994 resultados para Crop residue


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N-type Ca2+ channels can be inhibited by neurotransmitter-induced release of G protein βγ subunits. Two isoforms of Cav2.2 α1 subunits of N-type calcium channels from rat brain (Cav2.2a and Cav2.2b; initially termed rbB-I and rbB-II) have different functional properties. Unmodulated Cav2.2b channels are in an easily activated “willing” (W) state with fast activation kinetics and no prepulse facilitation. Activating G proteins shifts Cav2.2b channels to a difficult to activate “reluctant” (R) state with slow activation kinetics; they can be returned to the W state by strong depolarization resulting in prepulse facilitation. This contrasts with Cav2.2a channels, which are tonically in the R state and exhibit strong prepulse facilitation. Activating or inhibiting G proteins has no effect. Thus, the R state of Cav2.2a and its reversal by prepulse facilitation are intrinsic to the channel and independent of G protein modulation. Mutating G177 in segment IS3 of Cav2.2b to E as in Cav2.2a converts Cav2.2b tonically to the R state, insensitive to further G protein modulation. The converse substitution in Cav2.2a, E177G, converts it to the W state and restores G protein modulation. We propose that negatively charged E177 in IS3 interacts with a positive charge in the IS4 voltage sensor when the channel is closed and produces the R state of Cav2.2a by a voltage sensor-trapping mechanism. G protein βγ subunits may produce reluctant channels by a similar molecular mechanism.


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Two novel type I ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIPs) were found in the storage roots of Mirabilis expansa, an underutilized Andean root crop. The two RIPs, named ME1 and ME2, were purified to homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, cation-exchange perfusion chromatography, and C4 reverse-phase chromatography. The two proteins were found to be similar in size (27 and 27.5 kD) by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and their isoelectric points were determined to be greater than pH 10.0. Amino acid N-terminal sequencing revealed that both ME1 and ME2 had conserved residues characteristic of RIPs. Amino acid composition and western-blot analysis further suggested a structural similarity between ME1 and ME2. ME2 showed high similarity to the Mirabilis jalapa antiviral protein, a type I RIP. Depurination of yeast 26S rRNA by ME1 and ME2 demonstrated their ribosome-inactivating activity. Because these two proteins were isolated from roots, their antimicrobial activity was tested against root-rot microorganisms, among others. ME1 and ME2 were active against several fungi, including Pythium irregulare, Fusarium oxysporum solani, Alternaria solani, Trichoderma reesei, and Trichoderma harzianum, and an additive antifungal effect of ME1 and ME2 was observed. Antibacterial activity of both ME1 and ME2 was observed against Pseudomonas syringae, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Agrobacterium radiobacter, and others.


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The SecY/Sec61α family of membrane proteins are the central subunits of the putative protein translocation channel. We introduced random mutations into a segment of Escherichia coli SecY within its cytoplasmic domain 5, which was shown previously to be important for the SecA-dependent translocation activity. Mutations were classified into those retaining function and those gaining a dominant-interfering ability caused by a loss of function. These analyses showed that Arg-357, Pro-358, Gly-359, and Thr-362 are functionally important; Arg-357, conserved in almost all organisms, was identified as an indispensable residue.


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Illumination of vertebrate rod photoreceptors leads to a decrease in the cytoplasmic cGMP concentration and closure of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channels. Except for Ca2+, which plays a negative feedback role in adaptation, and 11-cis-retinal, supplied by the retinal pigment epithelium, all of the biochemical machinery of phototransduction is thought to be contained within rod outer segments without involvement of extrinsic regulatory molecules. Here we show that insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a paracrine factor released from the retinal pigment epithelium, alters phototransduction by rapidly increasing the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. The IGF-I-signaling pathway ultimately involves a protein tyrosine phosphatase that catalyzes dephosphorylation of a specific residue in the α-subunit of the rod CNG channel protein. IGF-I conjointly accelerates the kinetics and increases the amplitude of the light response, distinct from events that accompany adaptation. These effects of IGF-I could result from the enhancement of the cGMP sensitivity of CNG channels. Hence, in addition to long-term control of development and survival of rods, growth factors regulate phototransduction in the short term by modulating CNG channels.


