1000 resultados para Corporal training
This article offers a panorama of mathematics training for future teachers at pre-school level in Spain. With this goal in mind, this article is structured infour sections: where we come from, where we are, where we’re going and where we want to go. It offers, in short, a brief analysis that shows the efforts made to ensure there is sufficient academic and scientific rigour in teachers’ studies at pre-school in general and students’ mathematics education in particular. Together with a description of the progress made in recent years, it also raises some questions for all those involved in training future teachers for this educational stage
Today’s business world demands more and more internal and external integration and transparency among companies at all fields. Integrated ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems offer a possibility to improve business practices and procedures by providing a unified view on the business including all functions and departments. Due to the obvious benefits, the popularity of integrated ERP systems keeps growing. The implementation of ERP systems has however proven risky. The implementation projects tend to be long, extensive, and costly – and often they end up in a failure. Due to the significant task and role changes ERP implementation brings to almost everybody in the company, training has been identified as one of the most critical success factors of an ERP implementation. To ensure that the training is conducted in the most effective and successful manner, the training outcomes should be evaluated. So far, training evaluation has however gained only limited attention at most companies investing in different training programs. Uponor corporation has initiated a large ERP implementation and process harmonization program in 2004. Thousands of end-users have been trained during this project so far, and the work still continues until the project is completed in 2010. In this thesis, the evaluation of end-user training in Uponor’s ERP program is brought further from the current state of performing the basic participant satisfaction survey in the end of each class. The results show that in order to reach reliable training effectiveness evaluation results, not only the reaction towards training but also transfer of skills and attitudes and the final results of the training program should be evaluated.
A temperatura ambiente e o teor de lipídio no corpo do juvenil do segundo estádio (J2) de Meloidogyne sp. afetam seu parasitismo no hospedeiro. Assim, neste trabalho estudou-se a relação do teor de lipídio corporal e da temperatura com o período de incubação do J2 de Meloidogyne javanica em água e o parasitismo em soja. O teor de lipídio no J2 diminuiu significativamente em cada período de incubação no intervalo de 2 a 12 dias. Entretanto, a patogenicidade dos J2 foi mantida até 12 dias de incubação, porém com redução de 67,36%, 82,75% e 86,09% no número de J2 penetrados, fêmeas e massa de ovos, respectivamente. Em outro ensaio, os J2 foram incubados em água com temperaturas fixas de 5 ºC, 10 ºC e 28 ºC, e por 10 horas em temperaturas variadas de 5 ºC ou 10 ºC complementadas com 14 h a 28 ºC. A patogenicidade em soja foi realizada a cada 5 dias de incubação durante 20 dias. O aumento do período de incubação dos J2 de M. javanica nas temperaturas contínuas de 5 e 28 ºC reduziram a penetração, número de fêmeas, massas de ovos, total de ovos e ovos por grama de raiz. A incubação contínua dos J2 a 10 ºC por qualquer período não afetou a penetração e proporcionou pequena redução no número de fêmeas e na reprodução ao longo dos 20 dias de incubação. Quando os J2 foram expostos a 28 ºC por 14 h as variáveis avaliadas comportaram-se semelhantemente à exposição contínua de 24 h a 28ºC.
Efficient designs and operations of water and wastewater treatment systems are largely based on mathematical calculations. This even applies to training in the treatment systems. Therefore, it is necessary that calculation procedures are developed and computerised a priori for such applications to ensure effectiveness. This work was aimed at developing calculation procedures for gas stripping, depth filtration, ion exchange, chemical precipitation, and ozonation wastewater treatment technologies to include them in ED-WAVE, a portable computer based tool used in design, operations and training in wastewater treatment. The work involved a comprehensive online and offline study of research work and literature, and application of practical case studies to generate ED-WAVE compatible representations of the treatment technologies which were then uploaded into the tool.
