990 resultados para Correlation techniques
The current state of regional and urban science has been much discussed and a number of studies have speculated on possible future trends in the development of the discipline. However, there has been little empirical analysis of current publication patterns in regional and urban journals. This paper studies the kinds of topics, techniques and data used in articles published in nine top international journals during the 1990s with the aim of identifying current trends in this research field
Recently graph theory and complex networks have been widely used as a mean to model functionality of the brain. Among different neuroimaging techniques available for constructing the brain functional networks, electroencephalography (EEG) with its high temporal resolution is a useful instrument of the analysis of functional interdependencies between different brain regions. Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease, which leads to substantial cognitive decline, and eventually, dementia in aged people. To achieve a deeper insight into the behavior of functional cerebral networks in AD, here we study their synchronizability in 17 newly diagnosed AD patients compared to 17 healthy control subjects at no-task, eyes-closed condition. The cross-correlation of artifact-free EEGs was used to construct brain functional networks. The extracted networks were then tested for their synchronization properties by calculating the eigenratio of the Laplacian matrix of the connection graph, i.e., the largest eigenvalue divided by the second smallest one. In AD patients, we found an increase in the eigenratio, i.e., a decrease in the synchronizability of brain networks across delta, alpha, beta, and gamma EEG frequencies within the wide range of network costs. The finding indicates the destruction of functional brain networks in early AD.
Nonlocal approximations for the electronic exchange and correlation effects are used to compute, within density-functional theory, the polarizability and surface-plasma frequencies of small jelliumlike alkali-metal clusters. The results are compared with those obtained using the local-density approximation and with available experimental data, showing the relevance of these effects in obtaining an accurate description of the surface response of metallic clusters.
Short-TE MRS has been proposed recently as a method for the in vivo detection and quantification of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the human brain at 3 T. In this study, we investigated the accuracy and reproducibility of short-TE MRS measurements of GABA at 3 T using both simulations and experiments. LCModel analysis was performed on a large number of simulated spectra with known metabolite input concentrations. Simulated spectra were generated using a range of spectral linewidths and signal-to-noise ratios to investigate the effect of varying experimental conditions, and analyses were performed using two different baseline models to investigate the effect of an inaccurate baseline model on GABA quantification. The results of these analyses indicated that, under experimental conditions corresponding to those typically observed in the occipital cortex, GABA concentration estimates are reproducible (mean reproducibility error, <20%), even when an incorrect baseline model is used. However, simulations indicate that the accuracy of GABA concentration estimates depends strongly on the experimental conditions (linewidth and signal-to-noise ratio). In addition to simulations, in vivo GABA measurements were performed using both spectral editing and short-TE MRS in the occipital cortex of 14 healthy volunteers. Short-TE MRS measurements of GABA exhibited a significant positive correlation with edited GABA measurements (R = 0.58, p < 0.05), suggesting that short-TE measurements of GABA correspond well with measurements made using spectral editing techniques. Finally, within-session reproducibility was assessed in the same 14 subjects using four consecutive short-TE GABA measurements in the occipital cortex. Across all subjects, the average coefficient of variation of these four GABA measurements was 8.7 ± 4.9%. This study demonstrates that, under some experimental conditions, short-TE MRS can be employed for the reproducible detection of GABA at 3 T, but that the technique should be used with caution, as the results are dependent on the experimental conditions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
We propose an equation to calculate the intensity correlation function of a dye-laser model with a pump parameter subject to finite-bandwidth fluctuations. The equation is valid, in the weak-noise limit, for all times. It incorporates novel non-Markovian features. Results are given for the short-time behavior of the correlation function. It exhibits a characteristic initial plateau. Our findings are supported by a numerical simulation of the model.
Within the noncollinear local spin-density approximation, we have studied the ground state structure of a parabolically confined quantum wire submitted to an in-plane magnetic field, including both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. We have explored a wide range of linear electronic densities in the weak (strong) coupling regimes that appear when the ratio of spin-orbit to confining energy is small (large). These results are used to obtain the conductance of the wire. In the strong coupling limit, the interplay between the applied magnetic field¿irrespective of the in-plane direction, the exchange-correlation energy, and the spin-orbit energy-produces anomalous plateaus in the conductance vs linear density plots that are otherwise absent, or washes out plateaus that appear when the exchange-correlation energy is not taken into account.
The recent theory of Tsironis and Grigolini for the mean first-passage time from one metastable state to another of a bistable potential for long correlation times of the noise is extended to large but finite correlation times.
We develop a singular perturbation approach to the problem of the calculation of a characteristic time (the nonlinear relaxation time) for non-Markovian processes driven by Gaussian colored noise with small correlation time. Transient and initial preparation effects are discussed and explicit results for prototype situations are obtained. New effects on the relaxation of unstable states are predicted. The approach is compared with previous techniques.