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Plant genome research is needed as the foundation for an entirely new level of efficiency and success in the application of genetics and breeding to crop plants and products from crop plants. Genetic improvements in crop plants beyond current capabilities are needed to meet the growing world demand not only for more food, but also a greater diversity of food, higher-quality food, and safer food, produced on less land, while conserving soil, water, and genetic resources. Plant biology research, which is poised for dramatic advances, also depends fundamentally on plant genome research. The current Arabidopsis Genome Project has proved of immediate value to plant biology research, but a much greater effort is needed to ensure the full benefits of plant biology and especially plant genome research to agriculture. International cooperation is critical, both because genome projects are too large for any one country and the information forthcoming is of benefit to the world and not just the countries that do the work. Recent research on grass genomes has revealed that, because of extensive senteny and colinearity within linkage groups that make up the chromosomes, new information on the genome of one grass can be used to understand the genomes and predict the location of genes on chromosomes of the other grasses. Genome research applied to grasses as a group thereby can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of breeding for improvement of each member of this group, which includes wheat, corn, and rice, the world’s three most important sources of food.


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To feed a world population growing by up to 160 people per minute, with >90% of them in developing countries, will require an astonishing increase in food production. Forecasts call for wheat to become the most important cereal in the world, with maize close behind; together, these crops will account for ≈80% of developing countries’ cereal import requirements. Access to a range of genetic diversity is critical to the success of breeding programs. The global effort to assemble, document, and utilize these resources is enormous, and the genetic diversity in the collections is critical to the world’s fight against hunger. The introgression of genes that reduced plant height and increased disease and viral resistance in wheat provided the foundation for the “Green Revolution” and demonstrated the tremendous impact that genetic resources can have on production. Wheat hybrids and synthetics may provide the yield increases needed in the future. A wild relative of maize, Tripsacum, represents an untapped genetic resource for abiotic and biotic stress resistance and for apomixis, a trait that could provide developing world farmers access to hybrid technology. Ownership of genetic resources and genes must be resolved to ensure global access to these critical resources. The application of molecular and genetic engineering technologies enhances the use of genetic resources. The effective and complementary use of all of our technological tools and resources will be required for meeting the challenge posed by the world’s expanding demand for food.


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cDNA fragments encoding the carboxyltransferase domain of the multidomain plastid acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) from herbicide-resistant maize and from herbicide-sensitive and herbicide-resistant Lolium rigidum were cloned and sequenced. A Leu residue was found in ACCases from herbicide-resistant plants at a position occupied by Ile in all ACCases from sensitive grasses studied so far. Leu is present at the equivalent position in herbicide-resistant ACCases from other eukaryotes. Chimeric ACCases containing a 1000-aa fragment of two ACCase isozymes found in a herbicide-resistant maize were expressed in a yeast ACC1 null mutant to test herbicide sensitivity of the enzyme in vivo and in vitro. One of the enzymes was resistant/tolerant, and one was sensitive to haloxyfop and sethoxydim, rendering the gene-replacement yeast strains resistant and sensitive to these compounds, respectively. The sensitive enzyme has an Ile residue, and the resistant one has a Leu residue at the putative herbicide-binding site. Additionally, a single Ile to Leu replacement at an equivalent position changes the wheat plastid ACCase from sensitive to resistant. The effect of the opposite substitution, Leu to Ile, makes Toxoplasma gondii apicoplast ACCase resistant to haloxyfop and clodinafop. In this case, inhibition of the carboxyltransferase activity of ACCase (second half-reaction) of a large fragment of the Toxoplasma enzyme expressed in Escherichia coli was tested. The critical amino acid residue is located close to a highly conserved motif of the carboxyltransferase domain, which is probably a part of the enzyme active site, providing the basis for the activity of fop and dim herbicides.


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We have isolated the plasma membrane H+−ATPase in a phosphorylated form from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf tissue incubated with fusicoccin, a fungal toxin that induces irreversible binding of 14–3–3 protein to the C terminus of the H+-ATPase, thus activating H+ pumping. We have identified threonine-948, the second residue from the C-terminal end of the H+-ATPase, as the phosphorylated amino acid. Turnover of the phosphate group of phosphothreonine-948 was inhibited by 14–3–3 binding, suggesting that this residue may form part of a binding motif for 14–3–3. This is the first identification to our knowledge of an in vivo phosphorylation site in the plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase.


