905 resultados para Cortactin actin assembly


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We have investigated the dynamic behavior of cytoskeletal fine structure in the lamellipodium of nerve growth cones using a new type of polarized light microscope (the Pol-Scope). Pol-Scope images display with exquisite resolution and definition birefringent fine structures, such as filaments and membranes, without having to treat the cell with exogenous dyes or fluorescent labels. Furthermore, the measured birefringence of protein fibers in the thin lamellipodial region can be interpreted in terms of the number of filaments in the bundles. We confirmed that birefringent fibers are actin-based using conventional fluorescence-labeling methods. By recording movies of time-lapsed Pol-Scope images, we analyzed the creation and dynamic composition of radial fibers, filopodia, and intrapodia in advancing growth cones. The strictly quantitative information available in time-lapsed Pol-Scope images confirms previously deduced behavior and provides new insight into the architectural dynamics of filamentous actin.


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Recent cloning of a rat brain phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate binding protein, centaurin α, identified a novel gene family based on homology to an amino-terminal zinc-binding domain. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the protein with the highest homology to centaurin α is Gcs1p, the product of the GCS1 gene. GCS1 was originally identified as a gene conditionally required for the reentry of cells into the cell cycle after stationary phase growth. Gcs1p was previously characterized as a guanosine triphosphatase-activating protein for the small guanosine triphosphatase Arf1, and gcs1 mutants displayed vesicle-trafficking defects. Here, we have shown that similar to centaurin α, recombinant Gcs1p bound phosphoinositide-based affinity resins with high affinity and specificity. A novel GCS1 disruption strain (gcs1Δ) exhibited morphological defects, as well as mislocalization of cortical actin patches. gcs1Δ was hypersensitive to the actin monomer-sequestering drug, latrunculin-B. Synthetic lethality was observed between null alleles of GCS1 and SLA2, the gene encoding a protein involved in stabilization of the actin cytoskeleton. In addition, synthetic growth defects were observed between null alleles of GCS1 and SAC6, the gene encoding the yeast fimbrin homologue. Recombinant Gcs1p bound to actin filaments, stimulated actin polymerization, and inhibited actin depolymerization in vitro. These data provide in vivo and in vitro evidence that Gcs1p interacts directly with the actin cytoskeleton in S. cerevisiae.


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A second cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain (cDhc) has recently been identified in several organisms, and its expression pattern is consistent with a possible role in axoneme assembly. We have used a genetic approach to ask whether cDhc1b is involved in flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas. Using a modified PCR protocol, we recovered two cDhc sequences distinct from the axonemal Dhc sequences identified previously. cDhc1a is closely related to the major cytoplasmic Dhc, whereas cDhc1b is closely related to the minor cDhc isoform identified in sea urchins, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Tetrahymena. The Chlamydomonas cDhc1b transcript is a low-abundance mRNA whose expression is enhanced by deflagellation. To determine its role in flagellar assembly, we screened a collection of stumpy flagellar (stf) mutants generated by insertional mutagenesis and identified two strains in which portions of the cDhc1b gene have been deleted. The two mutants assemble short flagellar stumps (<1–2 μm) filled with aberrant microtubules, raft-like particles, and other amorphous material. The results indicate that cDhc1b is involved in the transport of components required for flagellar assembly in Chlamydomonas.


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The ERM proteins (ezrin, radixin, and moesin) are a group of band 4.1-related proteins that are proposed to function as membrane/cytoskeletal linkers. Previous biochemical studies have implicated RhoA in regulating the association of ERM proteins with their membrane targets. However, the specific effect and mechanism of action of this regulation is unclear. We show that lysophosphatidic acid stimulation of serum-starved NIH3T3 cells resulted in relocalization of radixin into apical membrane/actin protrusions, which was blocked by inactivation of Rho by C3 transferase. An activated allele of RhoA, but not Rac or CDC42Hs, was sufficient to induce apical membrane/actin protrusions and localize radixin or moesin into these structures in both Rat1 and NIH3T3 cells. Lysophosphatidic acid treatment led to phosphorylation of radixin preceding its redistribution into apical protrusions. Significantly, cotransfection of RhoAV14 or C3 transferase with radixin and moesin revealed that RhoA activity is necessary and sufficient for their phosphorylation. These findings reveal a novel function of RhoA in reorganizing the apical actin cytoskeleton and suggest that this function may be mediated through phosphorylation of ERM proteins.