Rising population, rapid urbanisation and growing industrialisation have severely stressed water quality and its availability in Malawi. In addition, financial and institutional problems and the expanding agro industry have aggravated this problem. The situation is worsened by depleting water resources and pollution from untreated sewage and industrial effluent. The increasing scarcity of clean water calls for the need for appropriate management of available water resources. There is also demand for a training system for conceptual design and evaluation for wastewater treatment in order to build the capacity for technical service providers and environmental practitioners in the country. It is predicted that Malawi will face a water stress situation by 2025. In the city of Blantyre, this situation is aggravated by the serious pollution threat from the grossly inadequate sewage treatment capacity. This capacity is only 23.5% of the wastewater being generated presently. In addition, limited or non-existent industrial effluent treatment has contributed to the severe water quality degradation. This situation poses a threat to the ecologically fragile and sensitive receiving water courses within the city. This water is used for domestic purposes further downstream. This manuscript outlines the legal and policy framework for wastewater treatment in Malawi. The manuscript also evaluates the existing wastewater treatment systems in Blantyre. This evaluation aims at determining if the effluent levels at the municipal plants conform to existing standards and guidelines and other associated policy and regulatory frameworks. The raw material at all the three municipal plants is sewage. The typical wastewater parameters are Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and Total Suspended Solids (TSS). The treatment target is BOD5, COD, and TSS reduction. Typical wastewater parameters at the wastewater treatment plant at MDW&S textile and garments factory are BOD5 and COD. The treatment target is to reduce BOD5 and COD. The manuscript further evaluates a design approach of the three municipal wastewater treatment plants in the city and the wastewater treatment plant at Mapeto David Whitehead & Sons (MDW&S) textile and garments factory. This evaluation utilises case-based design and case-based reasoning principles in the ED-WAVE tool to determine if there is potential for the tool in Blantyre. The manuscript finally evaluates the technology selection process for appropriate wastewater treatment systems for the city of Blantyre. The criteria for selection of appropriate wastewater treatment systems are discussed. Decision support tools and the decision tree making process for technology selection are also discussed. Based on the treatment targets and design criteria at the eight cases evaluated in this manuscript in reference to similar cases in the ED-WAVE tool, this work confirms the practical use of case-based design and case-based reasoning principles in the ED-WAVE tool in the design and evaluation of wastewater treatment 6 systems in sub-Sahara Africa, using Blantyre, Malawi, as the case study area. After encountering a new situation, already collected decision scenarios (cases) are invoked and modified in order to arrive at a particular design alternative. What is necessary, however, is to appropriately modify the case arrived at through the Case Study Manager in order to come up with a design appropriate to the local situation taking into account technical, socio-economic and environmental aspects. This work provides a training system for conceptual design and evaluation for wastewater treatment.
Neste trabalho, objetivou-se estudar o efeito do período de armazenamento no teor de lipídios de juvenis do segundo estádio (J2) de M. incognita com endósporos de P. penetrans na infectividade e reprodução em tomateiro. Suspensões de M. incognita contendo ou não endósporos de P. penetrans aderidos à cutícula foram armazenadas por 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 dias, a 28ºC. Após cada período de estocagem, determinou-se a concentração de lipídios neutros corporais por meio da análise de imagem dos J2 coloridos com o corante "Oil Red O". Em seguida, 1.000 J2 foram inoculados em mudas de tomateiros. Após 28 dias, avaliou-se o número de fêmeas parasitadas, número de endósporos/fêmea, número de galhas, massas de ovos e de ovos/g de raiz. O teor de lipídio dos J2 reduziu-se com o aumento do período de estocagem. Porém, maiores perdas ocorreram nos J2 sem endósporos de P. penetrans. A proporção entre as perdas dos J2 com e sem P. penetrans foi pequena e decrescente com o período de estocagem. Entretanto, a desproporção foi grande entre 3 e 6 dias de armazenamento dos J2 com e sem P. penetrans com relação aos parâmetros reprodução e número de galhas, indicando consumo de fontes alternativas ao lipí dio neutro de energia p elo J2 parasitado. Mas o período de armazenamento sempre reduziu a reprodução e número de galhas formadas em tomateiros por J2 com e sem P. penetrans. A perda dessas fontes de energia, ao que tudo indica, leva muitos J2 a morrer antes de chegar ao estádio adulto, pois o número de fêmeas parasitadas reduz-se com o armazenamento, além de propiciar menor produção de endósporos por fêmea. O J2 parasitado por P. penetrans necessita encontrar rapidamente a raiz e não permanecer no solo por mais de 6 dias antes de parasitar a planta.
