990 resultados para Curso 2013-2014
This chapter describes the adaptation of a parent report instrument on early language development to a bilingual context. Beginning with general issues of adapting tests to any language, particular attention is placed on the issue of using parents as evaluators of child language acquisition of a minority language in a bilingual context. In Ireland, Irish is the first official language and is spoken by about 65,000 people on a daily basis. However all Irish speakers are bilingual, and children are exposed to the dominant English language at an early age. Using an adaptation of a parent report instrument, 21 typically developing children between 16 and 40 months were assessed repeatedly over two years to monitor their language development. The form allowed parents to document their children’s vocabulary development in both languages. Results showed that when knowledge of both languages was accounted for, the children acquired vocabulary at rates similar to those of monolingual speakers and used translational equivalents relatively early in language development. The study also showed that parents of bilingual children could accurately identify and differentiate language development in both of the child’s languages. Recommendations for adapting and using parent report instruments in bilingual language acquisition contexts are outlined.
Antillean manatees (Trichechus manatus manatus) were heavily hunted in the past throughout the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR), and are currently listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. In most WCR countries, including Haiti and the Dominican Republic, remaining manatee populations are believed to be small and declining, but current information is needed on their status, distribution, and local threats to the species.
To assess the past and current distribution and conservation status of the Antillean manatee in Hispaniola, I conducted a systematic review of documentary archives dating from the pre-Columbian era to 2013. I then surveyed more than 670 artisanal fishers from Haiti and the Dominican Republic in 2013-2014 using a standardized questionnaire. Finally, to identify important areas for manatees in the Dominican Republic, I developed a country-wide ensemble model of manatee distribution, and compared modeled hotspots with those identified by fishers.
Manatees were historically abundant in Hispaniola, but were hunted for their meat and became relatively rare by the end of the 19th century. The use of manatee body parts diversified with time to include their oil, skin, and bones. Traditional uses for folk medicine and handcrafts persist today in coastal communities in the Dominican Republic. Most threats to Antillean manatees in Hispaniola are anthropogenic in nature, and most mortality is caused by fisheries. I estimated a minimum island-wide annual mortality of approximately 20 animals. To understand the impact of this level of mortality, and to provide a baseline for measuring the success of future conservation actions, the Dominican Republic and Haiti should work together to obtain a reliable estimate of the current population size of manatees in Hispaniola.
In Haiti, the survey of fishers showed a wider distribution range of the species than suggested by the documentary archive review: fishers reported recent manatee sightings in seven of nine coastal departments, and three manatee hotspot areas were identified in the north, central, and south coasts. Thus, the contracted manatee distribution range suggested by the documentary archive review likely reflects a lack of research in Haiti. Both the review and the interviews agreed that manatees no longer occupy freshwater habitats in the country. In general, more dedicated manatee studies are needed in Haiti, employing aerial, land, or boat surveys.
In the Dominican Republic, the documentary archive review and the survey of fishers showed that manatees still occur throughout the country, and occasionally occupy freshwater habitats. Monte Cristi province in the north coast, and Barahona province in the south coast, were identified as focal areas. Sighting reports of manatees decreased from Monte Cristi eastwards to the adjacent province in the Dominican Republic, and westwards into Haiti. Along the north coast of Haiti, the number of manatee sighting and capture reports decreased with increasing distance to Monte Cristi province. There was good agreement among the modeled manatee hotspots, hotspots identified by fishers, and hotspots identified during previous dedicated manatee studies. The concordance of these results suggests that the distribution and patterns of habitat use of manatees in the Dominican Republic have not changed dramatically in over 30 years, and that the remaining manatees exhibit some degree of site fidelity. The ensemble modeling approach used in the present study produced accurate and detailed maps of manatee distribution with minimum data requirements. This modeling strategy is replicable and readily transferable to other countries in the Caribbean or elsewhere with limited data on a species of interest.