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Previous studies of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated CO2 have focused on the most recently expanded, sunlit leaves in the canopy. We examined acclimation in a vertical profile of leaves through a canopy of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The crop was grown at an elevated CO2 partial pressure of 55 Pa within a replicated field experiment using free-air CO2 enrichment. Gas exchange was used to estimate in vivo carboxylation capacity and the maximum rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate-limited photosynthesis. Net photosynthetic CO2 uptake was measured for leaves in situ within the canopy. Leaf contents of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), light-harvesting-complex (LHC) proteins, and total N were determined. Elevated CO2 did not affect carboxylation capacity in the most recently expanded leaves but led to a decrease in lower, shaded leaves during grain development. Despite this acclimation, in situ photosynthetic CO2 uptake remained higher under elevated CO2. Acclimation at elevated CO2 was accompanied by decreases in both Rubisco and total leaf N contents and an increase in LHC content. Elevated CO2 led to a larger increase in LHC/Rubisco in lower canopy leaves than in the uppermost leaf. Acclimation of leaf photosynthesis to elevated CO2 therefore depended on both vertical position within the canopy and the developmental stage.


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The D2 polypeptide of the photosystem II (PSII) complex in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is thought to be reversibly phosphorylated. By analogy to higher plants, the phosphorylation site is likely to be at residue threonine-2 (Thr-2). We have investigated the role of D2 phosphorylation by constructing two mutants in which residue Thr-2 has been replaced by either alanine or serine. Both mutants grew photoautotrophically at wild-type rates, and noninvasive biophysical measurements, including the decay of chlorophyll fluorescence, the peak temperature of thermoluminescence bands, and rates of oxygen evolution, indicate little perturbation to electron transfer through the PSII complex. The susceptibility of mutant PSII to photoinactivation as measured by the light-induced loss of PSII activity in whole cells in the presence of the protein-synthesis inhibitors chloramphenicol or lincomycin was similar to that of wild type. These results indicate that phosphorylation at Thr-2 is not required for PSII function or for protection from photoinactivation. In control experiments the phosphorylation of D2 in wild-type C. reinhardtii was examined by 32P labeling in vivo and in vitro. No evidence for the phosphorylation of D2 in the wild type could be obtained. [14C]Acetate-labeling experiments in the presence of an inhibitor of cytoplasmic protein synthesis also failed to identify phosphorylated (D2.1) and nonphosphorylated (D2.2) forms of D2 upon sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Our results suggest that the existence of D2 phosphorylation in C. reinhardtii is still in question.


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A new enzyme, rhamnogalacturonan (RG) α-d-galactopyranosyluronohydrolase (RG-galacturonohydrolase), able to release a galacturonic acid residue from the nonreducing end of RG chains but not from homogalacturonan, was purified from an Aspergillus aculeatus enzyme preparation. RG-galacturonohydrolase acted with inversion of anomeric configuration, initially releasing β-d-galactopyranosyluronic acid. The enzyme cleaved smaller RG substrates with the highest catalytic efficiency. A Michaelis constant of 85 μm and a maximum reaction rate of 160 units mg−1 was found toward a linear RG fragment with a degree of polymerization of 6. RG-galacturonohydrolase had a molecular mass of 66 kD, an isoelectric point of 5.12, a pH optimum of 4.0, and a temperature optimum of 50°C. The enzyme was most stable between pH 3.0 and 6.0 (for 24 h at 40°C) and up to 60°C (for 3 h).


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Choline monooxygenase (CMO) catalyzes the committing step in the synthesis of glycine betaine, an osmoprotectant accumulated by many plants in response to salinity and drought. To investigate how these stresses affect CMO expression, a spinach (Spinacia oleracea L., Chenopodiaceae) probe was used to isolate CMO cDNAs from sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L., Chenopodiaceae), a salt- and drought-tolerant crop. The deduced beet CMO amino acid sequence comprised a transit peptide and a 381-residue mature peptide that was 84% identical (97% similar) to that of spinach and that showed the same consensus motif for coordinating a Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] cluster. A mononuclear Fe-binding motif was also present. When water was withheld, leaf relative water content declined to 59% and the levels of CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity rose 3- to 5-fold; rewatering reversed these changes. After gradual salinization (NaCl:CaCl2 = 5.7:1, mol/mol), CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme levels in leaves increased 3- to 7-fold at 400 mm salt, and returned to uninduced levels when salt was removed. Beet roots also expressed CMO, most strongly when salinized. Salt-inducible CMO mRNA, protein, and enzyme activity were readily detected in leaves of Amaranthus caudatus L. (Amaranthaceae). These data show that CMO most probably has a mononuclear Fe center, is inducibly expressed in roots as well as in leaves of Chenopodiaceae, and is not unique to this family.


