988 resultados para Culture techniques
Proto Lima; a middle period culture of Peru / A.L. Kroeber. Appendix: Cloths. [by] Dwight T. Wallace
The morphology of the ovaries in Uca rapax (Smith, 1870) was described based on macroscopic and microscopic analysis. Females were collected in Itamambuca mangrove, Ubatuba, state of São Paulo, Brazil. In the laboratory, 18 females had their ovaries removed and prepared for histology. Each gonad developmental stage was previously determined based on external and macroscopic morphology and afterwards each stage was microscopically described. The ovaries of U. rapax showed a pronounced macroscopic differentiation in size and coloration with the maturation of the gonad, with six ovarian developmental stages: immature, rudimentary, developing, developed, advanced and spent. During the vitellogenesis, the amount of oocytes in secondary stage increases in the ovary, resulting in a change in coloration of the gonad. Oogonias, primary oocytes, secondary oocytes and follicular cells were histologically described and measured. In females ovaries of U. rapax the modifications observed in the oocytes during the process of gonad maturation are similar to descriptions of gonads of other females of brachyuran crustaceans. The similarities are specially found in the morphological changes in the reproductive cells, and also in the presence and arrange of follicle cells during the process of ovary maturation. When external morphological characteristics of the gonads were compared to histological descriptions, it was possible to observe modifications that characterize the process in different developmental stages throughout the ovarian cycle and, consequently, the macroscopic classification of gonad stages agree with the modifications of the reproductive cells.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of seasonal variations on energy metabolism in different tissues of the freshwater crayfish Parastacus brasiliensis (von Martens, 1869). Crayfish were collected monthly from January 2001 to January 2003 in São Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a stream and in a culture tank. Haemolymph samples were collected from each crayfish in the field with a syringe, by puncturing the membrane at the base of the chelipeds. Hepatopancreas, gills, and abdominal muscle were removed for determination of free glucose, glycogen, total lipids, and triglycerides. The haemolymph samples were used for determination of glucose, total proteins, total lipids, and triglycerides. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in biochemical composition in crayfish collected in the stream compared to the experimental tank during the year, principally in glucose and triglycerides in haemolymph, glycogen and total lipids in all tissues study, and triglycerides only in abdominal muscle. The regular food intake partially modified these seasonal variations of the metabolic pattern. Environmental conditions (e.g., food availability and water temperature) and reproductive period appeared to be the main factors influencing the seasonal patterns of variation in energy metabolism.
We investigated the impact of fish cage culture on the zooplankton community structure in a tropical reservoir. We hypothesized that community abundance is greater near cages and increases over time due to the increase in food availability. Samplings were performed near, upstream and downstream from net cages, and before and after net cage installation. The abundance of zooplankton increased 15 days after the experiment was set up, followed by a reduction and finally increased. Rotifer abundance showed significant differences among sites (p<0.05) and sampling periods (p<0.001). Significant differences were also observed in total zooplankton and cladoceran abundance (p<0.001). The spatial and temporal variation of the physical and chemical variables were indirectly correlated with the structure and dynamic of the zooplankton community, as they indicated the primary production in the environment. Our hypothesis was rejected, since the zooplankton was abundant at the reference site. Only rotifers showed higher abundance near cages, due to the influence of food availability. Community dynamics during the experiment was also correlated to food availability. Our results suggest an impact of fish farming on the zooplankton community.
En aquest article es fa una descripció dels procediments realitzats per enregistrar dues imatges geomètricament, de forma automàtica, si es pren la primera com a imatge de referència. Es comparen els resultats obtinguts mitjançant tres mètodes. El primer mètode és el d’enregistrament clàssic en domini espacial maximitzant la correlació creuada (MCC)[1]. El segon mètode es basa en aplicar l’enregistrament MCC conjuntament amb un anàlisi multiescala a partir de transformades wavelet [2]. El tercer mètode és una variant de l’anterior que es situa a mig camí dels dos. Per cada un dels mètodes s’obté una estimació dels coeficients de la transformació que relaciona les dues imatges. A continuació es transforma per cada cas la segona imatge i es georeferencia respecte la primera. I per acabar es proposen unes mesures quantitatives que permeten discutir i comparar els resultats obtinguts amb cada mètode.
This paper tests the Entrepreneurial Intention Model -which is adapted from the Theory of Planned Behavior- on a sample of 533 individuals from two quite different countries: one of them European (Spain) and the other South Asian (Taiwan). A newly developed Entrepreneurial Intention Questionnaire (EIQ) has being used which tries to overcome some of the limitations of previous instruments. Structural equations techniques were used in the empirical analysis. Results are generally satisfactory, indicating that the model is probably adequate for studying entrepreneurship. Support for the model was found not only in the combined sample, but also in each of the national ones. However, some differences arose that may indicate demographic variables contribute differently to the formation of perceptions in each culture.