867 resultados para Critical analysis


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The paper presents a discussion about gender and body in the drag queens experience at Natal city (RN). From the different concepts that characterizes the identity processes on subjects who perform gender transformation (transvestites, transsexuals and female impersonators), the justification for studying the drag character is observed as a means to understand matters that are important when you take such a position. Therefore, there is a need for a linkage between the various concepts responsible for this definition, in addition to considering the historical and cultural process responsible for the creation of such categories, identities and stereotypes among these individuals. In this sense it will be possible to carry out a critical analysis on the different social loads present in each representation, and understand what is at stake in the attribution of classifications and terminologies that are applied to different expressions of metamorphosis. This ethnography considers the debate from a field research conducted at LGBT social establishments and other performance spaces of these people, verifying their dynamics in these places and investigating relationships between performers, personas and characters and also backstage scene in which they participate


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„Reformpädagogik" diente bislang ausschließlich zur Kennzeichnung einer historischen Epoche. Eine kritische Analyse dieser Voraussetzung heutiger Debatten scheint gerade angesichts der neueren Publikationen zum Thema geboten. In einer Art Perspektivenwechsel wird die Verwendung von „Reformpädagogik" als ein für die Pädagogik in der Moderne notwendiger Systembegriff vorgeschlagen und begründet. Dabei wird bei der Struktur der Erziehungswissenschaft von der Polarität zwischen „Reform"/„Idealismus" auf der einen und „Erfahrung" auf der anderen Seite ausgegangen. Die Verwendung von „Reformpädagogik" als Systembegriff ermöglicht letztlich zweierlei: (1) eine veränderte Analyse des tradierten reformpädagogischen Erbes unter Einbezug von Johann Amos Comenius und Heinz-Joachim Heydorn sowie (2) die Einsicht in die Notwendigkeit einer permanenten Diskussion über Ziele und Wege gegenwärtiger pädagogischer Reform. (DIPF/Orig.)


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You cannot teach architectonic design, but only learn it. This sentence was, during some decades, especially during the modernism, the starting point, adopted by several architectonic design professors, when they had to approach their subject. An attitude that, some years ago, was reviewed and fighted by area s experts. This paper join this criticism, and try to add something to the pre-existing discussion, analyzing with the case-study method all the subjects related with architectonic design of the Architecture and Urbanism degree, at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte CAU/UFRN . The aim is to identify and analyze the teaching methodologies used by the professors and their effects related to the students. To reach this purpose four different methods were used: i) Professors interviews; ii) Different forms submitted to students and professors; iii) Daily practice s observation, developed during classes; iv) Documents analysis about the degree (historical development and subjects) and about the subjects themselves (summaries, table of contents and planning). Studying the results, it was possible to underline that, in spite of the efforts of some of the professors to find a way to teach with more appropriate educational and pedagogic bases, some of the teaching methodologies, criticized in articles dealing with the matter, were still used. With regard to these, the research pointed out some suggestions that could help to improve the teaching and learning process, joining professors and students that are the most important subjects of the teaching activity. Developing the idea living in the paper s title Teaching and learning , it s now clear that only the practice, through the improvement of the pedagogic techniques, together with critical analysis can help the professors to reach a relationship level, regarding the teaching and learning process, as that described in the epigraph s text, into which teaching and learning, can t be done only by one of the process subject, but must be lived by both of them: professors and students


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Introduction: It is complex to define learning disabilities, there is no single universal definition used; there are different interpretations and definitions used for learning disabilities in different countries and communities. Primarily, the term “learning disability” sometimes used as “learning difficulties” is a term widely used in UK. There are various types and degree of severity of learning disabilities depending upon the extent of disorder. Though different definitions used all over the world, its types and classification coupled with their health and oral health needs are discussed in this review. Objectives:  To review the background literature on definitions of learning disabilities and health needs of this population.  To review literature on individual clinical preventive intervention to determine the effectiveness in promoting oral health amongst adults in learning disabilities.  To review literature in relation to community based preventive dental measures.  To determine the interventions in this areas are appropriate to support policy and practice and if these interventions establish good evidence to suggest that the oral health needs of adults with learning disabilities are met or not.  To make recommendations in implementing future preventive oral health interventions for adults with learning disabilities. Methodology: It was develop a comprehensive narrative synthesis of previously published literature from different sources and summarizes the whole research in a particular area identifying gap of knowledge. It provides a broad perspective of a subject and supports continuing education. It also is directed to inform policy and further research. It is a qualitative type of research with a broad question and critical analysis of literature published in books, article and journals. The research question evaluated on PICOS criteria is: Effectiveness of preventive dental interventions in adults with learning disabilities. The research question clearly defines the PICOS i.e. participants, interventions, comparison, outcome and study design. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews (CDSR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of effects (DARE) through York University and National institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was searched to identify need of this review. There was no literature review found on the preventive dental interventions found hence, justifying this review. The guidance used in this review is from York University and methods opted for search of literature is based on the following: Type of participants, interventions, outcome measure, studies and search. The review of literature; author search; systematic and narrative reviews, through the following electronic databases via UFP library services: Pub-Med, Medline, EMBASE, CINHAL, Google scholar; Science Direct; Social and Medicine. A comprehensive search of all available literature from 1990-2015, including systematic reviews, policy documents and some guideline documents was done. Internet resource used to access; Department of Health, World Health Organization, Disability World, Disability Rights Commission, the Stationery office, MENCAP, Australian Learning Disability Association. The literature search was carried out with single word, combined words and phrases, authors' names and the title of literature search. Results: It is primarily looking at the oral health interventions available for adults with learning disabilities in clinical settings and the community measures observed over a period of 25 years 1990-2015. There were 7of the clinical intervention studies and one community based intervention study was added in this review. Conclusion: There is a gap of knowledge identified in not having ample research in the area of preventive dental interventions in adults with learning or intellectual disabilities and there is a need of more research, studies need to be of a better quality and a special consideration is required in the community settings where maintenance of oral hygiene for this vulnerable group of society is hugely dependent on their caregivers. Though, the policy and guideline directs on the preventive dental interventions of adults with LD there still a gap evident in understanding and implication of the guidance in practice by the dental and care support team. Understanding learning disabilities and to identify their behavior, compliance and oral health needs is paramount for all professionals working with or for them at each level.