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We have examined the behavior of demembranated sperm heads when injected into the germinal vesicle (GV) of amphibian oocytes. Xenopus sperm heads injected into Xenopus GVs swelled immediately and within hours began to stain with an antibody against RNA polymerase II (Pol II). Over time each sperm head became a loose mass of chromosome-like threads, which by 24–48 h resolved into individually recognizable lampbrush chromosomes (LBCs). Although LBCs derived from sperm are unreplicated single chromatids, their morphology and immunofluorescent staining properties were strikingly similar to those of the endogenous lampbrush bivalents. They displayed typical transcriptionally active loops extending from an axis of condensed chromomeres, as well as locus-specific “landmarks.” Experiments with [3H]GTP and actinomycin D demonstrated that transcription was not necessary for the initial swelling of the sperm heads and acquisition of Pol II but was required for maintenance of the lampbrush loops. Splicing was not required at any stage during formation of sperm LBCs. When Xenopus sperm heads were injected into GVs of the newt Notophthalmus, the resulting sperm LBCs displayed very long loops with pronounced Pol II axes, like those of the endogenous newt LBCs; as expected, they stained with antibodies against newt-specific proteins. Other heterologous injections, including sperm heads of the frog Rana pipiens and the zebrafish Danio rerio in Xenopus GVs, confirm that LBCs can be derived from taxonomically distant organisms. The GV system should help identify both cis- and trans-acting factors needed to convert condensed chromatin into transcriptionally active LBCs. It may also be useful in producing cytologically analyzable chromosomes from organisms whose oocytes do not go through a typical lampbrush phase or cannot be manipulated by current techniques.


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The Arp2/3 complex was first purified from Acanthamoeba castellanii by profilin affinity chromatography. The mechanism of interaction with profilin was unknown but was hypothesized to be mediated by either Arp2 or Arp3. Here we show that the Arp2 subunit of the complex can be chemically cross-linked to the actin-binding site of profilin. By analytical ultracentrifugation, rhodamine-labeled profilin binds Arp2/3 complex with a Kd of 7 μM, an affinity intermediate between the low affinity of profilin for barbed ends of actin filaments and its high affinity for actin monomers. These data suggest the barbed end of Arp2 is exposed, but Arp2 and Arp3 are not packed together in the complex exactly like two actin monomers in a filament. Arp2/3 complex also cross-links actin filaments into small bundles and isotropic networks, which are mechanically stiffer than solutions of actin filaments alone. Arp2/3 complex is concentrated at the leading edge of motile Acanthamoeba, and its localization is distinct from that of α-actinin, another filament cross-linking protein. Based on localization and actin filament nucleation and cross-linking activities, we propose a role for Arp2/3 in determining the structure of the actin filament network at the leading edge of motile cells.


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The membrane assembly of polytopic membrane proteins is a complicated process. Using Chinese hamster P-glycoprotein (Pgp) as a model protein, we investigated this process previously and found that Pgp expresses more than one topology. One of the variations occurs at the transmembrane (TM) domain including TM3 and TM4: TM4 inserts into membranes in an Nin-Cout rather than the predicted Nout-Cin orientation, and TM3 is in cytoplasm rather than the predicted Nin-Cout orientation in the membrane. It is possible that TM4 has a strong activity to initiate the Nin-Cout membrane insertion, leaving TM3 out of the membrane. Here, we tested this hypothesis by expressing TM3 and TM4 in isolated conditions. Our results show that TM3 of Pgp does not have de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity whereas TM4 initiates the Nin-Cout membrane insertion regardless of the presence of TM3. In contrast, TM3 and TM4 of another polytopic membrane protein, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), have a similar level of de novo Nin-Cout membrane insertion activity and TM4 of CFTR functions only as a stop-transfer sequence in the presence of TM3. Based on these findings, we propose that 1) the membrane insertion of TM3 and TM4 of Pgp does not follow the sequential model, which predicts that TM3 initiates Nin-Cout membrane insertion whereas TM4 stops the insertion event; and 2) “leaving one TM segment out of the membrane” may be an important folding mechanism for polytopic membrane proteins, and it is regulated by the Nin-Cout membrane insertion activities of the TM segments.


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The ssp1 gene encodes a protein kinase involved in alteration of cell polarity in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. ssp1 deletion causes stress sensitivity, reminiscent of defects in the stress-activated MAP kinase, Spc1; however, the two protein kinases do not act through the same pathway. Ssp1 is localized mainly in the cytoplasm, but after a rise in external osmolarity it is rapidly recruited to the plasma membrane, preferentially to active growth zones and septa. Loss of Ssp1 function inhibits actin relocalization during osmotic stress, in cdc3 and cdc8 mutant backgrounds, and in the presence of latrunculin A, implicating Ssp1 in promotion of actin depolymerization. We propose a model in which Ssp1 can be activated independently of Spc1 and can partially compensate for its loss. The ssp1 deletion mutant exhibited monopolar actin distribution, but new end take-off (NETO) could be induced in these cells by exposure to KCl or to latrunculin A pulse treatment. This treatment induced NETO in cdc10 cells arrested in G1 but not in tea1 cells. This suggests that cells that contain intact cell end markers are competent to undergo NETO throughout interphase, and Ssp1 is involved in generating the NETO stimulus by enlarging the actin monomer pool.


