923 resultados para D-glucose and N-acetylglucosamine


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To assess the role of the alpha1b-adrenergic receptor (AR) in glucose homeostasis, we investigated glucose metabolism in knockout mice deficient of this receptor subtype (alpha1b-AR-/-). Mutant mice had normal blood glucose and insulin levels, but elevated leptin concentrations in the fed state. During the transition to fasting, glucose and insulin blood concentrations remained markedly elevated for at least 6 h and returned to control levels after 24 h whereas leptin levels remained high at all times. Hyperinsulinemia in the post-absorptive phase was normalized by atropine or methylatropine indicating an elevated parasympathetic activity on the pancreatic beta cells, which was associated with increased levels of hypothalamic NPY mRNA. Euglycemic clamps at both low and high insulin infusion rates revealed whole body insulin resistance with reduced muscle glycogen synthesis and impaired suppression of endogenous glucose production at the low insulin infusion rate. The liver glycogen stores were 2-fold higher in the fed state in the alpha1b-AR-/- compared with control mice, but were mobilized at the same rate during the fed to fast transition or following glucagon injections. Finally, high fat feeding for one month increased glucose intolerance and body weight in the alpha1b-AR-/-, but not in control mice. Altogether, our results indicate that in the absence of the alpha1b-AR the expression of hypotalamic NPY and the parasympathetic nervous activity are both increased resulting in hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance as well as favoring obesity and glucose intolerance development during high fat feeding.


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The prevalence of both hypertension and vitamin D deficiency is high. The discovery of the vitamin D receptor and its possible effects on components of the cardiovascular system influencing blood pressure, such as the renin angiotensin system, the heart, the kidney and the blood vessels, has generated the hope that vitamin D therapy could be a new target for the treatment for hypertensive patients. Cross-sectional studies have clearly shown an association between low levels of vitamin D and hypertension. This association is not as clear in longitudinal studies. Finally, evidence from randomized controlled trials specifically designed to test the hypothesis of a blood pressure lowering effect of vitamin D is weak. Therefore, there is actually not enough evidence to recommend giving vitamin D to reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients.


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INTRODUCTION: In 2009 hypovitaminosis D was highly prevalent in a population of Swiss rheumatology patients (86%). We aimed to evaluate the evolution of vitamin D status in the same population two years later, after the results of the first study were disseminated to local physicians and patients, in order to determine the evolution of the problem and the impact of physician information. METHOD: Patients in our rheumatology clinic were screened for 25-OH vitamin D. Results were categorised as: deficient (<10 ng/ml or <25 nmol/l), insufficient (10 to 30 ng/ml or 25 to 75 nmol/l) or normal (>30 ng/ml or >75 nmol/l). We also used another cut-off of 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l). We evaluated the evolution of 25-OH vitamin D dosages and vitamin D3 prescriptions between 2008 and 2011 in our institution and the number of publications on vitamin D in three important medical journals of the French speaking part of Switzerland. RESULTS: Compared with 2009, significantly more patients had normal results in 2011. Fifty-two percent of patients had levels >20 ng/ml in 2009 and 66% in 2011, difference statistically significant (p = 0.001). During the years separating the two study periods the number of 25-OH vitamin D dosages and the prescription of high doses of vitamin D3 increased in our hospital. In addition the number of publications on vitamin D increased between 2008 and 2011. CONCLUSION: We concluded that lower prevalence in hypovitaminosis D is certainly related to better adherence to daily supplements, and to better information and awareness of the physicians about hypovitaminosis D.


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Puropse/Aim: To learn about the developement of post mortem CT angiography, its indications, benefits, pitfalls and practical application. Content Organization: A. Developement of post mortem CT angiography B. Technical prerequisites C. Practical application of post mortem CT angiography (preparation of the body, injection of contrast agent, examination protocol) D. Indications and benefits (including a comparison with conventional autopsy) E. Interpretation of imaging data (with case demonstrations) F. Artifacts, pitfalls and limitations G. Current and potential future use. Summary: This exhibit demonstrates the developement, application and interpretation of post mortem CT angiography. Teaching points: 1. post mortem CT angiography is feasible and useful for identification of the cause of death 2. depending on the indication it can be superior to autopsy 3. limitations and artifacts need to be known for interpreta


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The lectin from Dioclea grandiflora (Mart.) that selectively binds glucose and mannose, when subcutaneously injected in mouse induces an inflammatory cutaneous reaction whose histological analysis reveals an hemorrhagic ulceration with exudative reaction accompanied by an influx of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and giant cells. The presence of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the lesion was insignificant. In order to characterize the in vivo action of inflammatory factors generated by this lesion, distinct lines of mice were used: high and low antibody responder mice; the genetically selected mice to the acute phase of inflammatory reaction; lines of mice deficient in C5, a protein of the complement system. It is shown that the lectin of D. grandiflora acts as an inflammatory agent probably promoting exocytosis and release of mediators.