Assuming selective vulnerability of short association U-fibers in early Alzheimer's disease (AD), we quantified demyelination of the surface white matter (dSWM) with magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) in 15 patients (Clinical Dementia Rating Scale [CDR] 0.5-1; Functional Assessment Staging [FAST]: 3-4) compared with 15 controls. MTRs were computed for 39 areas in each hemisphere. We found a bilateral MTR decrease in the temporal, cingulate, parietal, and prefrontal areas. With linear discriminant analysis, we successfully classified all the participants with 3 variates including the cuneus, parahippocampal, and superior temporal regions of the left hemisphere. The pattern of dSWM changed with the age of AD onset. In early onset patients, we found bilateral posterior demyelination spreading to the temporal areas in the left hemisphere. The late onset patients showed a distributed bilateral pattern with the temporal and cingulate areas strongly affected. A correlation with Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), Lexis, and memory tests revealed the dSWM impact on cognition. A specific landscape of dSWM in early AD shows the potential of MTR imaging as an in vivo biomarker superior to currently used techniques.
Les laves torrentielles sont l'un des vecteurs majeurs de sédiments en milieu montagneux. Leur comportement hydrogéomorphologique est contrôlé par des facteurs géologique, géomorphologique, topographique, hydrologique, climatique et anthropique. Si, en Europe, la recherche s'est plus focalisée sur les aspects hydrologiques que géomorphologiques de ces phénomènes, l'identification des volumes de sédiments potentiellement mobilisables au sein de petits systèmes torrentiels et des processus responsables de leur transfert est d'une importance très grande en termes d'aménagement du territoire et de gestion des dangers naturels. De plus, une corrélation entre des événements pluviométriques et l'occurrence de laves torrentielles n'est pas toujours établie et de nombreux événements torrentiels semblent se déclencher lorsqu'un seuil géomorphologique intrinsèque (degré de remplissage du chenal) au cours d'eau est atteint.Une méthodologie pragmatique a été développée pour cartographier les stocks sédimentaires constituant une source de matériaux pour les laves torrentielles, comme outil préliminaire à la quantification des volumes transportés par ces phénomènes. La méthode s'appuie sur des données dérivées directement d'analyses en environnement SIG réalisées sur des modèles numériques d'altitude de haute précision, de mesures de terrain et d'interprétation de photographies aériennes. La méthode a été conçue pour évaluer la dynamique des transferts sédimentaires, en prenant en compte le rôle des différents réservoirs sédimentaires, par l'application du concept de cascade sédimentaire sous un angle cartographique.Les processus de transferts sédimentaires ont été étudiés dans deux bassins versants des Alpes suisses (torrent du Bruchi, à Blatten beiNaters et torrent du Meretschibach, à Agarn). La cartographie géomorphologique a été couplée avec des mesures complémentaires permettant d'estimer les flux sédimentaires et les taux d'érosion (traçages de peinture, piquets de dénudation et utilisation du LiDAR terrestre). La méthode proposée se révèle innovatrice en comparaison avec la plupart des systèmes de légendes géomorphologiques existants, qui ne sont souvent pas adaptés pour cartographier de manière satisfaisante les systèmes géomorphologiques complexes et actifs que sont les bassins torrentiels. L'intérêt de cette méthode est qu'elle permet l'établissement d'une cascade sédimentaire, mais uniquement pour des systèmes où l'occurrence d'une lave torrentielle est contrôlé par le degré de remplissage en matériaux du chenal. Par ailleurs, le produit cartographique ne peut être directement utilisé pour la création de cartes de dangers - axées sur les zones de dépôt - mais revêt un intérêt pour la mise en place de mesures de correction et pour l'installation de systèmes de monitoring ou d'alerte.La deuxième partie de ce travail de recherche est consacrée à la cartographie géomorphologique. Une analyse a porté sur un échantillon de 146 cartes ou systèmes de légende datant des années 1950 à 2009 et réalisés dans plus de 40 pays. Cette analyse a permis de mettre en évidence la diversité des applications et des techniques d'élaboration des cartes géomorphologiques. - Debris flows are one of the most important vectors of sediment transfer in mountainous areas. Their hydro-geomorphological behaviour is conditioned by geological, geomorphological, topographical, hydrological, climatic and anthropic factors. European research in torrential systems has focused more on hydrological processes than on geomorphological processes acting as debris flow triggers. Nevertheless, the identification of sediment volumes that have the potential to be mobilised in small torrential systems, as well as the recognition of processes responsible for their mobilisation and transfer within the torrential system, are important in terms of land-use planning and natural hazard management. Moreover, a correlation between rainfall and debris flow occurrence is not always established and a number of debris flows seems to occur when a poorly understood geomorphological threshold is reached.A pragmatic methodology has been developed for mapping sediment storages that may constitute source zone of bed load transport and debris flows as a preliminary tool before quantifying their volumes. It