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Fascin is an actin-bundling protein that is found in membrane ruffles, microspikes, and stress fibers. The expression of fascin is greatly increased in many transformed cells, as well as in specialized normal cells including neuronal cells and antigen-presenting dendritic cells. A morphological characteristic common to these cells expressing high levels of fascin is the development of many membrane protrusions in which fascin is predominantly present. To examine whether fascin contributes to the alterations in microfilament organization at the cell periphery, we have expressed fascin in LLC-PK1 epithelial cells to levels as high as those found in transformed cells and in specialized normal cells. Expression of fascin results in large changes in morphology, the actin cytoskeleton, and cell motility: fascin-transfected cells form an increased number of longer and thicker microvilli on apical surfaces, extend lamellipodia-like structures at basolateral surfaces, and show disorganization of cell–cell contacts. Cell migration activity is increased by 8–17 times when assayed by modified Boyden chamber. Microinjection of a fascin protein into LLC-PK1 cells causes similar morphological alterations including the induction of lamellipodia at basolateral surfaces and formation of an increased number of microvilli on apical surfaces. Furthermore, microinjection of fascin into REF-52 cells, normal fibroblasts, induces the formation of many lamellipodia at all regions of cell periphery. These results together suggest that fascin is directly responsible for membrane protrusions through reorganization of the microfilament cytoskeleton at the cell periphery.


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Somatic histone H1 reduces both the rate and extent of DNA replication in Xenopus egg extract. We show here that H1 inhibits replication directly by reducing the number of replication forks, but not the rate of fork progression, in Xenopus sperm nuclei. Density substitution experiments demonstrate that those forks that are active in H1 nuclei elongate to form large tracts of fully replicated DNA, indicating that inhibition is due to a reduction in the frequency of initiation and not the rate or extent of elongation. The observation that H1 dramatically reduces the number of replication foci in sperm nuclei supports this view. The establishment of replication competent DNA in egg extract requires the assembly of prereplication complexes (pre-RCs) on sperm chromatin. H1 reduces binding of the pre-RC proteins, XOrc2, XCdc6, and XMcm3, to chromatin. Replication competence can be restored in these nuclei, however, only under conditions that promote the loss of H1 from chromatin and licensing of the DNA. Thus, H1 inhibits replication in egg extract by preventing the assembly of pre-RCs on sperm chromatin, thereby reducing the frequency of initiation. These data raise the interesting possibility that H1 plays a role in regulating replication origin use during Xenopus development.


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Rho1p is a yeast homolog of mammalian RhoA small GTP-binding protein. Rho1p is localized at the growth sites and required for bud formation. We have recently shown that Bni1p is a potential target of Rho1p and that Bni1p regulates reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton through interactions with profilin, an actin monomer-binding protein. Using the yeast two-hybrid screening system, we cloned a gene encoding a protein that interacted with Bni1p. This protein, Spa2p, was known to be localized at the bud tip and to be implicated in the establishment of cell polarity. The C-terminal 254 amino acid region of Spa2p, Spa2p(1213–1466), directly bound to a 162-amino acid region of Bni1p, Bni1p(826–987). Genetic analyses revealed that both the bni1 and spa2 mutations showed synthetic lethal interactions with mutations in the genes encoding components of the Pkc1p-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway, in which Pkc1p is another target of Rho1p. Immunofluorescence microscopic analysis showed that Bni1p was localized at the bud tip in wild-type cells. However, in the spa2 mutant, Bni1p was not localized at the bud tip and instead localized diffusely in the cytoplasm. A mutant Bni1p, which lacked the Rho1p-binding region, also failed to be localized at the bud tip. These results indicate that both Rho1p and Spa2p are involved in the localization of Bni1p at the growth sites where Rho1p regulates reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton through Bni1p.