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Aquest estudi presenta la situació actual dels horts urbans (i periurbans) a la ciutat de Barcelona, els quals s'han classificat segons el tipus d'organització desenvolupada a cada projecte. Així, podem trobar horts de gestió: a) individual i autogestionada; b) comunitària i autogestionada; c) individual i supervisada, i d) comunitària i supervisada. Els horts urbans es presenten, en general, com una eina interessant en la millora de la sostenibilitat urbana. A més de tenir una clara funció d'entreteniment, són propostes que consideren la internalització a les ciutats de la producció de part dels aliments que s'hi consumeixen i alhora aprofiten part dels residus que s'hi produeixen. En particular, els horts urbans comunitaris i autogestionats – el centre d'aquest estudi – es plantegen com espais de participació i autogestió d'acord a la complexitat del context local, d'integració social a través de noves formes de relació i de creació, d'educació ambiental i de transmissió i intercanvi de coneixements inter-generacional. A més, es presenten com una alternativa d'organització realment participativa del territori urbà. Finalment, i d'acord amb l'anterior, es destaquen un conjunt de característiques dels projectes d'horts urbans comunitaris, que juguen un rol fonamental en la capacitat d'aquests per intervenir en aspectes socials i ambientals de la ciutat; característiques que s'haurien de tenir en compte a l'hora de promocionar i implementar projectes d'horts urbans de qualsevol tipus.


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The carbohydrate-binding specificity of lectins from the seeds of Canavalia maritima and Dioclea grandiflora was studied by hapten-inhibition of haemagglutination using various sugars and sugar derivatives as inhibitors, including N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-acetylmuramic acid. Despite some discrepancies, both lectins exhibited a very similar carbohydrate-binding specificity as previously reported for other lectins from Diocleinae (tribe Phaseoleae, sub-tribe Diocleinae). Accordingly, both lectins exhibited almost identical hydropathic profiles and their three-dimensional models built up from the atomic coordinates of ConA looked very similar. However, docking experiments of glucose and mannose in their monosaccharide-binding sites, by comparison with the ConA-mannose complex used as a model, revealed conformational changes in side chains of the amino acid residues involved in the binding of monosaccharides. These results fully agree with crystallographic data showing that binding of specific ligands to ConA requires conformational chances of its monosaccharide-binding site.


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Little is known about the role of the transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) beta/delta in liver. Here we set out to better elucidate the function of PPARbeta/delta in liver by comparing the effect of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta deletion using whole genome transcriptional profiling and analysis of plasma and liver metabolites. In fed state, the number of genes altered by PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta deletion was similar, whereas in fasted state the effect of PPARalpha deletion was much more pronounced, consistent with the pattern of gene expression of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta. Minor overlap was found between PPARalpha- and PPARbeta/delta-dependent gene regulation in liver. Pathways upregulated by PPARbeta/delta deletion were connected to innate immunity and inflammation. Pathways downregulated by PPARbeta/delta deletion included lipoprotein metabolism and various pathways related to glucose utilization, which correlated with elevated plasma glucose and triglycerides and reduced plasma cholesterol in PPARbeta/delta-/- mice. Downregulated genes that may underlie these metabolic alterations included Pklr, Fbp1, Apoa4, Vldlr, Lipg, and Pcsk9, which may represent novel PPARbeta/delta target genes. In contrast to PPARalpha-/- mice, no changes in plasma free fatty acid, plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate, liver triglycerides, and liver glycogen were observed in PPARbeta/delta-/- mice. Our data indicate that PPARbeta/delta governs glucose utilization and lipoprotein metabolism and has an important anti-inflammatory role in liver. Overall, our analysis reveals divergent roles of PPARalpha and PPARbeta/delta in regulation of gene expression in mouse liver.


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In a recent paper Tishler and Milstein (2009) fi…nd that increased competition may increase aggregate R&D spending while market output decreases. Therefore, they obtain the surprising result that R&D spending is excessive when competition becomes intense. Their result is based on the standard linear demand function for differentiated products introduced by Bowley (1924) where decreased product differentiation is interpreted as more competitive pressure. In this paper I show that at an aggregate level this interpretation is problematic because equilibrium effects are dominated by a demand reduction effect. A slight modifi…cation of the standard demand function eliminates this effect. For the Tishler and Milstein (2009) setting it is shown that then increased competition increases both R&D spending and aggregate market output. Therefore, at least for consumers, more intense competition increases welfare. Journal of Economic Literature Classi…fication Numbers: D43, L1, O3. Keywords: Oligopoly markets, Product differentiation, Competitive pressure.