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MscL is a channel that opens a large pore in the Escherichia coli cytoplasmic membrane in response to mechanical stress. Previously, we highly enriched the MscL protein by using patch clamp as a functional assay and cloned the corresponding gene. The predicted protein contains a largely hydrophobic core spanning two-thirds of the molecule and a more hydrophilic carboxyl terminal tail. Because MscL had no homology to characterized proteins, it was impossible to predict functional regions of the protein by simple inspection. Here, by mutagenesis, we have searched for functionally important regions of this molecule. We show that a short deletion from the amino terminus (3 amino acids), and a larger deletion of 27 amino acids from the carboxyl terminus of this protein, had little if any effect in channel properties. We have thus narrowed the search of the core mechanosensitive mechanism to 106 residues of this 136-amino acid protein. In contrast, single residue substitutions of a lysine in the putative first transmembrane domain or a glutamine in the periplasmic loop caused pronounced shifts in the mechano-sensitivity curves and/or large changes in the kinetics of channel gating, suggesting that the conformational structure in these regions is critical for normal mechanosensitive channel gating.


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Residue 225 in serine proteases is typically Pro or Tyr and specifies an important and unanticipated functional aspect of this class of enzymes. Proteases with Y225, like thrombin, are involved in highly specialized functions like blood coagulation and complement that are exclusively found in vertebrates. In these proteases, the catalytic activity is enhanced allosterically by Na+ binding. Proteases with P225, like trypsin, are typically involved in digestive functions and are also found in organisms as primitive as eubacteria. These proteases have no requirement for Na+ or other monovalent cations. The molecular origin of this physiologically important difference is remarkably simple and is revealed by a comparison of the Na+ binding loop of thrombin with the homologous region of trypsin. The carbonyl O atom of residue 224 makes a key contribution to the coordination shell of the bound Na+ in thrombin, but is oriented in a manner incompatible with Na+ binding in trypsin because of constraints imposed by P225 on the protein backbone. Pro at position 225 is therefore incompatible with Na+ binding and is a direct predictor of the lack of allosteric regulation in serine proteases. To directly test this hypothesis, we have engineered the thrombin mutant Y225P. This mutant has lost the ability to bind Na+ and behaves like the allosteric slow (Na(+)-free) form. The Na(+)-induced allosteric regulation also bears on the molecular evolution of serine proteases. A strong correlation exists between residue 225 and the codon used for the active site S195. Proteases with P225 typically use a TCN codon for S195, whereas proteases with Y225 use an AGY codon. It is proposed that serine proteases evolved from two main lineages: (i) TCN/P225 with a trypsin-like ancestor and (ii) AGY/Y225 with a thrombin-like ancestor. We predict that the Na(+)-induced allosteric regulation of catalytic activity can be introduced in the TCN/P225 lineage using the P225Y replacement.


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The coupling of agonist-activated seven transmembrane domain receptors to G proteins is known to involve the amino-terminal region of their third cytoplasmic loop. Analysis of the amino acids in this region of the rat type in angiotensin (AT1a) receptor identified Leu-222 as an essential residue in receptor activation by the physiological agonist, angiotensin II (Ang II). Nonpolar replacements for Leu-222 yielded functionally intact AT1 receptors, while polar or charged residues caused progressive impairment of Ang II-induced inositol phosphate generation. The decrease in agonist-induced signal generation was associated with a parallel reduction of receptor internalization, and was most pronounced for the Lys-222 mutant receptor. Although this mutant showed normal binding of the peptide antagonist, [Sar1,Ile6]Ang II, its affinity for Ang II was markedly reduced, consistent with its inability to adopt the high-affinity conformation. A search revealed that many Gq-coupled receptors contain an apolar amino acid (frequently leucine) in the position corresponding to Leu-222 of the AT1 receptor. These findings suggest that such a conserved apolar residue in the third intracellular loop is a crucial element in the agonist-induced activation of the AT1 and possibly many other G protein-coupled receptors.