Föräldraskap upplevs som en utmanande uppgift i dag och det påstås att föräldrar oftare än förr skulle var i behov av råd och stöd beträffande barnuppfostran. Denna uppgift kan ytterligare försvåras om det i familjen finns ett hyperaktivt okoncentrerat barn att uppfostra. Detta arbete undersökte effekterna av ett kortvarigt gruppbaserat interventionsprogram benämnt Familjeskolan POP (Preschool Overactivity Programme). Familjeskolan är avsedd för familjer med barn i lekåldern, som visar beteendesvårigheter såsom ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), ODD (Oppositional Deficit Disorder) eller CD (Conduct Disorder). Målet för Familjeskolan är att öka föräldrarnas kunskaper och självförtroende då de har ett krävande svårhanterligt barn att uppfostra. Familjeskolan strävar också till att reducera barns icke-önskvärda beteenden genom att öka deras sociala färdigheter och koncentrationsförmåga. Familjeskolan verkställdes i Helsingfors vid ADHD- centrets lokaliteter. 45 mödrar och deras barn från huvudstadsregionen deltog i denna undersökning. Av dessa deltog 33 i Familjeskola-programmet medan de 12 övriga bildade den s.k. kontrollgruppen. Undersökningsresultaten tyder på förbättringar beträffande både moderns och faderns föräldrakunskaper efter Familjeskola-interventionen. Det är att lägga märke till att enbart mödrar deltog i interventionsprogrammet. Efter programmet klarade mödrar enligt egen utsaga vardagen bättre. Speciellt hade de blivit bättre på att hantera barnens beteendesvårigheter och hyperaktivt okoncentrerat beteende. Resultaten påvisade också att programmet var effektivast för de mödrar som före Familjeskolan upplevde sig besitta ringa föräldrakunskaper. Mödrarna rapporterade en signifikant minskning i barnens totala beteendesvårigheter. Efter interventionen ansåg mödrarna att deras barn var mindre olydiga, hyperaktiva samt att deras beteendesvårigheter var lindrigare. Enligt dagvårdspersonalen hade barnens totala beteendesvårigheter och problem med koncentration och hyperaktivitet också minskat. Motsvarande förbättringar uppnåddes inte i kontrollgruppen. Resultaten från uppföljningsintervjun, visade också att barnens beteendeförändringar var bestående både hemma och i daghemmet. Både föräldrar och dagvårdspersonalen rapporterade en signifikant minskning i barnens totala svårigheter jämfört med innan familjerna påbörjade interventionen. Föräldrarna rapporterade en marginell minskning i barnens ADHD-liknande beteende, beteendesvårigheter och i svårigheter med kamrater, dagvårdspersonalen däremot rapporterade en signifikant minskning i barnens beteendesvårigheter, hyperaktivt/okoncentrerat beteende samt i svårigheter med kamrater mellan innan familjerna påbörjade interventionen och uppföljningen ett år efter. Resultaten av denna undersökning stödjer hypotesen att kortvariga gruppbaserade interventionsprogram kan åstadkomma permanenta förbättringar i föräldrakunskaper och barns beteende. Detta gäller främst hyperaktivitet, koncentrationssvårigheter och trotsighet.