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This article presents an interdisciplinary experience that brings together two areas of computer science; didactics and philosophy. As such, the article introduces a relatively unexplored area of research, not only in Uruguay but in the whole Latin American region. The reflection on the ontological status of computer science, its epistemic and educational problems, as well as their relationship with technology, allows us to elaborate a critical analysis of the discipline and a social perception of it as a basic science.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Seaports play a critical role as gateways and facilitators of economic interchange and logistics processes and thus have become crucial nodes in globalised production networks andmobility systems. Both the physical port infrastructure and its operational superstructure have undergone intensive evolution processes in an effort to adapt to changing economic environments, technological advances,maritime industry expectations and institutional reforms. The results, in terms of infrastructure, operator models and the role of an individual port within the port system, vary by region, institutional and economic context. While ports have undoubtedly developed in scale to respond to the changing volumes and structures in geographies of trade (Wilmsmeier, 2015), the development of hinterland access infrastructure, regulatory systems and institutional structures have in many instances lagged behind. The resulting bottlenecks reflect deficits in the interplay between the economic system and the factors defining port development (e.g. transport demand, the structure of trade, transport services, institutional capacities, etc. cf. Cullinane and Wilmsmeier, 2011). There is a wide range of case study approaches and analyses of individual ports, but analyses from a port system perspective are less common, and those that exist are seldom critical of the dominant discourse assuming the efficiency of market competition (cf. Debrie et al., 2013). This special section aims to capture the spectrum of approaches in current geography research on port system evolution. Thus, the papers reach from the traditional spatial approach (Rodrigue and Ashar, this volume) to network analysis (Mohamed-Chérif and Ducruet, this volume) to institutional discussions (Vonck and Notteboom, this volume; Wilmsmeier and Monios, this volume). The selection of papers allows an opening of discussion and reflection on current research, necessary critical analysis of the influences on port systemevolution and,most importantly, future directions. The remainder of this editorial aims to reflect on these challenges and identify the potential for future research.


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The paper presents a critical analysis of the extant literature pertaining to the networking behaviours of young jobseekers in both offline and online environments. A framework derived from information behaviour theory is proposed as a basis for conducting further research in this area. Method. Relevant material for the review was sourced from key research domains such as library and information science, job search research, and organisational research. Analysis. Three key research themes emerged from the analysis of the literature: (1) social networks, and the use of informal channels of information during job search, (2) the role of networking behaviours in job search, and (3) the adoption of social media tools. Tom Wilson’s general model of information behaviour was also identified as a suitable framework to conduct further research. Results. Social networks have a crucial informational utility during the job search process. However, the processes whereby young jobseekers engage in networking behaviours, both offline and online, remain largely unexplored. Conclusion. Identification and analysis of the key research themes reveal opportunities to acquire further knowledge regarding the networking behaviours of young jobseekers. Wilson’s model can be used as a framework to provide a holistic understanding of the networking process, from an information behaviour perspective.


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O presente documento consiste num Relatório de Estágio, realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Estágio/Projeto, afeta ao Mestrado em Línguas e Relações Empresariais, da Universidade de Aveiro (MLRE). Este relatório incide sobre uma descrição e uma análise crítica do trabalho realizado durante o Estágio Curricular que realizei, ao longo de seis meses, no Departamento de OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) da Teka Portugal, S.A., em Ílhavo. O objetivo principal das tarefas de que fui incumbida prendeu-se com uma otimização da informação de âmbito negocial que envolve todo o processo de venda OEM. Na realização deste trabalho, foram muito úteis os conhecimentos teóricos e práticos que adquiri ao longo dos cursos de Licenciatura e de Mestrado em Línguas e Relações Empresariais na Universidade de Aveiro.