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We have cloned the UNI3 gene in Chlamydomonas and find that it encodes a new member of the tubulin superfamily. Although Uni3p shares significant sequence identity with α-, β-, and γ-tubulins, there is a region of Uni3p that has no similarity to tubulins or other known proteins. Mutant uni3–1 cells assemble zero, one, or two flagella. Pedigree analysis suggests that flagellar number in uni3–1 cells is a function of the age of the cell. The uniflagellate uni3–1 cells show a positional phenotype; the basal body opposite the eyespot templates the single flagellum. A percentage of uni3–1 cells also fail to orient the cleavage furrow properly, and basal bodies have been implicated in the placement of cleavage furrows in Chlamydomonas. Finally when uni3–1 cells are observed by electron microscopy, doublet rather than triplet microtubules are observed at the proximal end of the basal bodies. We propose that the Uni3 tubulin is involved in both the function and cell cycle-dependent maturation of basal bodies/centrioles.


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To examine the trafficking, assembly, and turnover of connexin43 (Cx43) in living cells, we used an enhanced red-shifted mutant of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to construct a Cx43-GFP chimera. When cDNA encoding Cx43-GFP was transfected into communication-competent normal rat kidney cells, Cx43-negative Madin–Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, or communication-deficient Neuro2A or HeLa cells, the fusion protein of predicted length was expressed, transported, and assembled into gap junctions that exhibited the classical pentalaminar profile. Dye transfer studies showed that Cx43-GFP formed functional gap junction channels when transfected into otherwise communication-deficient HeLa or Neuro2A cells. Live imaging of Cx43-GFP in MDCK cells revealed that many gap junction plaques remained relatively immobile, whereas others coalesced laterally within the plasma membrane. Time-lapse imaging of live MDCK cells also revealed that Cx43-GFP was transported via highly mobile transport intermediates that could be divided into two size classes of <0.5 μm and 0.5–1.5 μm. In some cases, the larger intracellular Cx43-GFP transport intermediates were observed to form from the internalization of gap junctions, whereas the smaller transport intermediates may represent other routes of trafficking to or from the plasma membrane. The localization of Cx43-GFP in two transport compartments suggests that the dynamic formation and turnover of connexins may involve at least two distinct pathways.


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Cartilage matrix protein (CMP) is the prototype of the newly discovered matrilin family, all of which contain von Willebrand factor A domains. Although the function of matrilins remain unclear, we have shown that, in primary chondrocyte cultures, CMP (matrilin-1) forms a filamentous network, which is made up of two types of filaments, a collagen-dependent one and a collagen-independent one. In this study, we demonstrate that the collagen-independent CMP filaments are enriched in pericellular compartments, extending directly from chondrocyte membranes. Their morphology can be distinguished from that of collagen filaments by immunogold electron microscopy, and mimicked by that of self-assembled purified CMP. The assembly of CMP filaments can occur from transfection of a wild-type CMP transgene alone in skin fibroblasts, which do not produce endogenous CMP. Conversely, assembly of endogenous CMP filaments by chondrocytes can be inhibited specifically by dominant negative CMP transgenes. The two A domains within CMP serve essential but different functions during network formation. Deletion of the A2 domain converts the trimeric CMP into a mixture of monomers, dimers, and trimers, whereas deletion of the A1 domain does not affect the trimeric configuration. This suggests that the A2 domain modulates multimerization of CMP. Absence of either A domain from CMP abolishes its ability to form collagen-independent filaments. In particular, Asp22 in A1 and Asp255 in A2 are essential; double point mutation of these residues disrupts CMP network formation. These residues are part of the metal ion–dependent adhesion sites, thus a metal ion–dependent adhesion site–mediated adhesion mechanism may be applicable to matrilin assembly. Taken together, our data suggest that CMP is a bridging molecule that connects matrix components in cartilage to form an integrated matrix network.


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Saccharomyces cerevisiae is dimorphic and switches from a yeast form to a pseudohyphal (PH) form when starved for nitrogen. PH cells are elongated, bud in a unipolar manner, and invade the agar substrate. We assessed the requirements for actin in mediating the dramatic morphogenetic events that accompany the transition to PH growth. Twelve “alanine scan” alleles of the single yeast actin gene (ACT1) were tested for effects on filamentation, unipolar budding, agar invasion, and cell elongation. Some act1 mutations affect all phenotypes, whereas others affect only one or two aspects of PH growth. Tests of intragenic complementation among specific act1 mutations support the phenotypic evidence for multiple actin functions in filamentous growth. We present evidence that interaction between actin and the actin-binding protein fimbrin is important for PH growth and suggest that association of different actin-binding proteins with actin mediates the multiple functions of actin in filamentous growth. Furthermore, characterization of cytoskeletal structure in wild type and act1/act1 mutants indicates that PH cell morphogenesis requires the maintenance of a highly polarized actin cytoskeleton. Collectively, this work demonstrates that actin plays a central role in fungal dimorphism.