The intrinsic value of manatees was stronger for artisanal fishers in the Dominican Republic than in Haiti, and most Dominican fishers showed a positive attitude towards manatee conservation. The Dominican Republic is an upper middle income country with a high Human Development Index. It possesses a legal framework that specifically protects manatees, and has a greater number of marine protected areas, more dedicated manatee studies, and more manatee education and awareness campaigns than Haiti. The constant presence of manatees in specific coastal segments of the Dominican Republic, the perceived decline in the number of manatee captures, and a more conservation-minded public, offer hope for manatee conservation, as non-consumptive uses of manatees become more popular. I recommend a series of conservation actions in the Dominican Republic, including: reducing risks to manatees from harmful fishing gear and watercraft at confirmed manatee hotspots; providing alternative economic alternatives for displaced fishers, and developing responsible ecotourism ventures for manatee watching; improving law enforcement to reduce fisheries-related manatee deaths, stop the illegal trade in manatee body parts, and better protect manatee habitat; and continuing education and awareness campaigns for coastal communities near manatee hotspots.
In contrast, most fishers in Haiti continue to value manatees as a source of food and income, and showed a generally negative attitude towards manatee conservation. Haiti is a low income country with a low Human Development Index. Only a single dedicated manatee study has been conducted in Haiti, and manatees are not officially protected. Positive initiatives for manatees in Haiti include: protected areas declared in 2013 and 2014 that enclose two of the manatee hotspots identified in the present study; and local organizations that are currently working on coastal and marine environmental issues, including research and education on marine mammals. Future conservation efforts for manatees in Haiti should focus on addressing poverty and providing viable economic alternatives for coastal communities. I recommend a community partnership approach for manatee conservation, paired with education and awareness campaigns to inform coastal communities about the conservation situation of manatees in Haiti, and to help change their perceived value. Haiti should also provide legal protection for manatees and their habitat.
El siguiente artículo tiene como principal objetivo presentar y analizar un juego/deporte de persecución y lucha denominado "Circle Kabaddi". En este sentido, se relatan, explican e interpretan los detalles de esta práctica lúdico deportiva a partir de relatos y observaciones realizadas como jugador luchador en cuatro mundiales de la especialidad (2011; 2012; 2013; 2014) realizados en el estado de Punjab, India. Entre párrafos se agregan observaciones relevantes que amplían o ejemplifican circunstancias particulares del juego y su contexto de producción sociocultural. En segundo lugar se describen los inicios y el presente de esta práctica lúdico deportiva en Argentina, sus alcances y limitaciones y los modos en que esta práctica se resignifica en nuestro país como un juego alternativo. Por último, y a modo de conclusión se formulan algunas preguntas que interpelan el proceso socio cultural y político por el cual el Circle kabaddi paso de ser un juego tradicional a convertirse en un deporte espectáculo
Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar la articulación de tres dimensiones de la desigualdad social -segregación urbana, segregación educativa y segmentación del mercado de trabajo- que configuran las posiciones desiguales de los jóvenes estudiantes del Plan FinEs2 en el espacio social. Al mismo tiempo, nos proponemos esbozar algunas líneas de análisis para el abordaje de las repercusiones de dicha experiencia en las trayectorias de los jóvenes. Para ello, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, trabajamos con entrevistas en profundidad a jóvenes estudiantes y a docentes del Plan FinEs2 en el Gran La Plata durante el período 2013-2014. Como resultado pudimos observar que la segregación urbana presenta profundas cercanías con las desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo y en el sistema educativo. Estas dimensiones de la desigualdad se encadenan, se combinan y se potencian en un proceso en el que las desventajas se acumulan y dan como resultado signos de la desigualdad social y su reproducción. Sin embargo, dimos cuenta de cuatro movimientos que el recorrido de la experiencia habilita: posiciones frente a las situaciones de aprendizaje, reconocimiento de la posibilidad de complementar actividades laborales y de formación, cambios en las posiciones en sus dinámicas familiares y en espacios de trabajo y significaciones en torno al título secundario
Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar la articulación de tres dimensiones de la desigualdad social -segregación urbana, segregación educativa y segmentación del mercado de trabajo- que configuran las posiciones desiguales de los jóvenes estudiantes del Plan FinEs2 en el espacio social. Al mismo tiempo, nos proponemos esbozar algunas líneas de análisis para el abordaje de las repercusiones de dicha experiencia en las trayectorias de los jóvenes. Para ello, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, trabajamos con entrevistas en profundidad a jóvenes estudiantes y a docentes del Plan FinEs2 en el Gran La Plata durante el período 2013-2014. Como resultado pudimos observar que la segregación urbana presenta profundas cercanías con las desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo y en el sistema educativo. Estas dimensiones de la desigualdad se encadenan, se combinan y se potencian en un proceso en el que las desventajas se acumulan y dan como resultado signos de la desigualdad social y su reproducción. Sin embargo, dimos cuenta de cuatro movimientos que el recorrido de la experiencia habilita: posiciones frente a las situaciones de aprendizaje, reconocimiento de la posibilidad de complementar actividades laborales y de formación, cambios en las posiciones en sus dinámicas familiares y en espacios de trabajo y significaciones en torno al título secundario
El siguiente artículo tiene como principal objetivo presentar y analizar un juego/deporte de persecución y lucha denominado "Circle Kabaddi". En este sentido, se relatan, explican e interpretan los detalles de esta práctica lúdico deportiva a partir de relatos y observaciones realizadas como jugador luchador en cuatro mundiales de la especialidad (2011; 2012; 2013; 2014) realizados en el estado de Punjab, India. Entre párrafos se agregan observaciones relevantes que amplían o ejemplifican circunstancias particulares del juego y su contexto de producción sociocultural. En segundo lugar se describen los inicios y el presente de esta práctica lúdico deportiva en Argentina, sus alcances y limitaciones y los modos en que esta práctica se resignifica en nuestro país como un juego alternativo. Por último, y a modo de conclusión se formulan algunas preguntas que interpelan el proceso socio cultural y político por el cual el Circle kabaddi paso de ser un juego tradicional a convertirse en un deporte espectáculo
Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar la articulación de tres dimensiones de la desigualdad social -segregación urbana, segregación educativa y segmentación del mercado de trabajo- que configuran las posiciones desiguales de los jóvenes estudiantes del Plan FinEs2 en el espacio social. Al mismo tiempo, nos proponemos esbozar algunas líneas de análisis para el abordaje de las repercusiones de dicha experiencia en las trayectorias de los jóvenes. Para ello, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, trabajamos con entrevistas en profundidad a jóvenes estudiantes y a docentes del Plan FinEs2 en el Gran La Plata durante el período 2013-2014. Como resultado pudimos observar que la segregación urbana presenta profundas cercanías con las desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo y en el sistema educativo. Estas dimensiones de la desigualdad se encadenan, se combinan y se potencian en un proceso en el que las desventajas se acumulan y dan como resultado signos de la desigualdad social y su reproducción. Sin embargo, dimos cuenta de cuatro movimientos que el recorrido de la experiencia habilita: posiciones frente a las situaciones de aprendizaje, reconocimiento de la posibilidad de complementar actividades laborales y de formación, cambios en las posiciones en sus dinámicas familiares y en espacios de trabajo y significaciones en torno al título secundario
Canadian young people are increasingly more connected through technological devices. This computer-mediated communication (CMC) can result in heightened connection and social support but can also lead to inadequate personal and physical connections. As technology evolves, its influence on health and well-being is important to investigate, especially among youth. This study aims to investigate the potential influences of computer-mediated communication (CMC) on the health of Canadian youth, using both quantitative and qualitative research approaches. This mixed-methods study utilized data from the 2013-2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey for Canada (n=30,117) and focus group data involving Ontario youth (7 groups involving 40 youth). In the quantitative component, a random-effects multilevel Poisson regression was employed to identify the effects of CMC on loneliness, stratified to explore interaction with family communication quality. A qualitative, inductive content analysis was applied to the focus group transcripts using a grounded theory inspired methodology. Through open line-by-line coding followed by axial coding, main categories and themes were identified. The quality of family communication modified the association between CMC use and loneliness. Among youth experiencing the highest quartile of family communication, daily use of verbal and social media CMC was significantly associated with reports of loneliness. The qualitative analysis revealed two overarching concepts that: (1) the health impacts of CMC are multidimensional and (2) there exists a duality of both positive and negative influences of CMC on health. Four themes were identified within this framework: (1) physical activity, (2) mental and emotional disturbance, (3) mindfulness, and (4) relationships. Overall, there is a high proportion of loneliness among Canadian youth, but this is not uniform for all. The associations between CMC and health are influenced by external and contextual factors, including family communication quality. Further, the technologically rich world in which young people live has a diverse impact on their health. For youth, their relationships with others and the context of CMC use shape overall influences on their health.