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Relatório final apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Hospitals are a big part of the service sector. Thus, such institutions are highly influenced by the logic of the capitalist accumulation, technology and forms of labor organization, especially by private organizations. Starting with the restructuring process motion and incorporation of technologies, many changes in the working process occur, therefore, the activities of medical professionals as well. During the preparation of this research items regarding the banalization of evil were identified. This banalization and resignation of the professionals face to violence are caused by the adoption of collective defense strategies. Therefore, this research aims to analyze how the rationalization of working conditions by gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians working in the emergency rooms of public and private hospitals in Curitiba and metropolitan region occurs. An approach of mixed methods was used as methodological procedures. The naturalization of violence, the suffering which professionals are submitted to, are combined with the political and ideological control, bureaucratic control, the imaginary built about hospitals and collective defense strategies. It is therefore possible to understand that labor conditions of gynecologists obstetricians and pediatricians in emergency rooms are rationalized. When social injustice is naturalized, political strategies for changes are not possible. For this reason, the first step is to gather awareness, there is a need to unveil the reality, to understand the phenomena at its core and discard superficialities. It is also necessary that the actions and expressions of indignation to come hand in hand with political actions in order to change to happen.


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Résumé : La Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie ainsi que la mise en place du régime des directives médicales anticipées sont le résultat d’une profonde transformation sociétale, guidée par l’importance grandissante du respect de l’autonomie décisionnelle des personnes et à leur droit à l’autodétermination. Au regard de ce contexte, cet essai décrit en première partie l’état du droit actuel en matière de volontés exprimées de manière anticipée, il analyse les enjeux qui s’y rapportent tout en soulevant les pistes de réflexion déjà amorcées en droit québécois. Il existe effectivement de nombreux outils qui permettent à un individu d’exprimer ses volontés en prévision de son inaptitude, mais les directives médicales anticipées se distinguent d’une façon bien précise : elles possèdent un caractère contraignant qui reconnaît la primauté des volontés relatives aux soins. Or, parallèlement à cela, le régime des directives médicales anticipées impose des limites à ce droit. Dans ce contexte d’essor du droit à l’autonomie, cet essai étudie, en seconde partie, les limites inhérentes au régime des directives médicales anticipées puis propose une analyse critique des défis liés à l’opérationnalisation clinique de ces directives.


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O fenómeno NEET- “Not in Employment, Education or Training”, jovens que não estudam, não trabalham e não frequentam qualquer formação, constitui um problema social comum ao espaço europeu, onde, segundo o Eurostat há 14 milhões de jovens excluídos do mercado de trabalho e do sistema de educação e formação. A perda económica resultante desde afastamento é estimada em 153 mil milhões de euros por ano, 1,2% do PIB da União Europeia. Apresenta-se uma análise crítica do conceito NEET e a sua dimensão europeia. Em Portugal a “Geração Nem-Nem” tem vindo a crescer significativamente desde 2008 e atingiu um valor recorde em 2012 com 434 mil jovens inativos, colocando Portugal entre os 10 países da OCDE com maior percentagem de NEET. Procura-se traçar um diagnóstico do perfil destes jovens, compreender quem são e quanto custa ao país o seu afastamento da escola e do mercado de trabalho. Por fim, abordam-se as principais estratégias políticas que vêm sendo adotadas para reduzir o número de NEET, com a criação de um conjunto de programas de apoio à transição entre o sistema de educação e formação e o mercado de trabalho, estímulos à criação de emprego e uma aposta no reforço do ensino profissional e da aprendizagem dual. Conclui-se que o fenómeno NEET em Portugal tem registado uma tendência crescente e resulta em grande medida do aumento exponencial das taxas de desemprego jovem que em 2013 atingiram os 40%, predominando jovens com um nível de escolaridade relativamente baixo. Contudo, as estatísticas demonstram que o problema também cresceu nos últimos anos entre os que têm formação superior, o que revela um problema estrutural que dificulta a transição da educação para o mercado de trabalho, mesmo entre os mais qualificados.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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A adaptação relaciona-se com as produções cinematográficas e televisivas quase desde o princípio da história destes meios. Os primeiros filmes exibidos eram frequentemente baseados em obras literárias históricas ou ficcionais, sendo um importante factor na evolução e desenvolvimento da produção cinematográfica como a conhecemos. Neste estudo, será analisada, segundo o ponto de vista dos estudos da tradução intersemiótica, a obra The Hound of The Baskervilles, de Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, sendo esta uma das obras mais populares do género literário criminal. Esta análise pretende servir de “ponte” para estabelecer a relação entre o processo de tradução e o da adaptação, comparando as suas semelhanças e diferenças, além de exemplificar um processo para a análise crítica de adaptações que não se baseie meramente na perspectiva dos estudos literários acerca deste tipo de trabalhos.