BACKGROUND: Simulation techniques are spreading rapidly in medicine. Suc h resources are increasingly concentrated in Simulation Laboratories. The MSRP-USP is structuring such a laboratory and is interested in the prevalence of individual initiatives that could be centralized there. The MSRP-USP currently has five full-curriculum courses in the health sciences: Medicine, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Nutrition, and Occupational Therapy, all consisting of core disciplines. GOAL: To determine the prevalence of simulation techniques in the regular courses at MSRP-USP. METHODS: Coordinators of disciplines in the various courses were interviewed using a specifically designed semi-structured questionnaire, and all the collected data were stored in a dedicated database. The disciplines were grouped according to whether they used (GI) or did not use (GII) simulation resources. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 256 disciplines were analyzed, of which only 18.3% used simulation techniques, varying according to course: Medicine (24.7.3%), Occupational Therapy (23.0%), Nutrition (15.9%), Physical Therapy (9.8%), and Speech Therapy (9.1%). Computer simulation programs predominated (42.5%) in all five courses. The resources were provided mainly by MSRP-USP (56.3%), with additional funding coming from other sources based on individual initiatives. The same pattern was observed for maintenance. There was great interest in centralizing the resources in the new Simulation Laboratory in order to facilitate maintenance, but there was concern about training and access to the material. CONCLUSIONS: 1) The MSRP-USP simulation resources show low complexity and are mainly limited to computer programs; 2) Use of simulation varies according to course, and is most prevalent in Medicine; 3) Resources are scattered across several locations, and their acquisition and maintenance depend on individual initiatives rather than central coordination or curricular guidelines
Transtornos do comportamento alimentar (TCA) tendem a ocorrer entre mulheres jovens, colocando universitárias como grupo de risco. Este estudo visa identificar comportamentos alimentares e imagem corporal como fatores de risco para TCA em estudantes de Medicina. É um estudo transversal com amostra aleatória representativa,que utilizou o índice de massa corporal (IMC) autorreferido; o BodyShapeQuestionnaire (BSQ) ; o BulimicInvestigatory Test Edinburgh (Bite) ;e o EatingAttitudes Test (EAT-26) . A estatística foi descritiva,com teste do qui-quadrado e Anova,e nível de significância p<0,05. Asmédias(DP) de idade e IMC foram20,8 (2,2) anos e 21,5 (2,6) kg/m². As prevalências foram: 27,7% apresentaram distorção da imagem corporal pelo BSQ; 31,7% expressaram comportamento alimentar anormal e 6,3% com risco para bulimia pelo Bite, sendo que 7,9% apresentaram sintomas com gravidade moderada/intensa; 19% tiveram risco de desenvolver distúrbios alimentares pelo EAT-26. Houve associação significativa entre IMC, imagem corporal e risco para TCA. Alunas de Medicina apresentaram risco subclínico ou estágio inicial de TCA e precisam de atenção para que estes distúrbios não prejudiquem sua saúde e prática profissionais.
A perda de peso é comum em uma grande variedade de doenças, particularmente entre as neoplasias. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de comparar a composição corporal de pacientes desnutridos portadores de câncer ou doenças benignas do aparelho digestivo, através da impedância bioelétrica. Foram avaliados 35 pacientes desnutridos (Indice de massa corporal < 18,5), de 22 a 70 anos, 26 (74,3%) do sexo masculino e nove (25,7%) do sexo feminino, sendo 17 (48,6%) portadores de neoplasias e 18 (51,4%) com doenças benignas. O grupo com neoplasia apresentou idade superior ao de doenças benignas (55,5±10,4 vs 39,8±9,9; p<0,05). O percentual de perda de peso e os valores de albumina sérica não foram diferentes entre os grupos. O percentual de gordura corporal, de massa magra e de água corporal também não diferiu significantemente. Conclui-se que a variação da composição corporal não é diferente em pacientes desnutridos portadores de doença neoplásica ou benigna do aparelho digestivo, quando eliminada a interferência causada por diferentes graus de perda ponderal.