is based on data directly derived from GIS analysis using high resolution DEM's, field measurements and aerial photograph interpretations. It has been conceived to estimate sediment transfer dynamics, taking into account the role of different sediment stores in the torrential system applying the concept of "sediment cascade" in a cartographic point of view.Sediment transfer processes were investigated in two small catchments in the Swiss Alps (Bruchi torrent, Blatten bei Naters and Meretschibach torrent, Agarn). Thorough field geomorphological mapping coupled with complementary measurements were conducted to estimate sediment fluxes and denudation rates, using various methods (reference coloured lines, wooden markers and terrestrial LiDAR). The proposed geomorphological mapping methodology is quite innovative in comparison with most legend systems that are not adequate for mapping active and complex geomorphological systems such as debris flow catchments. The interest of this mapping method is that it allows the concept of sediment cascade to be spatially implemented but only for supply-limited systems. The map cannot be used directly for the creation of hazard maps, focused on the deposition areas, but for the design of correction measures and the implementation of monitoring and warning systems.The second part of this work focuses on geomorphological mapping. An analysis of a sample of 146 (extracts of) maps or legend systems dating from the middle of the 20th century to 2009 - realised in more than 40 different countries - was carried out. Even if this study is not exhaustive, it shows a clear renewed interest for the discipline worldwide. It highlights the diversity of applications, techniques (scale, colours and symbology) used for their conception.
As our nation’s highway system continues to age, asphalt maintenance and rehabilitation techniques have become increasingly important. The deterioration of pavement over time is inevitable. Preventive maintenance is a strategy to extend the serviceable life of a pavement by applying cost-effective treatments that slow the deterioration of pavement and extend its usable life. Thin maintenance surfaces (TMSs) are preventive maintenance techniques that can effectively prolong the life of pavement when applied at an opportune time. Common TMSs include bituminous fog seal, bituminous seal coat, slurry seal, cold in-place recycling (CIR), and micro-surfacing. This research project investigated ways to improve Iowa Statewide Urban Design and Specifications (SUDAS) and Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) documents regarding asphalt roadway maintenance and rehabilitation. Researchers led an effort to review and help ensure that the documents supporting proper selection, design, and construction for asphalt maintenance and rehabilitation techniques reflect the latest research findings on these processes: seal coating, slurry sealing, micro-surfacing, and fog sealing. Full results of this investigation are included in this report and its appendices. This report also presents a summary of the recommendations based on the study results.
Purpose: Tumour-free resection margins (RMs) are mandatory in breast-conserving surgery. On-site intraoperative ultrasound (US)-guided tumour resection with extemporaneous histopathological assessment of RMs has been described. Remote intraoperative US assessment of RMs is an alternative. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship of lumpectomy RMs measurements between remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology.Methods and Materials: In a retrospective IRB-approved review of 100 consecutive lumpectomies performed between October 2009 and April 2011 for presumed non-palpable breast cancer, 71 women (mean age 63.8years) were included. Twenty-nine patients were excluded because of absence of cancer at histopathology and/or incomplete data. Measurements of lumpectomy minimal RMs and tumour maximal diameter obtained on remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology were compared.Results: Minimal RMs were 0.35±0.32 (mean±SD) and 0.35±0.32cm on remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology, respectively. No significant difference was found between these measurements (p=0.37). Tumour maximal diameter was 1.02±0.51 (mean±SD) and 1.33±0.74cm on remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology, respectively. US measurements were significantly smaller (p<0.001). The 71 breast carcinoma (CA) consisted of: invasive canalar (n=49), invasive lobular (n=11), in situ (n=3) and other types of CA (n=8). Twenty-nine patients had intraoperative re-excision (24 without residual CA), while 16 patients were re-operated due to insufficient histopathological RMs (12 without residual CA).Conclusion: Good correlation of minimal RMs between remote intraoperative US and postoperative histopathology warrants use of both techniques in a complementary manner. Remote intraoperative US is helpful in taking rapid decision of re-excision and maintaining low re-operation rate after breast-conserving surgery for non-palpable cancer.
The laparoscopic approach has emerged as a valid option for surgical management of kidney cancer, as well as a few benign pathologies. The immediate benefits of laparoscopy are well established and include less estimated blood loss, decreased pain, shorter perioperative convalescence, and improved cosmesis. Long-term oncologic outcomes of patients treated laparoscopically for kidney tumors are similar to those of open surgery.