic location of the malignancy; pathology report, baseline laboratory results and outcome of treatment, were abstracted. Data Analysis: Cross tabulation to determine associations between variables using Pearson’s chi square at 95% level of significance was done. Proportions of malignancies among different groups were determined. In addition, Kaplan Meier survival analysis and comparison of survival distributions using the log-rank test was done. Change in CD4 percentages from baseline was assessed with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. Results: The proportion of children with malignancies during the study period was found to be 1.65%. Only 2 malignancies: Kaposi’s sarcoma and Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma were found. 90% of the malignancies were Kaposi’s sarcoma. Lymph node involvement in children with Kaposi’s sarcoma was common, but the worst prognosis was seen with visceral involvement. Deaths during follow-up were seen in the first few weeks to months. Upon starting treatment the CD4 cell percentage increased significantly from a baseline median of 6% to 14% at 6 months and 15.8% at 12 months of follow-up.^
Background. Today modern day slavery is known as human trafficking and is a growing pandemic that is a grave human rights violation. Estimates suggest that 12.3 million people are working under conditions of force, fraud or coercion. Working toward eradication is a worthy effort; it would free millions of humans from slavery, mostly women and children, as well as uphold basic human rights. One tactic to eradicating human trafficking is to increase identification of victims among those likely to encounter victims of human trafficking.^ Purpose. This study aims to develop an intervention that improves certain stakeholders' ability, in the health clinic setting, to appropriately identify and report victims of human trafficking to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center.^ Methods. The Intervention Mapping (IM) process was used by program planners to develop an intervention for health professionals. This methodology is a six step process that guides program planners to develop an intervention. Each step builds on the others through the execution of a needs assessment, and the development of matrices based on performance objectives and determinants of the targeted health behavior. The end product results in an ecological, theoretical, and evidence based intervention.^ Discussion. The IM process served as a useful protocol for program planners to take an ecological approach as well as incorporate theory and evidence into the intervention. Consultation with key informants, the planning group, adopters, implementers, and individuals responsible for institutionalization also contributed to the practicality and feasibility of the intervention. Program planners believe that this intervention fully meets recommendations set forth in the literature.^ Conclusions. The intervention mapping methodology enabled program planners to develop an intervention that is appropriate and acceptable to the implementer and the recipients.^
Background. Consistent adherence to antiretroviral treatment is necessary for a treatment success. Improving and maintaining adherence rate >95% are challenging for health care professionals. This pilot randomized controlled study aimed to evaluate the impact of the interactive intervention on adherence to GPO-VIR, to describe the feasibility of the interactive intervention in Thailand, and to illustrate the adherence self-efficacy concept among HIV treatment-naïve patients in Thailand who were starting antiretroviral treatment. ^ Methods. The study took place at three HIV clinics located in Phayao, Thailand. Twenty-three patients were randomly assigned into the experimental (n=11) and the control groups (n=12). Each participant in the experimental group and a significant person to the patient received 5 educational sessions with a nurse at the clinics and at their homes. They also received 3 follow-up evaluations during the 6-month period of the study. The participants in the control group received the standard of care provided by HIV clinical personnel plus three follow-up evaluations at the clinic. ^ Results. Seventeen patients (7 in the experimental and 10 in the control group) completed the study. The 4-day recall on the Thai ACTG Adherence Scale demonstrated adherence rate >95% for most participants from both groups. After the first measurement, no experimental group patients reporting missing ART, while one control group participant continuously skipped ART. Participants from both groups had significantly increased CD4 cell counts after the study (F(1, 15) = 29.30, p = .000), but no differences were found between two groups (F(1, 15) = .001, p = .98). Examination of the intervention showed limitations and possibilities to implement it in Thailand. Qualitative data demonstrated self-efficacy expectations, resignation and acceptance as related concepts to improve adherence outcomes. ^ Conclusions. This interactive intervention, after appropriate modifications, is feasible to apply for Thai HIV-treatment naïve patients. Because of limitations the study could not demonstrate whether the interactive intervention improved adherence to ART among HIV-treatment naïve in Thailand. A longitudinal study in a larger sample would be required to test the impact of the intervention. ^ Keyword: antiretroviral treatment, adherence, treatment-naïve, Thailand, randomized controlled study ^