Background: Adolescence is a period of life associated with self-perceptions of negative body image. Physical activity levels are low and screen time levels are also high during this stage. These perceptions and behaviours are associated with poor health outcomes, making research on their determinants important. With adolescent populations, certain groups may be at higher risk of body dissatisfaction than others, and body dissatisfaction may influence individual physical activity and screen time levels. Objectives: The objectives of this thesis were to: 1) describe body image among young Canadians, examining possible health inequalities 2) estimate the strength and significance of associations between body satisfaction, physical activity and screen time, and 3) examine the potential etiological role of biological sex. Methods: Objective 1: The 2013/2014 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study was employed. Sex-stratified Rao-Scott chi-square analyses were conducted to examine associations between socio-demographic factors and body satisfaction. Objective 2: The 2005/2006 and 2013/2014 cross-sectional and 2006 longitudinal HBSC data sets were used. Sex-stratified modified Poisson regressions were conducted and risk estimates and associated confidence intervals obtained. Results: Objective 1: Among males, being older, of East and Southeast Asian ethnicity, and reporting low SES all were associated with body dissatisfaction. Among females, being older, of Arab and West Asian or African ethnicity, being born in Canada, and reporting low SES were all associated with being body dissatisfied. Objective 2: Cross-sectionally, males who reported ‘too fat’ body dissatisfaction were more likely to be physically inactive. Adolescents of both sexes who reported ‘too fat’ body dissatisfaction were more likely to engage in high levels of screen time. Data from the longitudinal component supported the idea that male ‘too fat’ body dissatisfaction temporally leads to physical inactivity, but showed an inverse relationship between body dissatisfaction and screen time. Conclusions: Objective 1: Future prevention efforts in Canada should target subgroups to effectively help those at greatest risk of body dissatisfaction, and ameliorate potential inequalities at the population level. Objective 2: The presence of these relationships may inform future interventions as part of a multi-factorial etiology, in order to increase physical activity and decrease screen time among youth.
Rikhof, O. (2016).Gedragsmatige en Emotionele Betrokkenheid in de Mbo Opleidingen Allround Operationeel Technicus en Koopvaardij Officier Alle Schepen Bij het Scheepvaart en Transport College. Mei, 26, 2016, Heerlen, Nederland: Open Universiteit
El siguiente artículo tiene como principal objetivo presentar y analizar un juego/deporte de persecución y lucha denominado "Circle Kabaddi". En este sentido, se relatan, explican e interpretan los detalles de esta práctica lúdico deportiva a partir de relatos y observaciones realizadas como jugador luchador en cuatro mundiales de la especialidad (2011; 2012; 2013; 2014) realizados en el estado de Punjab, India. Entre párrafos se agregan observaciones relevantes que amplían o ejemplifican circunstancias particulares del juego y su contexto de producción sociocultural. En segundo lugar se describen los inicios y el presente de esta práctica lúdico deportiva en Argentina, sus alcances y limitaciones y los modos en que esta práctica se resignifica en nuestro país como un juego alternativo. Por último, y a modo de conclusión se formulan algunas preguntas que interpelan el proceso socio cultural y político por el cual el Circle kabaddi paso de ser un juego tradicional a convertirse en un deporte espectáculo