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Background and Aims: Two distinct e ndoscopic phenotypes of E osinophilic Esophagitis (EoE) h ave been identified: t he inflammatory (IP) a nd the stenosing (SP) p henotype. I t is not known whether these EoE-associated phenotypes are reflective of different phases during disease course. We aimed to assess the phenotype a t initial EoE p resentation and d iagnosis and to evaluate if SP increases over time. Methods: R etrospective a nalysis of t he Swiss EoE Database (SEED) extended b y a review of p atients charts, endoscopy and pathology records. Results: F orty-four E oE p atients were a nalyzed (33 males, mean age at index visit 41 ± 14 years, all Caucasians). Median follow-up t ime was 3.1 years (IQR 1-4, r ange 1 -18 years). Median diagnostic delay w as 5 y ears (IQR 2-16, range 0-34 years). A t first diagnosis, 3 2% ( 14/44) o f EoE patients h ad already presented w ith a stenosis. T he mean d iameter o f the stenoses w as 1 0 ± 2 mm, and the mean length was 2 .8 ± 2 .9 cm. Peak e osinophil count d id n ot c hange over t ime (48 ± 39 eos/HPF at index visit vs. 59 ± 41 eos/HPF at end of follow-up, n=44). The risk of the presence of a stenosis at index visit was 0% f or a d isease duration of 0 -4 y ears, 37% f or a d isease duration between 5-10 years and 67% f or a d isease duration >10 years (p = 0.0035, trend test). Conclusions: T he frequency of e sophageal stenoses i s proportional to the disease duration, whereas the inflammatory activity does n ot s ignificantly c hange over t ime. O ur f indings underscore the necessity to reduce diagnostic delay in EoE and to control the underlying inflammatory processes to prevent esophageal remodeling.


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The Bacillus subtilis strain 168 chromosomal region extending from 109 degrees to 112 degrees has been sequenced. Among the 35 ORFs identified, cotT and rapA were the only genes that had been previously mapped and sequenced. Out of ten ORFs belonging to a single putative transcription unit, seven are probably involved in hexuronate catabolism. Their sequences are homologous to Escherichia coli genes exuT, uidB, uxaA, uxaB, uxaC, uxuA and uxuB, which are all required for the uptake of free D-glucuronate, D-galacturonate and beta-glucuronide, and their transformation into glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate and pyruvate via 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate. The remaining three ORFs encode two dehydrogenases and a transcriptional regulator. The operon is preceded by a putative catabolite-responsive element (CRE), located between a hypothetical promoter and the RBS of the first gene. This element, the longest and the only so far described that is fully symmetrical, consists of a 26 bp palindrome matching the theoretical B. subtilis CRE sequence. The remaining predicted amino acid sequences that share homologies with other proteins comprise: a cytochrome P-450, a glycosyltransferase, an ATP-binding cassette transporter, a protein similar to the formate dehydrogenase alpha-subunit (FdhA), protein similar to NADH dehydrogenases, and three homologues of polypeptides that have undefined functions.


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BACKGROUND: To evaluate the safety and clinical feasibility of focal irreversible electroporation (IRE) of the prostate. METHODS: We assessed the toxicity profile and functional outcomes of consecutive patients undergoing focal IRE for localised prostate cancer in two centres. Eligibility was assessed by multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and targeted and/or template biopsy. IRE was delivered under transrectal ultrasound guidance with two to six electrodes positioned transperineally within the cancer lesion. Complications were recorded and scored accordingly to the NCI Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; the functional outcome was physician reported in all patients with at least 6 months follow-up. A contrast-enhanced MRI 1 week after the procedure was carried out to assess treatment effect with a further mpMRI at 6 months to rule out evidence of residual visible cancer. RESULTS: Overall, 34 patients with a mean age of 65 years (s.d.=±6) and a median PSA of 6.1 ng ml(-1) (interquartile range (IQR)= 4.3-7.7) were included. Nine (26%), 24 (71%) and 1 (3%) men had low, intermediate and high risk disease, respectively (D'Amico criteria). After a median follow-up of 6 months (range 1-24), 12 grade 1 and 10 grade 2 complications occurred. No patient had grade >/= 3 complication. From a functional point of view, 100% (24/24) patients were continent and potency was preserved in 95% (19/20) men potent before treatment. The volume of ablation was a median 12 ml (IQR=5.6-14.5 ml) with the median PSA after 6 months of 3.4 ng ml(-1) (IQR=1.9-4.8 ng ml(-1)). MpMRI showed suspicious residual disease in six patients, of whom four (17%) underwent another form of local treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Focal IRE has a low toxicity profile with encouraging genito-urinary functional outcomes. Further prospective development studies are needed to confirm the functional outcomes and to explore the oncological potential.


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Tetratrichomonas didelphidis (Hegner & Ratcliffe, 1927) Andersen & Reilly, 1965 is a flagellate protozoan found in the intestine, cecum, and colon of Didelphis marsupialis. The parasitic protozoa used in this study was found and isolated in the intestine of opossums in Pavlova starch-containing medium in Florianópolis, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, from D. marsupialis and Lutreolina crassicaudata. The strains were cultivated in Diamond medium without maltose and with starch solution, pH 7.5 at 28°C. The specimens were stained by the Giemsa method and Heidenhain's iron hematoxylin. The light microscopy study of the trophozoites revealed the same morphologic characteristics as specimens previously described.


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OBJECTIVE-Obesity and associated pathologies are major global health problems. Transforming growth factor-beta/Smad3 signaling has been implicated in various metabolic processes, including adipogenesis, insulin expression, and pancreatic beta-cell function. However, the systemic effects of Smad3 deficiency on adiposity and insulin resistance in vivo remain elusive. This study investigated the effects of Smad3 deficiency on whole-body glucose and lipid homeostasis and its contribution to the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-We compared various metabolic profiles of Smad3-knockout and wild-type mice. We also determined the mechanism by which Smad3 deficiency affects the expression of genes involved in adipogenesis and metabolism. Mice were then challenged with a high-fat diet to study the impact of Smad3 deficiency on the development of obesity and insulin resistance.RESULTS-Smad3-knockout mice exhibited diminished adiposity with improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assay revealed that Smad3 deficiency increased CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta-C/EBP homologous protein 10 interaction and exerted a differential regulation on proliferator-activated receptor beta/delta and proliferator-activated receptor gamma expression in adipocytes. Focused gene expression profiling revealed an altered expression of genes involved in adipogenesis, lipid accumulation, and fatty acid beta-oxidation, indicative of altered adipose physiology. Despite reduced physical activity with no modification in food intake, these mutant mice were resistant to obesity and insulin resistance induced by a high-fat diet.CONCLUSIONS-Smad3 is a multifaceted regulator in adipose physiology and the pathogenesis of obesity and type 2 diabetes, suggesting that Smad3 may be a potential target for the treatment of obesity and its associated disorders.


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BACKGROUND: Activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis play a role in the pathophysiology of experimental arthritis. Objective: To determine the extent of activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic pathways in different joint diseases in humans and to ascertain the factors that may influence fibrin deposition within the joint. METHODS: Plasma from normal subjects (controls, n= 21) and plasma and synovial fluid samples from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA; n = 64), osteoarthritis (OA; n = 29), spondyloarthropathy (SpA; n = 22) and crystal arthritis (CA; n = 25) were analyzed for the levels of TF (tissue factor) and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) activities, thrombin-antithrombin III (TAT) complexes, and F1 + 2 (thrombin fragment), fibrin d-dimer and thrombin-activated fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) antigenic levels. The measurements were analyzed by pairwise correlation with each other as well as with standard parameters of inflammation [C-reactive protein (CRP), joint leukocyte count]. Inter-group comparisons were performed to look for disease-specific differences. RESULTS: Compared with healthy controls, patients with joint diseases had higher levels of TAT, F1 + 2 and d-dimers in their plasma. In the synovial fluid, TF activity, TAT, d-dimers, and TAFI were significantly higher in inflammatory arthritides than in OA. The levels were highest in RA patients. In the plasma, TF activity was correlated with TAT and d-dimer levels with CRP, TFPI, and TAT. In the synovial fluid, TF activity correlated with plasma CRP levels, synovial fluid leukocyte count, and synovial TAT and TAFI levels. In addition, synovial d-dimers correlated with CRP, and synovial TAFI levels were correlated with synovial F1 + 2 and TAT. CONCLUSIONS: Activation of the coagulation and fibrinolytic cascades in the joint and in the circulation is evident in both inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases. Within the joint, inflammatory mechanisms leading to TF-mediated activation of the coagulation pathway and subsequent fibrin deposition is the most likely explanation for the observed findings. In the plasma, the link between inflammation (CRP increase) and TF activation is weak, and a non-TF-mediated mechanism of coagulation activation could explain these findings. RA is characterized by significantly higher levels of TAT in the synovial fluid and plasma than other arthritides. Although fibrinolytic activity is linked to inflammation, the increased amounts of TAFI in the joint, particularly in RA, may explain why fibrin formation is so prominent in this condition compared with other joint diseases.